· Web viewWord of Knowledge ’ healing of eye was called out. By faith, he removed his...


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Healing Testimonies March 21, 2014 ( Friday-MIRACLE LIFE HEALING RALLY )

Veer Ctc:+971 50 6266593

For 1½ years, this dear one’s been wearing spectacles. During the service, through the ‘Word of Knowledge’ healing of eye was called out. By faith, he removed his spectacles. Now, he can see clearly without spectacles. He rejoices & gives all glory to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Healer! Thank you Lord Jesus.

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Sis. Shaila Ctc:+971 50 5782898

This sister came to the service with terrible itching in her right eye. During the service, through the ‘Word of Knowledge’ it was called out ‘itching in the eye is being healed’. She testifies, the itching instantly stopped. By faith in HIS WORD, she removed her glasses. Now, she can see clearly without glasses. She’s completely healed of every infirmity in her eye, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus called out her ailment & healed her completely. She rejoices & thanks Jesus for the divine healing. Blessed be the name of Jesus.

Bro. Herold Ctc:+971 56 1733886

For the past 3 weeks, this brother’s been ailing with irritation in his left eye. He came to the service, trusting Lord Jesus for his miracle. During the service, through the ‘Word of Knowledge’ healing of eye irritation was called out. He received the Word by faith. The power of the Holy Spirit healed him instantly. He’s completely fine. He rejoices & gives all glory to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Healer! Thank you Lord Jesus.

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Sis.Mary Ctc:+971 55 1632665

For 2 days, this sister’s been badly affected with pain on her left side. She couldn’t lift her hand. During the service, through the ‘Word of Knowledge’ healing of pain on left side was called out. She received her healing by faith. Lord Jesus Christ healed her instantly. No more pain. Now, can lift hands easily. Lord Jesus called out her pain & healed her. Blessed be the name of Jesus.

Sis. Lesego Ctc:+971 56 6908997

Double MiracleThis sister came to the service with severe pain on her left armpit & abdominal pain. She kept thanking Lord Jesus for the eternal healing He won for her at the cross. As she kept praising & trusting Lord Jesus, through the ‘Word of Knowledge’ healing of pain on left side of armpit was called out. She was instantly healed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Even her abdominal pain vanished. She searched for the pain, but couldn’t find. Lord Jesus had healed her completely. She was instantly filled with great peace & joy. She rejoices & thanks Lord Jesus for the divine healing. Blessed be the name of Jesus.

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Bro. Vinayak Ctc:+971 56 3301371

This brother testifies, before his wife conceived, Pastor prophesized you’ll have a baby girl. I month back, they have been blessed with a daughter. The family rejoices & gives all glory to Jesus Christ. Blessed be the name of Jesus.

Sis. Bubbly Ctc:+971 55 4408221

Thanksgiving – After 2 months, this sister been blessed with a blessed job. She rejoices & thanks Lord Jesus for the divine blessing. Thank you Lord Jesus.

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Bro. Smith Ctc:+971 50 2684938

Thanksgiving - This brother rejoices & thanks Lord Jesus for blessing him with a blessed job. Jesus Christ is the Provider! Thank you Lord Jesus.

Sis. Deepa Suresh Ctc:+971 50 2138545

After 4 long years, this sister’s been blessed with promotion in her work place. She rejoices & gives all glory to Lord Jesus Christ. ‘He’s our glory & the lifter of our head’ – Psalm 3:3. Thank you Lord Jesus.

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Sis. Prema Ctc:+971 55 9934143

Thanksgiving - This sister’s mother was scheduled for an emergency operation, due to clot in her leg. She approached Pastor in her agony. Pastor spoke healing in the mighty name of Lord Jesus Christ. The operation has been cancelled. Her mother is completely healed. She rejoices & thanks Lord Jesus for the divine healing. Blessed be the name of Jesus.

Jesus Christ is Alive!

All Praise & Glory to our LORD & Savior Jesus Christ.

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