Vidur Saini Manifesto 2014



Vidur Saini, LCP 2014 Candidate, Manifesto.

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Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow




Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

Section A | Opening note

Amazed and Excited! This is what I’m when I look at the opportunities knocking at our doors.

‘Ours’, yours and mine, of AIESECers, of people with passion, ambition and a purpose. People with

generosity, people who are in it for something bigger than themselves, a vision. A purpose of taking

Leadership to a whole new level. A level where the world realizes leadership is the constant and

universal solution to all the problems faced by the world. A selfless purpose of transforming the

organisation, their city, nation and the world.

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.”

—Warren Bennis

Now, the big question is, are we being relevant?

AIESEC in Chandigarh, it’s time we evolve.

It’s time when we act as the Global Youth Voice. It’s time we’re recognised as the first choice

partners and it’s time we make a positive impact on the society. It’s time we become relevant!

It’s time we Live AIESEC in its purest form, the form it is supposed to be lived in.

It’s time we deliver leadership in every opportunity we offer.

It’s time we stand up to what we say.

It’s time we deliver magical experiences. Experiences that change lives. Experiences that brings a

competitive edge to our stakeholders.

Experiences that bring happiness to us and our stakeholders because this is what we love to do and

this is what AIESEC in Chandigarh has given us, sheer happiness!

It’s time we celebrate each and every moment we live in this phenomena called AIESEC in

Chandigarh and take it to heights it has never seen.

2014 is about evolving the Local Chapter and making it imperially relevant.

It’s time to build something that will not only last for 2015, but will be a base for the years to come

and will last forever.

It’s time to be collaborative, impactful and relevant. It’s time to be ideal.

It’s time to think BIG, it’s time to Evolve, and it’s time to Live 2014!

Vidur Saini

AIESEC in Chandigarh

An Evolutionary Today for a Revolutionary Tomorrow

Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

Section B | Personal Information

Name Date of Birth

Vidur Saini 12.05.1994

Address #12, Village Sultanpur, Ambala City

Phone Number E-mail

+91-9671948866, +91-9878935295,

Academic Achievements and Qualifications

GGDSD College, Sector 32, Chandigarh

Bachelors of Business Administration, I Year – 60%

Chaman Vatika School, Ambala

Class X, CBSE Board – 9.2 CGPA

Class XII, ISC Board – 90%

Additional achievements and Experiences

School Sports Captain

Good scores in various Science and Math Olympiads in school

District level Skater


Software Skill Level Packages

MS Office

Excellent Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, One Note, Publisher

Designing Internet Movie Making

Good Excellent Good

Photoshop, CorelDraw Chrome, Safari, IE, Safari

Power Director, Windows Movie Maker


Reading | Cricket | Travelling | Internet | Muscle Training | Food

Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

Section C | AIESEC Experience

Exchange Coordinator, GCDP-ICX, October 2012 – December 2012

GCDP-ICX is the portfolio I found myself in when I joined AIESEC, and I have no words to

describe how it opened and exposed me to

opportunities and challenges. It was after I started

working for this portfolio that I realized that this

portfolio was not only the highest contributor and the

most performing portfolio of AIESEC in Chandigarh but

of AIESEC India.

The initial experience in this portfolio was about raising

appointments and trying to match.

In this department called The Invictus, I saw a very

genuine urge and hunger in the people to make a

change in the world. This experience taught me to be humble and to be patient with

something that you believe in.

Key Learnings:


Team dynamics and how teams work

Market research and segmentation

Results are a product of sweat

Organising Committee Vice President – Youth to

Business Forum, September 2012 – January


Took an opportunity that I knew would be a great

challenge to me. This was something I had no clue

about, but the experience came out to be amazing and

something that I had never imagined. I not only

worked for my portfolio but also all the others.

This experience made me love this organisation more

than what I did before. It was the shortest and the

most intense experience I could have thought about at

that point of time. I was the one responsible for

making the agenda and finalising the speakers for the

two day event.

This OC experience gave me a new perspective about everything, be it in AIESEC or outside


Key Learning:

An understanding of BD, Marketing, Promotions and Finance and Logistics

Agenda preparation and event delivery

Discovered my own passion and capabilities

1. List all positions held in AIESEC along with duration of the role. Also briefly elaborate on your

contribution/performance, as well as the main learning you derived from each role.

Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

Vice President GCDP ICX, January 2013 – Present

I consider applying for this position to be one of the best

decisions of my life. This was for the first time that I was

working with a team of such diverse individuals, all having a

different thought process but wanting the same thing,

growth of the phenomena called AIESEC in Chandigarh.

I started this term from a scratch handling 4 projects that

were yet to be started. This was the biggest challenge I had

ever faced. 2013 taught me to have a vision and lead with a


I wanted to make AIESEC in Chandigarh the ideal Local

Chapter when it came to iGCDP and this target is halfway

achieved and is marked by two awards at the National

Strategic Conference 2013.

Key Learnings:

Have a vision and purpose for everything you do

Building a culture

Member engagement and retention

A better and deeper understanding of AIESEC

National Support Team, AIESEC India – Expansions Manager iGCDP, August –


This is a very different and a very challenging experience in itself. When the Expansion

entities are started and are initiative groups their focus is not generally not GCDP ICX

because of the fact that it can be a disaster for the entire entity if not done right. My job is to

get them to realise iGCDPs importance and how to do it the right way. Now, handling

expansions virtually is not an easy task because of their lack of membership and their pro

activeness. But, I have managed to do it the right way and iGCDP in Expansion entities has

shown more growth in the past 4 months than what it did from January – July.

Key Learnings:

Setting strong processes and their implementation

Maintaining proper communication

Looking at entities from a National Office perspective

I love when it comes to assessing my AIESEC journey over my achievements and non-achievements,

as my favourite GLE element is Individual Discovery and it makes me reflect on my Inner and Outer

Journey every single time and makes me realize the power of this organisation and the opportunities

it provides.


1. Capitalizing on every opportunity- I believe this has been one of my achievements in

AIESEC. I applied for everything that came my way since I joined AIESEC, because I saw a

2. What have been your main achievements and non-achievements in AIESEC in the past? (Mention a max of

three each)

Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

purpose in every opportunity and its relevance to what I wanted. I have always believed that

every experience teaches us something and takes us closer to self-mastery and AIESEC is a

hub of such experiences.

2. Portfolio Growth- From standing nowhere in iGCDP in the beginning of my term to winning

2 awards in the National Plenary at the National Strategic Conference 2013, it has been a

bumpy yet amazing ride.

3. Crisis Management- This has been a major learning and an achievement since I joined

AIESEC. From the portfolio I handle to the OC experience I’ve had, this has always been with

me. Crisis management helps one to keep calm in situations when there can be no solution to

be found. This quality is a major boon to a team in developing our and their experience.


1. International Experience- My biggest non-achievement in AIESEC has been that I have

not been able to go for an exchange or an international experience, but, I will change this

very soon and go for an international experience

2. My OC Experience- After getting onto the EB, I couldn’t devote as much effort to the Y2B

OC as I could have. This makes me feel I could have done more for the team.

3. Project Selling- Project selling was not started till October. Revenue generation through

project selling could have led iGCDP into financial sustainability and could have set a string

base for the coming years. Though, this is the focus are for the coming 2 months.

Conference Year Place Role

Regional Youth Leadership Conference 2012 Amritsar Delegate

National Strategic Conference 2012 Hyderabad Delegate

October Strategy Conference 2012 Shimla Delegate

National Leader’s Summit 2013 Jaipur Delegate

May Local Congress 2013 Parwanoo Facilitator

June National Conference 2013 Silvassa Delegate

MB Summit 2013 Zirakpur Facilitator

National Strategic Conference 2013 Jaipur Delegate

Being a part of the Executive Body of AIESEC in Chandigarh is a very humbling experience. For

me, it taught me more in just one year than what I had learned in the last 18 years and this is

why I call AIESEC in Chandigarh, magic.

3. List the Local/ National/ International conferences you have attended and in what capacity.

4. Describe the experience of being a part of the Executive Body of AIESEC Chandigarh. How do you think other

members on the team would evaluate your contribution to the team & LCs organizational direction?

Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

This one year has been a very intense and a very challenging experience for me. This year taught

me that if you believe in something with your heart and your brain, nothing can stop you from

achieving it.

EB 2013, SuperHeroes, are the most diverse individuals I have ever seen in a team. People with

completely different thought processes, the only thing bringing them together was the love for

the Local Chapter. This team brought out the best in each other.

According to me, my fellow SuperHeores would view me as someone who is always available

whether it be a personal or a professional need. As far as the Organisational direction is

concerned, I believe my major contribution has been through my portfolio and its performance.

Also, I feel SuperHeroes would regard me as someone who lighted the mood whenever things

got too serious and heated

Every experience in AIESEC gives you a learning, here are the basic 3 I derive at this point of time-

1. Have a Purpose and a Value system- If we have a reason of doing something

and believe in it, nothing can stop us from achieving it. To accompany the purpose,

there needs to be a value system that tells us every single time if we go on the

wrong track in the pursuit of our goal.

2. Open to Give, Open to Receive- Being a part of AIESEC in Chandigarh, this is

something that comes to us naturally. This makes us extraordinarily humble, open to

everything and wanting for more!

3. The power of Simplicity- Keeping it simple is the way ahead. It is easy to connect

the dots with something if it is simple. Being simple in our actions, in our processes

and our thoughts is very important. This gives us a better clarity of what we want

and connects us better to our people and their why’s too.

Section D | Motivation

There are a multiple reasons that made me take on this opportunity. Starting with, I decided to run

for the LCP of AIESEC in Chandigarh for the very essence of this organisation i.e Activating

Leadership. The experience I’ve had since I joined this phenomena has been amazing and has been

nothing less than magical and the people who helped me get here have been nothing less than my

mentors. This experience transformed me completely in such a short period of time that I could have

ever imagined. This organisation has so much to offer that it keeps me excited every single second.

I certainly don’t want to stop it here. I want to take this opportunity called the ELD to every single

youth in the City Beautiful and this is where my belief in the organisation comes into the picture.

With what I envision for the Local Chapter for 2014, being the LCP of AIESEC in Chandigarh will also

be the most challenging experience and this is something that will keep me out of my comfort zone,

the perfect place for the magic to happen

In 2014, I refuse to settle for anything less than greatness because I believe this is the only thing this

Local Chapter deserves. 2014 is the year where we evolve ourselves and the LC to such an extent

that we become relevant not only in the AIESEC network but also the external environment.

5. What are your three basic Learnings/Values for life, which you have derived through your AIESEC

experience? (Answer objectively)

1. Why did you decide to run for LCP of AIESEC Chandigarh? What are the qualities required for this role &

what makes you best suited for this role?


Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

2014 is the year when we evolve enormously. We not only partner with schools and colleges, but also

with other organisations. It is the year we do everything externally relevant helping not only the

youth, but the City Beautiful and our nation as a whole.

It won’t only end here, 2014 will be the base for not only 2015 but the years to come and this is my

commitment to the Local Chapter.

What makes me suited-

1. Growth Mindset and people driven- I have a growth mindset, I’m not only open to new

ideas, but open to changing my mind and accepting others viewpoints. I like ideas and am

open to ideas from everyone, being the LCP, there will 200 (average) members in the LC and

being open to everyone will be a great boon for the Local Chapter. I’m very people oriented

and want to impact each individual and stakeholder of the Local Chapter.

2. Value Driven and Daring- I like to believe I’m value driven. I’m not in a favour of doing

something that is unethical, but if the same thing is right to be done, I’m a daredevil when

it comes to achieving it. I go all out to achieve it. An LCP should not be scared of trying out

new things and saying what he likes, and I’m that kind of a person.

3. Vision and AIESEC- I have a vision for the Local Chapter, a vision of delivering life

changing Leadership experiences to its stakeholders and I not only have a vision, but believe

in the vision of the organisation and enjoy it! It is highly important to enjoy what we do and

AIESEC is that avenue for me. There have been a lot of times in my EB term that I’ve felt like

a new recruit.

Career Goals Personal Goals

Short Term- Finish my graduation with a decent

score and in time

Short Term- Become the LCP of AIESEC in

Chandigarh Get lean again Travel to 3 countries by the age of 21

Long Term- Do a post grad that is in sync with my

AIESEC experience Write a book Open up a venture of my own that

deals with fitness

Long Term- Travel across the globe Philanthropy Run the Spartan Race

Deciding to run for the LCP is a very selfless thing that I want to do, it is all about giving back to the

organisation. All in all an LCP term helps me in every single Goal that I have. It is all about doing

something when you have a purpose of doing it and a vision for it. When we start doing something

with a purpose and a vision, the commitment to it increases and with it increases the will to do it and

this is how a LCP term will help me achieve everything I envision.

Academics- Graduating April 2015. Final Examinations, April 2014, 2015 (SD College) ;) I will be

available for every second of 2014 for the LC.

LCP is the CEO of the Local Chapter and a CEO asking about his time commitments to the LC would

be injustice.

2. Describe your future short-term and long-term career and personal goals. How do you expect an LCP term

to help you achieve these goals and why now?

3. Highlight your time commitment throughout the whole of next year (till Dec 2013; Academic or otherwise).

Ideally, how much time should an LCP give to his role?

Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

Academics- I have always been good at my academics and have been scoring well. This can be

seen from my scores in the board examinations. Although, my performance fell drastically in the

first year of college due to some reasons that I have fixed now. I still considered it an


Sports- I have been gifted with a natural ability to play each and every sport and I’m good at

them. I have represented my school in athletics, cricket, swimming, volleyball, karate, skating.

There is a bog list of other sports that I play like table tennis, badminton, snooker, football. Not

only this, I am also good at computer gaming, PS and Xbox. I was the School Sports Captain in

my senior year.

Business Experience- From a very early age, I have an experience of going to work with my

Dad. I used to go with him to our Electronics outlets in my vacations to get to know the business

sense and I learned whatever I was taught in a very short time and I could see a sense of pride

in the eyes of my Dad. This experience really helped me learn how businesses are run and gave

me a problem solving attitude.


Passionate and a Believer- I can’t do anything if I don’t believe in it and when I believe in

something there is nothing that can stop me from achieving it. Similarly, if I do something, I can’t

imagine doing it without passion and fun.

Ethical- This strength of mine makes me take the right path everytime I’m confused. I have a

set of values and principles that I follow wherever I go.

Humble- This strength of mine makes me more flexible and open to others. It makes me want

to talk to people and know their opinions. This also makes me have good social skills and makes

people comfortable with me in a very short time.


Perfectionist- Whatever I do, I want perfection in it. This has proved to be very irritating for my

team sometimes.

A YES Man- I take up multiple work at the same point of time and I make it a point to do them,

but in return I get stressed and exhausted.

These are my strengths and weaknesses. I try capitalising on my strengths and work on my

weaknesses and not let the weaknesses affect my decisions and work. I believe the biggest strength I

have is that I’m aware of my shortcomings.

AIESEC in Chandigarh’s Vision statement-

“A Platform where Leadership and Global Mindset connect everyday.”

This statement was framed in 2013 by EB SuperHeroes after a lot of brainstorming and I think this

vision is very apt for the coming years as this vision stands for the entire essence of AIESEC and what

we as a Local Chapter believe in.

I would want to leave behind a legacy of Living AIESEC in its purest form. A legacy of dreaming

big and achieving. A legacy where every members strives to live all the 6 AIESEC values, has a

purpose and a vision of doing everything. A legacy of humbleness.

Mission Statement for 2014-

4. What are your three most substantial personal accomplishments (non-AIESEC), and why do you view them

as such? Provide a candid assessment of your strengths and weaknesses.

5. What is your vision for AIESEC in Chandigarh for the year ahead? What legacy would you want to leave

behind? Also, frame a mission statement for the LC for 2014.

Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

Creating Purposeful Leaders driven by values and passion to build to last.

Before describing my leadership style, I would like to start with what leadership is to me. Leadership

to me is having a vision, set of values and helping not only yourself but your followers to achieve that

vision developing both in the process and this is a part of my leadership style.

My leadership style opens me to new ideas not only from my own self but from the others. My style

also includes over communication so that everything is laid out simply and clearly and there is a

complete clarity to everyone about it.

My leadership style has a set of values attached to it, which act as anchors for me to assess every

deed and propel me to take further opportunities. Values and vision that tells me every second that

I’m here for something bigger than myself.

My leadership style involves being engaging, aspiring and supporting every member so that they can

live their AIESEC experience to the fullest and develop their leadership potential.

My leadership style is also best suited for bringing up new ideas and seeing a fast and effective

implantation of them. This style of leadership is not only best suited for strategy implementation and

innovation but also promotes a healthy working environment and culture.

This is not just my Leadership style, but a Way of being for me and I firmly believe this is suitable

for AIESEC in Chandigarh’s current state and the year to come.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can

change world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” —Margaret Mead

Section E | LC Administration

EB Management

•Leading and motivating the Executive Board

•Guide and Support system for the EB

•Planning and strategizing with the EB and review of their performance

Governance and Accountabilty

•Ensuring the efficiency and sustainability of the LC operations

•Strengthing the leadership and management of the Local Chapter

•Reporting the Local Chapter Status to the National Office

•Final responsible for the auditing and legalisation with the VPF

Representation•Local and International Representation of the Local Chapter

•Representing the LC in the external and the Internal forums

Strategic Direction

•Flowing down all the National/International Strategies

•Overlooking the execution of all the portfolio and the task force startegies

•Overlooking the planning, re-planning, reviewing and execution of the Year plans

Administration and Operations

•Develop the LC culture, identity and the brand

•Managing the Board of Advisors

•Ensuring the compendium is being followed

6. Describe your leadership style? Explain how your style will be suitable for AIESEC Chandigarh in it’s current


1. List down the different aspects of the job role of an LCP.

Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

2011 – Dream Unlimited

This year saw one of the finest recruitments. This year AIESEC in Chandigarh focused on

implementing the National Growth Drivers defined at NSC 2012.

OS evolved at the EB level with the introduction of VP LCD to take AIESEC and leadership to more

people and expanding AIESEC’s reach outside the tri-city. A lot of leadership opportunities were given

through MB roles, task forces and introduction of Manager Roles in Exchange Support portfolios. The

Local Chapter the Summer Regional Conference and the June National Conference. The LC had a

good internal brand, there were a lot of partners and many CEED opportunities were given and

accepted in the LC. The LC was very operationally strong in this year and showed growth in the

National Association and was leading in terms of absolute realizations.

2012 – Purpose. Passion. Performance

This year was about driving performance through purpose and passion. This year started with a debt,

but the positive approach of the Local Chapter took it as a challenge and an opportunity of

strengthening the processes and making sure it never happens again. This year witnessed one of the

best recruitments and focused on the membership development.

TMP/TLP experiences were a focus and delivering high quality experiences was ensured through TM

processes, tracking and reviewing of the membership. Financial resources were used efficiently

without compromising on the stakeholder experiences. New Marketing, IM and TM processes were

initiated and implemented and they set benchmarks in the national association. The way Conferences

and forums were delivered were evolved.

The expansion entities contributed significantly to the LCs performance and AIESEC in Dehradun

became an Official Expansion of AIESEC in India.

2013 – Delivering Promises

2013 saw a growth in all the programs and setting up of strong processes for every program. This

year gave a lot of leadership opportunities to the LC membership and focused on membership

empowerment throughout the year from the forums to the local conferences. A lot of leadership

opportunities were given. This year also made the LC financially sustainable.

The BoA was revamped and made according to the needs and the future requirements of the Local

Chapter. The LC programs have been recognised in the National Plenary and have given the National

Association a lot of BCPs. The year revolved around developing thought and purposeful leadership

and this was done through the local events and forums.

AIESEC in Chandigarh also gave the National Association a new Member on Probation LC, AIESEC in

Thapar University.

Next 2 years..

2014 will be the year when AIESEC in Chandigarh takes a leap, a leap in all the programs. When

AIESEC in Chandigarh does iGCDP, iGIP, oGIP, oGCDP like no one has ever seen or imagined. 2014

2. Analyse the trends of the past three years (including 2013) of AIESEC Chandigarh's strategic direction

(include performance & culture). How do you see the organization direction of AIESEC Chandigarh shaping

up in the coming two years? Also, give a SWOT analysis of the LC for 2013.


Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

will be about benefitting from the processes set in 2013 and lead not only to an exponential growth in

terms of operations but also achieves sustainability in Finanes, HR and Brand.

2014 will be about operational growth and also about creating a brand in the city a part through EwA

and delivering high quality leadership experience in every stakeholder experience. This year will also

give one more MoP to AIESEC India and expand the reach of AIESEC into 2 new cities. 2014 is the

year that makes 2015 happen for AIESEC in Chandigarh and makes this LC the ideal LC setting

benchmarks in the Global network. 2014 will be a year of complete Evolution.

2015 would be the year which AIESEC in Chandigarh would enter in its idea state, which means

AIESEC in Chandigarh will be pioneering co-creation with international LCs and integrated experiences

will be a part of the culture. In short, AIESEC in Chandigarh will be helping to formulate AIESEC 2020

in 2015

•Tracking all stakeholder experiences for delivering high quality leadership expereinces.

•Using NPS as a tool for tracking

•Grievance cell as a feedback and emergency mechanism

•Surveys for Learning and Development

Experiecne Tracking

•Showcasing the stakeholder case studies for relevance

•Shwocasing the impact reports and partnerships for relevance and credibility

•Using all media platforms for showcasing to increase our outreach and becoming relevant


•Strong UR and campus units to drive OGX

•Partnerships with schools, colleges and organisations and government institutions for higher credibility

•Getting further contacts through the existing partnerships for increased outreach and targeting the right audience


•Selling the product basket and products of AIESEC for high inflows

•Investments on the membership for international conferences, CEED and RnR campaigns on the basis of RoI

•Endorcements from the stakeholders for credibility

Fund Raising and investments

•Driving growth in all the programs iGCDP, oGCDP, iGIP and oGIP through market research and penetration

•Tapping on the ORS and social media to drive OGX

•Expanding into newer markets and cities like Shimla etc.

Growth in all Programs through expanding the market

3. What focus areas do you propose for AIESEC in Chandigarh in 2014? Give action steps that will contribute

to these focus areas.

Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

Exchange Organisational Structure-


Major focus of VP LCD will be to expand into

new markets and initiate groups/clubs and SU’s.

Expansions manager role: training and

development, entity visits, operations and training,

UR and ensuring contact and synergy between

Parent LC and entity


VP iGCDP (2)

OCP Poverty Reduction

OCP Cultural Understanding

OCP Econmic Growth

OCP Health and Lifestyle

OCP Environment

OCP Equal Right

OCP Project Selling and Market Expansion

VP oGCDP (2)

TL University Relations (3)

TL IR & Delivery (2)

TL AIESEC Experience &

Exchange Support

VP iGIP (2)

TL Operaions (6)

TL Functional (2)


TL Education

TL Marketing

TL AIESEC Experience


4. Propose the organizational structure that you plan to follow for the next year including the middle level

management, functional roles as well LC entities.


LCC Dehradun

Shimla CO-ordinator

Expansions Manager (2)

Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

Exchange Support Organisational Structure-

Program CIM manager will be responsible for synergy with programs and ensuring the

implementation of IM and communication platforms, KM, Internal network communication

(IR), internal marketing and Design.

Program Stakeholder Feedback Manager will be the Business intelligence responsible,

collecting and storing responses/feedback from the stakeholders and making information

channels for the same. He/she would be in synergy with TM and BD and give them relevant

data for follow ups. NPS would be a focus.

TM Function Manager would be responsible for external partnerships eg- Sessions, LEADs and

learning and development of members. TM Program manager would be responsible for

tracking the TMP TLP of all the departments.

AIESEC in Chandigarh has always been a pioneering Local Chapter in AIESEC in India. We are also

known for our humbleness and our passion for the organisation. AIESEC in Chandigarh has given the

National Plenary a lot of BCP’s and has set standards through our processes. We’re also known for

taking up Pilot projects, MC initiatives, strategies and pioneering them. AIESEC in Chandigarh is also

known for its Leadership and the thought we bring to the national plenary.

2014 will be the year of Evolution. This is the year we have processes as a behaviour, giving the

National Association number of BCPs and Innovations. This will be the year when we co-create

projects and set benchmarks in not only the National but the International networks! In 2014, AIESEC

in Chandigarh will be known for delivering high quality leadership experiences to its every single



VP Marketing

TL Social Media Manager

TL Partnerships and PR

TL AIESEC Expereince (2)

VP Business Development

TL Sales and delivery (2)

TL Alumni Relations


Program CIM Manager (2)

Stakeholder Feedback Manager

VP Finance

Finance Managers (3)

VP Talent Management

AM Manager

TM Function Manager

TM Program Manager

6. Give an activity calendar of AIESEC in Chandigarh for the year 2014.

5. Give your assessment of the role played and contribution made by AIESEC in Chandigarh towards the

National Association? How should this evolve in the year 2014?

Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

S.No. Event Objective Timelines

1. Recruitments To fill the Talent capacity of all the programs

and functions


2. AGM Ratification of the new EB and discharge of EB


January end

3. MB Summit Inducting, training and development of the

MB and their plans


4. Y2B Delivering a corporate world experience to its

stakeholders and creating AIESEC as a brand

and funding


5. Balakalakaar +

Impact week

Creating impact, showcasing GCDP, strong

brand in the city and funding

Mid May

6. May Local


LC review, membership motivation, culture

building, JNC push, planning for Q2 and Q3

May last week

7. MB Summit Inducting, training and development of the

MB and their plans


8. Recruitment To fill the Talent capacity of all the programs

and functions


9. Local Training


Induction and training of the new recruits

with their parents being inducted as well

September first week

10. OSC LC review, membership motivation, culture

building, NSC follow up, finishing strong

October last week

11. AGM Annual Elections November

Other events like Empower, Youth Empowerment, Global Villages, etc to go on throughout the year

(This calendar is very flexible, for eg, if the membership had a hectic peek Quarter, we would have a

LC Day to follow it up celebrating our hardwork)

Organisation’s culture is one of the biggest building factor for the organisation. Culture for me is the

set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an in organization. AIESEC in

Chandigarh is known to be a very humble LC, having great attitudes toward the work, people and the


The Culture I would want AIESEC in Chandigarh to have-

A culture of Integrated eXPeriences (iXP), I really believe every member should go for an


7. Critically analyse the culture of AIESEC in Chandigarh. What aspects of the current culture will you retain

and what aspects will you change in the coming year? How do you plan to do the same?

Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

An Office culture. This really brings efficiency and accountability.

Living all the 6 values.. Living AIESEC in the purest form

Delivering high quality leadership experience to all our stakeholders

Being externally relevant and showcasing right

Doing everything with a purpose and lots of passion

A culture where strong processes are a behaviour

Strong and effective RnR campaigns

Effective forums with the right blend of fun (we are a youth run organisation )

An effective feedback mechanism

Alumni involvement for the boon of the membership (parents evening, experience sharing at


Keeping the EB term as his/her priority

Planning and Strategizing regarding the direction of the LC

Planning and strategizing for their portfolios and defining the synergy points

Focus on stakeholder experiences and make customer centric strategies to deliver high

quality leadership experiences

LIVING AIESEC and being ideal leaders for the GB to follow

Aligning Department to the LC goals

Department governance and accountability

External relevance, impact and collaboration in whatever he/she does

Connecting with the GB on a personal level

Responsible for the TL support, guidance and reviewing

Think BIG

I propose the LCPs of the past 5 years be taken on the BoA (2009-2013) for the reviewing of the

performance of the Local Chapter. This will not only increase the accountability to the plans but also

LCPs being on the BoA can help the EB with insights and their opinions. This not only is a model for

Governance & Accountability of the LC in 2014 but also is a very productive model for taking the LC


The EB can have quarterly reviews with the BoA and look for improvements and innovations

According to me, AIESEC in 2015 would be doing what it exists for i.e Activating Leadership in the

City Beautiful. It would be the leadership factory for its membership creating the best leaders there

are, leaders with values and a vision. AIESEC would also ‘give’ an opportunity to other organisations

to partner with us because of the relevance we have in the city and the impact we have generated in

the previous years. These organisations would partner with us to get international talent to their

organisations because we are known and proven to create a positive impact on the society, we

are known as the most credible and diverse youth voice and because we are recognised as the first

8. Describe the role a VP will play in the LC (around performance & attitude) in 2014.

9. Propose a Governance & Accountability model for the LC for the year 2014.

10. According to you, what role will AIESEC play in the city of Chandigarh as an International Youth

Organization in 2015? In context to this, how will the year 2014 count to the progress to the same?

Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

choice partners across all the sectors. Not only the organisations but also the youth will realize the

relevance of AIESEC and would go on international internships because of our ability to develop

entrepreneurial leadership in the IT, Marketing, Business Administration, science and medical


With the elections coming up in 2014, I also envision government consulting AIESEC in the City

Beautiful for its plans for the youth.

2014 – A Benchmark!

2014 will be the year when AIESEC in the City Evolves!

Please refer to Q3 of Section E | LC Administration to know how this will be done

Section F | Programmes

Program Evolution Proposed Top 3 strategies Relevance with

External Market

iGIP *Capitalisation of IT as a


*Market research and

penetration/sales as per

Sales & Demand analysis

*Sell GIP as a product

- Listening to our


- Fast and simple


- Supply and Demand


Analysing the supply &

demand and listening to

our customers will make

all the difference and

delivery high quality


oGIP *UR partnerships

*Branding YGIP

- Social Media campaigns

-Partnerships with

placement firms

- Reverse Matching

Youth go for technical

international internships

and get a global

exposure. These people

have the best experience

and understanding of the

economy after they

come back

iGCDP *Capitalising the off


*Impact Measurement

*Partnering with

external organisations

- Revenue Generation

through project selling to

support off peak


- Following PDM for

measurement of impact

and better quality in


- Pioneering iGCDP

Brings a lot of relevance

as it is a direct impact

and it can be showcased

to be relevant externally

1. What will be the changes that will leverage the volume of AIESEC in Chandigarh ELD Experiences in 2013?

How are these connected with the external environment?

Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

oGCDP *IXP to be a culture

* New Market research

and penetration

- UR and Campus units

for its delivery

-Expansions and SUs to

drive growth in oGCDP

-Extensive social media

promotion and ORS


Global exposure to the

youth of the city brings

an edge to them and

their thought process

and makes them socially

and economically aware

and responsible

TMP *Short term TMP


*Virtual TMP

*Tracking of the TMP


- PGS and monthly

tracking of membership

experiences through CIM


- GLE implementation

- Providing Virtual TMP

experiences to people

After this evolution in the

TMP, the TMP roles will

be like the transitional

phase to the TLPs

TLP *Tracking and feedback

of the TLP experiences

* External certification

- Getting an educational

institute to certify our


- A feedback mechanism

for the TLs

Certification will increase

the potential and

relevance of the TLP in

the city and this can be

showcased externally

a. Membership Volume & Experience

b. Logistical Management

c. Stakeholders Experience Delivery

d. International Relations

Portfolio Project Project Target Portfolio Target


Issue Health and Lifestyle 70


Issue Cultural Understanding 40

Issue Equal Rights 75

Issue Poverty Reduction 65

Issue Environment 50

Issue Economic Growth 30


Marketing 60


IT 35

Business Administration 20

ET 75


In-Bound 50

180 Out-Bound 70

Expansions 60


Education 15

50 Marketing & Communication (Mgt) 10

IT 15

Alumni 10

TMP 2000

TLP 500

2. Please give your (probable) targets for the next year. Please justify the same, especially along the lines of:

Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

a. Membership Volume & Experience-

Every member will go through a high quality leadership experience based on the learning and

development models for the membership.

A lot of leadership opportunities to be given throughout the year. MB cycles to be quarterly.

Average of 200 members to be in the LC to meet all the operational and functional

requirements. Innovations like short term TMP and Virtual TMP to be brought in to give out

more and more experiences.

NPS will act as a feedback mechanism and will be tracked by CIM on the same basis.

Membership to go through an international team experience through CEEDs and X+TMPs.

A major focus will be on sending the membership on international conferences.

b. Logistical Management-

Office by mid- February and maintain a strong and beautiful office culture

Finance managers to work in close synergy with all the other portfolios

Trainee House to be kept outsourced in 2014

Having strong CIM tools for investment and RoI

c. Stakeholders Experience Delivery-


o Parents evening to happen quarterly with alumni support

o Monthly Parent newsletters to be sent to showcase the experience and development

of their ward

o Parents to know each and every thing about AIESEC and all the opportunities provided.


o High quality leadership experience to be provided to every member

o Tracking of their experience, growth and development

o A very strong engagement plan for the entire membership

o A lot of leadership opportunities to be provided throughout the year


o Quarterly review mechanism for all our client (CIM)

o CRM to be a behaviour

o Emphasising on market expansion through client referrals

o Every client to have one fixed touch point

o Constant engagement activities for the clients like forums, newsletters, etc

Exchange Participants-

o Ensuring Proper job role and delivery model for the EPs

o EPIC to happen when needed for the EP preparation and training

o Tracking their experience and showcasing it

o Re-integrating the EPs


o Following the Project Delivery Model for better delivery and tracking impact

o Every project team to have AIESEC experience as a team to ensure quality

o Involving Trainees in the LC forums and other engagement activities

o Opportunities like X+TMP/TLP

*NPS to remain a constant feedback mechanism and for tracking and showcasing experiences

International Relations-

o Internal marketing campaigns like open heart, to get in sensible IR

Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

o A lot of international experience opportunities to be given next year to the

membership in forms of International conferences and CEEDs

o EB taskforce to work on IR as a whole for LC-LC, LC-MC partnerships and working on


o Analysing supply and demand management

o CIM to work on IR through different IM portals like Opportunities portal, and Podio

Net Promoter Tool is the best feedback and marketing tool there can be. It not only tells us about our

strengths but also about our ‘not so good’ areas where we need to improve. NPS also helps us in

showcasing experiences which makes us imperially relevant.

Action steps-

Making a standardised delivery model for all the portfolios based on the Project Delivery

Model for better delivery of all the projects and higher quality

CRM to be a behaviour and to be done quarterly

NPS for all the stakeholders

Feedback mechanism and tracking as a part of business sensing through CIM models

Engagement forums for all the stakeholders to increase reliability and credibility

Project Primary Portfolio

Supporting Portfolio 1

Supporting Portfolio 2

Timeline Final Results from Project

Budgeting & Tracking, Standardization of Contracts, Investment Module

Finance All Exchangers

CIM Year Long Better tracking, All books in place, Better investments driving growth, Increased ROI, Better processes, Legalization, Professional and Accountable

Knowledge Management & Communication as a Behaviour

CIM All Exchangers

All Exchange Support

Year Long Database of all the Documents Recorded. A maintained, updated documents wiki # of files stored on Podio, (all operation recorded) Internal Communication, Feedbacks, Processes Optimized, Legalization.

Standardization & BI Reports


Marketing Year Long Standardization of Documents and Visual materials to be presented to externals


TM CIM Year Long Delivery of Resources and Learning to the membership to achieve Organizational goals

Recruitment TM Marketing BD February, August

New Members in the LC | Brand strengthening, Selling of recruitment as a product

3. How important is the integration of Net Promoter Score in evaluation of our Program Delivery? What are

the action steps that you propose leading to better delivery of our programs?

4. Propose key synergy areas for GCDP & GIP, and how it would lead to growth of GCDP & GIP. Be as

elaborate as possible.

Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

Project Selling iGCDP BD Marketing To start from January 2014 extensively

Projects from iGCDP/iGCDP as a product being sold

Showcasing Impact and Social Media

Marketing All Exchangers

TM, CIM Year Long Brand Strengthening | Credibility | Online EWA (COW) | Engagement of all Stakeholders | Strong Promoters of AIESEC

AM TM oGCDP Year long oGCDP Conversions from AMs

UR Marketing oGCDP oGIP Year Long ELD Conversion - Establishing brand in internal Campus - Initiating Education support group

Reintegration TM oGCDP Year Long Integrated Experience to EPs

Campus UNIT oGCDP TM Marketing Throughout the Year

Different campus Unit resulting in more raises and experience delivery

Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

Section G | Functions

External Relations

Business Development is basically entering into the new markets and capitalising on them as well as

the existing market and making them sustainable. This is done through product development and

generating and bringing in revenues for the Local Chapter.

Business Development Includes-

Product development according to the requirement of the market.

Making a product basket for all the existing products and selling them.

Making the event calendar and ensuring its execution in terms of planning and revenue

Handling Alumni Relations for the Local Chapter

Handling the Boards of Advisors

CRM is the responsibility of the VP BD

In-kind raising for the Local Chapter

Product Target Details

Recruitments Rs 1,50,000 Selling Recruitment as a project and this can be made relevant through certification of our TLP. Selling the January and August recruitments with Empower as a product

Balakalakaar Rs 4,00,000 Selling BKK on the basis of the direct impact it creates. BKK will have 2 pre-events clubbed with the impact week in synergy with iGCDP

Youth to Business Forum Rs 4,00,000 Selling Y2B as a product and getting in sponsorships. ISB will be a major help in selling the event

Project Selling Rs 2,00,000 Selling the iGCDP products based on the PDM. This will be easy because of the external relevance of iGCDP

Organisation Partnerships Rs 2,00,000 Getting in money from organisations like colleges and placement firms for OGX making OGX externally relevant and showcasing the same

BoA and Alumni Funding Rs 1,00,000 Getting the BoA and Alumni to support AIESEC and contribute to the sustainability

NEP Rs 2,25,000 15 NEP Exchanges

1. What is your understanding of External Relations and Business Development? What all according to you

falls under the purview of the portfolio?

2. Give your (probable) ER target for the next year. Justify the same, considering the ground realities faced in

the LC in 2013.

Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

Other Products Rs 1,00,000 Selling products like GBMs, LEADs, Empower, Global villages and also starting micro funding

Total Rs 17,75,000

Board of Advisors and Alumni Support funds

Partnering organisations like placements firms, leadership development partners etc

Micro funding (crowd sourcing) for iGCDP products

Forums and events like GBMs, Global Villages, World Cuisine Festival

Partnering with organisations for logo spaces and other deliverables

Partnering with Tour and Travel agencies for ICX trainees and getting a commission through


Financial Management

LC Yearly Budgeting and planning


Accounting, Book keeping and Reporting

Investment planning- RoI model to be consulted

Auditing of the entire Local Chapter

KM for legalization

Governance and Accountability

Cash flow management

Making sure the Financial policies are being followed

Logistical Management of the Local Chapter

A financially sustainable LC is one which does not need any external funding to run its operations and

is generating excess surplus to run them. A financially sustainable LC also has no bad

debts/receivables and is free of any debt (internal or external).

2014 in respect to financial sustainability-

Book keeping and track of the cash flow

All the programs to be budgets

Every program generating surplus and is sustainable on its own

Investments made on healthy RoI models

No Liabilities/receivables

Financial Policies being followed

Education of members about Finance as a portfolio

3. What sources of revenue do you propose that will bring in regular income to the LC (apart from direct

exchange programs)?

1. Describe your understanding of the role of Vice-President Finance in the LC.

2. Define a financially sustainable LC. How do you envision AIESEC Chandigarh in 2014 with respect to

financial sustainability?

Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

Book keeping and tracking of all the cash flow

Following of the Financial Policies

Making iGCDP profitable through project selling to recover the recon and investments, if any

Creating reserves for the LC

Quarterly review of the Financial Plans

Finance to be a part of all the Program plans and all the projects are to be budgeted

Inflow- iGCDP- Rs 8,00,000 oGCDP- Rs 18,00,000 iGIP- Rs 21,00,000 oGIP- Rs 8,00,000 BD- Rs 13,00,000

Outflow- iGCDP- Rs 7,00,000 oGCDP- Rs 3,60,000 iGIP- Rs 3,60,000 oGIP- Rs 1,00,000 Misc- Rs 4,00,000 (conferences, subsidies, RnR)

Talent Management

TM as a Program TM as a Function

TM as a program includes making the TMP TLP in all the programs more efficient

Handling Associate membership

Planning the HR required in the LC

Reviewing of the membership goals and targets

OS capacity

TLP TMP Principles



Induction & Allocation

Tracking the Learning and Development of the membership



3 What long-term action steps do you propose that will prevent the LC from facing a similar financial

situation as it did in the previous year?

4 Attach an outline budget with respect to your ELD program targets, including ER income from events,

collaborations etc.

1. What is your understanding of the distinction between TM as a function and TM as a program? Evaluate

the performance of both in 2013.

2. Analyze the recruitment’s conducted this year. What innovations do you propose in the existing

processes to make them even more effective for next year?

Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

January 2013- (pocket recruitments)

30 people were recruited, number of registrations- 120

Source of requirement – social media

2 reintegration

Low retention rate as only 18 were retained

March 2013-

Source: social media and campus promotions

Less form selling, thus less turn up

Less retention

Wanderlust was launched for OGX boost , but didn’t work out

May 2013-

A very small number of members were recruited to fulfil the program requirement

Less retention due to no proper induction

No OC. Very less promotions, hence little turn up.

August 2013-

Recruited 115 members, registrations 1600

Good induction and mentorship, thus good retention

1200 forms sold, thus relatively less turn up

Raw and fresh membership

Retention Rate – 75%

Innovations for 2014-

Getting external for GDs and TAs making the selection procedure more effective

Getting in sponsors for Recruitments

Campus promotions and word of mouth to be the key strategies of promotions

Lead!n’s in schools for a pipeline of membership

Online promotions on social media and through PR agencies for a better pool to select from

Defining the Value proposition of TMP/TLP and then selling the forms

OGX would be pitched with recruitments in every YE, Empower, Lead!n

Virtual and short term TMP/TLP experiences

Competency based recruitments

Recruitment to be done only twice a year

TM as a Function to evolve as a whole.

Learning of Development should be a focus area for the LC to become relevant.

3. Propose learning & development plan for 2014, and how would lead to evolution of membership

learning curve and provide high quality leadership experiences.

Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow


Marketing has really been a boon for us when it comes to outreach and showcasing the experiences

on social media. A lot of registrations have come in through marketing and the ORS has been tapped

efficiently. Some bottlenecks that we face are no major contribution to GCDP or GIP. PR and

partnerships could not be capitalised.

Promoting TMP TLP value proposition

while recruitments. Personal Goal Setting

of the membership

Competency based, virtual & short term


Making the engagement plan with

defined value proposition and

external relevance for every program

External LEADs and forums for an added

dimension to the leadership experiences

Tracking of the PGS and the growth curve on a quarterly basis by

TM in synergy with CIM

Quarterly review of the experiences and a feedback mechanism

(NPS) to be in place for the same

Showcasing the Leadership

Experiences for a relevance in the

society and increased credibility

1. What emphasis does Marketing as a function hold currently for AIESEC in Chandigarh? Critically analyze

the same. Also evaluate its contribution to growth in ELD programs.

Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

The Empower’s and Youth Empowerments delivered in Q3 got results in OGX and hence the UR was

capitalised. The Process Based process OS in Q3 helped OGX to capitalise on the ORS and helped in

better showcasing, thus more registrations.

Marketing in 2014 Evolves to focus on 2 things.

1. Brand

2. Sales

Starting from 2014, Marketing should –

Start showcasing AIESEC as a whole and not just its programs like GCDP and GIP.

Marketing should capitalise on PR and Partnerships, because these are the two things that

will make AIESEC more relevant to the outside world.

Packaging the products and selling them to our partnering organisations.

Using LEAD!ns/AIESEC Beta to get OGX registration and a pipeline for TMP. EwA should also

be one of the focus areas of Marketing.

Brand forums like Youth Empowerment, AIESEC Beta, Lead!ns, Balakalakaar, Y2B for

increased credibility

Marketing should focus only on Push and Pull strategies in 2014.

Communication & Information Management

Branding of AIESEC in Chandigarh in the Global network

Process optimization (, Podio, Opportunity Portal)

Designing and creating content

Internal Communication and defining its platform

Documentation and its management (KM)

Newsletter internally in the LC

A strong model for tracking the membership experiences

A CRM Model to get constant feedback from the clients

Showcasing the AIESEC experience internally

Stakeholder feedback mechanism

A communication and engagement channel between the new conversions and AIESEC

Taking all the feedback, analysing it and working on the issues with the VP responsible

Grievance cell chair

2. How should Marketing evolve in the LC in 2014? How do you see it contributing to ELD programs in


1. What are the various spheres in the LC in which Communication & Information Management plays a

huge role or can a play a huge role?

2. Comment on how you envision the role of Information Systems in the functioning and administration of the

local committee in 2014.

Vidur Saini | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2014 | AIESEC Chandigarh


Evolutionary Today For a

Revolutionary Tomorrow

Section H | Blank Page Challenge

Strategy, Systems and structures are more tangible and these can be influenced by the management

of an organisation whereas, shared values, skills, staff and style are intangible and are influenced by

the culture of an organisation.

With Shared Values being in the centre of the model, it all starts from the shared values to the

tangible elements and then the intangible elements but they all are inter-related.

Current State of AIESEC in Chandigarh-

Shared Values- I believe we can do a lot better in terms of ‘Living AIESEC’, i.e living the 6 values

and doing things knowing its purpose.

Strategy- It’s time we evolve our strategies. Our strategies are being carried forward from long

time back.

Structure- Our structure is simple, but can improve in the opportunities provided and its tracking.

Systems- We have unwanted processes that slow down the entire organisation.

Style- I believe the leadership needs to evolve and so do the experiences.

Staff- AIESEC has brilliant staff

Skills- No competency based requirements, short term and virtual TMPs

Ideal State of AIESEC in Chandigarh-

Shared Values- Living and breathing the AIESEC Way

Strategy- New strategies of capitalizing the market and time to become collaborative, relevant

and inclusive

Structure- Providing more high quality leadership experiences to the youth of the city

Systems- Fast, simple and effective process and listening to our Customers. Feedback to be an

important part of the processes.

Style- The leadership needs to be thoughtful and daring

Staff- AIESEC has brilliant staff

Skills- We need to move towards competency based requirements, short term and virtual TMPs

It’s time to Evolve and be relevant and ideal!