Video in the studio



Video in the studio. Why video in the studio? Record lessons for practicing purposes Record recitals Gift to parents and students Posting on web for public access Studio marketing Creating teaching material Practicing guidelines Etc. Some examples My sample DVD - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Video in the studio

Video - Cremaschi, NCKP

Why video in the studio? Record lessons for practicing purposes Record recitals

• Gift to parents and students• Posting on web for public access• Studio marketing

Creating teaching material• Practicing guidelines• Etc

Video - Cremaschi, NCKP

Some examples My sample DVD Websites that feature recital video

Video - Cremaschi, NCKP

Steps for video creation1. Recording

2. Importing into computer

3. Editing

4. Preparing and burning DVD

5. Preparing for web publication

Video - Cremaschi, NCKP

1. Recording

Firewire cable

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1. Recording

Use a digital camera - easier uploading to computer

Most digital cameras can be connected directly to computer to import video

Cable used to connect digital camera to computer: Firewire = IEEE 1394 = iLink

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1. Recording

Suggestions Buy a tripod Two cameras may be better than one Be sure your hard drive has plenty of space

(60 Gbytes or more) Or buy an external hard drive (120 Gb) Some cameras have a microphone input that

you can use for better sound

Video - Cremaschi, NCKP

2. Importing

Importing (aka “capturing”) = loading the video up to your computer

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2. Importing

Computer needs: A firewire port (very common). Or USB

(slower) A program that will allow the computer to

upload video through firewire• iMovie (Mac, comes with computer)• Pinnacle Studio (PC, $100)• Ulead VideoStudio (PC, $100)

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If video was recorded in a digital tape1. Insert tape in camera

2. Connect camera to computer

3. Open program (e.g. iMovie) and get it ready to capture

4. Press “Play” in camera

Firewire cable

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If video was recorded directly into DVD Insert DVD in computer Open program (e.g. iMovie) Import video file into program from program


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If video was recorded directly into computer Open program (e.g. iMovie) Open or import video files from your hard


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If video is in an old VHS tape You need to buy a digital video converter

(aka video capture device)• Dazzle ($50-$90, Mac, PC)• Datavideo DAC ($200)• Plextor ($60, PC)

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Video and audio cables

Firewire or USB

Video - Cremaschi, NCKP

3. Editing

Edition process: Trimming clips Arranging clips in the right order Improving, muting, adding or modifying audio Adding transitions between takes or sections Adding titles

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Examples shown using iMovie Other similar programs:

Pinnacle Studio (PC) Ulead VideoStudio (PC)

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Clip area


Monitoring screen

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Editing Trimming clips

Select clip in clip area Select portions to be deleted Press “Delete”

Or… Select clip in clip area Select portion to be kept Select Edit->Crop

Video - Cremaschi, NCKP


Demo with iMovie…

Video - Cremaschi, NCKP


Arranging clips in right order Drag clips in correct order to timeline

Video - Cremaschi, NCKP


Editing sound For example, increasing the volume of takes

• Drag clip to timeline• Select View->Show clip volume levels• A purple line appears over the clip. This is the

volume• Increase or decrease with the mouse at any point

of the clip

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Demo with iMovie…

Video - Cremaschi, NCKP

Editing Adding transitions between clips

Select the Editing tab (above timeline) Select the Transitions tab Select the clips between which you want to add a

transition Select a transition, drag and drop it between clips.

Wait a few seconds while the transition is built You can later erase a transition by dropping it to the


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Demo with iMovie…

Video - Cremaschi, NCKP


Adding titles Same as transitions, but click on the Titles

tab instead Type the text you want to insert Choose “Over black” to add titles over a

black background as opposed to on the clip itself

Video - Cremaschi, NCKP

Preparing DVD

Typical DVD structure Menu

• Movie 1. “2007 Recital”• Chapter or scene 1. “Mary’s piece”• Chapter or scene 2. “John’s piece”• Chapter …

• Movie 2. “2006 Recital”• Etc

• Movie …

Video - Cremaschi, NCKP

Preparing DVD

Simplest DVD No menu One movie No chapters or scenes

Video - Cremaschi, NCKP

Preparing DVD

With iMovie Create chapters or scenes within your movie Export movie to iDVD

With iDVD Create look for menu Import other movies (with or without

chapters), e.g. “Recital 2006” Burn DVD

Video - Cremaschi, NCKP

Preparing DVD

Programs to prepare and burn DVD iDVD (Mac) Pinnacle Studio (PC) Ulead VideoStudio (PC) Nero (PC)

Video - Cremaschi, NCKP

Preparing DVD

Demo with iMovie and iDVD…

Video - Cremaschi, NCKP

Burning DVD

As simple as pressing a button Demo with iDVD…

Video - Cremaschi, NCKP

Preparing for web publication

Since internet speeds are fairly slow Web videos tend to be small (as opposed to

full screen) Quality is low (smaller files) Highly compressed

• Mpeg-4• .mov• Etc

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Preparing for web publication

iMovie is the easiest way to prepare Select Share->Share… Choose the QuickTime preset and select one

of the compression levels• For web, choose either Web Streaming or Web

Other programs: Pinnacle Studio (PC), Ulead VideoStudio, etc

Video - Cremaschi, NCKP

Preparing for web publication

The file obtained this way is ready for: YouTube upload Publication on Upload and publication on your own website

or blog