Vespertilio Quiz



Non-competitive quiz conducted in IIT-D

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QC-IITD – Vespertillio (non-comp)

Jyotesh Singh


• Infinite Bounce (+10/no negatives)

• All questions (excluding those in the mega-connect and SVC) are on infinite pounce (+10/-5)

• One written mega-connect and one SVC (rules later)

• QM is God – but not merciful

• Vengeance is Mine


•People believe that the origin of the phrase ___X___ ___Y___ originated after the name of Y doors which consisted of two equal parts. Others say that it emerged as a derogatory term applied to Britain’s enemies in the 17th century. Identify this much-maligned dating phrase whose IITD equivalent has a special meaning for us.


•Going Dutch




• This movie was based on the story “The Tin Star” by John W. Cunningham. It is one of the few movies to be shot to match exactly the time that passes in the film (i.e. like real time). It is reportedly the most requested film by US presidents, including Eisenhower and Clinton. It’s Polish variant was used for solidarity posters and has been hailed as being an aid in their victory in the elections. Id.



• High Noon


•In WW2, a certain operation was begun to evacuate civilians (especially children) out of aerial-bombing prone areas in and around cities to the countryside, especially during the blitz. Around 3.5 million people were hence relocated. What name connects this operation to another famous “operation” of evacuating children from a city?


•Operation Pied Piper



•6 questions (labelled by *)•Answers are to be written•After each question, it is open for a team to try for the connect based on what they think the answers have been so far•Points are indicated on each slide

Q4* +14/-7

•The phrase X essentially means “Praise Yahweh, you people” in Hebrew. It is a rather common phrase in English, being essentially an injunction for worship and joy. •Y on the other hand arises due to the use of Abjad numerals in numerology, with people preferring Y over its meaning to avoid “dirtying” it and to help illiterate people. •Give me X and the meaning of Y.

Q5* +10/-5

•X literally means “Lord of the Flies” and is considered to be the Hebrew way of comparing Ba’al (an ancient deity of the Philistines) to a pile of dung surrounded(worshipped) by flies. The source for the name in the bible is when King Ahaziah of Israel, after seriously injuring himself in a fall, sends messengers to inquire of ___________, the god of the Philistine city of Ekron, to learn if he will recover. Identify X.

Q6* +8/-4

•This 2008 movie is (surprisingly) the world’s highest grossing musical of all time. It’s title originates from a 1975 song by the Swedish group ABBA. Indeed, all of its songs are based on those by ABBA. Enough clues – identify this set in Greece movie. (sitter)

Q7* +6/-3

• A __________ (meaning “skirmish”) is a character from the Italian Commedia dell’arte. The typical aspect of this character is that it makes people happy while being sad in its heart. He is usually attired in a black Spanish dress, burlesquing a don, and is beaten by Harlequin for his boasting and cowardice.•Whom?


• This web comic is referencing a fictionalized version of what?

• (full comic on next page)

Q9* +2/0

•X involved the hero getting roped in as a wedding witness, a set of mob-manipulations, a false-alarm, multiple disguises and counter-disguises. It also imprinted firmly a woman in the hitherto misogynistic hero’s mind. Infact, it could be called a “photographic memory”. Sorry for the cryptic nature, but identify X.


Q4* +14/-7

•The phrase X essentially means “Praise Yahweh, you people” in Hebrew. It is a rather common phrase in English, being essentially an injunction for worship and joy. •Y on the other hand arises due to the use of Abjad numerals in numerology, with people preferring Y over its meaning to avoid “dirtying” it and to help illiterate people. •Give me X and the meaning of Y.


•X- Hallelujah•Y-786 -> Bismillah al-rehman al-raheem (In the name of the god, most gracious, most merciful)

A4 +14/-7

Q5* +10/-5

•X literally means “Lord of the Flies” and is considered to be the Hebrew way of comparing Ba’al (an ancient deity of the Philistines) to a pile of dung surrounded(worshipped) by flies. The source for the name in the bible is when King Ahaziah of Israel, after seriously injuring himself in a fall, sends messengers to inquire of ___________, the god of the Philistine city of Ekron, to learn if he will recover. Identify X.



A5 +10/-5

Q6* +8/-4

•This 2008 movie is (surprisingly) the world’s highest grossing musical of all time. It’s title originates from a 1975 song by the Swedish group ABBA. Indeed, all of its songs are based on those by ABBA. Enough clues – identify this set in Greece movie. (sitter)


•Mamma Mia!

A6 +8/-4

Q7* +6/-3

• A __________ (meaning “skirmish”) is a character from the Italian Commedia dell’arte. The typical aspect of this character is that it makes people happy while being sad in its heart. He is usually attired in a black Spanish dress, burlesquing a don, and is beaten by Harlequin for his boasting and cowardice.•Whom?



A7 +6/-3


• This web comic is referencing a fictionalized version of what?

• (full comic on next page)


A8 +4/-2• Galileo’s discovery of Jupiter’s moons

Q9* +2/0

•X involved the hero getting roped in as a wedding witness, a set of mob-manipulations, a false-alarm, multiple disguises and counter-disguises. It also imprinted firmly a woman in the hitherto misogynistic hero’s mind. Infact, it could be called a “photographic memory”. Sorry for the cryptic nature, but identify X.


•A Scandal in Bohemia

A9 +2/-0


Ans to mega connect

• Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen


• Which biological process does this xkcdcomic mock? (fundanecessary, part points only for name)



• Cytogenesis (cell formation) – this is citogenesis


• X were a number of unusually modified tanks designed for the amphibious Invasion of Normandy by British engineers. They were named after their commander, X. They included a flame-throwing tank, an armoured bulldozer, a party amphibious tank, an “armoured dustbin” to attack German bunkers with mortars and a mine exploder. Identify.



• Hobart’s Funnies


• Give name, composer and fundae



• Tchaikovsky’s 1812 overture


• Connect:



• Param Vir Chakra


• The novel gets its title from a line in the third part in the series, rather than the first (unlike the rest). The extract is: The storm had now definitely abated, and what thunder there was now grumbled over more distant hills, like a man saying "___ _______ _____…" twenty minutes after admitting he’s lost the argument.

• What is the name of this sequel to a famous series?


A(a third of 42)

• “And another thing….”


• This rhyme was published in 1955 in A Diller, a Dollar: Rhymes And Sayings For The Ten O’clock Scholar:

• “Clap my hands and jump for joy;I was here before ______.Sorry to spoil your little joke;I was here, but my pencil broke.”

• The blank references someone also known as Smoe, Clem, Flywheel, Private Snoops, Overby, The Jeep, and Sapo. Id.


• Kilroy


• 5 slides

• +20/-10 and so on, with drops of 4/2 with each slide





• NB: her identity is



• Nuclear tests:

– Starfish prime

– Trinity

– Tsar bomba

– Bikini atoll

– The buddha smiled

