Very Important Gren Team


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  • 7/29/2019 Very Important Gren Team


    Green teamInsert yourlogo

    Nature has perfections to show that she is

    the image of Good.

    1. What would you do in this school zone? I would

    like to put a place with more life like vivero

    because that place have life, know it will be

    benefited the trees, flowers, plants, fishes, rabbits

    and other animals. We will benefited putting more

    of that's animals plants and trees. It will be more

    green and attractive.

    1. Why will you create it? To have a better place in

    school, this it will work to have a better view, all

    going to be responsible, the responsabilities will

    be to clean the zone and to put water to the


    What it will be the potential and social significance?

    here the potential and social signification will be that

    the school will have more green places.

  • 7/29/2019 Very Important Gren Team


    Insert here the front layout of the modified zone Insert here the lateral layout of the modified zone

  • 7/29/2019 Very Important Gren Team


    Green TeamInsert your


    Nature has perfections to show that she is the image of Good

    1. What would you do in this school

    zone? I would like to put a place with

    more life like vivero because that

    place have life, know it will be

    benefited the trees, flowers, plants,

    fishes, rabbits and other animals. We

    will benefited putting more of that's

    animals plants and trees. It will be

    more green and attractive.

    1. Why will you create it? To have a

    better place in school, this it will work

    to have a better view, all going to be

    responsible, the responsabilities will

    be to clean the zone and to put water

    to the plants.

    What it will be the potential and social

    significance? here the potential and social

    signification will be that the school will

    have more green places.

  • 7/29/2019 Very Important Gren Team


    Insert here the front layout of the modified zone Insert here the lateral layout of the modified zone

  • 7/29/2019 Very Important Gren Team


    Green TeamInsert your


    Nature has perfections to show that she is the image of Good

    1. What would you do in this school

    zone? I would like to put a place with

    more life like vivero because that

    place have life, know it will be

    benefited the trees, flowers, plants,

    fishes, rabbits and other animals. We

    will benefited putting more of that's

    animals plants and trees. It will be

    more green and attractive.

    1. Why will you create it? To have a

    better place in school, this it will

    work to have a better view, all goingto be responsible, the

    responsabilities will be to clean the

    zone and to put water to the plants.

    What it will be the potential and social

    significance? here the potential and

    social signification will be that the school

    will have more green places.

  • 7/29/2019 Very Important Gren Team


    Insert here the front layout of the modified zone Insert here the lateral layout of the modified zone

  • 7/29/2019 Very Important Gren Team


    Green TeamInsert your


    Nature has perfections to show that she is the image of Good

    1. What would you do in this school

    zone? I would like to put a place

    with more life like vivero because

    that place have life, know it will be

    benefited the trees, flowers, plants,

    fishes, rabbits and other animals.We will benefited putting more of

    that's animals plants and trees. It

    will be more green and attractive.

    1. Why will you create it? To have a

    better place in school, this it will

    work to have a better view, all going

    to be responsible, the responsabilities

    will be to clean the zone and to put

    water to the plants.

    What it will be the potential andsocial significance? here the

    potential and social signification will

    be that the school will have more

    green places.

  • 7/29/2019 Very Important Gren Team


    Insert here the front layout of the modified zone Insert here the lateral layout of the modified zone