Vermont State Standards and Complete Streets · community • The need for access to, and mobility...


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June 22, 2016

Agency of Transportation

AASHTO Subcommittee on DesignAASHTO Subcommittee on Design

Vermont State Standardsand

Complete Streets

Kevin S. Marshia, P.E. - Chief Engineer

June 22, 2016

Agency of Transportation

AASHTO Subcommittee on DesignAASHTO Subcommittee on Design

VSS History• The driver – public input that designs were “over

designed” for their community

• Developed 1994 – 1996 by committee: VTrans, ANR, DHP, RPC, Vermont Council on the Arts, Preservation Trust, FHWA, private citizens

• Implemented as legislative rules in 1997

• Minority report written in 1997 by committee engineers

• Since 1997 has used to design and deliver transportation projects.

June 22, 2016AASHTO Subcommittee on Design

Agency of Transportation

VSS Purpose1. To provide clear technical direction to the

designers of transportation projects in Vermont

2. To achieve roadway and bridge designs which provide access, mobility and safety for users, and which are also sensitive to the social and environmental context of Vermont

June 22, 2016AASHTO Subcommittee on Design

Agency of Transportation

VSS Balance• The physical attributes of roadways which are important for

user safety

• The transportation planning policies guiding the region and community

• The need for access to, and mobility along a roadway

• The presence of historic sites and districts

• The presence of natural resources & environmental factors

• The social context of the communities within which the facility exists

• The economic development needs of the community, region & state

June 22, 2016AASHTO Subcommittee on Design

Agency of Transportation

Complete Streets• VT’s first Bicycle and Pedestrian Guide was developed

in early 2000’s and has had several subsequent updates

• Supplement to the VT State Standards

• In 2011 AARP came to our legislature with a proposal ….COMPLETE STREETS!

• Worked with legislature to remind them of our current practices, our VT State Standards and the integration of the Complete Street principles in our culture

• Legislation passed

AASHTO Subcommittee on Design June 22, 2016

Agency of Transportation

2011 Legislation* * * Complete Streets* * *

Sec. 1. PURPOSEThe purpose of this bill is to ensure that the needs of all users of Vermont’s transportation system – including motorists, bicyclists, public transportation users and pedestrians of all ages and abilities – are considered in all state and municipally managed transportation projects and project phases………These “complete streets” principles shall be integral to the transportation policy of Vermont.

June 22, 2016AASHTO Subcommittee on Design

Agency of Transportation

Complete Streets Practice• Created a Complete Street Guide – which lays out the

considerations, exemptions, best practices and principles

• Exemptions are:

• Prohibited by law - (i.e. limited access highway)

• Scope of project (i.e. crack sealing)

• Cost Disproportionate to anticipated use

• Education on guide required, need for training on implementing principles was minor

• Four years experience – working well, no major issues

AASHTO Subcommittee on Design June 22, 2016

Agency of Transportation

2014 Legislation* * * Vermont Design Standards * * *


(a) Prior to updating the ―Vermont State Standards for the Design of Transportation Construction, Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Freeways, Roads and Streets‖ (Vermont State Standards), the Secretary shall establish a multi-disciplinary Stakeholders Group consisting of representatives of public and private sector entities from the various modes of transportation affected by the Vermont State Standards to provide the Agency with critical input in revising the Standards.

AASHTO Subcommittee on Design June 22, 2016

Agency of Transportation

Legislation, cont’d(b) Purpose and charge. The Stakeholders Group shall: (1) Review the current Vermont State Standards and identify areas of the Standards that require modification to be current with state-of-practice transportation facility design ….(2) Identify barriers, gaps, and opportunities that exist in current Agency design practices, standards, and guidance to address the needs of all transportation modes in a variety of contexts. (3) Document the opportunities that exist to modify the

existing Vermont State Standards to meet current state-of-the-industry practices.

June 22, 2016AASHTO Subcommittee on Design

Agency of Transportation

Smart Growth America – M2D2• Smart Growth America – Multimodal

Development and Delivery process

• Performed Gap Analysis with stakeholders

• Provided multimodal workshops led by national experts

• Identified issues, barriers and opportunities for next version of VSS

• Provided us with a Work Plan

June 22, 2016AASHTO Subcommittee on Design

Agency of Transportation

Gaps and issues to address • Classifying the transportation


• Incorporate Safety – culture, quantitative and qualitative

• Balancing local placemaking with operations and maintenance needs

• Designing for all modes: Peds, Bikes, Trucks, Transit

• Being forward-looking

• Balancing the needs of different users within the same right-of-way

• Balance between user needs and resource impacts

• A framework for risk based decision making

• Other gaps

• Documents to reference

June 22, 2016AASHTO Subcommittee on Design

Agency of Transportation

Some Lessons LearnedThe Vermont State Standards should:

• Balance flexibility with clear and concise design guidance

• Needs to be the driving force between alignment and consistency between different manualsand documents

• Provide a framework for identifying tradeoffsbetween the needs of different modes and users of the transportation system

June 22, 2016AASHTO Subcommittee on Design

Agency of Transportation

Classifying the transportation system

• Going beyond functional classification/taking a corridor approach

• Including specific guidance for different design vehicles(plow, truck, bus, bike, etc.)

• Addressing transitions between city/town/village/suburban/rural

Photo: David Wilson, Flickr

June 22, 2016AASHTO Subcommittee on Design

Agency of Transportation

Key Recommendations• New chapter on the design decision-making framework and


• Introduce a context-based roadway classification system to complement the existing functional classification approach

• Provide detailed guidance on selecting appropriate design vehicles and balancing the needs of all users (trucks, transit, maintenance, bicycles, pedestrians, others)

• Include a range of design options for different contexts and provide illustrations of design concepts

June 22, 2016AASHTO Subcommittee on Design

Agency of Transportation

VSS Rewrite - Help Needed• RFP looking for national experience – looking to ensure

that we are with the national state of the practice

• Project Phases:

• Develop framework and focus areas

• Review of all design guides, policies, etc.

• Create a document that integrates and aligns all design principles

• Implementation plan that includes training, web based support and recommended policy changes

June 22, 2016AASHTO Subcommittee on Design

Agency of Transportation

VSS Rewrite - Help Needed• Intensive effort – needing external resources

• RFP looking for national experience – looking to ensure that we are with the national state of the practice

• Project Phases:

• Develop framework and focus areas

• Review of all design guides, policies, etc.

• Create a draft that integrates and aligns

June 22, 2016AASHTO Subcommittee on Design

Agency of Transportation

