Vendor Project Report 2003


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In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award





[APRIL 2010]




Certified that this project report titled Vendor Performance in Vendor Management

System(Chemist & Drug Store) is the bonafide work of Mr.Ishu Singh who carried out

the research under my supervision. Certified further, that to the best of my knowledge

the work reported herein does not form part of any other project report or dissertation

on the basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier occasion on this

or any other candidate.








VMS (Vendor Management Services) is a fairly recent advancement in managing

contingent labor spend. VMS is an evolution of the Master Service Provider (MSP) / Vendor-

On-Premise (VOP) concept, which became more prevalent in the late-1980s to the mid-1990s

when larger enterprises began looking for ways to reduce outsourcing costs.

In this I decided to manage the suppliers of Chemist & Drug Store. For this I have

collected information on what criteria’s the firm choose their vendor. Among them I have also

found out which criteria is given maximum importance.

In this project I have visited fifty plus chemist store in different areas of Pune with

questionnaire. The questionnaire are filled by maximum of them and help us in collecting the

information. I learnt lots of things about managing the vendors and also about the different type

of companies.

The project helped us to get a insight knowledge of the vendor management in chemist

and Drug Store .I saw how the professionals use their experience and skills to bring business.




I acknowledge the sincere assistance provided to me from several rather unexpected

quarters during the course of execution of this study. It would be a mammoth task to

place on record my gratitude to each and every one of them but a whole hearted attempt

would be made nevertheless, least I be branded ungrateful.

I am extremely thankful to COL V.J Gomes (H.O.D) for giving me such an esteemed

environment and proper guidance under which I have done my project.

Where the emotions are involved words cease to work.. I am deeply indebt to for her

encouragement, affections, valuable advice and guidance that helped me to complete this

project successfully.






1 1.1) Introduction1.2) Vendor Management System1.3) Objective of the Project1.4) History and Evolution of VMS1.5) Vendor Selection 1.6) Strengthen Vendor Relations


2 2.1) Inventory2.2) Concept & Importance of Inventory2.3) Vendor Managed Inventory


3 3.1) The Need of Technology Advancement in medical Software3.2) Maharashtra State Druggists and Chemists Association Objectives3.3) Existing System in Market




4 4.1) Analysis of Data Collected 605 5.1) Findings

5.2) Drawback of Existing Systems5.3) Conclusion & Suggestion


Annexure-1 Questionnaire 74Annexure-2 References 76





FIGURE- 5.1…………………… ………………..46

FIGURE- 5.2……………………..……………….47

FIGURE- 5.3………………………………………48

FIGURE- 5.4………………………………………49

FIGURE- 5.5………………………………………50

FIGURE- 5.6………………………………………51







Vendor Management System

A Vendor Management System (VMS) is an Internet-enabled, often Web-based application that acts as a mechanism for business to manage and procure staffing services – temporary, and, in some cases, permanent placement services – as well as outside contract or contingent labor. Typical features of a VMS application include order distribution, consolidated billing and significant enhancements in reporting capability that outperforms manual systems and processes

The contingent workforce is a provisional group of workers who work for an organization on a non-permanent basis, also known as freelancers, independent professionals, temporary contract workers, independent contractors or consultants. VMS is a type of contingent workforce management. There are several other terms associated with VMS which are all relevant to the contingent workforce, or staffing industry.

A vendor is literally a person or organization that vends or sells contingent labor. Specifically a vendor can be an independent consultant, a consulting company, or staffing company (who can also be called a supplier – because they supply the labor or expertise rather than selling it directly).

A VOP, or Vendor On Premise, is a vendor that sets up shop on the client's premises. They are concerned with filling the labor needs and requirements of the client. The VOP does this either by sourcing labor directly from themselves, or from other suppliers, whom may be their competitors. Also, the VOP manages and coordinates this labor for the client.

VMS is a tool, specifically a software program, that distributes job requirements to staffing companies, recruiters, consulting companies, and other vendors (i.e. Independent consultants). It facilitates the interview and hire process, as well as labor time collection approval and payment.



Objective of the Project

The purpose of my project are given below1) To have insight knowledge of existing vendor management system.2) To determine the drawback of existing system.3) To provide the performance metrics for vendors, which can help firm for

choosing vendor for placing an order in order to gain maximum profit and better service.

Methodology Adopted

For collecting an information about vendor management system, I decided to adopt the best approach i.e Questionnaire. Proper questionnaire is made for collecting relevant information. I visited different medical store or Chemist and Drug Store and asked them question from questionnaire. The question is asked them in such a way so that maximum questions answer can be obtained. It was seen that about 5-10 min is taken to complete one questionnaire. The best time to visit Chemist and Drug Store is for 11:30 am to 2pm. Because in this time slot, it is observed that frequency of customer is less and owner of the firm feel comfortable to answer the question from questionnaire as they are in fresh mood. After 2 pm it is seen that most of the Chemist shut down their store. The area covered in our survey are Satara Road, Singhad Road, Deccan Gymkhana, Dhayari, Dhankawadi, FC Road, Balaji Nager, Poona Hospital.



Primary Data:-

Primary data is that which are collected “afresh” and is supposed to be original in Character. Primary data is gathered in such a way so that need of the researcher can be fulfilled .On the basis of primary data researcher withdraw some important conclusion and gives suggestion according. I have collected my primary data in the form of questionnaire, Discussion, Interview with medical store owner/worker.

Random Sampling method:-

The sampling method used for collecting the data was Random sampling

method. As the study was restricted with the chemist & drug store, 41 chemist &

drug store are considered randomly and depending upon that study is conducted.

Secondary Data:-

Secondary Data is that data, which is, collected Prior to the Present Study work. Any data that is available prior to the commencement of the research Project is called Secondary data and therefore Secondary is also called as Historical data. I have collected my secondary data from the Internets and website like etc.

Purpose of Questionnaire

How long they are in this business ?

Whether they are using automated system or not ?



How they maintain inventories (Manually/Automated) ?

Drawbacks of existing system ?

Are they are satisfied from their Existing System or not ?

History and Evolution of VMS

VMS (Vendor Management Services) is a fairly recent advancement in managing contingent labor spend. VMS is an evolution of the Master Service Provider (MSP) / Vendor-On-Premise (VOP) concept, which became more prevalent in the late-1980s to the mid-1990s when larger enterprises began looking for ways to reduce outsourcing costs. An MSP or VOP was essentially a master vendor who is responsible for on-site management of their customer’s temporary help / contract worker needs. In keeping with the BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) concept, the master vendor enters into subcontractor agreements with approved staffing agencies.

It is noteworthy to mention that VMS really started to evolve around the time Michael Hammer and James Champy's Reengineering the Corporation became a bestseller. Large enterprises were looking for ways to compete in the global economy. The main advantage for U.S. businesses during this time period was that their purchasing departments were able to channel new contract personnel requisitions to one source – the VOP – and, in turn, reduce procurement costs by simplifying their payment process. In effect, they only had to write a check to one vendor vis-à-vis hundreds of suppliers.

With the Internet came new ways of doing business, which included electronic payment. According to Staffing Industry Analysts, Inc. the emergence of eBusiness, B2B, E-Procurement et al. was the catalyst that began the VMS industry.



As businesses began to integrate this e-business concept, online auctions such as Covisint began to appear. The value proposition was, they claimed, that they could reduce spend for purchasing office suppliers, industrial suppliers and other commodities by putting these purchase requests out for bid via an online auction.

Typical benefits included:

Streamlined requisition approval workflow Reduced time-to-fill cycle times

Bill rate standardization / management

Optimization of supplier base

Consolidated invoicing

Improved security and asset management

Availability of vendor performance metrics

Visibility and cost control over maverick spend

10-20% reduction in contingent labor spend

Contingent work, also sometimes known as casual work, is a neologism which describes a type of employment relationship between an employer and employee. There is no universally agreed consensus on what type of working arrangement constitutes contingent work, but it is generally considered to be any one or combination of the following:

Work which is temporary or lacks job security Work which is part time

Work which is paid on a piece work basis

Whether a person who does contingent work can be described as 'having a job' is debatable - however, contingent work is usually not considered to be a career, or part of a career. One of the features of contingent work is that it usually offers little or no opportunity for career development.

If a job is full time permanent, and either pays a regular salaryor a fixed wage for regular hours, then it is usually not considered to be contingent work.



Contingent work is not an entirely neutral term, because commentators who use the phrase generally consider it to be a social problem employment agencies and classified advertising media are more likely to use the phrase casual work, particularly to attract students who wish to earn money during the summer vacation, but who aren't interested in a long term career. Whilst all casual work is considered to be contingent work, not all contingent work is casual. In particular, part time jobs, or jobs in organizations that have a high staff turnover, may be considered contingent work, but aren't necessarily casual.


For many companies, labor costs represent a significant part of operating costs. In an effort to more intelligently manage labor costs and leverage relationships with suppliers, organizations are searching for ways to accurately assess their contingent workforce spending and to streamline the on-boarding and off-boarding of this adaptive workforce.

A Vendor Management System (VMS) has typically been defined as any internet-based procurement application that enables companies to manage the process of outsourced procurement of temporary and permanent staff.

The cost savings from VMS programs seem seductive – immediate reductions to the bottom line and possibly a reduction in the number of intrusive sales calls from vendors. However, the reality is often something quite different. The VMS programs often treat people as a commodity – the lowest hourly bidder of temporary labor gets the job. This creates a number of problems that are difficult to quantify in any feasibility study.



- There is no VMS system today which asks the supplier of temp labor for the contractor’s IQ. Therefore, an 80 IQ contractor is considered as good as a 130 IQ contractor. However, the 80 IQ contractor will get very little done in terms of productivity in a technology that requires some mental horsepower.

- If a contractor must supply the lowest hourly rate to procure an assignment, what does this do to the loyalty of the contractor and service supplied by the agency? Will the temporary labor leave if a higher-paid position is available? Does this affect productivity? The solution to this piece of the labor puzzle is to pay market rate, not lowest rate. There are a number of detailed studies that will provide good market rate data. If the temporary agency supplying the labor has to endure cuts in rates, they will have to cut services. Most agencies are forced to use very junior recruiters in order to meet the cost guidelines, with no qualifying of the talent supplied.

If the VMS system is administered by a temp labor agency, the complications increase exponentially.

- The “prime” temp labor agency will often charge the sub-contracting agency a percentage of the sub-agencies’ profits, making it impractical for the subs to continue providing labor. This reduces the amount of IT temp labor available to the client. In fact, some of the sub temp labor agencies will then consider the client to be a resource rather than a client.

- This evolves into a situation where the prime temp labor agency is the sole supplier to the client, with a few small groups working out of their basements with no G&A expenses and no services other than providing resumes (services from quality agencies include QA departments, in-person interviews, background checks, video email of interviews, and skill assessments).

- The prime labor supplier will also often limit access of labor suppliers to project managers. This reduces the effectiveness of the temp labor subcontractor since all information is never included on a written job description – “is this a team environment, or a single person working alone? Is there much travel involved? What is the end client environment like? What are the deadlines? What other skills would be nice to have?” This will increase cost since the hiring manager will end up interviewing candidates who may fit the generic job description but not the true position.



- The prime temp labor supplier will also often hold the job description for several weeks, hoping to fill the position themselves. The sub labor providers therefore know that they are only getting the “extremely difficult” job orders to work on.

So, what has the risks a client company faces with a VMS system?

- Limited access to the job market- High turnover of their workers- Less than satisfactory results from temporary labor- Slowed delivery in realizing benefits from new systems - Loss of key partners who have spent years learning the company and

developing valuable business relationships- Disruption of the labor market supply chain

What’s the solution? How does a company assure quality access to a strong, highly-qualified labor market?

The only way to attack this problem is to locate a good piece of vendor management software and run the system independently of any of the vendors using the system. This will assure equitable treatment for all vendors. Rates will take care of themselves through a process of supply and demand. If you receive 3 resumes, all qualified, with a difference of $10 per hour, there is no reason not to select the lower cost person so long as this person is at market rate.

This would also be the best way to assure that the VMS interfaces with the company financial systems. Where does one begin? The steps in a company’s successful use of a VMS have been itemized below:

1) Keep it Vendor neutral

2) Keep the lines of communications open. This is key!a. Vendors should be able to communicate with client management and

hiring managers.

b. Some of the VMS vendors evolve into mini-dictators. They mandate that vendors cannot communicate with the end client.



c. Quarterly/twice a year vendor summit meetings are important. This will provide valuable input from the vendor community.

2) Allow the cost savings to be a result in improved back office efficiencies instead of using the VMS systems to drive down bill rates to unworkable levels. You get what you pay for!

a. Resist the desire to establish multipliers and/or a rate card. Many of the existing VMS systems were established by administrative staffing companies. They have taken this business model and have tried to make IT and Financial staffing fit within this model. The IT and Financial staffing model is much different and requires more services than the Administrative staffing model.

b. The fee for using the system should be in addition to the bill rate and shouldn’t impact the vendor.

3) Don’t allow the system to overly reward quick submittals and the number of submittals. Finding good people takes time and effort, and typically the best candidate isn’t one of the first submitted. Anything else is just pushing paper.

4) Put Service Level Agreements (SLA’s) in place with the hiring managers. A common impression of VMS’s is that they are nothing but black holes. Resumes are submitted and then feedback is never received. Managers should be required to provide proper feedback within a specified time period. Otherwise recruiters are reluctant to work on these openings.

5) Enter only real and thorough Job Orders.a. They must be funded and ready to be filled.b. Must contain details on what the person will be doing.c. Must contain details on the required skill set and the desired skill set.



d. Must contain rate and duration.e. Must be kept up-to-date. If you think you have enough submittals

then put the position on hold. Close the position once a candidate has been identified.

6) Advertise your success and let the vendors know what happened with a position.a. Let the vendor community know how many positions have been filled

(weekly, monthly, quarterly)b. Let the vendor community know how a position was closed (was it

filled by a vendor, was it filled internally, did the position go away …)

The foregoing comments identify a number of requirements for a successful VMS implementation. Clearly, the implementation of a VMS can present the client company with a number of risks, usually associated with interrupting the company’s supply chain for contingent labor. A successful implementation must be well managed not only during implementation, but on an on-going basis after implementation in order to achieve the milestones detailed above.


The total amount of a good or service available for purchase; along with demand, one of the two key determinants of price


A vendor, or a supplier, is a supply chain management term meaning anyone who provides goods or services to a company. A vendor often manufactures inventorial items, and sells those items to a customer.

The term vendor originally represented property vendors. However, today it means a supplier of any good or service. A vendor, or a supplier, is a supply chain management term that means anyone who provides goods or services to a



company. A vendor often manufactures inventorial items, and sells those items to a customer.

Typically vendors are tracked in either a finance system or a warehouse management. Vendors are often managed with a vendor compliance checklist or vendor quality audits. Purchase order are usually used as a contractual agreement with vendors to buy goods or services.

Vendors may or may not function as distributer of goods. They may or may not function as manufacturer of goods. If vendors are also manufacturers, they will build stock rather than build to order.

Vendor is often a generic term, used for suppliers of industries from retail sales to manufacturers to city organizations. Vendor generally applies only to the immediate vendor, or the organization that is paid for the goods, rather than to the original manufacturer or the organization performing the service if it is different from the immediate or the organization performing the service if it is different from the immediate

Vendor Selection - How to Select a Vendor

The vendor selection process is important no matter how small the part or how simple the service. This page will guide you through the process in order to select the right vendor for your company.

The Successful Vendor Selection Process

The vendor selection process can be a very confusing, complicated and emotional undertaking if you don't know how to approach it from the very start. Here are five straightforward steps to help you select the right vendor for your business.

Step #1: Analyze Business Requirements

The toughest part of the vendor selection process is analyzing the business requirements. This guide will show you how to accomplish this and gain consensus across all the stakeholders before you begin the vendor selection process



Step #2: Vendor Search

The second part of the vendor selection process is to perform a comprehensive vendor search and create a "short list" of vendors to pursue. Done correctly, this will position your business to find the right vendor and create a competitive atmosphere between competing vendors. This guide will show you how.

Step #3: Request for Proposal (RFP) and Request for Quotation (RFQ)

The third part of the vendor selection process is to write a Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request for Quotation (RFQ). A well written RFP or RFQ is the critical success factor in the entire vendor selection process. This guide will show you how to create a document that will detail the needs and expectations of your company.

Step #4: Proposal Evaluation and Vendor Selection

In the vendor selection process, this is the most crucial step of all. Lack of preparation and not paying attention to detail can lead your vendor selection team to recommend the wrong vendor for your company. This guide will help you organize your selection process and lead your team to a unified vendor selection decision.

Step #5: Contract Negotiation Strategies

The final stage in the vendor selection process is developing a contract negotiation strategy. Successful contract negotiation means that both sides will gain from coming to an agreement. This guide will show you how to plan a successful contract negotiation strategy.

Strategies to Strengthen Vendor Relations

Vendor management allows you to build a relationship with your suppliers and service providers that will strengthen both businesses. Vendor management is



not negotiating the lowest price possible. Vendor management is constantly working with your vendors to come to agreements that will mutually benefit both companies.

1. Share Information and Priorities

The most important success factor of vendor management is to share information and priorities with your vendors. That does not mean that you throw open the accounting books and give them user IDs and passwords to your systems. Appropriate vendor management practices provide only the necessary information at the right time that will allow a vendor to better service your needs. This may include limited forecast information, new product launches, changes in design and expansion or relocation changes, just to name a few.

2. Balance Commitment and Competition

One of the goals in vendor management is to gain the commitment of your vendors to assist and support the operations of your business. On-the-other-hand, the vendor is expecting a certain level of commitment from you. This does not mean that you should blindly accept the prices they provide. Always get competitive bids.

3. Allow Key Vendors to Help You Strategize

If a vendor supplies a key part or service to your operation, invite that vendor to strategic meetings that involve the product they work with. Remember, you brought in the vendor because they could make the product or service better and/or cheaper than you could. They are the experts in that area and you can tap into that expertise in order to give you a competitive advantage.



4. Build Partnerships For The Long Term

Vendor management seeks long term relationships over short term gains and marginal cost savings. Constantly changing vendors in order to save a penny here or there will cost more money in the long run and will impact quality. Other benefits of a long term relationship include trust, preferential treatment and access to insider or expert knowledge.

5. Seek to Understand Your Vendor's Business Too

Remember, your vendor is in business to make money too. If you are constantly leaning on them to cut costs, either quality will suffer or they will go out of business. Part of vendor management is to contribute knowledge or resources that may help the vendor better serve you. Asking questions of your vendors will help you understand their side of the business and build a better relationship between the two of you.

6. Negotiate to a Win-Win Agreement

Good vendor management dictates that negotiations are completed in good faith. Look for negotiation points that can help both sides accomplish their goals. A strong-arm negotiation tactic will only work for so long before one party walks away from the deal.

7. Come Together on Value

Vendor management is more than getting the lowest price. Most often the lowest price also brings the lowest quality. Vendor management will focus quality for the money that is paid. In other words: value! You should be willing to pay more in order to receive better quality. If the vendor is serious about the quality they deliver, they won't have a problem specifying the quality details in the contract.






Inventory Definition

Inventory is the total amount of goods and/or materials contained in a store or factory at any given time. Store owners need to know the precise number of items on their shelves and storage areas in order to place orders or control losses. Factory managers need to know how many units of their products are available for customer orders. Restaurants need to order more food based on their current supplies and menu needs. All of these business rely on an inventory count to provide answers.

The word 'inventory' can refer to both the total amount of goods and the act of counting them. Many companies take an inventory of their supplies on a regular basis in order to avoid running out of popular items. Others take an inventory to insure the number of items ordered matches the actual number of items counted physically. Shortages or overages after an inventory can indicate a problem with theft (called 'shrinkage' in retail circles) or inaccurate accounting practices.

Restaurants and other retail businesses which take frequent inventories may use a 'par' system based on the results. The inventory itself may reveal 10 apples, 12 oranges and 8 bananas on the produce shelf, for example. The preferred number of each item is listed on a 'par sheet', a master list of all the items in the restaurant. If the par sheet calls for 20 apples, 15 oranges and 10 bananas, then the manager



knows to place an order for 10 apples, 3 oranges and 2 bananas to reach the par number. This same principle holds true for any other retail business with a number of different product lines.

Companies also take an inventory every quarter in order to generate numbers for financial reports and tax records. Ideally, most companies want to have just enough inventory to meet current orders. Having too many products languishing in a warehouse can make a company look less appealing to investors and potential customers. Quite often a company will offer significant discounts if the inventory numbers are high and sales are low. This is commonly seen in new car dealerships as the manufacturers release the next year's models before the current vehicles on the lot have been sold. Furniture companies may also offer 'inventory reduction sales' in order to clear out their showrooms for newer merchandise

Concept & Importance of Inventory

Inventory is defined as a usable resource which is physical & tangible such as material. The term inventory is comprehensive. Though it is a usable resource, it is idle resource also, unless it is managed efficiently & effectively. Inventory management boils down to maintaining an adequate stock to meet expected demand pattern subject to budgeting considerations. Inventory could be raw material, work – in – progress (WIP), finished products or spare parts & many other indirect materials. Effectiveness of production functions depend to a large extent Annual Demand upon inventory management. Inventory turnover ratio is an index of business Average Inventory performance. Sound management gives a higher inventory turn over ratio.

Inventories have to be procured, stored & carried for a production system, since a situation when they can be instantaneously available is difficult to assume in business environment.

Inventories constitute the largest component of current assets in a production organization. In a manufacturing unit, inability to supply an item from inventory could bring production to halt and could adversely affect the business prospects of the organization. On the other hand excessive inventory added carrying cost may reduce the profit margin. Efficient inventory control can therefore significantly contribute to the overall profit-position of the organization.



"Inventory" to many small business owners is one of the more visible and tangible aspects of doing business. Raw materials, goods in process and finished goods all represent various forms of inventory. Each type represents money

Purpose of inventory management

o how many units to order

o when to order

Nature of Inventory

Two Fundamental Inventory Decisions Terminology of Inventories Independent Demand Inventory Systems Dependent Demand Inventory Systems Inventory Costs

Types of Inventory

Raw materials

Purchased parts and supplies

Work-in-process (partially completed) products (WIP)

Items being transported



Tools and equipment

A physical resource that a firm holds in stock with the intent of selling it or transforming it into a more valuable state.

• Raw Materials

• Works-in-Process

• Finished Goods

Finished Goods

Essential in produce-to-stock positioning strategies Necessary in level aggregate capacity plans Products can be displayed to customers


Necessary in process-focused production May reduce material-handling & production costs

Raw Material

Suppliers may produce/ship materials in batches Quantity discounts and freight/handling $$ savings

Reasons for Inventories



Improve customer service

Economies of purchasing

Economies of production

Transportation savings

Hedge against future

Unplanned shocks (labor strikes, natural disasters, surges in demand, etc.)

To maintain independence of supply chain

Inventory and Value

Remember this?





Nature of Inventory: Adding Value through Inventory

Quality - inventory can be a “buffer” against poor quality; conversely, low inventory levels may force high quality

Speed - location of inventory has gigantic effect on speed

Flexibility - location, level of anticipatory inventory both have effects

Cost - direct: purchasing, delivery, manufacturing



indirect: holding, stockout.

HR systems may promote this-3 year postings

Nature of Inventory:

Functional Roles of Inventory






Lot Sizing or Cycle

Why We Do Not Want to Hold Inventories

Certain costs increase such as

carrying costs cost of customer responsiveness cost of coordinating production cost of diluted return on investment reduced-capacity costs large-lot quality cost cost of production problems

Two Fundamental Inventory Decisions



How much to order of each material when orders are placed with either outside suppliers or production departments within organizations

When to place the orders

Inventory Costs

Carrying cost

cost of holding an item in inventory

Ordering cost

cost of replenishing inventory

Shortage cost

temporary or permanent loss of sales when demand cannot be met

Inventory Control Systems

Continuous system (fixed-order-quantity)

constant amount ordered when inventory declines to predetermined level



Periodic system (fixed-time-period)

order placed for variable amount after fixed passage of time

Inventory-A physical resource that a firm holds in stock with the intent of selling it or transforming it into a more valuable state.

Inventory System- A set of policies and controls that monitors levels of inventory and determines what levels should be maintained, when stock should be replenished, and how large orders should be

Inventory Management must be designed to meet the dictates of market place and support the company’s Strategic Plan . The many changes in the market demand , new opportunities due to worldwide marketing , global sourcing of materials and new manufacturing technology means many companies need to change their Inventory Management approach and change the process for Inventory Control .

Inventory Management system provides information to efficiently manage the flow of materials , effectively utilize people and equipment , coordinate internal activities and communicate with customers . Inventory Management does not make decisions or manage operations, they provide the information to managers who make more accurate and timely decisions to manage their operations.

INVENTORY is defined as the blocked Working Capital of an organization in the form of materials . As this is the blocked Working Capital of organization, ideally it should be zero. But we are maintaining Inventory . This Inventory is maintained to take care of fluctuations in demand and lead time. In some cases it is maintained to take care of increasing price tendency of commodities or rebate in bulk buying.

Traditional Supply Chain solutions such as Materials Requirement Planning ,



Inventory Control , typically focuses on implementing more rapid and efficient systems to reduce the cost of communicating information between and across the Inventory links in the SCM.COM focuses in optimizing the total investment of materials cost and workload for every Inventory item throughout the chain from procurement of raw materials to finished goods Inventory . Optimization means providing a balance of supply to meet the demand at a minimum total cost , Inventory level and workload to meet customers service goal for each items in the link of Inventory Chain .

It is strategic in the sense that top management sets goals . These include deployment strategies ( Push versus Pull ) , control policies , the determination of the optimal levels of order quantities and reorder points and setting safety stock levels . These levels are critical , since they are primary determinants of customer service levels.

Keeping in view all concerns , the latest concept of Vendor Managed Inventory is used to optimize the Inventory . We are entering into Vendor Managed Inventory , Annual Rate Contracts with manufacturers or their authorized dealers , who maintain Inventory on our behalf and supply the items as and when required .

VMI reduces stock-outs and optimize inventory in supply chain . Some features of VMI include :

• Shortening of Supply Chain• Centralized Forecasting• Frequent communication of inventory, stock-outs and planned promotions• Trucks are filled in a prioritized order , e.g. items that are expected to stock out have top priority then items that are furthest below targeted stock levels then advance shipments of promotional items

Despite the many changes that companies go through, the basic principles of Inventory Management and Inventory Control remain the same. Some of the new approaches and techniques are wrapped in new terminology, but the underlying principles for accomplishing good Inventory Management and Inventory activities



have not changed.

The Inventory Management system and the Inventory Control Process provides information to efficiently manage the flow of materials, effectively utilize people and equipment, coordinate internal activities, and communicate with customers. Inventory Management and the activities of Inventory Control do not make decisions or manage operations; they provide the information to Managers who make more accurate and timely decisions to manage their operations.

Inventory management is primarily about specifying the size and placement of stocked goods. Inventory management is required at different locations within a facility or within multiple locations of a supply network to protect the regular and planned course of production against the random disturbance of running out of materials or goods. The scope of inventory management also concerns the fine lines between replenishment lead time, carrying costs of inventory, asset management, inventory forecasting, inventory valuation, inventory visibility, future inventory price forecasting, physical inventory, available physical space for inventory, quality management, replenishment, returns and defective goods and demand forecasting.

Other definitions of inventory management from across the web:

Involves a retailer seeking to acquire and maintain a proper merchandise assortment while ordering, shipping, handling, and related costs are kept in check.

Systems and processes that identify inventory requirements, set targets, provide replenishment techniques and report actual and projected inventory status.

Handles all functions related to the tracking and management of material. This would include the monitoring of material moved into and out of stockroom locations and the reconciling of the inventory balances. Also may include ABC analysis, lot tracking, cycle counting support etc.

Management of the inventories, with the primary objective of determining.controlling stock levels within the physical distribution function to balance the need for product availability against the need for minimizing stock holding and handling costs.



In business management, inventory consists of a list of goods and materials held available in stock.

An inventory can also be a self examination, a moral inventory.

INVENTORY MANAGEMENT must tie together the following objectives ,to ensure that there is continuity between functions :

• Company’s Strategic Goals• Sales Forecasting • Sales & Operations Planning• Production & Materials Requirement Planning.

Functions that Inventory Performs

In any organization, inventories add an operating flexibility. Work-in-progress inventories are a must for any production unit. Functions that are performed by inventories are summarized as under: -

(a) Regular demand & supply – Stocking of raw material for future anticipated consumption, more so to cater for the time period when supply may become lean or non-existence is imperative. This is mostly applicable for agricultural products which are available during harvest season. Sugarcane, tobacco, rice industries or coal, metal ores which can not be easily mined during rainy seasons etc. are some of the example.

(b) Economising purchases – If the product does not have sufficient demand to sustain continuous production round the year, it is usually produced in batches or lots, on intermittent basis. Inventory of raw material is created accordingly. During the time when production is not taking place, sales are made from the inventory of ready items which is accumulated while the production is on.

(c) Allowing organizations to cope with perishable material - Organizations selling canned & bottled food materials, especially fruits &



vegetables, operate at peak production capacity only for a few months each year. They must procure adequate raw material during production season & in turn create so mush ready stock so as to last them till such time next production season starts.

(d) Inventory can store labour - This is primarily continuing with production through out the year & create sufficient inventory of ready material to cater for peak anticipated demand in season of maximum purchases by customers. This is applicable in case of seasonal clothing, electrical appliances etc.


• Help reduce purchasing and inventory costs. Connect inventory control, purchasing, and sales order processing with demand planning and help reduce costs, improve cash flow, and help ensure that you have the right stock available when you need it.

• Gain visibility into inventory processes. Effectively balance availability with demand and trackitems and their possible expiration dates throughout the supply chain to help minimize on-hand inventory, optimize replenishment, and increase warehouse efficiency.

• Improve customer satisfaction. Make more accurate order promises and intelligent last-minute exceptions with access to up-to-date inventory information. Respond quickly and knowledgably to customer queries for improved customer service.

• Reduce time to market. With integrated order, inventory, and distribution processes, as well as item tracking capabilities, your business can reduce manual data entry and get your goods to market fast.



Vendor-managed inventory (VMI)

Vendor-managed inventory (VMI) is a family of business models in which the buyer of a product provides certain information to a supplier of that product and the supplier takes full responsibility for maintaining an agreed inventory of the material, usually at the buyer's consumption location (usually a store). A third party logistics provider can also be involved to make sure that the buyer has the required level of inventory by adjusting the demand and supply gaps.

As a symbiotic relationship, VMI makes it less likely that a business will unintentionally become out of stock of a good and reduces inventory in the supply chain. Furthermore, vendor (supplier) representatives in a store benefit the vendor by ensuring the product is properly displayed and store staff are familiar with the features of the product line, all the while helping to clean and organize their product lines for the store.

One of the keys to making VMI work is shared risk. Often if the inventory does not sell, the vendor (supplier) will repurchase the product from the buyer (retailer). In other cases, the product may be in the possession of the retailer but is not owned by the retailer until the sale takes place, meaning that the retailer simply houses (and assists with the sale of) the product in exchange for a predetermined commission or profit. A special form of this commission business is scan-based trading whereas VMI is usually applied but not mandatory to be used.

This is one of the successful business models used by Wal-Mart and many other big box retailers. Oil companies often use technology to manage the gasoline inventories at the service stations that they supply (see Petrolsoft Corporation).Home Depot uses the technique with larger suppliers of manufactured goods (ie. Moen, Delta, RIDGID, Paulin). VMI helps foster a closer understanding between the supplier and manufacturer by using Electronic Data Interchange formats, EDI software and statistical methodologies to forecast and maintain correct inventory in the supply chain.

Vendors benefit from more control of displays and more contact to impart knowledge on employees; retailers benefit from reduced risk, better store staff knowledge (which builds brand loyalty for both the vendor and the retailer), and reduced display maintenance outlays



Consumers benefit from knowledgeable store staff who are in frequent and familiar contact with manufacturer (vendor) representatives when parts or service are required, store staff with good knowledge of most product lines offered by the entire range of vendors and therefore the ability to help the customer choose amongst competing products for items most suited to them, manufacturer-direct selection and service support being offered by the store

Successful Inventory Management

Successful inventory management involves balancing the costs of inventory with the benefits of inventory. Many small business owners fail to appreciate fully the true costs of carrying inventory, which include not only direct costs of storage, insurance and taxes, but also the cost of money tied up in inventory. This fine line between keeping too much inventory and not enough is not the manager's only concern. Others include:

Maintaining a wide assortment of stock -- but not spreading the rapidly moving ones too thin;

Increasing inventory turnover -- but not sacrificing the service level;

Keeping stock low -- but not sacrificing service or performance.

Obtaining lower prices by making volume purchases -- but not ending up with slow-moving inventory; and



Having an adequate inventory on hand -- but not getting caught with obsolete items.

The degree of success in addressing these concerns is easier to gauge for some than for others. For example, computing the inventory turnover ratio is a simple measure of managerial performance. This value gives a rough guideline by which managers can set goals and evaluate performance, but it must be realized that the turnover rate varies with the function of inventory, the type of business and how the ratio is calculated (whether on sales or cost of goods sold). Average inventory turnover ratios for individual industries can be obtained from trade associations.


To maintain an in-stock position of wanted items and to dispose of unwanted items, it is necessary to establish adequate controls over inventory on order and inventory in stock. There are several proven methods for inventory control. They are listed below, from simplest to most complex.

! Visual control enables the manager to examine the inventory visually to determine if additional inventory is required. In very small businesses where this method is used, records may not be needed at all or only for slow moving or expensive items.

! Tickler control enables the manager to physically count a small portion of the inventory each day so that each segment of the inventory is counted every so many days on a regular basis.

! Click sheet control enables the manager to record the item as it is used on a sheet of paper. Such information is then used for reorder purposes.



! Stub control (used by retailers) enables the manager to retain a portion of the price ticket when the item is sold. The manager can then use the stub to record the item that was sold.

As a business grows, it may find a need for a more sophisticated and

technical form of inventory control. Today, the use of computer systems to control inventory is far more feasible for small business than ever before, both through the widespread existence of computer service organizations and the decreasing cost of small-sized computers. Often the justification for such a computer-based system is enhanced by the fact that company accounting and billing procedures can also be handled on the computer.

! Point-of-sale terminals relay information on each item used or sold. The manager receives information printouts at regular intervals for review and action.

! Off-line point-of-sale terminals relay information directly to the supplier's computer who uses the information to ship additional items automatically to the buyer/inventory manager.

The final method for inventory control is done by an outside agency. A manufacturer's representative visits the large retailer on a scheduled basis, takes the stock count and writes the reorder. Unwanted merchandise is removed from stock and returned to the manufacturer through a predetermined, authorized procedure.

Developments In Inventory Management

In recent years, two approaches have had a major impact on inventory management: Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and Just-In-Time (JIT and Kanban). Their application is primarily within manufacturing but suppliers might find new requirements placed on them and sometimes buyers of manufactured items will experience a difference in delivery.

Material requirements planning is basically an information system in which sales are converted directly into loads on the facility by sub-unit and time period. Materials are scheduled more closely, thereby reducing inventories, and delivery times become shorter and more predictable. Its primary use is



with products composed of many components. MRP systems are practical for smaller firms. The computer system is only one part of the total project which is usually long-term, taking one to three years to develop.

Just-in-time inventory management is an approach which works to eliminate inventories rather than optimize them. The inventory of raw materials and work-in-process falls to that needed in a single day. This is accomplished by reducing set-up times and lead times so that small lots may be ordered. Suppliers may have to make several deliveries a day or move close to the user plants to support this plan.


At time of delivery

Verify count -- Make sure you are receiving as many cartons as are listed on the delivery receipt.

Carefully examine each carton for visible damage -- If damage is visible, note it on the delivery receipt and have the driver sign your copy.

After delivery, immediately open all cartons and inspect for merchandise damage.

When damage is discovered

Retain damaged items -- All damaged materials must be held at the point received.

Call carrier to report damage and request inspection.



Confirm call in writing--This is not mandatory but it is one way to protect yourself.

Carrier inspection of damaged items

Have all damaged items in the receiving area -- Make certain the damaged items have not moved from the receiving area prior to inspection by carrier.

After carrier/inspector prepares damage report, carefully read before signing.

After inspection

Inventory Costs

There are four types of costs those are considered while calculating inventory size:

(a) Holding (carrying) cost – This relates to those costs which are incurred to carry the inventory items in stock for a period of time. It is expressed as a %age of rupee value per unit of time. An annual holding cost of 15% will mean that it will cost Rs. 15 to hold Rs. 100 of inventory for a year. This broadly includes costs for storage, handling, insurance, pilferage, breakage, obsolescence, depreciation, taxes etc. & the opportunity cost of capital. When items are carried in the inventory, the capital is tied up & is not free to be invested in other things – a case of foregone opportunity for other investments.

(b) Set up (production charge) – Production of different kinds of products require procurement of necessary material, arrangement of specific equipment set up, filing of required papers, charging time for material & moving out previous stock of material.



When set up costs are heavy, there is economy in having large runs. Set up time can be reduced by changes in production system & the product. Though set cost is considered fixed, it can be changed by changing the design & management of operations. When there is no cost in changing from product to product, smaller lots are feasible, thus reducing inventory costs

(c) Ordering cost – These are costs associated with the placement of an order. This cost practically remains same, irrespective of the item ordered. These costs include clerical cost or making an order, expediting it, tracking it, receiving & the cost of transportation. Transportation cost, tracking the order are also ordering cost.

(d) Stock out costs – There is an economic cost when a firm runs out of stock. If customer has to wait for an item, there is loss of instant & future business. It is an opportunity loss as well. When an item is not in stock, it can not be sold to customer till such time stock is replenished. There is a trade off between carrying cost to satisfy customer demand & costs resulting from loss of business form customers.




The Need of Technology Advancement in medical Billing Software

The efficient operation / management of a crowded Chemist Shop which is dealing with a huge number of prescriptions, depends on the factors like the number of efficient staffs to handle the customers or the implementation of the appropriate software technology. MARG conducted a survey across the Indian Cities by its Senior Doctors & Chemists as a first step of preparing the software. According to the survey their priorities are:

Rapid Speed Billing & Best Crowd Handling / Rush Hour Handling Dump Stock Handling Report on Fast Moving Items & Slow Moving Items Report on Fruitful Investment on the Products Expiry Item Handling Who is Best Supplier? Best Cash Handling Best Prescription Handling Substitute Medicines Monitoring the Cash Handling & Stock Handling 24 x 7 After Sales Service



Maharashtra State Druggists and Chemists Association Objectives

The Objects for which the association is established are :

To aid and develop pharmaceutical education in all its branches and to co-ordinate the functioning of all the district associations of Chemists & Druggists in Maharashtra.

To Promote the scientific study of all branches of drug trade industry and allied trades and with a view there to establish, maintain or help in the establishment or maintenance of medical and pharmaceutical organizations, laboratories, research arrangements, seminars refresher courses and also foundation and endowment of studentships or scholarships and to take over the management of such associations formed for similar objective.

To encourage and assist the drug trade, industry & allied trades in the diffusion of useful knowledge by arrangement and provision of rooms holding of exhibitions, meetings and conferences, lectures, printing and publishing of news paper, periodicals, journals, bulletins, leaflets, books, publishing house circulars etc.



To collect and circulate statistics and all other such information relating to the drug trade industry and allied trades.

To establish and maintain or to help in the establishment or maintenance of libraries and reading rooms for general use of the members of the association and all those engaged in the drug trade, industry and allied trades.

To take necessary steps to safeguard the interest of the public in all possible ways particularly against misbranded, sub-standard or spurious drugs and medicines or help in the undertaking of legal action in such matter singly or in co-operation with promote and protect the interests of drug trade and allied lines in Maharashtra and of persons engaged therein.

To promote the development of pharmaceutical trade.To elect or nominate representatives to legislatures, public or private bodies, committees etc.

To subscribe to or become member of and co-operate with or amalgamate either wholly or partially with All India Association of Pharmaceutical and/or allied trade, wiz (AIOCD) whether incorporated or in part similar to those of this association or to help them financially.

To alter, extend or abridge any of the purposes mentioned in the memorandum accept any other purposes as may think fit by the association.

To develop and maintain friendly relations amongst its members and all persons engaged in the pharmaceutical trade and allied trades and profession and also government medical, mercantile or other public or private bodies individuals.

To maintain and establish uniformity in rules, regulations usages of the trade and the profession.

To undertake or help in undertaking propaganda or publicity work in any part in any way on behalf of the trade and also all merchandise, singly or along with others.

To form or constitute or take over any "chain of medical stores" or any pharmaceutical marketing unit or co-operative trading and marketing society.



To acquire or purchase or buy exclusive marketing rights or marketing rights of any pharmaceutical or healthcare product or products. (new additions)

o In order to achieve the above objects 'the association' shall have the following powers.

o To acquire, purchase, lease, hire or otherwise, lands, buildings, and other property movable or immovable to construct, maintain or alter any house, buildings or lands or works necessary for the purpose of the association as it might think necessary from time to time.

o To accept request, gifts, donations and subscriptions or provide funds or endowment for the benefit of 'the association' or for any specific purpose as it might think fit.

o To sell, let out, improve, develop, exchange, lease, mortgage or dispose off or turn to account otherwise deal in or with property of 'the association'.

o To invest all monies not immediately required for the purposes of its business upon such securities or in such manner as may from time to time and to make donations as and when think fit by it.

To organize extensive lectures, seminars, refresher courses by eminent persons in the field of medicines, pharmacy and allied subjects and specialized ailment diagnosis methods.

To organize suitable medical relief in areas affected by malnutrition epidemics and other natural calamities. (Tours for omitted)

o To borrow or raise money required for the purpose of 'the association' upon such terms and in such manner and on such securities as may be determined.

o To make, accept, endorse, execute issue and negotiate promissory notes, bills of exchange debentures and other negotiable instruments.

o To raise money by subscription or otherwise and to grant right and privileges to the members.

o To do all such other acts, as may be conducive to the objects stated in the memorandum or to any one of them.



Existing System in the Market

Dava Plus


Quick Soft




Dava Plus Overview

DavaPlus software is a comprehensive solution designed to automate the activities of Medical/Pharmaceutical Retailers, Distributors and C F Agents. DavaPlus has the Capability to administer the total enterprise and efficiency and manage information. It is designed with an easy-to-use user interface. DavaPlus is an automated system for any large/medium Pharmaceutical Retailers, Distributors and C F Agents. It covers Complete Customer Management, Inventory Reporting, Cashier with integrated accounts, Product database etc. Thus this software is a Complete MIS tool for pharmaceutical business management/medical stores-shops management/pharmacy management/retail chemists & druggists management.



DavaPlus is developed in state of art technology. Listed are few of the functionalities that DavaPlus caters to:

Daily business functions are made easy. Purchase, Sales, Cash receipts/payments, Cheque receipts/payments.

Stock, sales, Inventory and MIS Reports using crystal reports.

Information list views for faster data location.

Multi-user and Internet enabled, Comprehensive reporting.

Easy-to-use User friendly Graphical user interface.

Stringent data security and easy recovery in case of a system failure.

On line help has been provided for each and every screen.

Faster accessing, accuracy, more efficiency, more security.

Better service to customer Enhanced administration and control.

Cost control and improved profitability.

VAT Compatible software.

Technical Overview...

DavaPlus along with DavaNet is a product suite that caters to the need of Pharma supply chain management.DavaPlus, developed in Microsoft Visual BasicWhy Microsoft Visual Basic?

There are quite a number of reasons:

VB is not only a language but also primarily an integrated, interactive development environment ("IDE")

The VB-IDE has been highly optimized to support rapid application development ("RAD"). It is particularly easy to develop graphical user interfaces and to connect them to handler functions provided by the application.



The graphical user interface of the VB-IDE provides intuitively appealing views for the management of the program structure in the large and the various types of entities (classes, modules, procedures, forms...).

VB provides a comprehensive interactive and context-sensitive online help system.

When editing program texts the "IntelliSense" technology informs you in a little popup window about the types of constructs that may be entered at the current cursor location.

VB is a component integration language, which is attuned to Microsoft's Component Object Model ("COM").

COM components can be written in different languages and then integrated using VB.

Interfaces of COM components can be easily called remotely via Distributed COM ("DCOM"), which makes it easy to construct distributed applications.

COM components can be embedded in / linked to your application's user interface and also in/to stored documents (Object Linking and Embedding "OLE", "Compound Documents”).

DavaPlus’s backbone is the very powerful SQL database. We utilize SQL Server 2000, which supports hundreds and thousands of users or tens of gigabytes of data. It also offers enterprise class reliability along with dynamic backup and restore. It is the most popular relational database on Microsoft Windows. It also has significant new security enhancements, by not only offering the highest level of security available in the industry, but by also making it much easier to achieve that level.According to Microsoft, “SQL Server 2000 can give you over one million transactions”

DavaPlus also supports Microsoft Access database as back-end, which is very handy for single-user or a small-scale user.

DavaPlus incorporates Crystal Reports, an industry standard, that changes the way you interact with your data. We have standard reports with unique criteria for analysis and decision-making. Each report highlights the key components of your business data and provides you with a bird’s eye view



of the direction your business is heading. Reports are broken in to parts of your business, such as List, Sales, Purchase, Stocks, Accounts and Final Accounts reports so it's easy for you to grab the report you need. Crystal Reports provides more data connectivity and control options. You can integrate Crystal Reports with your B2B or B2C applications via XML access or export. You can also process reports faster and use network resources more efficiently since Crystal Reports uses multi-threaded report processing capabilities. DavaPlus users have the opportunity to export reports formatted the way they want. Export reports to popular formats, including:· XML · PDF · Excel · Word · RTF Our ReportManager uses your inventory’s data to create reports. One easy glance shows you how much stock is currently on customer orders, on vendor orders and the stock in hand to sale. The Sales Reports of Customer and Products give you a strong business tool to further evaluate your business processes and increase sales. Easily set the criteria for each report generation. DavaPlus has reports that give you an in depth view of your inventory, that assist you in the analysis of the data from your returns department, alert you about product re-order levels, organize your customer price lists and much more. A complete breakdown of you data enhances your business’s capability in understanding the data flow.

DavaPlus also uses XML technology.The use of XML—an open standard managed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)—removes barriers to data sharing and software integration. XML makes it easy to exchange data, and our design technology enables us to customize DavaPlus functionality by little changes in these XML files. Though an external entity, these supporting XML files form the basic support for DavaPlus.

System Requirements...

DavaPlus is a desktop application, which means if you the following hardware and software set onto your desktop or laptop then you will be able to use DavaPlus. Following is the list hardware and software that we recommend for you



to use DavaPlus efficiently:Pentium IV 1GHz with at least 256MB of RAMCD-ROM with 32-bit driverThe Regional Settings in the control panel, the short date format should be set to DD/MM/YY formatWindows 98* SE, ME, 2000, 2003 or XPAt least 256 color SVGA videoMinimum 800x600 resolution with normal fonts of 96 dpiAny DMP printer, which supports draft mode printingMultiple-user version, Network required



Medical Shop Management Software(Quick soft)

Over the years, you have been running retail business very successfully. The art of retail management is not new to you, it is only the different way we look at it. The following compelling facts will give you the missing dimension perhaps worth giving attention to.

1. The Overall volume of your business has grown exponentially. The items and the suppliers you have been dealing have grown in numbers. Day by day it is becoming increasingly difficult to manage it with the current method of running business.

2. All your business partners have joined the technology bandwagon and they have changed their style of business. Even your customers are demanding the speed with which you need to respond and deliver. Tomorrow they will expect you to take orders on web and so on.

3. The use of Computers, Bar Code readers/printers/scanner enabled software will only simplify your business needs and will help you sustain your current leadership status.

4. Quicksoft Art-RM lets you computerized from day one without delay of keying in Bulky data and moreover you don’t need to use separate software for accounting and inventory purposes,making it a perfect point-of-sale solution

Key Features at a Glance:1) Simple & Intuitive

2) Automated Entry: You need not bother about which account has to be debited or credited since the system automatically takes care of :

a) Debit & Credit Voucher b) Journal Voucher(VJ) c) TDS Voucher d) Contra Entries & Transfer Voucher e) Sales & Purchase f) Debit Note &Credit Note

Also you need not worry about Accounting codes / Serial no of voucher etc. since the system auto-generates the same.

3) No Limits:



The software enables you to work on multiple companies with a provision of accounting for:

a) Multiple Location b) Multiple Batches c) Multiple Godown Per Location d) Multiple Barcode handling e) Multiple Units of Measurement f) Attend Multiple Customers/Invoices

4) Day Books:

The system does online posting to respective account and thereby provides upto date Accounts Receivable/Accounts Payable and Trial Balance every time.

5) Inventory:a) Barcoding of your products in user defined format.Allows you to scan barcode of

different type(i.e. system generated,mrf. Barcode,product code etc.) and lets you save on barcode printing for the products having manufacturer barcode.

b) Stock Ledger c) Stock movement statement: Online stock information of selected products for

chosen warehouse and UOM. Lets you Track Inter Warehouse Stock Movement d) Warehouse Management : Allows user to sale products for multiple Godown and

Auto Transfer goods from one warehouse to another. e) Online stock status with P.O generation to preferred vendor for multiple items f) Batch Management: The system takes care of different prices,expiry,barcode for

different batches.You always get up-to-date stock for different items with different batches and their units of measurement lying at different shelf in different warehouses.

g) Expiry Management: The system lets user enter the manufacturing and expiry date for the product during entry of opening stock,stock-in(delivery challen/GAN/GIRN) and sales transaction. The system also gives report showing the list of products expiring after a specified no. of days. The system also doesn't allow to sale the products already expired.

h) Sale in loose: The system allows to sale the products in loose form by automatically converting product to least selling units of measurement. In the sales invoice form, the stock avaliable in different UOM can be seen by toggling for different UOMs.

i) Stock Taking :Allow you to tally your physical stock with computer stock and



lets you update your purchase/sale/stock data,intelligently and with ease.

6) Customer Relationship Management:

a) The software helps you to maintain customer master with personal details of the customer.

b) Customer Analysis(their buying patterns) c) Keep in touch with the customer's by wishing them on their important

dates,sending regular news letters etc. d) Allows you to take orders on phone/through email.

7) Future Ready:

The system is barcode enabled,thereby allowing you to recall all your products with speed and ease.It has an inbuilt browser for surfing.It supports many other input/output devices.

8) User Interfacea) Very Easy to Use b) Soothing Graphical User Interface with Context Sensitive Help c) Totally Menu Driven, with Keyboard Shortcuts for frequently used forms d) Multi-User e) Allows you to buy in bulk & sell in loose f) All reports for specified period selected using calender g) Simplified Edit / Delete using Mouse Right Button h) Data view in tabular form to check the correctness of entries made h) Zoom to Voucher Direct from Trial Balance just by Double clicking the mouse

button i) Users manual with Online Support and email support j) Updates available from website k) Internet Surfing / Email / FTP from within the accounting software

9) Data Managementa) Data Import and Export Facility b) Excellent Data Managementc) Simplified data back-up,auto back-up on daily basis. d) Send / Receive Data of your branches spread across the Country e) User level/Form level screen access for improved security f) Scalable:available with MS-SQL Version

10) Reports



a) Excellent quality of output for Reports b) All frequently used reports at the click of a button c) All reports can be previewed, printed, exported to Excel/Word etc.,or can be

faxed or emailed d) On Line Trial Balance and Balance sheet at the click of a button e) On-line & Batch mode voucher & cheque printing f) Bank Reconciliation report as per the book keeping rules g) DOS/Fast Printing for Voucher, Invoice printing is available h) Invoices at lightening speed. Also gives you the comfort of managing multiple i) customers by allowing you to work on multiple invoices at the same time. j) Multiple Printer selection from the network k) Group Consolidation



About MARG Chemist Software

Only MARG Chemist Software which is designed to handle every needs of a Chemist Shop / Pharmacy in most efficient way. MARG Medical Billing Software, specially designed for the Chemist Shops, was launched in the market during 2000 (after obtaining quality certification from the Panel of Senior Chemists & Doctors after thoroughly assessing the software) Since then MARG Chemist Software is committed to provide the best supporting system for the Pharmacy / Chemist Business upgrading itself from time to time according to the market needs. MARG is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company since 1993. As a result of tireless teamwork, MARG Medical Billing Software achieved the clientele of more than 25000 The incomparable After Sales Service and Training Support is the key behind its success

Benefits of MARG Chemist Software

a) Complete Medical Inventory & Accounting Managementb) Control on Pilferage, Stocks, Expiry & Claimsc) Easy & Fast Medicine billing with Accuracyd) Cross check of Purchase Rates, Disc. Deal & Coste) Online Sales Tax/NDPS/Drug Reportingf) Effective Purchase Management to reduce costingg) Regular Patient Prescriptions & Remindersh) Auto Order generation & Best suppliers planningi) Auto Purchase feeding from Email/CD/Pending Orderj) Substitute/Salt/Location wise searchk) Zero Percent chance of Manual Mistakel) Best Relations with Patient & Doctorsm) Customers Satisfaction & Business Improvementn) Integrated Accounting "PAPERLESS CHEMIST SHOP

Allied Overview



Allied Softech Pvt Ltd is a software development house located in Pune, India. Founded in 1997, The company provides software products for various industries. We are specialized in providing software products to Pharmaceutical Trading industry, among others.

We believe that great products come from talented and motivated teams. And motivated teams are born, and can be nurtured in an environment conducive to learning and capability building.

This is precisely why we focus our energies towards providing our teams with abundant opportunities to enhance their technological skills and acquire deeper knowledge and greater expertise.

With our range of professional development tools and a large library of up-to-date resources, oursteams have a wealth of knowledge at their disposal.

Powered by superior technological skills acquired in a world-class learning environment, it is only natural that our teams develop leading-edge products.

o) Excellence

A technology-driven company, committed to delivering value to customers. We achieve our goals through innovation and by consistently improving efficiency.

The future of our company depends squarely on the knowledge, imagination, skills, teamwork and sincerity of our employees. We value these qualities most highly.

We are committed to the highest standards of ethics and integrity.

We assure Quality. Quality of Products, Quality of Relationships, Quality of our Promises, Quality of Services and Quality of Communications.

p) "Sound people + Cutting edge Technology = Quality Product"q)

Excellent track record of on-time delivery of high-quality software.

Product Development Attitude and Culture - We effectively combine our



technological skills and deep domain knowledge to build cost-effective solutions with a shorter lead-time.

Our sharp understanding of business process empowers us to build work engagement models that deliver real and tangible value especially in Pharmaceutical industry.

Having been in the technology field for many years, it goes without saying that our teams possess a sharp understanding and in-depth knowledge of numerous technological areas including Databases & Web Services.

After analyzing your specific requirements, our professionals leverage their expertise to design and develop customized, sure-success solutions that maximize benefits and reduce costs.                                                                                                                      Experience

Being into software development business for so many years, we have expertise in all major and modern technologies used today.

We have been working for pharmaceutical softwares for many years now. Due to deep knowledge of pharmaceutical trading market, it's no wonder that we are the leaders in this market.

We have experience of developing softwares in Hotel, Motel, Restaurant, Lodge and Bar industry and we are the only company, which offers a unique and modular product for this industry.

Our experience in providing softwares with complete Financial & Accounting features makes us the leader in this kind of software applications.                                                                                                                      Vision



Allied has set a vision to become a premier software company providing world leadership in software solutions, to be the preferred, trusted and successful long-term partner to our clients, associates and our employees.

For this to happen we will stay viable and relevant through practical innovation and a continuous focus on efficient and consistent execution.

We will strive to attain a leadership position in the markets we choose to serve by creating innovative and differentiated IT and IT enabled solutions that are delivered with impeccable quality.






Analysis of Data Collected

After collecting data with the help of questionnaire, the data is analyzed. The data is analyzed in order to determine following point

1. Chemist store using automated and Non automated System.2. Chemist Store use to track expiry medicine with help of automated system.3. No. of firm satisfied with the current automated system.4. Frequency of order placed to vendor by the firm.5. Various criteria for selecting vendors.6. Percentage of return on expiry Medicine by vendor to the firm.



Criteria For Selecting Vendor’s



Medical Store using Automated System

Vertical axis=No. of Firms



Percentage of Return on Expiry Medicine by Vendor



Frequency of order placed to Vendor

Horizontal axis=No. of shopsVertical axis=Frequency



No. of Firms Satisfied with the Current Automated System



Tracking of Expiry Date with the help of Automated System










Drawbacks of Existing System

Data Entry problem.

No pop-up window is shown for expiry medicine/short medicine in main window.

No option for banned/un-prescribed medicine.

No concentrated information at one place.

No information about vendor performance metrics(i.e delivery time, discount, availability).

No option for analysis of sell/purchased medicine on yearly/monthly/weekly basis.

No segmentation of medicine in software according to molecules.




• 61% of the firm select Vendors on the basis of discount Percentage.

• 10% of the firm has left using automated system because of data entry problem.

• Orders are placed daily mostly by all the firms.

• Mostly all medical store is associated with approximately 35-45 vendors.

• 35% of chemist store do not track expiry medicine with the help of automated system because they feel more convenient in tracking expiry medicine manually rather than maintaining data for expiry date .

• 51% of vendor are giving 70-80% percent of return in expiry medicine

• Almost all medical store segment there inventory in alphabetical order.



Conclusion & Suggestion

• Existing system are lacking behind in decision making. Various software developer company should concentrate on adding this feature in the software specially for vendor performance metric so that it could guide chemist for placing order to particular vendor.

• Existing System are having no information about Molecule segmentation and banned/un-prescribed medicine.





Time in: Date

Time out:

1) Personal Details a) Name of Concerned person:-

……………………………………………………………………………………..b) Designation of Concerned Person:-

…………………………………………………………………………….c) Your Qualification:-


d) Name of Firm:-……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

e) Address of Firm:-……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

f) Contact No.:-………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

g) E-Mail/Website (if any):-…………………………………………………………………………………………….

2) How long you are in this Business?a) 1-3 years b) 4-9 years c) 10-15 years d) >15 years

3) What is your annual turnover?a) 1-10 lakhs b) 11- 25 lakhs c) 26-50 lakhs d) >50 lakhs

4) Do you calculate annual/monthly growth rate or not? If yes pls mention…..................5) Are you having PC in your firm? If yes then how

many………………………………………………6) Do you maintain data for your inventories/vendors? If yes how

a) Manually (Maintain Register) b) Software(Pls Mention)…………………………………



7) What is the expenditure of current system (for inventory/vendor)?a) If software then pls mention installation and maintenance cost monthly/yearly


b) If manually then what is the expenditure in maintaining data for inventory…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………..

8) Are you satisfied with your current system or not?a) Yes(Mention Reason):-


b) No(Mention Reason):-………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

9) Does your current system provide you with vendor performance metrics or not?a) Yes b) No

10) What type of reports are generated from current system? ..........................................11) Are they willing to pay more for new software which will help in managing their

inventories/vendors?a) Yes b) No

12) Is your vendor directly associated with manufacturer or not?a) Yes b) No c) Some and Some are not…………..

13) Do you keep track of offers/discounts provided by your vendor?a) Yes b) No

14) How frequent order is placed?a)Daily b) Alternate c) Weekly d) Monthly

15) What are the criteria’s in which you choose to place an order to particular vendor?…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... ………

16) Vendor provides how much time for returning expiry medicine? How much percent return on it?a) Percentage:-


b) Time:-………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

17) Are cutting are return or accepted by dealer after expiry?a) Yes b) No







3) )



Books and Papers

1) Material Management by K.Shridhar Bhat

2) Total Quality Management by S.K.Mandal






A. Assessment of Project Report

<Name of External Examiner>, has assessed the Project Report, on < / / >.

The project report is awarded < ____ > marks out of 280

Signature of Assessor ____________________.

B. Assessment of Project Presentation

<Name of External Examiner>, has attended the Project Presentation, on < / / >.

The project presentation is awarded < ___ > marks out of 40.

Signature of Assessor _________________________ .



C. Assessment of day-to-day activity

<Name of Project Guide>, has observed the student’s activity, on this project.

On < / / >, he /she has awarded < ___ > marks out of 40.

Signature of Project Guide ________________________.

D. < A representative of the Project Committee> has conducted a Viva with the student, regarding the project on < / / >, and awarded < ___ > marks out of 40 .

Signature of Project Committee Representative ________________________.


The student has obtained < ______ > marks out of 400.

