Vehicles of Genocide: Labor, Concentration, and Death...


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Vehicles of Genocide:

Labor, Concentration,

and Death Camps

Dachau, outside of Munich, Germany

Entrance to Dachau

Grounds in and surrounding the camp

Gate of Dachau – “work makes one free”

Barracks in Dachau

A second view of the Dachau barracks

Roll call grounds at Dachau

High altitude tests at Dachau



Gas chamber at Dachau – installed, but never used

Crematorium at Dachau

The Schutzstaffel – SS – Protection Squadron

Heinrich Himmler with Adolf Hitler

Theodor Eicke

Inspector of the Concentration Camps

SS officers

in the camps…

…and outside

Major concentration camps in Germany as of 1939

Camp laborers building a factory

Forced labor in a locksmith shop

Forced laborers building rail tracks near a camp

Oswald Pohl, head of the

SS Economic Administrative Main Office

Soviet POWs

Execution of a Soviet POW

Marching toward death

Sites of Einsatzgruppen executions

Death camps – Totenlager

Gas chamber (inset shows where Zyklon B was introduced)

Crematorium from

the outside (the soot

on the chimney is

from the ovens)

Ovens on the inside

Death marches into Germany



Extent of the Nazi camp system

Germans viewing

the victims


in Dachau
