Vanderhoef, Tillett, Wasmund



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Did They Really Rule Society?  UWhy it matters now U The Europeans settling in  the Americas led to the  founding of the United States.  Main Idea Europe had a social pyramid  with the church and religious  leaders at the top, this was  because the Roman Catholic  Church was in charge of all  government until  Martin  Luther created the “Lutheran”  faith. 

This book is different from many books, this book will tell you things that you may have never known. Other texts books tell you what they think happened during the 1400s-1500s. You will find that people like to tell you the “European Story” of what happened. Well today you are going to hear the other side of the story, because there is always 2 sides to EVERY story.

In the European government, religion played a major role. One reason is, the Roman Catholic Church controlled most of western Europe up to 1517. Most of the Europeans during that time believed in the Roman Catholic Church, until Martin Luther came along, nailed the 95 theses to the door of The Church, and started the religion "Lutheran". A second reason is, Spain was probably one of the most religious countries in all of Europe. Queen Isabella was very good friends with the religious leaders in that area. The last reason is, there were 4 different countries all looking for more power. The reason for that is because they each wanted different countries to follow their religion. Those countries were Portugal, Spain, France, and Great Britain. In conclusion, it was hard to live in Europe and not be a catholic since the churches usually ruled over the monarchs.

The society was developed by the social status. First of all, the way people lived was based on their social status. The social status is: Monarchs, The Church & Knights, Merchants, Farmers & Craftsman, Peasants & Poors, and the lowest are the poors. Second of all, the society was ran by the church. Even though Europe had monarchs, The Church ran the countries and told people what to do and when to do it. Lastly, society traded many things with people all over the world, they sometimes got things they didn't want. They would trade things like corn, wheat, fruit, diseases and Indian slaves. To sum it up, even though they may have gotten things they wanted

to get, or things they didn't want to get they still had to follow what The Church told them to do and weren't allowed to change their social status.

Some of the Native American innovations were maybe the biggest innovations in history of the United States. One thought is, the Native Americans used their nature around them to make things that they can use to their advantage. They used animals not just for food but for shelter and clothing too, they took their skin and they would make teepees and clothes for people to wear or live in. Another thought is, the Native Americans also were some of the first to create medicines. They needed to develop something to reduce pain; they used the nature around them to create these things. The last think you should think about is, they also created some of the warmest clothes. They needed clothes like a parka to keep warm during the winter. Since during the winter it was cold out in some of the places they lived they needed to keep warm from freezing to death or getting sick. Our final thought is, people may give credit to the Europeans for making the first of many but in reality the Native Americans are really supposed to have the credit.

Theses- a proposition stated or put forward for consideration, esp. one to be discussed and proved or to be maintained against objections. Monarchs- a hereditary sovereign, as a king, queen, or emperor. Teepees- a tent of the American Indians, made usually from animal skins laid on a conical frame of long poles and having an opening at the top for ventilation and a flap door. Definitions from By: Elizabeth Vanderhoef, Jessica Tillet & Danny Wasmund How was the Roman Catholic Church broken up, and explain why? 

How does the Native Americans society and African society differ from the European society?  

Believe It Or Not! Why it matters now Most Native American culture  affects America today. Main Idea The Native Americans were  treated as slaves but have  benefited America in so many  ways. Their innovations and  diversity in native culture helped  get the United States where it is today.  Native Americans were very creative and smart. Whether you want to believe it or not, they created many of the things we have today. But, the Europeans took the credit for everything that the Native Americans did. Europeans treated Native Americans like their slaves, in fact they were slaves to them. The Native Americans didn’t have leaders like we do today, they have chiefs. The chief was the leader of “The League”. One example is, the Native Americans didn’t really have a complete government setup. They didn’t have a president, king, or queen just a chief. A second example is, the government wasn't the same as ours is now, even though it’s somewhat the same today, it was really different. The chiefs were like the mayor of a town if they were compared to something. The last example is, in the later artist would create paintings and cartoons of the Native Americans. These painting tried to show some of the chiefs and their tribes helping in the American Revolutionary War. But will we never know if they actually really did help, because there are always two sides to every story. In that, whether you believe it or not the Native Americans basically gave us the idea for our government.

Native Americans were simple and quiet people, but when it came down to them fighting, they didn’t hesitate. One reason is the hunters and gathers didn’t just need to worry about providing for their families, but conflict with other groups. There could be a lot of times where the Native Americans could go out and go hunting and never come home. This may be due to a fight that they got into with another tribe because they were maybe on their “turf” or where the other tribes were hunting. Another reason is, that the Native Americans were so peaceful was because they were so spiritual. They felt that plants, animals and the earth had spirits. They worshiped all of these things; they worshiped them because they thought that they would get better things from them if they worshiped them more. Something else to add is, the Native American society was changing fast. They were changing faster and faster because the Europeans came over to their territory and taught them how they did things. They changed their religion, they changed the way they lived, they changed the way they hunted, the way they dressed, and even they way they talked. To sum it all up the natives didn’t like violence, they tried to eliminate it, but they would

fight if they had to . But, what you should be surprised at is that they didn’t do anything to the Europeans when they were changing their life style.

Some of the Native American innovations were maybe the biggest innovations in history of the United States. One thought is, the Native Americans used their nature around them to make things that they can use to their advantage. They used animals not just for food but for shelter and clothing too, they took their skin and they would make teepees and clothes for people to wear or live in. Another thought is, the Native Americans also were some of the first to create medicines. They needed to develop something to reduce pain; they used the nature around them to create these things. The last think you should think about is, they also created some of the warmest clothes. They needed clothes like a parka to keep warm during the winter. Since during the winter it was cold out in some of the places they lived they needed to keep warm from freezing to death or getting sick. Our final thought is, people may give credit to the Europeans for making the first of many but in reality the Native Americans are really supposed to have the credit. chief- the head or leader of an organized body of people; the person highest in authority.

turf- a familiar area, as of residence or expertise, the neighborhood over which a street gang asserts its authority. innovations- something new or different introduced. Definitions fron By: Elizabeth Vanderhoef, Jessica Tillet & Danny Wasmund

How do the Native American leaders differ from the leaders today? 

How did the Native Americans divide up their land, and why did they do it this way? 














