Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and ... · LCV Light commercial vehicles LPG...


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Deliverable D8.2

Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and

implemented Case Studies

This Project is co-funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme

Project Information

Project number 321624

Project acronym HIGH-TOOL

Project full title Strategic high-level transport model

Start date of project 15 April 2013

Duration 40 months

Partners KIT, FŐMTERV, MCRIT, MKmetric, Panteia, Significance, TNO, TML

Document Information

Work package WP8: Test and Validation of Results

Deliverable Title Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: results of checks and implemented Case Studies

Version 1.1

Date of submission 21 December 2016

Main Editor(s) Jan Kiel (Panteia), Konstantina Laparidou (Panteia), Ruairidh Smith (Panteia), Tianang Li (Panteia)


Efrain Larrea (MCRIT); Eckhard Szimba, Markus Kraft, Jan Ihrig (KIT); Benedikt Mandel (MKm); Mohammed Chahim (TNO); Joko Purwanto, Ruben Corthout (TML); Rik van Grol (Significance); András Székely, Zsolt Berki (FŐMTERV)

Reviewer(s) KIT, TML

This document should be referenced as

Kiel, J., Laparidou, K., Smith, R., Li, T., Larrea, E., Szimba, E., Kraft, M., Ihrig, J., Mandel,. B., Purwanto, J., Corthout, R., van Grol, R., Székely, A., Berki, Z. (2016): Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies, HIGH-TOOL Deliverable D8.2, project co-funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme, Karlsruhe.

Classification – This report is:

Draft Final X Confidential Restricted Public X


Version Issue Date Status Distribution

0.1 14 July 2016 Draft Consortium

1.0 14 October 2016 Final Consortium, Project Officer

1.1 21 December 2016 Final, updated Consortium, Project Officer

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 5

Table of Contents

Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................................................... 12

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 14

1.1 HIGH-TOOL Validation ................................................................................................................................... 14

1.2 Test Cases ............................................................................................................................................................ 15

1.3 Link to other Deliverables ............................................................................................................................ 15

1.4 Structure of the Report .................................................................................................................................. 15

2 Case Studies ............................................................................................................................................................... 16

2.1 Case 1: Post 2020 Introduction of CO2 Standards for Cars and Vans ......................................... 16

2.1.1 Description of the Case ........................................................................................................................ 16

2.1.2 Policy Levers ............................................................................................................................................ 16

2.1.3 Expected Outcomes ............................................................................................................................... 18

2.1.4 HIGH-TOOL Outcomes ......................................................................................................................... 19

2.1.5 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................... 23

2.2 Case 2: Evaluation of Corridor Improvement for Rail Passenger Transport via the

Hypernet .............................................................................................................................................................. 23

2.2.1 Description of the Case ........................................................................................................................ 23

2.2.2 Policy Levers ............................................................................................................................................ 23

2.2.3 Expected Outcomes ............................................................................................................................... 25

2.2.4 HIGH-TOOL Outcomes ......................................................................................................................... 25

2.2.5 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................... 30

2.3 Case 3: Introduction of Speed Limits for All Road Vehicles............................................................ 30

2.3.1 Description of the Case ........................................................................................................................ 30

2.3.2 Policy Levers ............................................................................................................................................ 31

2.3.3 Expected Outcomes ............................................................................................................................... 33

2.3.4 HIGH-TOOL Outcomes ......................................................................................................................... 35

2.3.5 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................... 39

2.4 Case 4: Untapped Potential of Maritime Ports related to Liberalisation Policies ................. 40

2.4.1 Description of the Case ........................................................................................................................ 40

2.4.2 Policy Levers ............................................................................................................................................ 40

6 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

2.4.3 Expected Outcomes ............................................................................................................................... 41

2.4.4 HIGH-TOOL Outcomes ......................................................................................................................... 41

2.4.5 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................... 43

2.5 Case 5: Cost Sensitivity of the HIGH-TOOL Model for Passenger Road Mode ......................... 44

2.5.1 Description of the Case ........................................................................................................................ 44

2.5.2 Policy Levers ............................................................................................................................................ 44

2.5.3 Expected Outcomes ............................................................................................................................... 47

2.5.4 HIGH-TOOL Outcomes ......................................................................................................................... 47

2.5.5 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................... 50

2.6 Case 6: Modules' Stability in a Given Time-Step ................................................................................. 50

2.6.1 Description of the Case ........................................................................................................................ 50

2.6.2 Policy Levers ............................................................................................................................................ 51

2.6.3 Expected Outcomes ............................................................................................................................... 51

2.6.4 HIGH-TOOL Outcomes ......................................................................................................................... 51

2.6.5 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................... 57

2.7 Case 7: Increase of Public and Private Transport Infrastructure Investments ...................... 57

2.7.1 Description of the Case ........................................................................................................................ 57

2.7.2 Policy Levers ............................................................................................................................................ 57

2.7.3 Expected Outcomes ............................................................................................................................... 58

2.7.4 HIGH-TOOL Outcomes ......................................................................................................................... 58

2.7.5 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................... 60

2.8 Case 8: Competition between High-Speed Rail and Air.................................................................... 61

2.8.1 Policy Levers ............................................................................................................................................ 61

2.8.2 Expected Outcomes ............................................................................................................................... 62

2.8.3 HIGH-TOOL Outcomes ......................................................................................................................... 63

2.8.4 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................... 64

3 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................................ 65

4 References .................................................................................................................................................................. 67

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 7

Index of Figures

Figure 1: The validation process for D8.2 ............................................................................................................. 14

Figure 2: Case study 1 – PAD modal split, 2050 ................................................................................................. 21

Figure 3: Case study 1 – VES fuel shares, Scenario ........................................................................................... 22

Figure 4: Case study 2 – Map showing the hypernet rail links of the Magistrale corridor (blue),

other hypernet rail links (red) and NUTS-2 zone centroids (green) ......................................................... 24

Figure 5: Case study 2 – Impact on passenger demand by mode of transport ...................................... 26

Figure 6: Case study 2 – Impact on Gross Value Added .................................................................................. 29

Figure 7: Case study 3 – Impact on EU28+2 CO2 emissions – all transport modes ............................. 35

Figure 8: Case study 3 – Impact on EU28+2 CO2 emissions – all road freight transport modes .... 36

Figure 9: Case study 3 – Impact on EU28+2 NOx emissions – all road freight transport modes ... 37

Figure 10: Case study 3 – Impact on EU28+2 PM emissions – all road freight transport modes .. 37

Figure 11: Case study 3 – Impact in EU28+2 road accidents ........................................................................ 39

Figure 12: Case study 4 – Impact in mode performance for freight transport ...................................... 42

Figure 13: Case study 4 – Impact in CO2 emissions .......................................................................................... 42

Figure 14: Case study 4 – Impact in mode performance for freight transport at NUTS-0 level ..... 43

Figure 15: Case study 5 – Elasticity of pkm in toll scenarios ........................................................................ 48

Figure 16: Case study 5 –Elasticity of road accident costs in toll scenarios ........................................... 49

Figure 17: Case Study 6 – Convergence of results for Vehicle Stock module ......................................... 52

Figure 18: Case Study 6 – Convergence of results for Passenger Demand module ............................. 53

Figure 19: Case Study 6 – Convergence of results for Freight Demand module ................................... 53

Figure 20: Case Study 7 – Difference in average yearly GDP growth between baseline and

scenario ............................................................................................................................................................................... 58

Figure 21: Case Study 7 – Difference in GVA between scenario and baseline ....................................... 59

8 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

Index of Tables

Table 1: Case study 1 – Policy levers ...................................................................................................................... 18

Table 2: Case study 1 – Affected parameters ....................................................................................................... 19

Table 3: Case study 1 – Summary of externalities, Scenario-Baseline difference ................................ 19

Table 4: Case study 1 – Climate change, Scenario-Baseline difference .................................................... 20

Table 5: Case study 1 – Generalised costs, Scenario-Baseline difference ................................................ 20

Table 6: Case study 1 – Comparison of results with the outcomes ............................................................ 22

Table 7: Case study 2 – Policy levers ...................................................................................................................... 24

Table 8: Case study 2 – Modified hypernet rail links in the Magistrale corridor ................................. 24

Table 9: Case study 2 – Affected parameters ....................................................................................................... 25

Table 10: Case study 2 – Absolute and relative impacts on passenger transport demand by mode

of transport ........................................................................................................................................................................ 27

Table 11: Case study 2 – Impact of passenger demand by mode of transport at NUTS-0 level

(year 2050) ........................................................................................................................................................................ 28

Table 12: Case study 2 – Impact on emissions and fuel consumption (in tons) ................................... 28

Table 13: Case study 2 – Impact on road accidents .......................................................................................... 29

Table 14: Case study 1 – Comparison of results with the outcomes ......................................................... 30

Table 15: Case study 3 – Speed limits in Member States with low and high posted speed limits . 32

Table 16: Case study 3 – Policy levers .................................................................................................................... 33

Table 17: Case study 3 – Affected parameters .................................................................................................... 34

Table 18: Case study 3 – Impact in EU28+2 NOx and PM emissions – Light Commercial (LCV) and

Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDV) ........................................................................................................................................ 38

Table 19: Case study 4 – Policy levers .................................................................................................................... 40

Table 20: Case study 4 – Results ............................................................................................................................... 41

Table 21: Case study 5 – Policy levers .................................................................................................................... 45

Table 22: Case study 5 – Average road tolls in EU28 countries .................................................................. 46

Table 23: Case study 5 – Implemented series of toll increase over time ................................................. 46

Table 24: Case study 5 – Affected parameters .................................................................................................... 47

Table 25: Case study 5 – Results ............................................................................................................................... 47

Table 26: Case study 5 – Road pkm changes in toll scenarios ...................................................................... 49

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 9

Table 27: Case study 5 – Road accident cost changes in toll scenarios .................................................... 50

Table 28: Case study 6 – Expected outcomes ...................................................................................................... 51

Table 29: Case study 6 – Results at EU28+2 level ............................................................................................. 52

Table 30: Case Study 6 – Results of PAD for the first iteration per NUTS-0 and year ........................ 54

Table 31: Case Study 6 – Results of PAD for the second iteration per NUTS-0 and year .................. 55

Table 32: Case Study 6 – Results of PAD for the third iteration per NUTS-0 and year ...................... 56

Table 33: Case study 7 – Policy levers .................................................................................................................... 57

Table 34: Case study 7 – Affected parameters .................................................................................................... 58

Table 35: Case study 7 – Results ............................................................................................................................... 60

Table 36: Case study 8 – Policy levers (decreasing HSR costs) ................................................................... 62

Table 37: Case study 8 – Policy levers (increasing air costs) ....................................................................... 62

Table 38: Case study 8 – Affected parameters .................................................................................................... 62

Table 39: Case study 8 – Results for the sub-case on rail cost decrease .................................................. 63

Table 40: Case study 8 – Results for the sub-case on air cost increase .................................................... 64

10 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies


ACEA European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association

BEV Battery electric vehicles

CARE European database on road accidents

CEF Connecting Europe Facility

CNG Compressed natural gas

CO2 Carbon dioxide

EC European Commission

ECR Economy & Resources module

ETS Emissions trading scheme

EU European Union

FCEV Fuel cell electric vehicle

FRD Freight Demand module

GDP Gross Domestic Product

GHG Greenhouse Gas emissions

GVA Gross Value Added

HDV Heavy duty vehicle

HEV Hybrid electric vehicle

HSR High-speed rail

LCV Light commercial vehicles

LPG Liquefied petroleum gas

M2 Vehicles designed and constructed for the carriage of passengers, comprising more than eight seats in addition to the driver’s seat, and having a maximum mass (“technically permissible maximum laden mass”) not exceeding 5 tons

M3 Vehicles designed and constructed for the carriage of passengers, comprising more than eight seats in addition to the driver’s seat, and having a maximum mass exceeding 5 tons

N2 Vehicles for the carriage of goods and having a maximum mass exceeding 3.5 tonnes, but not exceeding 12 tonnes

N3 Vehicles for the carriage of goods and having a maximum mass exceeding 12 tonnes

No Number

NOx Mono-nitrogen oxides

NO2 Nitrous oxide

NUTS Nomenclature of Units for Territorial Statistics

O/D Origin/Destination

pkm Passenger-kilometre

PAD Passenger demand module

PHEV Electric-hybrid powered vehicle

PM Particulate matter

SAF Safety module

SSS Short sea shipping

TEN-T Trans-European Transport Network

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 11

tkm Tonne-kilometre

vkm Vehicle-kilometre

WP Work Package

12 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

Executive Summary

This deliverable presents the results of series of checks of the HIGH-TOOL model, as a part of the

validation process. More specifically, the checks were performed by examining the model through

eight case studies against the baseline scenario. Each case embraces either a policy scenario, or a

specific test case (modules' stability, sensitivity analysis). The scope of changes in model settings

and policy levers were documented and the obtained results were compared to the baseline

scenario. The case studies were designed such that all the modules of HIGH-TOOL model were

concerned in at least one of the conducted case studies. The selected cases addressed in this report

are as follows:

• Case 1: Post 2020 introduction of CO2 standards for cars and vans

• Case 2: Evaluation of corridor improvement for rail passenger transport via the hypernet

• Case 3: Introduction of speed limits for light commercial vehicles

• Case 4: Untapped potential of maritime ports related to liberalisation policies

• Case 5: Cost sensitivity of the HIGH-TOOL model for passenger road mode

• Case 6: Modules' stability in a given time-step

• Case 7: Increase of public and private transport infrastructure investments

• Case 8: Competition between high-speed rail and air.

The obtained results demonstrate that the HIGH-TOOL model is capable of assessing a wide variety

of different types of policies at a strategic level. The integrated model – i.e. the composition of the

interlinked modules – is well functioning, and the impact chains are correctly covered (e.g. the

modification of impedances in the hypernet for passenger transport results in passenger demand

changes, which subsequently affect environmental, economic and safety-related indicators). Also

the well-functioning and the usefulness of the hypernet model for passenger transport – which

represents an add-on to the original scope of the HIGH-TOOL model – has been demonstrated.

The model shows clearly a converging behaviour, and produces stable results at all levels of

analysis: at an aggregated level, in different time steps and across different geographical units. For

the calculation of the baseline scenario a few iterative calculations (over the previous results) are

recommended. Iterative calculations in a policy scenario simulation could produce marginal

changes to the results, at the expense of much more computation time. However, an iterative

calculation process for policy scenarios to refine the results is not required, since the model

produces stable results.

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 13

The model outputs are largely in line with expectations. However, as it is usually the case with

interpretation of results of any model, features such as modelling methodology, the spatial scope

or the underlying assumptions need to be considered when interpreting the results of the HIGH-

TOOL model. Furthermore, the case study analyses provided some insights in possible extensions

of HIGH-TOOL in the future. Being an open source instrument which does not require any

commercial software products to be run, the HIGH-TOOL model provides the basis for an efficient

further development in the future.

14 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

1 Introduction

1.1 HIGH-TOOL Validation

This deliverable is part of Work Package 8 (WP8), test and validation of results of the HIGH-TOOL

model. The validation process implies comparing HIGH-TOOL with other existing model outcomes

and specifically the projection by the EU Reference scenario 2013 (EC, 2013), and testing the

model's rationality through various policy options. While the first validation objective is

documented in Deliverable 8.1 (van Meijeren et al., 2016), the second (model rationality) is

examined in this deliverable through a set of case studies.

More specifically, this deliverable sets three distinctive steps which are shown in Figure 1:

• The definition of the case studies, under consultation with the EC, covering a wide range of

policies and other technical elements of the model.

• The design, implementation and run of each case study.

• The analysis of the outcomes: each case study results in a new Data Stock with new outputs.

These outputs are analysed and compared to the HIGH-TOOL baseline in order to check the

validity of the outcomes (how the model reacts to a specific change in input variables).

Figure 1: The validation process for D8.2

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 15

The HIGH-TOOL case studies were defined and run by different project partners. In this way, the

outcomes of the individual runs were assessed by a group of users, ensuring the independent view

of the outcomes.

1.2 Test Cases

The case studies were designed such that all the modules of HIGH-TOOL model were concerned in

at least one of the conducted case studies. The following eight cases were defined in coordination

with the European Commission1:

• Case 1: Post 2020 introduction of CO2 standards for cars and vans

• Case 2: Evaluation of corridor improvement for rail passenger transport via the hypernet

• Case 3: Introduction of speed limits for light commercial vehicles

• Case 4: Untapped potential of maritime ports related to liberalisation policies

• Case 5: Cost sensitivity of the HIGH-TOOL model for passenger road mode

• Case 6: Modules' stability in a given time-step

• Case 7: Increase of public and private transport infrastructure investments

• Case 8: Competition between high-speed rail and air.

1.3 Link to other Deliverables

This deliverable explains the trends when scenarios are applied on the HIGH-TOOL model. For a

detailed comparison to the EU Reference scenario, the reader is referred to van Meijeren et al.

(2016). Furthermore, the parameters mentioned in the case studies are explained in detail by Kiel

et al. (2016). Finally, the description of the equations and elasticities used in the model are

described by van Grol et al. (2016), while the model structure is presented by Mandel et al. (2016).

1.4 Structure of the Report

This chapter presents the overall methodology for validating the HIGH-TOOL model and briefly

presents the test cases. Chapter 2 describes the main outcomes of the cases. More specifically,

Chapter 2 identifies and explains the trends for each case. Chapter 3 presents the conclusions.

1 The case studies were presented in a memo by Jan Kiel: "Work package 8, Deliverable 8.2 – Case studies"

(1 June 2016).

16 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

2 Case Studies

In this chapter the eight case studies are described, the policy lever subject to changes are listed,

and the expected and actual results are shown and discussed.

2.1 Case 1: Post 2020 Introduction of CO2 Standards for Cars and Vans

2.1.1 Description of the Case

In the EU, transport CO2 emissions have risen by 29% since 1990 with 12% of the total EU

emissions now arising from the exhaust of cars (Transport & Environment, 2015). As part of its

2030 Climate and Energy Framework2 the EU has set a target to reduce emissions in the non-ETS

sectors by 30% from 2005 levels. In this regard, technology to improve vehicle efficiency, driven

through standards, must do much of the heavy-lifting to reduce emissions and help Member States

meet their goals (see Transport & Environment, 2015). Setting vehicle CO2 standards are one of

the EU’s most successful climate policies. They stimulate innovation and maintain the

competitiveness of the EU automotive industry by creating a market for globally important

technologies that improve fuel efficiency. At the time being, two regulations are implemented in

the European Union, i.e. EC (2009) that sets a fleet-wide average target of 130 g CO2/km for new

passenger cars to be met by 2015 and a target for 2021 of 95 g CO2/km and EU (2011a) that sets

an average target for new light commercial vehicles (LCVs) of 175 g CO2/km by 2017 and 147 g

CO2/km for 2020.

In this "Post 2020 introduction of CO2 standards for cars and vans" case we propose to extend the

CO2 standards for the period after 2020. Based on Transport & Environment (2015), this implies

to set a target of 70 g CO2/km for passenger cars and 100 g CO2/km for vans as of 2025.

2.1.2 Policy Levers

Input parameters to be changed in the Environment module are fuel consumption and CO2

emission factors of the two conventional vehicle fuel types (g/vehicle-km), i.e. diesel and gasoline,

and the purchase costs of those two conventional types as well as two alternative types, namely

electric-hybrid powered (PHEV) and battery electric vehicles (BEV).


Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 17

McKinsey (2013) estimates that the average manufacturing costs of cars increased by around 3%

to 4% between 1998 and 2011 due to regulation on efficiency (CO2) in that period. Further cost

increases should follow stricter regulations following that period but at the same time car

manufacturers have to keep their price as competitive as possible. Based on this, we consider then

that an increase of 6% and 9% of the average purchase cost of the conventionally diesel and

gasoline fuelled vehicles respectively are quite reasonable to be applied in the case study to fully

compensate the technological improvement. The difference in purchase cost increase between

conventional diesel and gasoline vehicles is caused by the relative efficiency of diesel compared

to petrol which means that CO2 emissions per kilometre are up to 20% less from a diesel car than

from a petrol one (ACEA, 2016). For this reason, the increase in the average purchase cost of diesel

should be lower than that of gasoline in order to encourage the use of diesel in reaching the CO2


Second, we assume that powertrain option would accompany the post 2020 CO2 regulations: there

will be a reduction in the purchase prices of PHEV and BEV vehicles in this scenario. which

signifies that the government would give slightly more incentives or lift up some taxation on

chargeable electric powered vehicles to boost this particular market. Current incentives to boost

electric powered vehicles are in place currently in various EU Member States3. We consider that

an additional 2% reduction in PHEV and BEV average purchase costs assumption would

reasonably represent this accompanying measures in the powertrain option side.

Finally we also assume that a limited 5% fuel efficiency improvement will happen at the lowest

category of heavy duty vehicles, i.e. rigid trucks below 7.5 tonnes. We can consider this as a spill

over effect of fuel efficiency improvements that happen in light commercial vehicles. The purchase

price of this truck category is assumed to increase slightly, namely 1% with regards to the baseline


All the above changes with regard to the baseline scenario are implemented in the model starting

in the year 2025.

Table 1 depicts the policy levers for this case.


18 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

Table 1: Case study 1 – Policy levers

Parameter name Data stock name Affected dimension Type of change

Fuel consumption and CO2 emission factor for cars

i_ev_emfactor Year, emission g/km 29.5% reduction of fuel consumption and CO2 emission factors for all years starting from 2025 for new diesel and gasoline cars on all EU28+2 countries

Fuel consumption and CO2 emission factor for vans

i_ev_emfactor Year, emission g/km 28.7% reduction of fuel consumption and CO2 emission factors for all years starting from 2025 for new diesel and gasoline vans on all EU28+2 countries

Fuel consumption and CO2 emission factor for rigid trucks ≤7.5 tonnes

i_ev_emfactor Year, emission g/km 5% reduction of fuel consumption and CO2 emission factors for all years starting from 2025 for new diesel and gasoline vans on all EU28+2 countries

Vehicle purchase cost Table: ‘i_vs_cap’; Variable ‘i_vs_cap_rpsc_mkt’

Year, mode, costs in EUR

Differentiated increase/decrease for new vehicle purchase price in Euro at NUTS-0 level: diesel and gasoline cars and vans: +9%,PHEV and BEV cars and vans: -2%, rigid trucks ≤7.5 tonnes: +1%. This concerns EU28+2 countries

2.1.3 Expected Outcomes

The model inputs were, as described above, higher vehicle purchase costs for conventional

vehicles, and decreased emission factors. Therefore the environmental module should show an

overall lower emission level, the vehicle module should interact with other modules (Economy,

Passenger demand), and result in higher transport costs, and a likely slight mode shift towards

public transport and non-motorised modes.

It is expected that the case will change the parameters in the following way:

• Higher transport costs: Due to higher vehicle prices, transport costs will increase, however,

this effect will be compensated by the reduced fuel expenses through reduced consumption,

up to a certain level.

• Slight mode shift: This effect can be derived from the previous one, higher costs results in a

slight mode shift towards public transport and non-motorised modes.

• Reactions at country level will differ: Can also be derived from the increased cost effect,

different countries have different population and purchase power.

• Shift in vehicle propulsion types: Due to slightly higher average vehicle purchase costs of the

conventional vehicle types and slightly lower average purchase cost of the chargeable

electric vehicle types there will be some shifts toward more fuel efficiency in vehicle

propulsion types.

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 19

• Reduction of emissions: Reduced emissions comes on one hand directly from the reduced

emission of the vehicles, and also from the mode shift towards more sustainable modes of

transport and propulsion types.

Table 2 shows which parameters are affected by the policy levers.

Table 2: Case study 1 – Affected parameters

Parameter name Expected type of change

Public transport demand +

Road externalities: climate change (both for passenger and freight transport)


Generalised costs +

2.1.4 HIGH-TOOL Outcomes

The outcomes are based on the Policy Assessment Report generated by the HIGH-TOOL model on

2 December 2016.

Results of externalities are in line with expectations. Regarding road passenger transport, there is

a significant decrease for climate change values after 2025 and a moderate decrease for air

pollution. Furthermore, a limited decrease of climate change and air pollution values of the freight

sector is forecasted (see Table 3 and Table 4). However, other externality fields show a slight

increase, this is due to the higher demand of road transport. This pattern will be explained later.

Table 3: Case study 1 – Summary of externalities, Scenario-Baseline difference

Summary (in € million for EU28+2)

Type 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 TotalAir pollution 0,00 0,00 0,00 93,62 -82,08 -416,32 -773,99 -857,47 -2 036,24Climate change 0,00 0,00 0,00 -1 184,63 -2 888,50 -5 089,92 -7 694,33 -8 721,54 -25 578,92Up-downstream processes 0,00 0,00 0,00 25,89 19,55 6,46 11,86 9,72 73,48Marginal infrastructure costs 0,00 0,00 0,00 10,91 6,89 2,81 5,58 4,01 30,20Accidents 0,00 0,00 0,00 37,23 26,91 9,39 22,80 32,97 129,30Total externalities 0,00 0,00 0,00 -1 016,98 -2 917,23 -5 487,58 -8 428,08 -9 532,31 -27 382,18

20 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

Table 4: Case study 1 – Climate change, Scenario-Baseline difference

The explanation of the model behaviour on generalised costs and transport demand, which also

affects the externalities, is the following. Car transport demand increases, because the generalised

costs of using cars decrease. The generalised costs of cars decrease, because the fuel efficiencies

are assumed to improve faster than the purchase price of cars increases. In other words, the

decrease of fuel consumption factors outweighs the increase of car purchase price. In this

situation, the final generalised costs of car use (EUR/vkm) in the scenario is lower than those in

the baseline (see Table 5).

As car generalised costs are lower than in the baseline, the transport demand for cars is expected

to increase, while the other road transport modes are decreasing.

Table 5: Case study 1 – Generalised costs, Scenario-Baseline difference

This also appears in the modal split graphs of the passenger demand module; the highest change

is the 0.03% increase for car transport in 2025 (see Figure 2).

Climate change (in € million for EU28+2)

Mode 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 TotalRoad 0,00 0,00 0,00 -1 083,86 -2 654,28 -4 690,36 -7 053,57 -8 003,65 -23 485,72Rail 0,00 0,00 0,00 -0,16 0,00 0,01 -0,12 -0,08 -0,35Air 0,00 0,00 0,00 -7,14 -4,27 -2,72 -5,26 -6,37 -25,76

Total passenger 0,00 0,00 0,00 -1 091,16 -2 658,55 -4 693,07 -7 058,95 -8 010,10 -23 511,83Road 0,00 0,00 0,00 -93,47 -230,02 -397,33 -634,82 -710,09 -2 065,73Rail 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,04 -0,03 -0,05 -0,08 -0,12Air 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,02 0,05 0,08 0,08 0,23IWW 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,01 -0,04 -0,07 -0,12 -0,22SSS 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,50 -0,52 -1,23 -1,25

Total freight 0,00 0,00 0,00 -93,47 -229,95 -396,85 -635,38 -711,44 -2 067,09Total climate change 0,00 0,00 0,00 -1 184,63 -2 888,50 -5 089,92 -7 694,33 -8 721,54 -25 578,92



Passenger generalised transport cost (in € million for EU28+2)

2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050Road 0,00 0,00 0,00 3 532,68 -11 071,04 -25 613,76 -50 855,40 -68 981,30 -73 974,67Rail 0,00 0,00 0,00 -62,11 -134,72 -190,19 -372,36 -491,14 -507,90Air 0,00 0,00 0,00 7,19 -309,10 -669,80 -1 426,15 -2 047,03 -2 334,31Coach 0,00 0,00 0,00 -40,06 -97,36 -145,47 -282,05 -369,19 -379,27Total passenger cost 0,00 0,00 0,00 3 437,70 -11 612,22 -26 619,22 -52 935,96 -71 888,66 -77 196,15

Freight generalised transport cost (in € million for EU28+2)

2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050Road 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 51,47 -61,17 -109,13 -401,73 -834,15Rail 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 18,93 -19,70 -17,76 -94,26 -204,90IWW 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 1,50 -3,31 -8,15 -18,70 -33,85Short Sea Shipping 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 34,09 -88,85 -240,47 -527,14 -764,40Maritime 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 25,09 4,71 -8,51 -24,91 -74,45Total freight cost 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 131,08 -168,32 -384,02 -1 066,74 -1 911,75

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 21

Figure 2: Case study 1 – PAD modal split, 2050

The share of gasoline cars is expected to increase in comparison to other car fuel types. The reason

is similar to the generalised cost/transport demand relation: the increase of purchase prices of

gasoline cars defined in the scenario is not significant enough to compensate the improvement of

gasoline car fuel efficiency. At the end, the generalised costs of gasoline cars are lower with regard

to those of other fuel types. Therefore, the vehicle stock share of gasoline cars is expected to

increase to the detriment of other fuel type shares. The results are shown in Figure 3.










2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

EU28+2 Passenger Modal Split based on pkm 2050 (%), difference Scenario-Baseline

Road Coach Rail Air

22 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

Figure 3: Case study 1 – VES fuel shares, Scenario

Comparison of expected changes and the HIGH-TOOL outcomes is shown in Table 6.

The deviation between the expected change and the outcomes is explained in Chapter 2.1.5

Conclusions, below.

Table 6: Case study 1 – Comparison of results with the outcomes

Parameter name Expected type of change HIGH-TOOL outcomes

Public transport demand + -

Car transport demand - +

Road externalities: climate change (both for passenger and freight transport)

-- --

Generalised costs + -












2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

EU28+2 Fuel shares in road vehicle stock (in %), Scenario

B30 Bev CNG CNG/Biogas Diesel Fcev Flexi_Fuel Gasoline Hev LPG

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 23

2.1.5 Conclusions

The scenario has not been balanced enough between the increase of vehicle prices and the

decrease of fuel consumption and emission: more detailed, there is an increase of car price which

is lower than desirable (in particular that of gasoline cars) or/and the assumption on the

reduction of fuel consumption and emission factors were slightly over-estimated. However, all

those assumptions included in the case study and the model (regarding the purchase price

increase and fuel efficiency improvement) were based on relevant studies4. As a final conclusion,

the model outcomes differ from the previously expected results, but going into details, it becomes

clear, that the answers given by the model are reasonable, plausible and consistent.

2.2 Case 2: Evaluation of Corridor Improvement for Rail Passenger

Transport via the Hypernet

2.2.1 Description of the Case

This case study examines the application of the hypernet facility of the HIGH-TOOL model. The

assumption is made that rail passenger travel times will further decrease along the "Magistrale"

corridor Paris–Strasbourg–Karlsruhe–Munich–Vienna–Bratislava. The travel time decrease is

assumed to be on top of the time savings due to TEN-T/CEF policies already in the baseline

scenario. Thus, the investment assumptions do not refer to concrete rail infrastructure projects,

but are hypothetical.

2.2.2 Policy Levers

A number of hypernet rail links along the Magistrale corridor are assumed to receive a travel time

reduction for passenger transport of 10% for 2030 and beyond. Thus the variable

"i_pd_core_hyper_net_link.i_pd_link_time_weight" is set to 0.9 for these years, which implies a

decrease in travel time by 10% compared to the baseline situation. Table 7 provides a summary

of the changes. In Table 8, all hypernet rail links are listed which are modified, while Figure 4

displays these links on a map.

4 Transport & Environment: 2025 CO2 regulation, June 2015

24 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

Table 7: Case study 2 – Policy levers

Parameter name Data stock name Affected dimension Type of change

Rail passenger travel time

i_pd_core_hyper_net_link.i _pd_link_time_weight

Year, hypernet link For the selected rail hypernet links, the passenger travel time is reduced by 10% from 2030

Table 8: Case study 2 – Modified hypernet rail links in the Magistrale corridor


1120201-1120100 FR21-FR10 Champagne-Ardenne–Ile de France

1120401-1120201 FR41-FR21 Lorraine–Champagne-Ardenne

1120401-1120402 FR41-FR42 Lorraine–Alsace

1070103-1120402 DE13-FR42 Freiburg–Alsace

1070102-1070103 DE12-DE13 Karlsruhe–Freiburg

1070102-1070101 DE12-DE11 Karlsruhe–Stuttgart

1070207-1070101 DE27-DE11 Schwaben–Stuttgart

1070207-1070201 DE27-DE21 Schwaben–Oberbayern

1010302-1070201 AT32-DE21 Salzburg–Oberbayern

1010302-1010301 AT32-AT31 Salzburg–Oberösterreich

1010102-1010301 AT12-AT31 Niederösterreich–Oberösterreich

1010102-1010103 AT12-AT13 Niederösterreich–Wien

1010102-1310001 AT12-SK01 Niederösterreich–Bratislavsky kraj

Figure 4: Case study 2 – Map showing the hypernet rail links of the Magistrale corridor (blue), other hypernet rail links (red) and NUTS-2 zone centroids (green)

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 25

2.2.3 Expected Outcomes

The assumed decrease of passenger travel time on several rail links results in an improved

competitive condition of the rail mode on the concerned O/D relations. Thus the modal share for

rail transport is expected to increase, while the market share of competing modes of transport

(passenger car, coach, air) is expected to decline. With the modal split changing in favour of rail

transport, the emission of GHG and air pollutants, as well as the number of road accidents are

expected to decrease. The decrease in travel times and generalised costs of transport is expected

to generate positive economic impacts (increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross

Value Added (GVA)). Since at the European scale the assumed measures have a relatively limited

scope, it is expected that the changes are rather slight. The affected parameters and the

expectations in the model are listed in Table 9.

Table 9: Case study 2 – Affected parameters

Parameter name Expected type of change

Rail passenger demand +

Road passenger demand -

Coach passenger demand -

Air passenger demand -

GHG emissions -

Emission of air pollutants -

Road accidents -


2.2.4 HIGH-TOOL Outcomes

In the following, the HIGH-TOOL results are presented in a more detailed manner.

The infrastructure measures are assumed to become effective in 2030. Thus, any changes with

respect to the Baseline occur only for 2030 and beyond. Therefore, the results of the HIGH-TOOL

are displayed in this chapter only for 2030 and beyond.

The HIGH-TOOL run reveals impacts on passenger demand by mode of transport (see Figure 5):

the model predicts an increase in rail passenger demand while the demand of competing modes

(road – i.e. private passenger cars – coach and air) is expected to decrease. The results do not only

reveal a mode shift effect, but also reflect induced demand for rail passenger transport: the

increase in rail demand exceeds the decrease in demand of the competing modes. Thus for the

O/D relations concerned by the assumed infrastructure investments, a slight increase in average

length of passenger trips by rail can be recognised.

26 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

The percentage changes in relation to the total passenger transport demand are relatively limited

(see Table 10), which is explained by the limited geographical scope of the measures, as well as

by the pattern that the assumed infrastructure improvements relate to inter-zonal passenger

transport flows at the level of NUTS-2, which represent only a small share of the overall market.

Figure 5: Case study 2 – Impact on passenger demand by mode of transport

2030 2035 2040 2045 2050Air -45 -56 -56 -58 -59Rail 1.294 1.551 1.520 1.553 1.575Coach -34 -42 -43 -46 -48Road -601 -736 -706 -720 -724








Total EU28+2 passenger-kilometres 2010–2050, by modes (in million), difference Scenario-

BaselineRoad Coach Rail Air

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 27

Table 10: Case study 2 – Absolute and relative impacts on passenger transport demand by mode of transport

Regarding impacts on demand by mode of transport for 2050 at NUTS-0 level, the strongest

impacts in absolute terms are expected for Germany and France, followed by Austria (see Table

11). These countries are the key beneficiaries of the assumed infrastructure investments. Due to

the network effects, which are covered by the hypernet approach, also the demand structures of

other countries, which are not directly concerned by the investments – such as the Netherlands,

the Czech Republic, Hungary or Switzerland – reveal impacts in favour of rail.

The modal shift from road and air to rail leads to a decrease in fuel consumption, CO2 emissions

and the emission of air pollutants (see Table 12). Furthermore, the modal shift results in a slight

reduction in the number of road accidents (see Table 13). Finally, the HIGH-TOOL model predicts

slight economic impacts (see Figure 6): the decrease in rail passenger travel times assumed for

the specific links of the hypernet results in savings in generalised costs and, thus, increases

economic competitiveness (second order effect).

EU28+2 Modal split based on pkm (in millions), Difference

Year pkm % pkm % pkm % pkm %2010 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 0 0,00%2015 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 0 0,00%2020 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 0 0,00%2025 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 0 0,00%2030 -45 0,00% -34 0,00% 1.294 0,02% -601 -0,01%2035 -56 0,00% -42 0,00% 1.551 0,02% -736 -0,02%2040 -56 0,00% -43 0,00% 1.520 0,02% -706 -0,01%2045 -58 0,00% -46 0,00% 1.553 0,02% -720 -0,01%2050 -59 0,00% -48 0,00% 1.575 0,02% -724 -0,01%

Air Coach Rail Road

28 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

Table 11: Case study 2 – Impact of passenger demand by mode of transport at NUTS-0 level (year 2050)

Table 12: Case study 2 – Impact on emissions and fuel consumption (in tons)

EU28+2 Modal split based on pkm by country (in millions), Difference Scenario-Baseline

Country pkm % pkm % pkm % pkm %Austria -6 -0,01% -7 -0,01% 186 0,13% -79 -0,10%Belgium -1 0,00% -1 0,00% 21 0,01% -11 -0,01%Bulgaria 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 6 0,01% -3 -0,01%Croatia 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 6 0,01% -3 -0,01%Cyprus 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 0 0,00%Czech Republ -3 -0,01% -8 -0,01% 96 0,05% -43 -0,04%Denmark 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 4 0,00% -2 0,00%Estonia 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 0 0,00%Finland 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 2 0,00% -1 0,00%France -11 0,00% -5 0,00% 251 0,02% -107 -0,02%Germany -13 0,00% -11 0,00% 442 0,03% -202 -0,03%Greece -1 0,00% 0 0,00% 3 0,00% -2 0,00%Hungary -1 -0,01% -6 -0,01% 89 0,07% -37 -0,05%Ireland 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 1 0,00% -1 0,00%Italy -4 0,00% -2 0,00% 56 0,01% -32 0,00%Latvia 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 1 0,00% -1 0,00%Lithuania 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 0 0,00%Luxembourg 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 6 0,05% -4 -0,04%Malta 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 0 0,00%Netherlands -2 0,00% -1 0,00% 36 0,01% -20 -0,01%Poland -1 0,00% 0 0,00% 38 0,01% -24 -0,01%Portugal -1 0,00% 0 0,00% 14 0,01% -6 -0,01%Romania 2 0,00% -1 0,00% 80 0,04% -31 -0,03%Slovakia 0 0,00% -3 -0,01% 61 0,09% -28 -0,08%Slovenia 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 7 0,02% -4 -0,02%Spain -4 0,00% 0 0,00% 28 0,00% -14 0,00%Sweden 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 4 0,00% -2 0,00%United Kingdo -3 0,00% 0 0,00% 43 0,00% -22 0,00%Norway 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 2 0,00% -1 0,00%Switzerland -6 -0,01% -2 0,00% 89 0,05% -47 -0,04%

Air Coach Rail Road

EU28+2 Emissions and fuel consumption, Difference, Baseline-Scenario

Year Fuel consumption CO2 NOx PM SO22030 -7.434 -26.136 -56 -3 -12035 -10.634 -35.254 -62 -3 -12040 -10.991 -35.718 -58 -3 -12045 -11.107 -36.228 -60 -3 -12050 -10.866 -35.471 -62 -3 -1

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 29

Table 13: Case study 2 – Impact on road accidents

Figure 6: Case study 2 – Impact on Gross Value Added

Overall the results obtained from the HIGH-TOOL run are in line with the expected type of change

(see Table 14).

Annual road accidents by type, and related costs 2050, Difference

Year Fatalities


injuries Cost (€)2030 0 -5 -66 -51.8082035 0 -7 -78 -60.8402040 0 -8 -73 -59.7282045 0 -12 -66 -60.3042050 0 -10 -78 -60.528









2035 2040 2045 2050

Total EU28+2 Gross Value Added by Sector (in million EUR, 2010), difference Scenario-Baseline

Primary Secondary Tertiary

30 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

Table 14: Case study 1 – Comparison of results with the outcomes

Parameter name Expected type of change HIGH-TOOL outcomes

Rail passenger demand + +

Road passenger demand - -

Coach passenger demand - -

Air passenger demand - -

GHG emissions - -

Emission of air pollutants - -

Road accidents - -

GDP/ GVA + +

2.2.5 Conclusions

The results of the HIGH-TOOL model reveal a modal shift from private passenger cars, coaches, and

air transport to the rail mode, which is in line with the expectations. Furthermore, the decrease in

fuel consumption, air transport emissions and road accidents meets the expectations. In relation

to the overall passenger transport demand in the EU28+2, the modal shifts from road and air to

rail is relatively small.

This pattern is explained by the relatively small geographical scope of the assumed infrastructure

improvement, as well as by the comparatively small share of passenger transport demand, which

benefits from the assumptions (i.e. inter-regional passenger flows at the level of NUTS-2).

The case study reveals overall plausible results. Furthermore, it demonstrates the functioning and

the usefulness of the hypernet approach to cover the spatial scope of infrastructure improvements

at a strategic level.

2.3 Case 3: Introduction of Speed Limits for All Road Vehicles

2.3.1 Description of the Case

Limiting the vehicle speed of road vehicles is an important measure to improve road safety and to

reduce greenhouse gas emissions, pollutant emissions and traffic noise. The EU has so far

implemented legislation on speed limiting devices for all heavy goods vehicles and buses above

10 tonnes (M3 and N3 vehicles) on 1/1/1995 1995 where 100 km/h and 90 km/h speed limits

are applied to M3 and N3 vehicles respectively (EC, 1992). This legislation has been extended to

the Directive 85/2002 (EC, 2002) where smaller heavy goods vehicles and buses, namely M2 and

N2 vehicles: 3.5–10 tonnes are included.

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 31

The limits of 100 km/h and 90 km/h are applied to M2 and N2 vehicles respectively starting on

1/1/2006. The EU CARE Database statistics demonstrates that the involvement in fatal road

accidents of heavy vans and trucks declined by approximately 50% in the last decade; this is not

the case for light commercial vehicles where the involvement in fatal road accidents declined by

around 30% (European Road Safety Observatory/Project DACOTA).

This case proposes speed limits for light commercial vehicles (LCVs). We expect to have an overall

reduction in external costs, including reduced air pollutants (CO2 emissions), reduced fuel

consumption and improved safety (decrease of number of accidents) but also an increase in

transport time and costs. More specifically, the case sets a scenario where a speed limit for LCVs

is set at 100 km/h in the whole EU28 region plus Switzerland and Norway (EU28+2).

This case study is in line -among other- with the White Paper on Transport (ECEC, 2011b) that

foresees an initiative to "examine approaches to limit the maximum speed of light commercial road

vehicles in order to decrease energy consumption, to enhance road safety and to ensure a level

playing field".

2.3.2 Policy Levers

This case was implemented through two parameters: first the change in the maximum speed and

second the change in the fuel consumption and emission factors following the speed reduction.

First, assuming that the costs to set the speed limit of LCVs to 100 km/h, e.g. the costs to purchase

and to install on-board speed limiter devices, are negligible, the main parameter to change is the

maximum speed. As HIGH-TOOL uses 'average speed' as the only policy lever, for this case the

change in the 'average speed' was used as a translation of 100 km/h speed limit applied to LCVs

(both for the Freight (FRD) and for the Safety (SAF) modules).

In a study by Transport & Mobility Leuven (2013) the following translation was elaborated: for

motorways this speed limitation is translated into a -10 to -15% change in average speed, while

on rural roads this means a -2 to -1% change in average speed. However, the effects of the speed

limiter on the speed distribution and speed profiles are very different amongst the Member States.

This is because the speed reduction depends on the actual speeds driven on the roads in each

Member States, influenced by the existing speed regulation or the posted speed limit in each

country. The posted speed limits in the Member States are different for each vehicle class, and

therefore the extent to which the speed is limited by the speed limiter (see Table 15).

32 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

Table 15: Case study 3 – Speed limits in Member States with low and high posted speed limits

Road Type Category Vehicle Low Posted Speed Limit

High Posted Speed Limit

Motorway Light duty N1 115 130

Heavy duty N2/N3 80 90

Rural Light duty N1 90 100

Heavy duty N2/N3 80 90

As HIGH-TOOL does not differentiate between the different road types (and does not differentiate

between LCV and HDV in the sense of speed) it is also assumed that the reduction of 12% is to be

applied in the test case for all years from 2015 onwards and for all EU28+2 countries. This 12%

value is simply an approximation of the effect of the speed limit regulation on the real speed limit

reduction in terms of percentage that we have chosen as a simplification of this case study: as

HIGH-TOOL traffic estimates concern in principle mobility at NUTS-2 level, we assume that freight

traffic on motorways is of importance in HIGH-TOOL freight road transport demand and it is quite

reasonable to take a mid-value suggested by Transport & Mobility Leuven (2013), i.e. between 10

and 15%. This average speed change will be applied to both light commercial vehicles and heavy

duty vehicles as the average speed parameter is not differentiated for the two types at road freight

level. This 12% speed drop among LCVS means a limited speed at 100 km/h. Assuming that Heavy

Duty Vehicles (HDV) speed limit legislations as mentioned previously, namely (EC, 1992) and (EC,

2002) are already implemented in the baseline scenario, the 10% reduction for HDVs implies the

setting of a further speed limit from 90 km/h to 80 km/h. Furthermore, the change in average

speed should be translated into changes in emission and fuel consumption factors.

To this end, Den Boer et al. (2010) provide information to determine the emission factors for vans

on motorways at different speeds. A standard driving pattern with a speed limit of 125 km/h was

used to obtain emission factors for the situation without speed limiters. A linear relation was then

used to scale the driving pattern to lower speeds, while keeping the driving pattern unchanged.

Using this exercise, the study found out that the average CO2 emission factor will be reduced to

84% (16% of reduction) when the top speed is limited to 100 km/h. It is assumed that that fuel

consumption factors will be reduced to the same level as CO2 emission factors.

Transport & Mobility Leuven (2013) however shows slightly lower reduction rate for LCVs

emissions when speed limit is determined at 100 km/h. In this study, the effects of 0% to 14%

maximum speed reduction are somewhere between 0% and 14% for CO2 emissions (and fuel

consumption), 2% and 49% for NOx and 0% and 14% for PM.

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 33

Combining both studies, we opt to roughly assume in this study that for LCVs, the maximum speed

limitation at 100 km/h will reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emission factors by 10%, NOx

emission factors by 30% and PM emission factors by 10%.

Finally, the effect of the speed limit measure on HDV is more limited than that on LCVs. According

to Transport & Mobility Leuven (2013), the effect is merely 1% when the speed difference

between the 'before' and 'after' (speed limit implementation) states is lower or equal to 5 km/h

and is close to 4% when the speed difference between the two states is higher than 5 km/h. In this

case study a reduction of 2.5% of the fuel consumption and emission factors is assumed.

Table 16 presents the policy levers in this case study.

Table 16: Case study 3 – Policy levers

Parameter name Data stock name Affected dimension Type of change

Average speed for road freight

P_fd_speed_1 Mode -12% for the average road freight speed for all years from 2015 and on and all EU28+2 countries

Fuel consumption/ emission factors

i_ev_emfactor An "expert mode" change is necessary to be performed i.e. Mode(=1 which is LCV), Emission type(=0,1,2,4 which are consecutively fuel consumption, NOx, CO2, and PM emission factors), Fuel type (=2,4,7, 9 for respectively CNG, diesel, gasoline, and LPG) Mode(=2 which is HDV), Emission type(=0,1,2,4 which are consecutively fuel consumption, NOx, CO2, and PM emission factors), Fuel type (=4 / diesel)

-10% for all years from 2015 for fuel consumption factors, CO2 and PM emission factors, and -30% for NOx emission factors -2.5% for all years from 2015 for fuel consumption and NOx, PM and CO2 emission factors

Policy lever for truck speed (in percentage change) compared to 2010 by country

i_sa_speed_truck Country -12% for the average road freight speed in 2015 (compared to previous year) for all EU28+2 countries

2.3.3 Expected Outcomes

A number of studies in the past have shown the following expected results by limiting the LCVs

top speed at 100 km/h.

In terms of environmental aspects:

• 5% CO2 emission reduction, 14% reduction of NOx emission and 4% reduction of PM

emission (Transport & Mobility Leuven, 2013).

34 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

In terms of safety aspects:

• Fatal accident reduction of 5% and serious injury accidents reduction of 3% (Transport &

Mobility Leuven, 2013).

• Fatalities reduction by about 190 per year (Den Boer et al., 2010).

If calculated in the same way, the environmental indicators outcome of this case study, where

speed limit is implemented not only to light duty vehicle, but also in heavy duty vehicles, should

give higher results. However, the studies' results are calculated at road link level while the HIGH-

TOOL environment module produces results at NUTS-0 (country) level only, where all types of

road are combined. Thus the environmental results are expected not to be comparable to those of

Transport & Mobility (2013). However, following environmental impacts are expected for the

HIGH-TOOL results:

• That there will be reduction in CO2 emissions as well as in NOx and PM as the consequence of

implementing speed limit measures on road freight transport. For light commercial vehicle

(LCV) the order of reduction of PM and CO2 emission, in percentage term, should be at a similar

level, while that of NOx emission should up to three times higher than that of PM and CO2.

Table 17 listed the affected parameters by this case study, as well as the expected outcome of

HIGH-TOOL compared to earlier studies.

Table 17: Case study 3 – Affected parameters

Parameter name Expected type of change HIGH-TOOL outcomes

Decreasing road freight demand - -

Increasing rail freight demand + +

Increasing SSS and sea freight demand + +

Total CO2 emission from road freight vehicles

- -

Total PM emission from road freight vehicles

- -

Total NOx emission from road freight vehicles

- - -

Fatalities - -

Serious injuries - -

Slight injuries - -

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 35

2.3.4 HIGH-TOOL Outcomes

The implementation of speed limit regulation on all road freight vehicles from 2015 onwards

decreases the EU28+2 road freight demand by around 0.5% to 0.7% in every simulation year (see

Figure 7). This demand is shifted to rail freight modes whose demand shares increase by 0.1% to

0.2% and to sea modes whose demand shares increase by around 0.4% to 0.6%. It is interesting

to note that speed limit regulation also decreases the share of short-sea shipping (SSS) transport

demand share by around 0.1%. This decrease in SSS mode can be understood as the secondary

impact of the drop in road freight transport demand which is the closest mode to SSS transport in

term of supply chain.

In terms of environmental aspects, the main results are the reduction of fuel consumption and CO2

emissions of all road freight vehicles. At EU28+2 level, the implementation of the road freight

vehicle speed limit scenario decreases the total fuel consumption and CO2 emission of all transport

modes the year 2015 by around -0.4%. In absolute values, this corresponds to around 5.5 million

tonnes of CO2 emissions and 1.8 million tonnes of fuel consumption reduction. The fuel

consumption reduction percentage increases to reach the peak of nearly 1% (5 million tonnes of

fuel reduction) in 2040 while that of CO2 emissions also reaches the peak of around 1.3% of

emission reduction (16.2 tonnes of CO2 emission reduction) in the same year of 2040. The

decreasing share of road freight modes on their contribution on the CO2 emissions within the total

CO2 emissions of all transport modes makes that the effect of the speed limit regulation in this

scenario gets smaller and smaller as we can see in the reduction potential which is decreasing

slightly between 2040 and 2050.

Figure 7: Case study 3 – Impact on EU28+2 CO2 emissions – all transport modes









2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

EU28+2 CO2 emissions, difference Scenario-Baseline in %

36 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

Within the road transport modes itself the speed limit measure will reduce the fuel consumption

and CO2 emission by 0.6% in 2015. This reduction percentage will reach its peak of 2% on 2040,

and reach 1.8% in 2050.

Finally within the road freight transport, the measure will reduce the fuel consumption and CO2

emission by 1.6% in 2015 before reaching its peak of nearly 4% in 2040 and then reaching 3.8%

in 2050 (see Figure 8).

Figure 8: Case study 3 – Impact on EU28+2 CO2 emissions – all road freight transport modes

In term of air pollution, the speed limit implementation reduces also both the total NOx and PM

emissions in EU28+2 (all transport modes) respectively by around 0.7% and 2% in 2015

compared to the baseline scenario. This reduction rates increase up 2.5% for NOx and up to 10.5%

for PM in the year 2040. The emission reduction rate remains constant between 2040 and 2050

for NOx and increase slightly, i.e. up to nearly 11% of reduction in 2050 for PM.

Within the road freight transport itself, NOx pollution will be reduced by around 2.3% in 2015 to

reach nearly 8.8% of reduction in 2040 and this rate remains at this level until 2050 (see Figure

9). PM pollution will be reduced by 7% in 2015 which reaches 33.2% of reduction in 2040 and

remains at the same level until 2050 (see Figure 10).











2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

EU28+2 CO2 emissions, difference Scenario-Baseline in %

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 37

Figure 9: Case study 3 – Impact on EU28+2 NOx emissions – all road freight transport modes

Figure 10: Case study 3 – Impact on EU28+2 PM emissions – all road freight transport modes












2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

EU28+2 NOx emissions, difference Scenario-Baseline in %









2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

EU28+2 PM emissions, difference Scenario-Baseline in %

38 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

The effect of speed limit measures on NOx and PM emissions are different on LCV and on HDV. On

LCV the effects of the measures on NOx emissions are around 3 times greater than those on PM

emissions. This means that the impact of speed limit on NOx and PM emissions on LCV is

comparable to Transport & Mobility Leuven (2013) as mentioned in the section 2.3.3. On HDV, the

effects of the measures on PM are around seven times larger than those on NOx (see Table 18).

Table 18: Case study 3 – Impact in EU28+2 NOx and PM emissions – Light Commercial (LCV) and Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDV)

Year Impact on NOx Impact on PM


2010 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

2015 -5.5% -1.8% -2.5% -7.4%

2020 -9.2% -2.1% -3.6% -11.9%

2025 -14.7% -2.8% -5.3% -17.8%

2030 -20.7% -3.5% -7.3% -24.2%

2035 -27.3% -4.2% -9.5% -30.6%

2040 -32.5% -4.6% -11.0% -35.0%

2045 -32.5% -4.6% -11.0% -34.9%

2050 -32.6% -4.6% -11.1% -35.0%

In safety aspects, also at EU28+2 of the year 2015, the speed limit scenario decreases road

fatalities by 4% (around 500 reduced accidents), road serious injuries by 2% (slightly more than

2 000 reduced accidents) and road slight injuries by also 2% (nearly 14 000 reduced accidents).

In 2050 the fatalities are reduced by 75%, serious injuries by 53% and slight injuries by 50%. The

speed limit implementation reduced the road accident costs by around 3% or around EUR 17.2

million in 2015. In 2050 the road accident costs is reduced by 60% (nearly EUR 295 million of

reduction) in comparison to the baseline situation (see Figure 11). In 2050, the total costs of

accidents decrease by 60% for cars & trucks, by 50% for bicycle and by 38% for motorised 2

wheelers. At the same year, the costs of accidents increase slightly, by almost 1% in rail, inland

waterways and short-sea shipping.

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 39

Figure 11: Case study 3 – Impact in EU28+2 road accidents

2.3.5 Conclusions

The results of the HIGH-TOOL model reveal a modal shift from road freight modes to the rail freight

and sea freight modes including short sea shipping, which is in line with the expectations.

Furthermore, the decrease in fuel consumption, air transport emissions and pollution as well as

road accidents meet the expectations.

This case study reveals overall plausible results.










2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

EU28+2 Road accidents by type, difference Scenario-Baseline in %

Fatalities Serious injuries Slight injuries

40 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

2.4 Case 4: Untapped Potential of Maritime Ports related to

Liberalisation Policies

2.4.1 Description of the Case

This case aims at analysing the untapped potential of maritime ports by applying policies related

to liberalisation of the market to improve competitiveness of ports outside the northern range.

The idea is to check how HIGH-TOOL can handle such broad policies related to the internal market

of the EU. Another feature to be tested is how the freight demand model responds to different

inputs in different regions/countries.

Liberalisation policies should in theory be able to improve the costs and times of the ports that

are presently being governed to some extent by a central agency and thus do not have the high

degree of freedom that ports in the northern range enjoy with respect to business-related

decisions such as setting prices or deciding about the contracts with the operators in the port.

For this case study we will suppose that liberalisation has the effect of lowering port costs by

-5% in the ports of the Mediterranean (Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Greece) and improving even

more the time for handling the cargo to reduction by -10%, compared to the baseline.

2.4.2 Policy Levers

The policy levers relevant for the case study are those related to costs and time for the maritime

mode, applied with different intensities throughout the EU. They are listed in Table 19.

Table 19: Case study 4 – Policy levers

Parameter name Data stock name Affected dimension Type of change

Average fixed costs for sea freight

p_fd_fixed_cost_5 Year, country, fixed costs

-5% for the fixed costs for all years from 2015 and on for countries in the Mediterranean

Average variable costs for sea freight

p_fd_var_cost_5 Year, country, variable costs

-5% for the variable costs for all years from 2015 and on for countries in the Mediterranean

Average loading time for sea freight

p_fd_load_time_5 Year, country, loading time

-10% for the load time for all years from 2015 and on for countries in the Mediterranean

Average unloading time for sea freight

p_fd_unload_time_5 Year, country, unloading time

-10% for the unload time for all years from 2015 and on for countries in the Mediterranean

Average waiting time for sea freight

p_fd_wait_time_5 Year, country, waiting time

-10% for the wait time for all years from 2015 and on for countries in the Mediterranean

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 41

2.4.3 Expected Outcomes

It is expected that the freight flows of the affected countries will increase in all modes compared

to the baseline, whereas flows will grow less than the baseline in countries of the northern range

(mainly France, Belgium, Netherlands and Germany). This is the effect of outside flows being

diverted to southern ports even if the final origin/destination in Europe does not change.

This new transport routes should be a bit shorter than the current ones, and thus it is also

expected that environmental indicators will improve with reductions in emissions.

HIGH-TOOL will not be able to simulate the long-term effect this new distribution pattern will have

in terms of a new logistic distribution structure and possible re-industrialisation due to

agglomeration effects in the south of Europe. Table 20 demonstrates the expected outcomes.

2.4.4 HIGH-TOOL Outcomes

The outcomes shown in Table 20 are logical according to the inputs of the case study, but they are

not as expected in terms of the resulting impact intensity nor in the shift patterns between modes

and geographical areas.

Table 20: Case study 4 – Results

Parameter name Expected type of change HIGH-TOOL outcomes

Total freight demand No change No change

Maritime traffic in southern countries ++ +

Maritime traffic in northern countries - No change

Inland traffic in southern countries + -

Inland traffic in northern countries - No change

Total freight demand remains constant and we see an increase in maritime traffic in the southern

countries. However, this is matched by an equal decrease of inland traffic in southern countries

and almost no change at all in the rest of Europe.

The main impact is the change in mode performance for freight transport as shown in Figure 12.

It can be seen that there is a clear increase in the number of ton-km for short-sea and deep sea

modes and a decrease in the inland modes, especially road. This means that globally we have more

ton-km in the system instead of a global reduction as previously expected.

However, overall the most polluting mode (road) clearly diminishes and this translates into an

improvement in environmental indicators (see Figure 13). No clear improvement can be seen with

respect to road safety indicators, as the road traffic decrease is not significant enough.

42 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

Figure 12: Case study 4 – Impact in mode performance for freight transport

Figure 13: Case study 4 – Impact in CO2 emissions

Results of freight performance at NUTS-0 level help understand what is happening with the flows.

As shown in Figure 14, most modal shift occurs in the countries where policies are applied.

However, the shift seems to be happening inside each country individually. This means the

expected flow shift pattern is not occurring and changes have a local dimension instead of being

at European level.



2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

Total EU28+2 ton-kilometres, all modes (in million tkm), difference Scenario-Baseline

Road Rail IWW Short-Sea Sea








2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

EU28+2 CO2 emissions, difference Scenario-Baseline in %

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 43

Figure 14: Case study 4 – Impact in mode performance for freight transport at NUTS-0 level

2.4.5 Conclusions

A further analysis of the freight model shows that the maximum shift in flows that could be

achieved might be limited by the existence of available routes in the model, given that HIGH-TOOL

is not a network model and thus no new routes can be derived from improvements in the

transportation costs. So one possible solution to improve the modelling capabilities of HIGH-TOOL

in the context of this case study would be adding more logistic chains with new transhipment

points, making it possible for instance to get to central Europe via all main Mediterranean ports.

This kind of tweaking requires expert user knowledge of the model.

We can therefore conclude that the HIGH-TOOL model needs certain changes in order to be able to

do a comprehensive assessment of the current case study. The specific challenge for this case

study was the modelling of demand interactions between different European ports, which is

beyond the scope of the current version of the HIGH-TOOL model, since the modelling of freight

transport demand is not based on a network model.




















h Re



















































EU28+2 Freight Modal Split 2050 based on tkm (in %), difference Scenario-Baseline

Road Rail IWW Short-Sea Sea

44 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

2.5 Case 5: Cost Sensitivity of the HIGH-TOOL Model for Passenger

Road Mode

2.5.1 Description of the Case

The case study investigates the sensitivity of the HIGH-TOOL model upon passenger demand,

vehicle stock, environment and safety when cost changes occur. As an example, a policy lever for

the road mode is selected for passenger transport. The case study concerns not a specific policy,

but rather intends to examine the sensitivity of the HIGH-TOOL model on cost changes to the road


The case study concerns four model runs whereby a linear change of road passenger costs

increase over time is assumed. Along the results displayed in the assessment report the model

behaviour is shown by displaying the sensitivity curvature of a selection of indicators produced

by the HIGH-TOOL model.

2.5.2 Policy Levers

To investigate a user oriented cost increase for the road mode, the toll costs per vehicle-kilometre

are used for car and coach. As for some countries toll costs do not exist up to now, the test

incorporates four different values increasing toll costs. Thus in some countries toll costs are

introduced while for other countries just the existing toll costs is increased. In case no tolls exist,

the average toll costs of the ones existing throughout Europe are used as starting point. The

implementation has been executed by defining customised scenarios.

Obviously the political discussion about a very selective increase of costs for a single mode while

other modes are not affected is critical, as modes must be treated on equal base to maintain a

balanced competition, but as the case study just investigates the model behaviour and does not

concern a policy measure the selection of the cost parameter and the selective use for one mode

is not decisive.

The policy levers in this case study are shown in Table 21.

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 45

Table 21: Case study 5 – Policy levers

Parameter name Data stock name Affected dimension Type of change

Average toll costs for passenger mode car and coach by country

i_pd_core_toll_cost_xxx_z Year, country, mode, user costs (EUR/vkm)

Linear increase of the existing toll costs from 2015 to 2050 Run 1: +10% Run 2: +25% Run 3: +50% Run 4: +100% In case no toll cost exist in a country the average increase was applied

Whereby 'xxx' defines the country and 'z' the mode (car, coach).

It has to be noted that the scope of the scenario covers EU28, whereby 16 of 28 countries have

i_pd_core_toll_cost values for passenger cars greater than zero in 2015. For the countries without

toll costs we assumed for the year 2020 that toll costs are implemented at the level of the average

costs per vkm on all roads, which is equal to 0.66 Cents.

Although the increase by 10%, 25%, 50% and 100% seems quite large, the absolute cost increase

per vkm is minor, especially when considering the load factor of vehicles which is taken into

account when calculating the costs per traveller. Table 22 and Table 23 show the average road toll

costs in the EU28 countries in the year 2015 and the applied change in percentages in the scenario


46 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

Table 22: Case study 5 – Average road tolls in EU28 countries

Table 23: Case study 5 – Implemented series of toll increase over time

EU28 average road tolls per vkm in EUR in the year 2015Country Car Coach

AT 0,0029 0,0158BE 0,0000 0,0000BG 0,0026 0,0100CY 0,0000 0,0000CZ 0,0032 0,0309DE 0,0000 0,0000DK 0,0000 0,0000EE 0,0000 0,0000ES 0,0156 0,0211FI 0,0000 0,0000FR 0,0110 0,0384GR 0,0047 0,0138HR 0,0017 0,0033HU 0,0061 0,0110IE 0,0020 0,0050IT 0,0128 0,0237LT 0,0000 0,0447LU 0,0000 0,0000LV 0,0000 0,0000MT 0,0000 0,0000NL 0,0000 0,0000PL 0,0089 0,0222PT 0,0102 0,0502RO 0,0028 0,0174SE 0,0000 0,0000SI 0,0037 0,0146SK 0,0039 0,0248UK 0,0152 0,0295Avg 0,0066 0,0221

Road toll changes applied in EU28 countries2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

Toll +10%Tolls in 2015 0,00% 0,00% 1,43% 2,86% 4,29% 5,71% 7,14% 8,57% 10,00%

No Tolls in 2015 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 1,67% 3,33% 5,00% 6,67% 8,33% 10,00%Tolls +25%

Tolls in 2015 0,00% 0,00% 3,57% 7,14% 10,71% 14,29% 17,86% 21,43% 25,00%No Tolls in 2015 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 4,17% 8,33% 12,50% 16,67% 20,83% 25,00%

Tolls +50%Tolls in 2015 0,00% 0,00% 7,14% 14,29% 21,43% 28,57% 35,71% 42,86% 50,00%

No Tolls in 2015 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 8,33% 16,67% 25,00% 33,33% 41,67% 50,00%Tolls +100%Tolls in 2015 0,00% 0,00% 14,29% 28,57% 42,86% 57,14% 71,43% 85,71% 100,00%

No Tolls in 2015 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 16,67% 33,33% 50,00% 66,67% 83,33% 100,00%

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 47

2.5.3 Expected Outcomes

The cost sensitivity test investigates the behaviour of the HIGH-TOOL model when a cost

component, here the toll costs for passenger transport on roads, increases over time. The test is

undertaken by four scenario runs whereby the level of cost increase differs between 10% and

100% in the time horizon of 2020 to 2050. It is expected that an increase of costs for road modes

will imply a modal shift reaction in favour of the non-road modes. Thus the transport volumes for

road transport are expected to decrease while the ones for the non-road modes should increase.

In addition, it is expected that less road traffic leads to a decrease in fatalities and injuries for this

mode and in consequence the accident costs for road will decrease as well. As the environmental

factors are strictly related to the fuel consumption, the lower road fuel usage is expected to be

compensated by the non-road modes. Overall economic effects are expected to be minor. In

general the results of the case study allow to demonstrate the reliable behaviour of HIGH-TOOL

respectively whether the model mirrors the market behaviour in a reasonable and logic way.

Table 24 summarises the expected outcomes of this scenario.

Table 24: Case study 5 – Affected parameters

Parameter name Expected type of change

Passenger kilometre by road - (--)

Accident costs by road - (--)

2.5.4 HIGH-TOOL Outcomes

Four assessment reports have been analysed and results of various modules have been extracted.

Table 25 shows the overview results of the model runs. The specific results are summarised in

tables and graphs which display the sensitivity curvatures based on the applied cost variations.

Table 25: Case study 5 – Results

Parameter name Expected type of change HIGH-TOOL outcomes

Passenger performance pkm +(++) / - (--) +(++) / - (--)

Annual road accidents cost - (--) - (--)

48 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

Figure 15 and Table 26 illustrate the relative changes of pkm between the baseline and the test

scenarios. The curvature expresses the elasticity of the passenger model to cost changes

differentiated by road and non-road modes. The shapes of the curvatures are slightly non-linear

picking up thresholds in consumer behaviour and reflect the expectations we see as well in reality.

The shift of travellers from road to non-road modes is in relation to each other, but in total there

is a decrease in pkm over all modes when increasing tolls. This is due to a higher usage of air and

high-speed rail services while coach increases just slightly. Therefore the model works fine as well

in relation to modal split effects.

Figure 15: Case study 5 – Elasticity of pkm in toll scenarios

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 49

Table 26: Case study 5 – Road pkm changes in toll scenarios

The results regarding safety and environment are in principle a consequence of passenger

demand reactions. For safety the highest impact is with the fatalities. Less pkm result in fewer

fatalities for road, but the number of fatalities omitted over all modes is quite small as other modes

compensate the gains affected by road. The drop of accident costs for road between 2015 and

2020 is caused by the introduction of tolls at countries which do not have tolls implemented yet.

The flat curvature for the test scenario of 50% and 100% toll increase results out of the rounding

routine as fatalities have to be integer. In general, the safety model behaves in line with the

demand results whereby the curvatures show a slight over proportional reaction of the model

(see Figure 16 and Table 27).

Figure 16: Case study 5 –Elasticity of road accident costs in toll scenarios

EU28+2 passenger transport performance changes (in millions)

Year Toll +10% Toll +25% Toll +50% Toll +100% Toll +10% Toll +25% Toll +50% Toll +100%2010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02020 -517 -554 -615 -738 229 246 274 3312025 -629 -729 -895 -1.228 307 355 435 5962030 -709 -882 -1.171 -1.747 352 436 576 8562035 -749 -992 -1.397 -2.206 360 478 673 1.0652040 -803 -1.117 -1.640 -2.684 387 538 789 1.2902045 -825 -1.171 -1.746 -2.895 399 570 855 1.4252050 -893 -1.313 -2.012 -3.408 430 635 978 1.662

Road Non-Road

50 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

Table 27: Case study 5 – Road accident cost changes in toll scenarios

2.5.5 Conclusions

The obtained results show a proper reaction of the HIGH-TOOL model for passenger transport. An

increase in costs leads to a lower attractiveness of the road mode; thus there is a decline in road

transport demand. The changes to the specific modes are in the adequate range of expected


2.6 Case 6: Modules' Stability in a Given Time-Step

2.6.1 Description of the Case

When assessing policy impacts in HIGH-TOOL, the user expects the model to be able to produce

stable responses to changes brought on by policies. Given the fact that some of the HIGH-TOOL

modules operate in an ordered sequence inside a time step (a feed forward structure) and

consume each others’ outputs, it is possible that by repeating the same run, the outcomes are

different. The lag is twofold. Firstly, Economy & Resources module of 2020, for example, is run by

using the outputs of 2015 Vehicle Stock, Passenger Demand, and Freight Demand modules.

Secondly, any change in a module from 2011–2015, for example, is only reflected in the year 2015.

Intuitively it would seem that this might have an impact on the quality of model outputs.

Besides the feedback loops in a given time step, several modules use stochastic functions to

simulate future trends; for example, in the Freight Demand (FRD) module, the modal split function

is a multinomial logit model estimating the probabilities of the cargo to be transferred with a

specific mode for a given Origin/Destination (O/D).

Annual road accident related cost changes in EURYear Toll +10% Toll +25% Toll +50% Toll +100%2010 0 0 0 02015 0 0 0 02020 -39.440 -42.080 -46.440 -55.2402025 -47.096 -54.272 -66.208 -90.0562030 -52.248 -64.632 -85.232 -126.4002035 -54.728 -71.976 -100.656 -157.9682040 -58.240 -80.256 -116.856 -190.0082045 -58.872 -81.800 -119.928 -196.1282050 -63.160 -90.848 -136.952 -228.960

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 51

In this case, the outcomes of HIGH-TOOL were evaluated to analyse this pattern. More specifically,

the model was run several times on baseline conditions to compare the outputs for 5-years

intervals from different runs and confirm whether the model produces different results and

whether it converges.

2.6.2 Policy Levers

Since the convergence of the baseline calibration process is tested in this case study, no policy

lever in the model is changed. All modules in HIGH-TOOL are tested in order to see whether they

are stable or not. The procedure consists of running HIGH-TOOL with baseline conditions, then

taking the resulting data set as input for a next run with baseline conditions and so on, repeating

the process four times, so that three comparisons can be made.

2.6.3 Expected Outcomes

There are two potential outcomes of the test: no significant change or significant changes on the

final performance indicators of baseline runs. If the test case indicates significant differences

among different runs of the baseline, the model might need some adaptions in order to include

iterative calculations. If there is no significant change on the final performance indicators, the

current feed forward model can be kept. Table 28 indicates the expected outcomes of this case


Table 28: Case study 6 – Expected outcomes

Changes in the model Expected type of change

Nothing, only different runs over the previous results

Significant change/No significant change

2.6.4 HIGH-TOOL Outcomes

Successive runs of the model over the previous results data set, show that results do change in

each iteration, but these changes are relatively small and converging to 0, meaning that after

several iterations the results do not change. Table 29 shows the results when comparing one run

to the previous one per module. All changes are well below 1% in the first iteration and under

0.02% in the second, getting down to almost 0 on the third iteration.

52 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

Table 29: Case study 6 – Results at EU28+2 level

Parameter name HIGH-TOOL outcomes Run1 vs initial baseline

HIGH-TOOL outcomes Run2 vs Run1

HIGH-TOOL outcomes Run3 vs Run2

Vehicle Stock (all modes) +0,327% +0,018% -0,0005%

Passenger demand (pkm all modes) -0,009% -0,0002% +0,0002%

Freight demand (ton-km all modes) -0,023% +0,001% -0,0004%

Environment (tons CO2 all modes) -0,101% +0,002% +0,001%

Safety (car fatalities) -0,022% 0,000% 0,000%

When considering the time dimension, results show a similar trend, with more or less amplitude

in the variation at each year but overall a decrease in differences that rapidly tend to 0, as shown

in Figure 17, Figure 18, and Figure 19.

Figure 17: Case Study 6 – Convergence of results for Vehicle Stock module












2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

Vehicle Stock (all modes)

Iteration 1 iteration 2 Iteration 3

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 53

Figure 18: Case Study 6 – Convergence of results for Passenger Demand module

Figure 19: Case Study 6 – Convergence of results for Freight Demand module

Finally, the results of this exercise can be analysed at NUTS-0 level. Again it can be seen that

although different variations occur at different countries, the global trend for all of them is a

decrease of the variation and a convergence towards 0. Table 30, Table 31, and Table 32 show this

trend for results of Passenger Demand module (total passenger-km all modes).








0,00%2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

Passenger demand (pkm all modes)

Iteration 1 iteration 2 Iteration 3








0,01%2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

FRD Ton·km

Iteration 1 iteration 2 Iteration 3

54 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

Table 30: Case Study 6 – Results of PAD for the first iteration per NUTS-0 and year

Passenger demand (pkm all modes) First iteration

Country 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

AT 0,0000% 0,0011% 0,0017% 0,0010% -0,0042% -0,0024% 0,0004% 0,0025%

BE 0,0000% 0,0017% 0,0032% 0,0029% -0,0018% -0,0023% -0,0022% -0,0043%

BG 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0069% 0,0038% -0,0034% -0,0101% 0,0004% -0,0068%

CH 0,0000% 0,0029% -0,0036% -0,0032% -0,0054% -0,0006% 0,0085% 0,0118%

CY 0,0000% 0,0051% -0,0112% -0,0179% -0,0179% -0,0117% -0,0097% -0,0083%

CZ 0,0000% 0,0010% -0,0002% 0,0013% -0,0051% -0,0066% -0,0060% -0,0101%

DE 0,0000% 0,0014% 0,0055% 0,0054% -0,0017% -0,0013% -0,0037% -0,0068%

DK 0,0000% 0,0012% 0,0031% -0,0005% -0,0045% -0,0060% -0,0060% -0,0094%

EE 0,0000% -0,0014% -0,0063% -0,0113% -0,0202% -0,0223% -0,0286% -0,0376%

ES 0,0000% 0,0099% -0,0022% -0,0052% 0,0062% 0,0473% 0,0328% 0,0178%

FI 0,0000% -0,0005% 0,0029% 0,0075% -0,0005% -0,0013% -0,0012% -0,0037%

FR 0,0000% 0,0018% 0,0035% 0,0010% -0,0067% -0,0052% -0,0066% -0,0117%

GR 0,0000% -0,0011% 0,0039% 0,0169% 0,0031% -0,0115% -0,0194% -0,0345%

HR 0,0000% 0,0014% 0,0062% -0,0061% -0,0101% -0,0063% -0,0126% -0,0152%

HU 0,0000% -0,0002% 0,0020% 0,0028% -0,0024% -0,0043% -0,0040% -0,0115%

IE 0,0000% -0,0003% -0,0012% -0,0052% -0,0079% -0,0079% -0,0088% -0,0084%

IT 0,0000% -0,0004% 0,0049% 0,0049% -0,0025% -0,0026% -0,0040% -0,0111%

LT 0,0000% -0,0010% 0,0066% 0,0085% 0,0006% -0,0038% -0,0027% -0,0136%

LU 0,0000% 0,0016% 0,0031% 0,0046% 0,0035% 0,0104% 0,0149% 0,0200%

LV 0,0000% -0,0014% 0,0098% 0,0112% 0,0090% 0,0062% 0,0049% -0,0041%

MT 0,0000% 0,0070% -0,0090% -0,0128% -0,0321% -0,0223% -0,0093% 0,0116%

NL 0,0000% 0,0028% 0,0061% 0,0057% -0,0007% -0,0091% -0,0100% -0,0163%

NO 0,0000% 0,0017% -0,0052% -0,0078% -0,0079% -0,0047% -0,0017% 0,0087%

PL 0,0000% -0,0006% -0,0020% 0,0008% -0,0032% -0,0020% -0,0078% -0,0203%

PT 0,0000% 0,0059% -0,0093% -0,0163% -0,0299% -0,0291% -0,0352% -0,0594%

RO 0,0000% -0,0018% -0,0095% -0,0024% 0,0126% 0,0173% -0,0196% -0,0196%

SE 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0028% 0,0033% -0,0018% -0,0039% -0,0056% -0,0107%

SI 0,0000% -0,0029% -0,0004% 0,0025% -0,0031% -0,0036% -0,0036% -0,0083%

SK 0,0000% -0,0035% -0,0031% -0,0016% -0,0043% -0,0019% 0,0007% 0,0111%

UK 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0018% 0,0021% 0,0027% -0,0060% -0,0152% -0,0139%

EU28+2 0,0000% 0,0014% 0,0021% 0,0018% -0,0019% 0,0006% -0,0038% -0,0091%

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 55

Table 31: Case Study 6 – Results of PAD for the second iteration per NUTS-0 and year

Passenger demand (pkm all modes) Second iteration

Country 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

AT 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0005% 0,0008% -0,0002% -0,0003% -0,0002% -0,0004%

BE 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0012% 0,0010% -0,0001% -0,0001% -0,0002% -0,0002%

BG 0,0000% 0,0000% -0,0001% 0,0002% 0,0000% 0,0001% 0,0001% 0,0002%

CH 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0015% 0,0025% 0,0011% -0,0003% 0,0001% 0,0002%

CY 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0001% -0,0003% -0,0004% -0,0003% -0,0002% -0,0001%

CZ 0,0000% 0,0000% -0,0003% 0,0001% 0,0001% 0,0000% -0,0001% -0,0001%

DE 0,0000% 0,0000% -0,0001% 0,0001% 0,0002% -0,0002% -0,0004% -0,0003%

DK 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0003% 0,0004% -0,0003% -0,0006% 0,0001% -0,0001%

EE 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0001% -0,0002% -0,0001% -0,0001% -0,0002% -0,0004%

ES 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0001% -0,0001% -0,0001% 0,0000% 0,0005% 0,0002%

FI 0,0000% 0,0000% -0,0001% -0,0003% 0,0001% 0,0000% -0,0002% -0,0001%

FR 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0009% 0,0008% -0,0004% -0,0002% -0,0002% -0,0002%

GR 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0002% 0,0004% -0,0006% -0,0008% -0,0011%

HR 0,0000% 0,0000% -0,0002% -0,0002% -0,0007% -0,0002% -0,0007% -0,0007%

HU 0,0000% 0,0000% -0,0001% 0,0003% 0,0000% -0,0001% -0,0002% -0,0004%

IE 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0001% 0,0000% -0,0001% -0,0001% -0,0001% 0,0000%

IT 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0004% 0,0005% 0,0000% -0,0001% -0,0001% -0,0002%

LT 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0001% 0,0002% 0,0000% 0,0001% 0,0000%

LU 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0016% 0,0037% 0,0029% 0,0000% -0,0001% 0,0000%

LV 0,0000% 0,0000% -0,0002% 0,0002% 0,0001% 0,0001% 0,0001% -0,0002%

MT 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0004% 0,0000% -0,0002% -0,0006% 0,0001% 0,0003%

NL 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0019% 0,0018% -0,0001% 0,0004% 0,0004% 0,0004%

NO 0,0000% 0,0000% -0,0001% -0,0006% -0,0010% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000%

PL 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0002% 0,0001% 0,0001% 0,0000% 0,0002% 0,0002%

PT 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0002% -0,0002% -0,0003% -0,0012% -0,0014% -0,0018%

RO 0,0000% 0,0000% -0,0002% -0,0001% 0,0003% 0,0007% 0,0002% 0,0000%

SE 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0001% 0,0001% -0,0001% -0,0001% -0,0001% -0,0001%

SI 0,0000% 0,0000% -0,0001% -0,0001% -0,0001% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000%

SK 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0002% -0,0002% -0,0003% -0,0002% 0,0000% 0,0001%

UK 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0004% 0,0005% -0,0010% -0,0009% -0,0009% -0,0022%

EU28+2 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0004% 0,0004% -0,0002% -0,0002% -0,0002% -0,0004%

56 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

Table 32: Case Study 6 – Results of PAD for the third iteration per NUTS-0 and year

Passenger demand (pkm all modes) Third iteration

Country 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

AT 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0003% 0,0000% 0,0000% -0,0002% -0,0002%

BE 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% -0,0001% -0,0001%

BG 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000%

CH 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0006% 0,0013% 0,0001% 0,0000% -0,0001%

CY 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000%

CZ 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000%

DE 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000%

DK 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0001% 0,0000% 0,0001% -0,0001% -0,0001%

EE 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0001%

ES 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000%

FI 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% -0,0001% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000%

FR 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0002% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000%

GR 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% -0,0001% -0,0001% -0,0001%

HR 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0002% 0,0003% -0,0001% 0,0000% 0,0000%

HU 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% -0,0001% -0,0001%

IE 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000%

IT 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0002% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000%

LT 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000%

LU 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0009% 0,0026% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000%

LV 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000%

MT 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000%

NL 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0007% 0,0006% 0,0006%

NO 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% -0,0001% -0,0004% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000%

PL 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000%

PT 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% -0,0001% -0,0001%

RO 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% -0,0001%

SE 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000%

SI 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000%

SK 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000%

UK 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0002% 0,0003% 0,0003% 0,0003% -0,0005%

EU28+2 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0000% 0,0001% 0,0001% 0,0000% -0,0001%

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 57

2.6.5 Conclusions

The results show that the model produces stable results at all levels of analysis: at an aggregated

level, in different time steps and across different geographical units. This exercise shows the need

to calibrate the baseline scenario using iterative calculations (over the previous results) in order

to have a fixed starting point that serves as the basis for the policy scenario simulations.

It can also be derived that iterative calculations in a policy scenario simulation could produce

marginal changes to the results, at the expense of much more computation time. Thus we conclude

that it is not worth it to include an iterative calculation process to refine the results and that the

current keep forward model produces correct and stable results.

2.7 Case 7: Increase of Public and Private Transport Infrastructure


2.7.1 Description of the Case

In this case the impact of an increase in public and private transport infrastructure investments

is investigated. It is proposed to increase the investments in transport infrastructure in the EU

28+2 with 0.5% per year. This increase starts in 2020. Since we run the model in 5-year steps we

increase the infrastructure investments by 2.5% in the years 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040, 2045

and 2050.

2.7.2 Policy Levers

In this case study only one policy lever is relevant. We do not distinguish between public and

private infrastructure investments, because in the HIGH-TOOL Economy and Resource Module only

one optimising economic agent is considered. Table 33 presents the policy lever subject to change.

Table 33: Case study 7 – Policy levers

Parameter name Data stock name Affected dimension Type of change

Infrastructure investments I_er_delta_inv Year, country, investment increase the investments in transport infrastructure in EU28 with 0.5% per year starting in 2020

58 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

2.7.3 Expected Outcomes

The increase in investments in infrastructure will have an expected impact on several indicators

from other modules within HIGH-TOOL. First of all, we expect that this will directly increase

intermediate consumption for the construction and related sectors. This increases total demand

and effects production and trade-flows. Indicators with highest impact will be identified and

plausibility of these results will be checked. Table 34 presents the affected parameters.

Table 34: Case study 7 – Affected parameters

Parameter name Expected type of change


Output (GVA) +

2.7.4 HIGH-TOOL Outcomes

In this section we present the HIGH-TOOL outcomes after running case study 7. The outcomes are

more or less as expected. The changes caused by the increase in private and public infrastructure

investments are small and are mainly observed in the ECR module. Table 34 gives an overview of

the expected outcomes and the HIGH-TOOL outcomes. Figure 20 and Figure 21 show the difference

between the baseline scenario and the case study scenario for GDP and GVA, respectively.

Figure 20: Case Study 7 – Difference in average yearly GDP growth between baseline and scenario












h Re



















































Average yearly GDP growth by country (%), difference Scenario-Baseline

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 59

We can see that mostly the secondary sector is effected by the increase in infrastructure

investments, followed by the tertiary sector and then the primary sector although the size of these

effects is already negligible (the change for both sectors starts in 2030 and amount to EUR 3.2

million for the tertiary sector, which increases to EUR 29.4 million in 2050, and EUR 0.4 million

for the primary sector in 2030 which increases to EUR 1.6 million in 2050).

Figure 21: Case Study 7 – Difference in GVA between scenario and baseline

In Table 35 we see the change in private and public infrastructure investments causing a slight

decrease in freight and passenger demand. This is mainly caused by an increase in prices (both

for freight and passenger transport) due to the (small) increase in GDP, thus representing a second

order effect.








2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

Total EU28+2 Gross Value Added by Sector (in million EUR, 2010), difference Scenario-Baseline

Primary Secondary Tertiary

60 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

Table 35: Case study 7 – Results

Parameter name Expected type of change HIGH-TOOL outcomes

Freight demand No change Negligible change (-)

Economy + +

Passenger demand No change Negligible change (-)

Safety - Negligible (-)

Environment No change Negligible change (-)

The current HIGH-TOOL model is not a network model, and hence first order effects caused by an

increase in infrastructure investments, such as decrease in travelling time and costs are not

measured. There is no interlinkage between the demand modules and the ECR module from a

network perspective. The small change in freight and transport demand causes the small change

in both the Safety and the Environmental module. Basically, less transport demand decreases the

number of accidents and causes less pollution.

2.7.5 Conclusions

We see that changes in private and public infrastructure investments effect GDP and GVA directly

(small increase). As expected, mostly the secondary sector is affected. Transport demand is

expected to decrease marginally, which is caused by an increase in costs due to the change in GDP

(second order effect). Since the current version of the HIGH-TOOL model is not a network-based

model first order effects caused by an increase in infrastructure investments, such as decrease in

travelling time and hence costs are not measured. There is no interlinkage between the two

demand modules and the ECR module from a network perspective. This case shows that the HIGH-

TOOL model is, for now, only suitable to measure second order effects of economic measures on

transport. Impacts of infrastructure investments can be implemented in the HIGH-TOOL model by

generically altering impedances through the setting of travel impedance-related policy levers at

EU28, national or NUTS-2 level, or – additionally for passenger transport – by changing impedance

values in the hypernet (see Case 2).

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 61

2.8 Case 8: Competition between High-Speed Rail and Air

Passenger transport by airplane is fast and comfortable. Furthermore, with the arrival of low-cost

airlines and the increased fare competition between airlines, air ticket prices have become rather

attractive in many markets. For long journeys to intercontinental destinations there are no real

alternative modes. For continental journeys over medium long distances (say 300–1 000 km) the

private car can be a competitor, but also high-speed rail (HSR) can be competitive. Private

transport by car is particularly attractive for small groups of travellers, particularly when they

carry luggage with them and when they want to visit multiple destinations. Public transport such

as HSR can be attractive as an alternative to travel by air, particularly for origins and destinations

within major cities where access and egress times to railway stations can be substantially shorter

than those for air travel. However, HSR's attractiveness critically depends on its key

characteristics: short origin-destination travel times, competitive ticket costs, sufficiently high

service frequency and hours of operation, and a reasonable standard of comfort and ease of


From societal perspective transport by rail including HSR is less polluting than transport by air,

which is directly linked to its lower (and different form of) energy consumption. So substituting

part of the passenger air travel to travel by HSR is therefore likely to have a positive greenhouse

effect. This benefit might justify some cost or incentives to stimulate such substitution, by making

the HSR mode more competitive relative to the air mode for instance by subsidising HSR ticket

prices for distances between 300 and 1 000 kilometres, or by changing the rather advantageous

taxation rules for air travel.

This case study will identify some high-level policy measures that could improve the competitive

position of (high-speed) rail relative to travel by air. The measures will be linked to their

corresponding policy levers, and specific changes in their values shall be defined. Then the HIGH-

TOOL model will be used to simulate the effects of the different possible policies. Analysis of the

outcomes shall clarify what the potential is for changing the market shares of air and HSR, and

what the predicted impact is on car travel. This should enable us to identify what benefits can be

achieved in terms of energy consumption and emissions.

2.8.1 Policy Levers

The case study will consist of two sub-cases: subsidising HSR ticket prices for distances between

300 and 1 000 kilometres, and changing the rather advantageous taxation rules for air travel. Both

cases will be investigated. The cases will be tested with the two separate policy levers shown in

Table 36 and Table 37.

62 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

Table 36: Case study 8 – Policy levers (decreasing HSR costs)

Parameter name Data stock name Affected dimension Type of change

Electricity (resource) cost of electricity trains in eur_toe

i_vs_fu_fuel_resource_toe time, fuel type Reduction by 20%

Crew cost for high speed train in eur_h i_vs_nf_rail_crec time Reduction by 20%

Damage load cost for high speed train in eur_veh_day

i_vs_nf_rail_damc time Reduction by 20%

Other costs for high speed train in eur_tkm

i_vs_nf_rail_othc time Reduction by 20%

Repair and maintenance costs for high speed train in eur_vkm

i_vs_nf_rail_repmaintc time Reduction by 20%

Table 37: Case study 8 – Policy levers (increasing air costs)

Parameter name Data stock name Affected dimension Type of change

Resource cost of jetfuel in eur_toe i_vs_fu_fuel_resource_toe time, fuel type Increase by 10%

Variable air passenger costs in eur_pkm i_vs_nf_air_neoe_pas time, vehicle type Increase by 10%

2.8.2 Expected Outcomes

Essentially the outcomes of the HIGH-TOOL simulations will be a series of modified market shares

of HSR, air and car. Obviously a 20% reduction of HSR ticket costs is expected to lead to a

significant increase in the HSR market share, a significant decrease in the air market share and a

limited decrease in the car market share. A 10% increase in the air ticket cost is expected to lead

to broadly similar effects. Table 38 shows the expected changes.

Table 38: Case study 8 – Affected parameters

Parameter name Expected type of change

Air passenger demand --

Rail passenger demand ++

Road passenger (decrease in rail costs) -

Road passenger (increase in air costs) +

Emission of pollutants -

Fuel consumption -

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 63

2.8.3 HIGH-TOOL Outcomes

Both implementations of the case study have been tested. In neither case it was possible to limit

the cost increase (or decrease) to travel in the distance-range of 300–1 000 kilometres. This limits

the applicability of the case study. In case of the increase of air costs the level of realism is

somewhat higher, because air travel by itself takes mainly place in de 300+ distance range.

The results of both implementations, decrease in rail costs and increase in air costs, will be

discussed separately. The results of the sub-case on decrease in rail costs are shown in Table 39.

Table 39: Case study 8 – Results for the sub-case on rail cost decrease

Parameter name Expected type of change HIGH-TOOL outcomes

Air passenger demand -- -

Rail passenger demand ++ ++

Road passenger - --

Emissions of air pollutants - -

Fuel consumption - -

Decreasing the cost of rail has the expected effect in terms of the direction of change. The expected

level of change on air travel is however not realised. The effect on road passenger demand is much

bigger than on air passenger demand. This is mainly due to the fact that in HIGH-TOOL we do not

explicitly model High Speed Rail (HSR). So to model a cost reduction for HSR we can only decrease

the cost for rail in general (all distance ranges). As there is much more short distance travel than

long distance travel, the reaction of the model is understandable and correct in principle.

Whereas the direction of the effect is correct and the size of the effect is understandable, the shape

of the effect over time is not entirely logical. The case study prescribes a decrease in cost for rail

from 2015 onwards. In the results the effect disappears after 2035.

The environmental impacts (pollution and fuel consumption) are logical and follow the effect on

mode choice.

The results of the scenario in which the air costs are assumed to increase, are shown in Table 40.

To discuss the results we distinguish between the modal split effects and the environmental


64 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

Table 40: Case study 8 – Results for the sub-case on air cost increase

Parameter name Expected type of change HIGH-TOOL outcomes

Air passenger demand -- --

Rail passenger demand ++ +

Road passenger + ++

Emissions of air pollutants - -

Fuel consumption - -

As for the modal split effects; increasing the cost of air travel has the expected effect in terms of

the direction of change. The expected level of changes, however, is not realised. The effect on road

passenger demand is much bigger than on rail passenger demand. Like the other case where we

decreased the cost of rail travel, this is mainly due to the fact that in HIGH-TOOL high-speed rail is

not modelled separately and therefore cannot limit these changes to the distance range above 300

km. The increase in air tariffs also shows impacts on destination choice: some air trips are

substituted by shorter rail and road trips. Such reaction is in principle realistic, while the scope of

the reaction on change in destination choice requires further analysis.

Whereas the modal split effects are correct in terms of the direction, and the size of the effect is

understandable, at a more detailed level there are some results that would require a more in-

depth analysis. The case study prescribes an increase in cost for air from 2015 onwards. In the

results the effect almost disappears in 2035 after which it returns again.

The environmental impacts (pollution and fuel consumption) are logical and follow the effect on

mode choice.

2.8.4 Conclusions

A case study where the attempt is to only influence travel in a specific distance range, is not

suitable for HIGH-TOOL until it is possible to limit the effects to specific a distance range.

Furthermore, in order to analyse certain market segments in a more detailed manner, the rail

market could be split into high-speed rail and conventional rail (the latter may further distinguish

between long-distance and regional services). This will allow for a significantly more detailed

analysis of competition between high-speed rail and air.

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 65

3 Conclusions

This deliverable presents the results of series of checks of the HIGH-TOOL model, as a part of the

validation process. More specifically, the checks were performed by examining the model through

eight case studies against the baseline scenario. For each case study, either a policy scenario, or a

specific test case (modules' stability, sensitivity analysis) were defined. The scope of changes in

model settings and policy levers were documented and the obtained results were compared to

the baseline scenario. The case studies were designed such that all the modules of the HIGH-TOOL

model were concerned in at least one of the conducted case studies.

The obtained results demonstrate that the HIGH-TOOL model is capable of assessing a wide variety

of different types of policies at a strategic level. The integrated model – i.e. the composition of the

interlinked modules – is well functioning, and the impact chains are correctly covered (e.g. the

modification of impedances in the hypernet for passenger transport results in passenger demand

changes, which subsequently affect environmental, economic and safety-related indicators). Also

the well-functioning and the usefulness of the hypernet model for passenger transport – which

represents an add-on to the original scope of the HIGH-TOOL model – has been demonstrated.

The model shows clearly a converging behaviour, and produces stable results at all levels of

analysis: at an aggregated level, in different time steps and across different geographical units. For

the calculation of the baseline scenario a few iterative calculations (over the previous results) are

recommended. Iterative calculations in a policy scenario simulation could produce marginal

changes to the results, at the expense of much more computation time. However, an iterative

calculation process for policy scenarios to refine the results is not required, since the model

produces stable results.

The model outputs are largely in line with expectations. However, as it is usually the case with

interpretation of results of any model, features such as modelling methodology, the spatial scope

or the underlying assumptions need to be considered when interpreting the results of the HIGH-

TOOL model. An example: for the first judgement of the results of Case 2 (hypernet application),

the model reactions may appear relatively slight. However, when considering the modelling

context – i.e. the pattern that the underlying modelling approach implies the modification of

impedances and flows at inter-regional level at NUTS-2, thus regarding only a small share of the

overall passenger transport demand – the results are plausible.

Finally, the case study analyses provided some insights in possible extensions of HIGH-TOOL in the

future: the linkages between the Economy & Resources module and the demand modules can be

extended to allow also the modelling of first order effects of some selected economic policies.

Furthermore, in order to allow for the definition of more focused transport policies, the rail

66 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

market could be split for passenger demand modelling into high-speed rail and conventional rail

(the latter may further distinguish between long-distance and regional services). This will allow

for a more detailed analysis of competition between high-speed rail and air, as well as between

rail and long-distance coach and passenger car. In general, in HIGH-TOOL impedance matrices are

used for the modelling of the supply side, rather than network models. However, the hypernet

approach for passenger transport has proven a useful add-on to capture the spatial scope of

infrastructure investment policies. Extending the approach to freight transport will also enable

the freight demand modelling to consider network effects at a strategic level. Furthermore, the

hypernet approach may be extended to the non-road modes, allowing for a rough modelling of

spatial interdependencies between European terminals (ports, airports).

The HIGH-TOOL model is an open source instrument, and does not require any commercial

software products to be run. This pattern – which distinguishes the HIGH-TOOL model from other

European transport policy assessment instruments – ensures thorough transparency of

computations, allows the experienced user to modify calculation methodologies, and provides the

basis for an efficient further development of the model.

Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies 67

4 References

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of the HIGH-TOOL project, co-funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework

Programme. Karlsruhe, Germany.

68 Deliverable D8.2: Validating the HIGH-TOOL model: Results of checks and implemented Case Studies

Mohr, D., Müller, N., Krieg, A., Gao, P., Kaas, H. W., Krieger, A., & Hensley, R. (2013): The road to

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