V. Rev. Dr. Remus Grama, Parish Priest The Good Shepherd ... - NOVEMBER 2019.pdfbiserici. În acest...


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The Good Shepherd Newsletter

Saint Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral

3256 Warren Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44111

Phone: (216) 941-5550, Fax: (216) 941-3068

E-mail: st.mary.cathedral@sbcglobal.net - www.smroc.org

V. Rev. Dr. Remus Grama, Parish Priest

Rev. Deacon Nick Neagoe


The Nativity Fast is Near

Prayer and fasting are a part of the

spiritual arms of the church. Our

Savior, Jesus Christ, our supreme

model, followed by Christians, told

us that certain spirits can not be

expelled but by fasting and prayer.

The fast shapes not only the body,

but also man’s will. Prayer, on the

other hand, raises the soul and

guides the modeling of our own life

according to the teaching and

example of the Lord.

This way, the Lord cautions us not to become dependent

only of the material food (“for man does not live by

bread alone.” Mt. 4,4), but to feed ourselves with the

“word” that comes from God! The word is spiritual

nourishment that strengthens us for eternity. The angels

live by God’s word and we aspire to the height of their


Like Great Lent, the Nativity Fast that will begin

November 15, was established by the Church for our

benefit. The Lord said about this that: “But the days will

come when the bridegroom will be taken away from

them, and then they will fast” (Mt. 9,5). It is good for us,

too, to plan ahead how shall we fast and how to get ready

for this in a concrete way. The Church calls us to live “in

sprit and truth”. Therefore, let us weave our fast and

prayer, reading the Word of God and fulfilling it. In a

such spirit, I am calling all of you to give yourself to

God. I am looking to seeing you in our church services,

confessing our sins and change our life, by giving to God

and by serving the neighbor. This way, purified in soul

and body, we shall be made worthy to experience the

Nativity of Christ and, through Him, our own rebirth.

Fr. Remus Grama

Se apropie Postul Crăciunului

Rugăciunea și postul fac parte din armele

de luptă duhovnicească ale Bisericii.

Mântuitorul Iisus Hristos, modelul su-

prem pe care îl urmăm noi creștinii, ne

arată că anumite duhuri nu pot fi scoase

decât cu post și rugăciune. Postul se adre-

sează nu numai trupului ci și voinței omu-

lui. Rugăciunea, în schimb, înalță sufletul

și ne călăuzește modelarea propriei noas-

tre vieți potrivit învățăturii și pildei pe

care ne-o dă Mântuitorul.

Astfel, Domnul ne sfătuiește să nu devenim dependenți nu-

mai de hrana materială (“căci nu numai cu pâine va trăi

omul!” Mt. 4,4), ci să ne hrănim cu “cuvântul care vine de

la Dumnezeu!”. Cuvântul este hrana spirituală care ne

întărește pentru viața de veci. Îngerii trăiesc numai cu cu-

vântul, iar noi suntem chemați astfel să aspirăm la cele


Ca și Postul Paștilor, Postul Crăciunului, care va începe în

15 noiembrie, a fost rânduit de Biserică. Mântuitorul a

spus că: “Vor veni zile când Mirele va fi luat de la ei și

atunci vor posti” (Matei 9, 15). Este bine să ne gândim de

pe acum cum vom posti și să ne pregătim la modul concret.

Biserica ne cheamă să trăim în „duh și adevăr”. Așadar să

ne împletim postul cu rugăciunea, citind Cuvântul lui

Dumnezeu și „împlinindu-l”. În acest spirit, vă chem la

redăruire personală față de Dumnezeu. Vă aștept pe toți la

serviciile Bisericii, la mărturisirea păcatelor și schimbarea

vieții prin jertfe aduse Domnului și prin slujirea aproapelui.

Astfel, primeniți cu sufletul și cu trupul, vom retrăi

Nașterea lui Hristos și renașterea noastră prin El.

Părintele Remus Grama



November 8 - (+) Synaxis of the Arch. Michael &

Gabriel - Akathist @ 9 am

November 15 - Beginning of Nativity Fast

November 21 - (+) Entrance of the Birthgiver of

God in Temple - Akathist @ 9 am

November 30 - (+) Holy Apostle Andrew

NO Liturgy & Vespers


In observation of Thanksgiving,

the office will be closed on:

Thursday & Friday, November 28 & 29

The office hours will resume on

Monday, December 2nd, @ 9am.



@ 6:30 PM

AROY ROOM - English Only


November 13

12:00 PM

Social Hall

MEETING Wednesday, November 13

@ 7 pm in AROY Room



Parish Vice-President:

Vasile Peicu

(216) 240-3299

Ladies Auxiliary


Aura Petre

(440) 503-0829


Marian Ciuta

(216) 513-5535

Financial Secretary:

Simona Sarsama

(216) 533-4636

Hall Rental:

Italian Creations Church Office

(216) 226-2282 (216) 941-5550

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!

“Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for

He is good! For His mercy endures

forever!” (Ps. 118,1)

Remain in Christ’s Communion!

Our life in Christ is defined by our total identification with

the Lord Jesus Christ, whom we desire to dwell in us and

us in Him. This implies that we strive to: learn His Word

by reading the Bible, to pray and fast on the prescribed

days of Wednesday and Friday; that we attend church and

sanctify our soul and body with the Holy Sacraments of

Confession and Communion and that we participate in all

church services, especially on Saturday and Sunday.

In reality, we notice that by far too many faithful regard

church attendance as optional. Is it? Certainly not! Our

participation in the Divine Liturgy is a holy obligation for

one cannot conceive to miss being in the presence of

Christ, when He offers Himself for our sins in perpetual

Liturgy. For this and many other reasons, we urge all our

spiritual children not to neglect church attendance and

especially the Holy Sacraments.

When we miss three consecutive liturgies we should come

to Confession and repent, for missing the Liturgy is a grave

sin. Often, we do not think that by becoming too relaxed

about church we offend God and we tend to remove

ourselves from being in communion. For, how can we say

“I am an Orthodox Christian”, but I do not go to church?

How are we Orthodox Christian but make no effort to meet

Christ, to be in the presence of people of the same faith,

not rejoicing in joys and praying in times of sadness for

our community?

For such reasons, I urge all our spiritual children, to come

back to church! It is fall time, when we remember the

Protection of the Virgin Mary, Saint Parascheva, St.

Dimitrios, the Holy Archagels Michael and Gabriel,

Entrance of the Birthgiver of God in the Temple, and Holy

Apostle Andrew. Come and rekindle your love for Christ,

for the Virgin Mary and the communion of the saints who

reassure us of othe greatness of salvation! Come, give

yourself to the Lord and your local Church for it is in

giving that we shall receive!

Come, enter into the joy of your Master! Come, repent of

your sins and receive the most pure Body and Blood of

Christ! A saint of the third century, Saint Cyprian of

Carthage, said: “Outside of church there is no

salvation!” (Latin: “Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus”). Father

Florovski said that outside the church there is no salvation

because “the Church is the salvation.” Salvation is given

by Christ, who is the head of the Church. Being in His

Body we remain in communion with Him. See you soon!



Each year, the Orthodox Clergy of Cleveland marks the

beginning of Christmas Advent by a joint service, held

by rotation, in various churches. This year we will

celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Unction, Friday,

November 15 at 7 PM in our


Multi-lingual service!




În fiecare an, asociaţia clerului

orthodox din Cleveland marchează începerea Postului

Crăciunului cu o rugăciune ținută prin rotație la diferite

biserici. În acest an, vom oficia Taina Sfântului Maslu,

vineri, 15 noiembrie la orele 7 seara, la biserica noastră

Slujba se va oficia în mai multe limbi!

End of Year’s Reminder As we are drawing to the end of

the year, may we remind our

members to please pay their dues.

This is the expression of your

minimal care for your parish and

we pray that ALL our faithful,

will do their very best to support

the church. Please, send your

check made payable to saint Mary Cathedral! May the

Lord bless all of you for your sacrifice for His house!

Reamintire de sfârșit de an

Pe măsură ce ne apropiem de sfârșitul anului, amintim

membrilor noștri să-și plătească membria anuală.

Aceasta este expresia grijii minime pe care o dați pentru

parohia din care faceți parte. De asemenea, rugăm ca

TOȚI credincioșii noștri, care vin la această biserică, să

facă tot posibilul să sprijine biserica. Dacă trimiteți cec

prin poștă, vă rugăm să îl scrieți plătibil către Catedrala

Sfânta Maria! Fie ca Domnul să vă binecuvânteze pe

toți pentru jertfa voastră pentru casa Lui!

HOLY, ALL-PRAISED APOSTLE PHILIP Commemorated on November 14

The Holy and All-praised Apostle

Philip was a native of the city of

Bethsaida in Galilee. He had a

profound depth of knowledge of the

Holy Scripture, and rightly

discerning the meaning of the Old

Testament prophecies, he awaited

the coming of the Messiah. Through

the call of the Savior (John 1:43),

Philip followed Him. The Apostle

Philip is spoken about several times in the Holy Gospel:

he brought to Christ the Apostle Nathaniel (See John

1:46). The Lord asks him where to buy bread for five

thousand men (John. 6: 5-7). He brought certain of the

Hellenized Jews wanting to see Jesus (John. 12:21-22);

and finally, at the Last Supper he asked Christ to show

them the Father (John. 14:8)

After the Ascension of the Lord, the Apostle Philip

preached the Word of God in Galilee, accompanying his

preaching with miracles…

From Greece the Apostle Philip went to Parthia, and

then to the city of Azotus. From Azotus the Apostle Philip

set out to Syrian Hieropolis where, stirred up by the

Pharisees, the Jews burned the house of Heros, who had

taken in the Apostle Philip, and they wanted to kill the

apostle. The apostle performed several miracles: the

healing of the hand of the city official Aristarchus,

withered when he attempted to strike the apostle; and

restoring a dead child to life.

When they saw these marvels, they repented and many

accepted holy Baptism. After making Heros the bishop at

Hieropolis, the Apostle Philip went on to Syria, Asia

Minor, Lydia, Emessa, and everywhere preaching the

Gospel and undergoing sufferings. Both he and his sister

Mariamne (February 17) were pelted with stones, locked

up in prison, and thrown out of villages.

Then the Apostle Philip arrived in the city of Phrygian

Hieropolis, where there were many pagan temples. There

was also a pagan temple where people worshiped an

enormous serpent as a god. The Apostle Philip by the

power of prayer killed the serpent and healed many bitten

by snakes.

At the urging of the pagan priests of the temple of the

serpent, Amphipatos ordered the holy Apostles Philip and

Bartholomew to be crucified. Suddenly, an earthquake

struck, and it knocked down all those present at the place

of judgment. Hanging upon the cross by the pagan temple

of the serpent, the Apostle Philip prayed for those who

had crucified him, asking God to save them from the

ravages of the earthquake. Seeing this happen, the people

belived in Christ and began to demand that the apostles be

taken down from the crosses. The Apostle Bartholomew

was still alive when he was taken down, and he baptized

all those believing and established a bishop for them.

But the Apostle Philip, through whose prayers

everyone remained alive, except for Amphipatos and the

pagan priests, died on the cross. Mariamne his sister

buried his body, and went with the Apostle Bartholomew

to preach in Armenia, where the Apostle Bartholomew

was crucified (June 11); Mariamne herself then preached

until her own death at Lykaonia. The holy Apostle Philip

is not to be confused with Saint Philip the Deacon

(October 11), one of the Seventy.






RE: 115th Parish Anniversary celebration

Dear Father Remus, Parish Council members, Parish

Faithful and Anniversary Event workers,

Having traveled to many parishes for celebrations in the

last several months, we take this time to send our thanks

for the efforts, planning and execution of the parish’s re-

cent 115th Anniversary Celebration. It was truly a great

joy to once again be with you in the church on Saturday &

Sunday, September 28 & 29, and to see the services and

events well attended.

It is a testament to the founders, benefactors (both past and

present), the clergy who have served this parish, and all

involved that Saint Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral

has reached this milestone. We commend you on the hard

work put forth for this anniversary celebration, and pray

that the spirit of togetherness will continue to shine forth

as this parish continues on its journey into the next 100

years, full of life, worship, and all good things. Few par-

ishes in our God-Protected diocese have attained a centen-

nial (or greater) milestone, and we pray that with God’s

help and your fervent prayers, the parish continues to share

the light of Holy Orthodoxy in the greater Cleveland area.

With thanks and Archpastoral blessings,

Corabia Bisericii are intrarea


În volumul Cărarea Împărăției, publicat de Editura

Sfintei Episcopii Ortodoxe Române a Aradului, părintele

Arsenie Boca aseamănă Biserica lui Hristos cu legendara

Corabie a lui Noe:

”Ceea ce odinioară era Corabia lui Noe pentru

puhoaiele potopului, aceea e Biserica lui Hristos - Cel

cu cruce - peste puhoaiele pierzării. Deosebirea e că

aceea a fost închisă pe dinafară de Dumnezeu și nimeni

n-a mai putut intra, pe când corabia Bisericii - corabia

cu crucea pe catarg - are intrarea deschisă și mai pot

intra oameni învălmășiți de puhoaie. Acolo era Noe, aici

Hristos, iar în valuri - ucigașul, înecând pe oameni.!”

- Calendar Religios - 2019, Editura Alias Publishing,


Even though we are only entering another fall

month, November, Christmas is around the corner.

There are ONLY four weekends in November and

two in December for our students to prepare to

welcome Christ’s Birth and of course, Santa!

This being said, please register your child, if you

haven’t had a chance yet, and bring your children

to Sunday school every weekend.

The Christmas Program & Parish Dinner are sched-

uled for Sunday, December 15.

Therefore, please let the activity coordinator, Ms.

Mihaela Todos know if you are going to participate,

so she will give your child(ren) the parts.

The rehearsals are going to begin on November

3rd with registration for the program, and Novem-

ber 10th those who registered and everyone else,

who would like to join, will receive the parts and

have the first rehearsal at 11:30 am in the Cultural


Please notify Ms. Mihaela Todos or your child’s

teacher of participation. Thank you!




ALL groups


November 1st

If anybody, age 6 to 18, would like

to join their group, please contact

Ovidiu Ghioda at (216) 832-4886.

Find additional information on page 6 of this issue

of the Good Shepherd. Notify the parish office of

your participation. Thank you!

Veniți și citiți cu noi în fiecare

JOI, 10 am - 12 pm

Food Pantry for Needy

During this time of giving, we are

replenishing our food pantry with canned

and dry foods, soap and paper products,

etc., for the needy. We are asking you to

be generous and help us be prepared with

those itmes for when time comes to be

asked for help.

Please put the items you are bringing in bags and

place them in the Cultural Building Kitchen, or bring

them to the parish office during the week.

We thank and bless you!

Pastoral Visitations

Father Remus Grama will visit those members who

are sick and unable to come to church and will bring

them Holy Communion. The visitations will be

between November 15 and December 10. Please, let

us know if you or someone else needs Father to visit.

For scheduling purposes, our parish secretary will

start calling those who we have on our list from the

previous years. If you have never been visited before

and would like to, please contact our parish office.


Christmas Fast begins November 15 and ends on

December 25. We urge our faithful and organizations to

observe this fast, avoiding parties in this period.

The time of celebration is on and after the Lord’s



Postul de Crăciun începe 15 noiembrie și se încheie pe

25 decembrie. Îndemnăm pe toți credincioșii și

organizațiile noastre să respecte acest post, evitând

petrecerile în această perioadă.

Vremea sărbătoririi este de și după ziua Nașterii



În fiecare an, enoriașii noștri

sunt obișnuiți să primească

grupuri de colindători în

preajma sărbătorii Nașterii

Domnului. Încercăm și în acest

an să organizăm grupuri de

colindători. Pentru o bună

organizare, rugăm pe toți care

doresc să facă parte din

grupurile de colindători să

anunțe biroul parohial încă de

pe acum.

De asemenea, precum arată calendarul lunii Noiembrie,

Părintele Grama dorește să se întâlnească pentru repetiții cu

aceste grupuri Marți, 12 Noiembrie la ora 6 pm în Sala


Veniți cu toții să ne pregătim să întâmpinăm sărbătoarea

Nașterii Domnului cu frumoase și înălțătoare colinde.



Every year, our parishioners are accustomed to receive

groups of carols around the feast of the Birth of the Lord.

We are trying to organize groups of carolers for this year,

so, for a good organization, we are asking for everyone,

who would like to be part of any groups, to notify the parish


Also, according to November’s calendar, Father Grama

would like to meet the groups for a short rehearsal on Tues-

day, November 12, @ 6 pm in the Cultural Hall.

Let us all come and prepare to celebrate the feast of the

Birth of our Lord with beautiful and uplifting carols.



The Pictorial Directory printed to

mark our 115th Anniversary is now

available from the Trustees. If you

had your picture in you are entitled

to one free copy. Members who did

not take a photo may buy their copy for $10. Please, see

Gus Secue in the Trustees office.



Violet Coman: (440) 779-5310

Adi Breaz: (216) 235-9229

Saint Mary Romanian Orthodox Church

3256 Warren Road

Cleveland, OH 44111


Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage


Cleveland, Ohio Permit No. 1077

Intrarea in Biserică a Maicii Domnului


Entrance of the Birthgiver of God in the Temple
