UWA Exit Survey 2010 Rod Dewsbury preliminary report


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UWA Exit Survey 2010

Rod Dewsbury

preliminary report

Exit Survey

Quantitative and qualitative

Hard copy survey to all departing staff

forced choice answers and written comments

183 respondents = about 22% of departing employees

Optional Exit Interview – face to face or by phone

Survey Respondents

Quite representative of departing employees in general

Survey Cessations

UWA workforce

Male 32% 45% 47%

Female 68% 55% 53%

Academic 35% 40% 40%

Professional 65% 60% 60%

Ongoing 28% 25% 53%

Contract 68% 75% 47%

Voluntary turnover (resignation & retirement) 8.3%Cessation of contract 9.1%

Survey Respondents

Quite representative of departing employees in general

Survey Cessations

UWA workforce

Male 32% 45% 47%

Female 68% 55% 53%

Academic 35% 40% 40%

Professional 65% 60% 60%

Ongoing 28% 25% 53%

Contract 68% 75% 47%

Voluntary turnover (resignation & retirement) 8.3%Cessation of contract 9.1%

Why do exit surveys?

Cartoon used with permission

Highs Exits Working Life

Informed of changes that affect me 61% 56%

Leaders provide clear vision 57% 72%

Professional Development 56% 67%


Opportunities for advancement 28% 43%

Encouraged to participate in change 40% 41%

Satisfaction with UWA

Highs Exit Working Life

I worked well with Colleagues 82% 89%

I could manage the level of stress80% 59%

I enjoyed the level of people contact 73% NA

I was encouraged to use initiative 73% NA


Adequate opportunities to engage in training and development 43% 75%

Satisfaction with work area

Exit Working Life

Quality of management and supervision 56% 70%

Clear expectations of supervisor/head 56% 64%

Adequate recognition 64% 53%

Local Management - in the middle

I would return 74%

I felt I could be effective in my job 73%

Quality of working life 66%

Immediate working environment 60%

Summary statements of job satisfaction

Career Change 49%

Promotion 45%

Personal (unrelated to job) 41%

Personal (job related) 39%

Contract not renewed 36%

Why do people leave?

Responses of influential or highly influential (allows for multiple responses)

Comments – written

Management 36%

Positives about UWA 21%

Career issues 14%

Working conditions 11%

• Supervisors should have training. People with few "people skills" should not be put into supervisory roles, if ‘x’ was in a good mood, we had a good day

• The chance of a permanent position and a leadership were very attractive after 15 yrs on different research grant contracts

• I had a fantastic time working with my team at UWA. I would have stayed, but my relocation has made it impossible.

Things to consider…

Career issues PDR – active career planningUse of contractsMobility SchemeDevelopment Opportunities

Supervisor/ManagerOSDS – development or trainingERMS – advice/mediation

Interpersonal Employee Assistance ProgramEquity and Diversity Services

ERMSfaculty contact http://www.hr.uwa.edu.au/hr/hr_contacts

MobilitySandy Fitzpatrick (Mon,Wed,Thurs) 6488 7486

OSDS 6488 1504

Employee Assistance ProgramPPC Worldwide 1300 361 008 UWA Counselling 6488 2423

Equity and Diversity 6488 3873

