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Utilizing Mobile Devices Asset Management December 6, 2016


Utilizing Mobile Devices

In Core-CT 9.2, Asset Management will adopt PeopleSoft’s Fluid UI. Fluid UI was designed as

an improvement over the existing “Classic” user interface. Fluid provides greater flexibility with

cascading style sheets, and effortless page scaling between large to reduced viewing devices.

Users can equate the fluid homepage to the portal home page. In Fluid, the homepage

aggregates related information and displays tiles that provide access to fluid applications. To

navigate in Fluid, users utilize “tiles,” which are equivalents to pagelets in Classic PeopleSoft.

By selecting a tile on a homepage, users can access the underlying application ad perform

routine tasks. Tiles, generally, are depicted by a graphic that portrays the underlying

application’s purpose.

Note: The screenshots included in this job aid were captured on an iPad. It is important to

understand that Fluid may appear slightly different on individual devices due to page renderings

i.e. an iPhone 6 vs. an iPad may look different due to screen size and resolution. However, the

functionality and process flows remain the same across devices.

Asset Tracking Homepage The asset tracking tiles are part of the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface and can be accessed

from your mobile device or mobile scanning device. The Asset Tracking Homepage is not

customizable for Core-CT users. Additionally, it is host to four tiles:

Physical Inventory

Scan Asset

Scan by Location

Find Asset

Inventory Scanners will utilize the Physical Inventory Tile, while Inventory Processors will utilize

the Scan Asset, Scan by Location, and Find Asset Tiles.

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The Menu button, 3 bar icon in the top right corner, allows users to return to the Asset Tracking

Homepage or Sign Out. Note: The Menu actions will change depending on what tile a user is


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Physical Inventory Tile You will use the Physical Inventory tile to perform mobile physical inventory, scan assets,

retrieve and display asset information from the Asset Repository, and automatically populate the

Physical Inventory interface and Scan History tables with scan records—all from your mobile

scanning device. The Physical Inventory tile is part of the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface and

can be accessed from your mobile scanning device (with web browsing capability).

This section will walk you through the entire physical inventory process using Fluid. You will use

the Physical Inventory tile after running the Generate Scan Scope process and before you

generate results and transactions.

During the scanning process an individual uses the Physical Inventory tile along with a scanning

device to scan a barcode; asset information is automatically retrieved from the Asset Repository

and presented to the scanning device. Scanned assets appear in list form on the left side of the

page. This process also populates the Physical Inventory and Scan History tables with scan


Define Inventory Occurrence


Asset Management > Physical Inventory > Define Inventory Occurrence

1. Click the Add a New Value tab

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2. Enter the PI ID

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3. Click the Add button

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4. Enter PI Name and Physical Inventory Parameters

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5. Select the Enable Mobile Inventory checkbox

6. Ensure Capital Assets and Non-capital Assets are selected

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7. Click Enter Criteria tab

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8. Enter the Selection Criteria

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9. Click the Transaction Defaults tab

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10. Ensure the Auto Approval box is checked and the Non-Fin Adds, Physical Asset

Changes, and Asset Updates are selected

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11. Enter the Transaction Defaults

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12. Click Save

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Use the Load/Match/Reconcile PI Info page to execute each step of the Physical Inventory

process. It is recommended that you add a new run control ID for each physical inventory. Also

use this run control ID for subsequent steps within the same PI ID.

Generate Scan Scope

This process automatically defines a set of assets that should be scanned and provides that list

to the Physical Inventory page, which is accessible from your mobile scanning device.


Asset Management > Physical Inventory > Load/Match/Reconcile PI Info

1. Click the Add a New Value tab

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2. Enter a new Run Control ID

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3. Click the Add button

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4. Enter PI ID or Inventory Occurrence to be processed

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Note: The process will change from six steps to four steps, this is correct for mobile


5. Click Run

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6. The Run Physical Inventory (AMPl1000) process is checked

7. Select PSUNX Server Name

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8. Click OK

9. Click Process Monitor link

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10. Click Refresh periodically until the AMPl1000 completes with a Run Status of Success

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Scan Assets

1. Log in to Mobile Device

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2. Click the Physical Inventory Tile

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3. Enter PI ID


Use the Flashlight icon to search for a PI ID

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4. Click Done

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5. Enter Scan Value


Click the Side Arrow icon to reveal all values

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6. Select the desired Asset

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7. Repeat step 6 to scan additional tag numbers

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Edit Assets

1. Click the Scan Next field

2. Enter 49500000025 in the Scan Next field

3. Click GO

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4. Click on the Edit button to make changes to the scan record

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5. Input changes as needed

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6. Click Done

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7. The ribbon confirms the updated asset scan

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Find an Asset

1. Click on the Menu Bar (3 Horizontal Lines)

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2. Select Find Asset

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3. Click on the Side Arrow to expand the Search Criteria on the left side of the page

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4. Input Search Criteria

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Note: You may enter the desired search criteria; this example uses the Unit and Tag


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5. Click the Search button

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6. Select the Asset

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7. Click on Confirm Manual Scan

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8. The ribbon confirms the manual scan

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New Asset

1. Click on the Menu Bar (3 Horizontal Lines)

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2. Select New Asset

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3. Input the Asset Details in the empty fields

Note: You may enter the desired asset details; this example uses the Tag and

Description fields.

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4. Click Done

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5. The ribbon confirms the new asset scan

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Generate Results

After scanning barcodes in combination with the Physical Inventory tile (which inserts scanned

records into the PI_SCAN table), review the scanned data before running step 2 (generate


Step 2 performs matching between a physical inventory scan scope and scanned data, and

creates physical inventory results for review


Asset Management > Physical Inventory > Load/Match/Reconcile PI Info

1. Enter Run Control ID

2. Click Search

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3. Click Run

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4. The Run Physical Inventory AMPl1000 process is checked

5. Select PSUNX Server Name

6. Click OK

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7. Select Process Monitor

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8. Click Refresh periodically until AMPl1000 completes with a Run Status of Success and

Distribution Status of Posted

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Review Results


Asset Management > Physical Inventory > Review Matching Results

1. Enter Physical Inventory ID

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2. Click Search

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3. Review Results

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4. Click the Details tab to view the values produced from the scanner versus the original

values from the system

5. Click Previous in List and Next in List to view additional Matching Results


Click Return to Search and choose an entry to view from the search listing

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Generate Transactions


Asset Management > Physical Inventory > Load/Match/Reconcile PI Info

1. Enter Run Control ID

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2. Click Search

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3. Click Run

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4. The Run Physical Inventory AMPl1000 process is checked

5. Select PSUNX Server Name

6. Click OK

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7. Select Process Monitor

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8. Click Refresh periodically until AMPl1000 completes with a Run Status of Success and

Distribution Status of Posted

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Load Transactions

Asset Management > Send / Receive Information > Load Transactions > Load Transactions into


1. Enter Run Control ID

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2. Click Search

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3. Set the System Source field

4. Set the Process Frequency field

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5. Click Run

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6. The Asset Transaction Loader (AMlF1000) process is checked

7. Select PSUNX Server Name

8. Click OK

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9. Select Process Monitor

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10. Click Refresh periodically until AMlF1000 completes with a Run Status of Success and

Distribution Status of Posted

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Delete Data When you no longer need your physical inventory data, select one of the following options and

click the Run button.


Asset Management > Physical Inventory > Load/Match/Reconcile PI Info

1. Enter Run Control ID

2. Click the Search button

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3. Select the appropriate form of Delete Data

Delete All - Select to delete all physical inventory data generated for the specified

Physical Inventory ID: (Scan Data, Result Data, and Transaction Data).

Delete Extract Data – Select to delete the physical inventory extract data.

Delete Scan Data – Select to delete the physical inventory scan data.

Delete Result Data – Select to delete the physical inventory results data.

Delete Transaction Data – Select to delete the physical inventory transaction data.

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4. Click the Run button

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5. The Asset Transaction Loader (AMlF1000) process is checked

6. Select PSUNX Server Name

7. Click OK

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8. Click the Process Monitor link

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9. Click Refresh periodically until AMlF1000 completes with a Run Status of Success and

Distribution Status of Posted

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Scan Asset Tile Use the Scan Asset tile to retrieve general information, preventative maintenance schedules,

and work orders associated with a scanned asset. The asset information is retrieved from the

Asset Repository.

1. Click the Scan Asset tile

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2. Enter Search Criteria

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Note: You may enter the desired search criteria; this example uses the Unit and Asset

ID fields.

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3. Click Search

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4. Click the Asset in the Search Results section to display more details

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Scan by Location Tile Use the Scan by Location tile to scan assets within a specific location and build an audit history

for assets in that location. Audit history is stored in the Scan History tables.

1. Click Scan by Location tile

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2. Enter Business Unit and Location Code

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3. Change the Force Asset Location Update

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4. Click Done

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5. Scan Tag Number of Asset in a different location than the one entered above

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6. The page confirms the asset location change

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Find Asset Tile Use the Find Asset tile to retrieve information for assets without scanning a barcode.

1. Click on the Find Asset Tile

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2. Click the Side Arrow icon to display the search criteria

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3. Input Search Criteria

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Note: You may enter the desired search criteria; this example uses the Unit and Asset

ID fields.

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4. Click Search

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5. Click the Asset in the Search Results section to display more details

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