Uth Chronicle 2010-I


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  • 8/14/2019 Uth Chronicle 2010-I


    uthchronicleIssue I 2010

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  • 8/14/2019 Uth Chronicle 2010-I


  • 8/14/2019 Uth Chronicle 2010-I


    Greetings, dear reader!

    Once again, another year has

    passed. The Uth Chronicle is

    published quarterly and as I

    pen this note, it is with the

    realisation that I will (God

    willing) only write another

    three of these before yet

    another year passes. 2009

    has flown by like many yearsbefore it, and before we know

    it 2010 will vanish into

    eternity as well. May we keep

    in mind God's command for us

    in Ephesians 5:15-16, 'See

    then that ye walk

    circumspectly, not as fools,

    but as wise, Redeeming the

    time, because the days are


    This issue's theme is 'Running

    the Race' and as we begin the

    new year in earnest, are we

    truly prepared (in the

    spiritual sense) for what is

    ahead of us? Some of us may

    be moving into a whole new

    environment whether it is in

    school, work or (for some of

    the guys) the army. Before we

    plunge straight into the race,

    it is important for us to firststop and check our walk with

    the Lord. Dn James Fu writes

    about 'Starting Off' and gives

    us useful pointers when

    embarking on a new leg of

    lifes journey. Our >25 section

    features an article by Auntie

    Esther who talks about

    'Running the Rat Race', with a

    very pertinent reminder for

    all of us to ensure that our

    time is spent wisely, where we

    seek after the things of God


    For some of us, the new year

    may already have brought

    concerns to light. Do you feel

    daunted by events on the

    horizon? Are you worried

    about the hurdles before you?

    Do you perhaps feel weary

    already as you think of how

    many laps must be run before

    the race is over? Elder

    William Seah shares God's

    Word with us with regards to

    'Spiritual Endurance' and

    draws our attention to the

    many encouraging promises

    in the Bible. I have also

    contributed an article to this

    issue, where I share some of

    my personal experience in

    'Overcoming Hurdles'.

    It is also encouraging toremember that others before

    us have run this race and

    emerged victorious. By God's

    grace and enabling, they have

    endured much more than

    many of us will ever go

    through. Joel Quah has

    written a short review of a

    book titled 'Tortured for

    Christ', which details the life

    of Richard Wurmbrand and

    how much he accomplished

    with God's help.

    On a parting note, let us alsoremember to 'Look not every

    man on his own things, but

    every man also on the things

    of others' (Philippians 2:4),

    for our race is not against

    each other.

    May God bless your reading.


    P.S.: If you have been blessed

    by reading the Uth Chronicle,

    then don't toss it aside after

    reading! Pass it on to

    someone else and share the


    Yours in Christ,


    Editors Note


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    Starting Offby Dn James Fu



    But before you take that first step, in

    which direction are you going?

    Everyones going somewhere. Whether

    we like it or not, time pushes us andhurries us on our way. Time pushes us

    from one phase of life and, very often,

    abruptly into the next. And there will

    be many choices to make. Some of

    them will chart our lifes course over a

    few years. When a wrong choice is

    made, it will be very difficult (but never

    impossible) to rectify that choice. A

    Christian will know when a wrong

    choice is made. His heart will be vexed

    daily as Lot's was (2 Peter 2:7-8).When our lifes journey is paved

    through daily vexation of the spirit,

    how many of us can claim to be better

    than Lot to be able to abandon our

    current journey when the Holy Spirit

    chides us to return to the strait and

    narrow path?

    We are not heroes. We should not be

    charging into the unknown thinking our

    own 'special' abilities will makeeverything right. That is plain

    foolishness. Before we take the first

    step, we have to ascertain two things:

    1. Are you walking with the


    2. Is this Gods will for you?

    Before we can even determine

    whether or not a choice is Gods

    ordained will for us, we have to firstcheck our spiritual condition and

    ensure that our closet is empty of all

    skeletal sins. There is simply no way

    that God will answer our prayers for

    His will to be revealed if we are not

    spiritually attuned with Him. If I regard

    iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not

    hear me (Psalms 66:18). Instead, we

    will simply be charting out our own

    course and associating every open

    door we meet along the way as a God-

    send. And even in the presence of the

    vexation of spirit, we can still comfort

    ourselves with this delusion that were

    walking according to the will of God.

    God will always clearly show us

    whether or not a path is His desired

    will for us. Every choice and decision

    we make will inevitably affect someone

    else. None of us live in an isolationists

    world. A simple decision to go

    overseas to study will affect all yourcurrent areas of service in church, as

    well as your witness and testimony to

    your friends and relatives at home. Our

    lives are intertwined with the people

    around us. God has specifically placed

    us as beacons of light wherever we

    are. We should only leave our post if it

    is no longer Gods will for us to remain


    At times, God will require some of us

    to take that step forward, or even agreat stride ahead. For some, God

    may require you to simply hold your

    ground. God has raised each one of us

    for a different purpose. For Peter and

    Paul, they were, at one point in their

    lives, called to be prisoners (Acts 12:5,

    16:25) clearly not the most coveted

    vocation in the world. And both

    experienced a similar experience while

    in prison they had the opportunity to

    break out of it. In both scenarios, theyeach had an open door. From

    hindsight, we know that it was clearly

    Gods will for Paul to stay and for

    Peter to leave. It was clearer for Peter

    as there was an angel that led him out.

    What about Paul? Paul had become a

    minister to the other prisoners. That

    was his calling then. To leave would be

    to give up that calling. Furthermore,

    there was still the unsaved jailor, who

    would have taken his own life had Paulnot stayed (Acts 16:27).

    Once it has been established that it is

    indeed Gods will for us to embark on

    a certain journey, there are another

    two things that we have to do:

    1. Purpose in your heart to notbe defiled.

    2. Remember that it is Gods willfor you to take this path.

    Everyone has his own Achilles heel.

    What will it take for you to sin against

    God? There is the love of money,

    pr ide, power and glory, lust ,

    covetousness, and sloth. The list goes

    on. It takes just one misguided step to

    deviate from the path set by God. It

    only takes a moment of weakness

    along with 'I know what Im doing' for

    Satan to find that hole in your spiritual


    Consider Daniel. He purposed in his

    heart to not defile himself (Daniel 1:8).

    He asked that his friends and he be

    given pulse (vegetables) and water to


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    eat instead of the kings meat and

    wine. A very bold request was made,

    and it was backed up with the courage

    t o f a c e w h a t e v e r r e s u l t i n g

    consequences (most probably death)

    simply because of his desire to not sin

    against God (Daniel 1:13). Are we

    willing to make the same kind ofsacrifice? It may require us to say in a

    project where the members are

    required to work on the Lords Day,

    'please allow me to work on other days

    and I will bear whatever consequences

    if the results are not satisfactory.' To

    purpose in the heart to not be defiled is

    to encase a deep hatred against sin.

    We do not always have the luxury to

    'pray about it' when we have to choose

    between pleasing God and pleasing

    man. When we have truly purposed in

    our hearts to not be defiled, we are

    able to act on instinct in those

    situations, to act on an instinct to do

    that which will glorify the Father in

    Heaven. It only takes a moment of

    hesi tat ion and uncerta inty for

    temptation to realise into sin.

    God has a special path laid out for

    everyone. It is a path which will be

    God-glorifying as long as we follow it. Itwill be a path where the peace of God,

    which passeth all understanding, will

    abide in us. When you have determined

    that a certain decision is Gods will for

    you to take, remember that. Down that

    path, you wi l l face t r ia ls and

    discouragements. You will begin to see

    greener grass appearing everywhere

    else. You will wonder if your current

    path is actually the right one. Satan willtry all means to make you deviate from

    the path. It is all a spiritual battle. Let

    thine eyes look right on, and let thine

    eyelids look straight before thee

    (Proverbs 4:25). Look past the horizon

    and do not get distracted by all the fluff

    that the world throws at your eyes.

    Unless it is a clear sign from God that it

    is no longer Gods will for you to be

    where you are, you should never

    abandon your post. You could be the

    only beacon to point a lost soul to

    Christ. When you abandon your post,

    you are basically abandoning those

    around you as well.

    Taking the step forward in a new

    journey is never easy. The unknown lies

    ahead. But what we know is that God

    will take each step with you as long as

    you allow Him to. Purpose in your heart

    to not sin against God. Why? Simply

    because Christ too purposed in hisheart to die at the cross for our sakes.

    Some Christians just dont see it.5

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    by Elder William Seah


    has been compared to several things

    but just to name a few - a race, a

    pilgrimage and warfare. Whichever it

    may be, it all begins at the point of ourconversion and ends when we arrive

    safely in heaven, our eternal home.

    While here on earth, we need to

    exercise endurance or perseverance

    should we want to complete the

    course victoriously and hear the Lord

    say to us Well done, thou good and

    faithful servant.enter thou into the

    joy of Thy Lord. (Matthew 25:21)

    A race Wherefore seeing we also

    are compassed about with so great a

    cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside

    every weight, and the sin which doth

    so easily beset us, and let us run

    with patience the race that is set

    before us. (Hebrews 12:1)

    A pilgrimage Dearly beloved, I

    beseech you as strangers andpilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts,

    which war against the soul. (1

    Peter 2:11)

    Warfare For we wrestle not against

    flesh and blood, but against

    principalities, against powers,

    against the rulers of the darkness of

    th is wor ld , aga inst sp i r i tua l

    w i c k e d n e s s i n h i g hplaces. (Ephesians 6:12)

    Look around you and you will

    notice that the world at large crowns

    success, but our God crowns

    faithfulness. The Apostle Paul

    reminded the Corinthian Christians that

    it is required in stewards (servants),

    that a man be found faithful. (1

    Corinthians 4:2) This applies to us too.

    Every truly born-again Christian is both

    a child of God as well as a servant of

    Jesus Christ. What a joy and privilege

    to be in His Majestys service!

    This warfare is a

    spiritual one and our

    adversary is none other

    than the devil, Satan

    himself who tirelessly

    seeks to destroy our

    faith, which he tried to

    do to Job but failed.

    The story of Job is a

    classic example of a

    man who was perfect

    and upright, and one that feared

    God, and eschewed evil (Job 1:1)

    whom the Lord allowed Satan to try

    him, stretching his faith in God to the

    extreme limits. But at the end Job

    prevailed and was richly rewarded

    because he knew His God in a personal

    way, having endured to the end. Job

    not only knew about God for who He is,

    but he knew God in an intimate and

    real way. Can you imagine yourself

    having been stripped of all your

    possession and family for no fault of

    yours, and still can say, Naked came I

    out of my mother's womb, and naked

    shall I return thither: the LORD gave,

    and the LORD hath taken away;

    blessed be the name of the LORD.?

    (Job 1:21) That was what happened to

    Job and he did just that! And the Bible

    records that in all this Job sinned

    not, nor charged God foolishly. (Job


    The Apostle Peter issues this

    warning, Be sober, be vigilant;

    because your adversary the devil, as

    a roaring lion, walketh about,

    seeking whom he may devour:

    Whom resist steadfast in the faith,

    knowing that the same afflictions are

    accomplished in your brethren that

    are in the world. But the God of all

    grace, who hath called us unto His

    eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after

    that ye have suffered a while, make

    you perfect, establish, strengthen,

    settle you. (1 Peter 5:8-10)

    The Apostle Paul in his second

    epistle to young Timothy wrote, Thou

    therefore endure hardness, as a

    good soldier of Jesus Christ. (2

    Timothy 2:3)

    How then are we to endure

    hardness, the trials and testing which

    come our way, and emerge victorious

    at the end of it all? What does Gods

    Word hold for us?

    First, Gods Word promises us

    victory. Therefore, we need to know

    Gods Word for in His Word we are

    assured that we are more than

    conquerors through Him that loved

    us. (Romans 8:37) Christ by His

    resurrection has not only justified us,

    but gotten us the victory over the

    power of the evil one, our adversary.

    As such we are to commit ourselves to

    the reading and meditation in His Word

    daily so that we may grow in grace and

    in the knowledge of Christ. (2 Peter

    3:18) Recall the words of Psalm 1:1-3,

    Blessed is the man that walketh not

    in the counsel of the ungodly, nor

    standeth in the way of sinners, nor

    sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But

    his delight is in the law of the LORD;

    and in His law doth he meditate day

    and night. And he shall be like a tree

    planted by the rivers of water, that

    bringeth forth his fruit in his season;

    his leaf also shall not wither; and

    whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

    Spiritual Endurance


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    In Joshua 1:8 we read, This book of

    the law shall not depart out of thy

    mouth; but thou shalt meditate

    therein day and night, that thou

    mayest observe to do according to

    all that is written therein: for then

    thou shalt make thy way prosperous,

    and then thou shalt have good


    The Christian faith is not merely

    a religion like any other. It is more

    than just a religion; it is a unique

    relationship, a personal and vibrant

    relationship with a living Saviour who

    has saved us by His grace. Energised

    by the Spirit in us, we are strengthened

    by the same grace Paul wrote about

    when the Risen Christ said to him, My

    grace is sufficient for thee: for My

    strength is made perfect in

    weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9) What

    is most wonderful to know is that His

    grace besides strengthening us, will

    sustain us to the end as we read in

    Philippians 1:6, Being confident of

    this very thing, that He which hath

    begun a good work in you will

    perform it until the day of Jesus

    Christ. We must learn to know Him

    more and more which is so adequately

    expressed by Paul in Philippians 3:10,

    That I may know Him, and the

    power of His resurrection, and the

    fellowship of His sufferings, being

    made conformable unto His death.

    The question is How well do I

    know my God, and my Christ? During

    the recent severe test of my faith when

    I was at the brink of death having

    suffered an acute heart failure, His

    Word from Psalm 23:4 was so real,

    Yea, though I walk through the

    valley of the shadow of death, I will

    fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy

    rod and Thy staff they comfort me.

    My heart was at peace as I was further

    comforted by Nahum 1:7, The LORD

    is good, a stronghold in the day of

    trouble; and He knoweth them that

    trust in Him and later strengthened by

    Jeremiah 32:27, Behold, I am the

    LORD, the God of all flesh: is there

    any thing too hard for me?

    Second, Gods Word points us

    to Christ. Looking unto Jesus the

    author and finisher of our faith; who

    for the joy that was set before Him

    endured the cross, despising the

    shame, and is set down at the right

    hand of the throne of God. For

    consider Him that endured such

    contradiction of sinners against

    Himself, lest ye be wearied and faint

    in your minds. (Hebrews 12:2-3)

    Jesus is our perfect example who

    endured to the end to do His Fathers

    will thereby fulfilling the

    plan of Gods redemption

    for a lost mankind. Many

    times in our moments of

    adversity, we look to

    human help rather than to

    trust in Him. Did not the

    psalmist say, God is our

    refuge and strength, a

    very present help in

    trouble. Therefore will

    not we fear, though the

    earth be removed, and

    though the mountains be

    carried into the midst of

    the sea; Though the

    waters thereof roar and

    be troubled, though the mountains

    shake with the swelling thereof.

    Selah? (Psalm 46:1-3) Thanks be

    unto God for His promise that He will

    not allow us to be tried or tested

    beyond our limits but will always make

    a way of escape for us. (1 Corinthians

    10:13) Develop a total sense of

    dependence upon the Saviour and ask

    Him for the discipline to do His bidding

    whatever it may be. In John 15:5 we

    are reminded of the words of Christ

    Himself, I am the vine, ye are the

    branches: He that abideth in Me, and

    I in him, the same bringeth forth

    much fruit: for without Me ye can do


    Third, Gods Word equips us

    with the necessary armour and

    weapons for our warfare. Since it is a

    spiritual battle it must not be fought

    with the arm of flesh thats

    foolishness and sure defeat. When

    Jesus was tempted of the devil, what

    did He use as His weapon? The Word

    of God! Knowing our needs, God has

    all the weapons for us to ensure our

    victory. So the apostle Paul wrote,

    Put on the whole armour of God,

    that ye may be able to stand against

    the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle

    not against flesh and blood, but

    against principalit ies, against

    powers, against the rulers of the

    darkness of this world, against

    spiritual wickedness in high places.

    Wherefore take unto you the whole

    armour of God, that ye may be able

    to withstand in the evil day, and

    having done all, to stand. Stand

    therefore, having your loins girt

    about with truth, and having on the

    breastplate of righteousness; And

    your feet shod with the preparation

    of the gospel of peace; Above all,

    taking the shield of faith, wherewith

    ye shall be able to quench all the

    fiery darts of the wicked. And take

    the helmet of salvation, and the

    sword of the Spirit, which is the Word

    of God. (Ephesians 6:11-17) Our


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    adversary has no power against Gods

    Word which is our only sure defence.

    Fourth, Gods Word exhorts us

    to wait upon Him. David concluded

    Psalm 27 in verse 14 with these words,

    Wait on the LORD: be of good

    courage, and he shall strengthenthine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD

    He had earlier testified that the LORD

    is my light and my salvation; whom

    shall I fear? the LORD is the strength

    of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

    When the wicked, even mine

    enemies and my foes, came upon me

    to eat up my flesh, they stumbled

    and fell. We are absolutely no match

    for the evil one, our adversary. But wehave a God who in Christ has

    destroyed the power of the enemy. Our

    God is sovereign and knows the end

    from the beginning and desires the best

    for as we wait upon Him for marching

    orders. Oftentimes we move ahead of

    Him though we have asked for His

    leading (because of our impatience)

    only to find ourselves in deep trouble at

    the end. Allow Him to lead you, step

    by step for indeed the steps of a

    good man are ordered by the LORD:

    and he delighteth in His way. (Psalm

    37:23) Again heed to the words of the

    psalmist, My soul, wait thou only

    upon God; for my expectation is from

    Him. He only is my rock and my

    salvation: He is my defense; I shall

    not be moved. In God is my salvation

    and my glory: the rock of my

    strength, and my refuge, is in God.

    Trust in Him at all times; ye people,

    pour out your heart before Him: Godis a refuge for us. Selah. (Psalm


    Let me share this acronym with

    you on the word WAIT (on the Lord):

    W atch unto prayer,A cknowledge His Lordship in life,I nstructed in His Word andT ake Him at His promises.

    Forget not, that to plan andpray is not Gods way BUT to pray and

    plan is Gods command. Follow Him as

    He leads for God never leads us astray

    but always aright along the strait and

    narrow way the way that leads to

    everlasting life!

    May the Lord strengthen us in

    the inner man that by His grace, we

    may endure hardness as good soldiers

    of Christ, pressing on toward the mark

    until we see Him face to face in glory or

    perchance at His soon and glorious


    Overcoming Hurdlesby Brian Lim

    Hurdles everyone will encounter. We hear all the time people

    talking about problems they have to deal with, whether it is an

    examination or a mid-life crisis. But what sets us, as Christians,

    apart from the world is how we deal with these hurdles.

    Unbelievers will turn to a myriad of solutions and sometimes in

    our faithlessness we follow suit, often forgetting that we have a

    gracious God who has promised to provide for our needs.

    I thank God that I am able to share some of these moments

    where Gods grace shone in the darkest times in my life. On

    hindsight, I now understand that these trials were meant to driveme closer to God. The most striking instance of this would be

    the entire period leading up to the divorce of my parents. It was

    a trial that spanned nearly three years, beginning some time

    while I was in Secondary 4 and only ending halfway through my

    second year in Ngee Ann Polytechnic.


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    It was a very dark period of my life, in

    more ways than one. My spiritual life

    was in shambles when I was in

    Secondary 4. I was fully immersed in

    the world of games. Nothing mattered

    more to me than being able to enjoy

    myself, and coming to church on

    Sundays was simply an obligation I felt

    I had to fulfill. It wasnt until my parents

    started fighting that I began to find

    some small measure of comfort in

    church. I did not, however, actively

    seek God. I was willing to get by with

    games, channeling my feelings into

    writing or just confiding in my Internet

    friends; these were my emotional

    crutches and I turned to them when I

    needed to escape from reality at home.

    Eventually, though, my pillars of

    support began to fall apart. There was

    a drifting away from Internet friends,and suddenly everything else lost its

    appeal. The situation escalated to a

    point where I felt constantly moody

    and prone to snap at anything. A

    feeling of hopelessness stalked me,

    and eventually I could no longer

    contain the feeling of despair. One

    day, though, my mother (who had then

    begun to attend church with me on

    Sundays) unexpectedly printed two

    verses and pasted them on hercupboard.

    2 Cor 12:9-10, And he said unto me,

    My grace is sufficient for thee: for

    my strength is made perfect in

    weakness. Most gladly therefore will I

    rather glory in my infirmities, that the

    power of Christ may rest upon me.

    Therefore I take pleasures in

    infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities,

    in persecutions, in distresses for

    Christs sake: for when I am weak, then

    am I strong.

    The words spoke straight to my heart

    and Sundays no longer seemed like a

    chore, looming at the end of every

    week. They turned into a refuge, a

    sanctuary where week after week I

    could meet with God and pour out

    everything before Him. I started to rely

    on Him more, knowing that I was weak,

    helpless and unable to deal witheverything that was happening. And

    amazingly, even through the situation at

    home did not improve (in fact, it

    continued to deteriorate) I found peace

    and comfort that I had never known

    before. It came from the knowledge

    that His grace is sufficient and that

    whatever the trial, there would be an

    equal supply of grace to bring me

    through. The weaker I was, the more

    God would supply strength.

    By Gods grace, despite everything, my

    O Level results were enough for me to

    enter Mass Communications. It was a

    totally new environment and I wasforced out of my introversion. I had to

    face many more difficult and trying

    situations, but now I knew the

    necessity of turning to Christ and

    approaching these trials with Him in


    In time, I began to adopt a more joyful

    attitude towards these difficulties. I

    knew that everything was a part of the

    process of refinement that God wasburning away the dross and moulding

    me, bit by bit, according to His desire.

    Many verses in the Bible came up, like

    Jas 1:2-4, My brethren, count it all joy

    when ye fall into divers temptations;Knowing this, that the trying of your

    faith worketh patience. But let patience

    have her perfect work, that ye may be

    perfect and entire, wanting nothing

    and 2 Cor 4:15-17, For all things are

    for your sakes, that the abundant grace

    might through the thanksgiving of many

    redound to the glory of God. For which

    cause we faint not; but though our

    outward man perish, yet the inward

    man is renewed day by day. For our

    light affliction, which is but for a

    moment, worketh for us a far more

    exceeding and eternal weight of glory.

    That did not mean I enjoyed the trials,

    but I found I could face them with

    hope, not dread. Indeed, we should not

    face trials with a grim determination, for

    there is nothing to be grim about. All

    our time spent in the furnace to be

    purified is not something we face

    without hope there is a joyful promise

    that at the end of it, we will be made

    perfect. Faced with such a promise,

    how then can our determination be

    grim? It does not mean we will be

    laughing on the anvil when we are

    being forged according to Gods will,

    but it certainly means we ought to face

    it calmly, with the full assurance that

    every stroke is measured perfectly by

    an infallible Smith who will never break

    His work.

    I realised it was silly of me to expect to

    be able to sail through difficulties andtrials. Even if Gods hand is guiding us,

    it does not exempt us from having to

    struggle with doubt, sin, and all

    manner of temptations. But I think the

    most wonderful thing is that God has

    called us and promised us that He will

    guide us through, no matter who we

    are, where we come from, or what

    abilities we have or do not have. As 1

    Cor 1:25-29 aptly states, Because the

    foolishness of God is wiser than men;and the weakness of God is stronger

    than men. For ye see your calling,

    brethren, how that not many wise men

    after the flesh, not many mighty, not

    many noble, are called: But God hath

    chosen the foolish things of the world

    to counfound the wise; and God hath

    chosen the weak things of the world

    to confound the things which are

    mighty; And base things of the world,

    and things which are despised, hath

    God chosen, yea, and things which are

    not, to bring to nought things that are:

    That no flesh should glory in his


    With this in mind, knowing that there is

    no worth at all in man and his strength,

    we should strive to face hurdles in our

    lives with prayer and a total surrender

    to Gods will. And when (not if, for God

    will surely see us through according to

    His will) we are finally brought throughthese hurdles, we can look back and

    testify of the goodness of God and

    acknowledge that He rightly deserves

    all glory and honour for His faithfulness,

    His wisdom and His lovingkindness.


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    An Insiders Lookat the Preparations ofthe Church Choir

    by Lim Zhongyan

    As part of the congregation, I have

    always been blessed by the ChurchChoirs song presentations. It was only

    when I joined the Church Choir that I

    realized how much effort goes into

    each song practice, purely for the sake

    of glorifying God. It was also an eye-

    opener as I had never seen such

    intensity while going through a song.

    The nuances; the phrasing; the speed;

    the dynamics; the balance of the

    volumes among the different choir

    parts are all things that I had neverpaid that much attention to because

    they just seemed so natural to the

    listener. The perfection that is aimed

    for is evident in the number of times

    we go through a particular phrase of

    the song. Even the slightest drag in

    time or the way we emphasise our

    words might affect how the listener

    perceives the entire meaning of the

    song. And that is how serious the

    Church Choir is when we practise,

    because we know that each and every

    one of us has a part to play in how the

    song eventually turns out. As such, the

    commitment level of being in the

    Church Choir is quite a high one - the

    Church Choir practises every Sunday

    after morning service.

    I was actually interested to join the

    Church Choir awhile back, but only

    recently did I actually join. In fact, it

    was on the bus trip from the Awana

    church camp back to Singapore this

    year that I expressed my interest to

    Uncle Kong Sing. Quite interestingly, I

    joined the Church Choir in one of their

    busiest years. They were finishing up

    recordings for a CD (and I also had the

    privilege of helping to record two

    songs), and were preparing for 'An

    Evening of Praise and Thanksgiving',

    which included a presentation of eight

    songs already learnt over a period of

    time. Preparing and practising eight

    songs was no mean feat and, needless

    to say, the learning curve was a bit

    steep for me since I had to learn the

    songs from scratch.

    A n E v e n i n g o f P r a i s e a n d

    Thanksgiving will be held on 20th

    December, and it is merely two weeks

    away (at least at the point of writing).

    On top of having to practise and

    perfect eight songs, we also have to

    get used to standing for a relatively

    long period of time. It will be mentally

    and physically draining, but just as we

    are constantly reminded it is God who

    gives us the voices to sing praises to

    Him, we are reminded to look unto Him

    for strength in singing and being a

    blessing to the congregat ion.

    Personally I feel it is very easy to say

    Oh, it is because we have good

    voices', or 'We have such a great

    conductor to guide us through the

    son g, which is why the song

    presentation turned out well. I believe

    that is something we need to keep in

    check (and we are reminded of that

    every practice) as we continue to serve

    Him, for it is God who gives us our

    gifts and it is only right that we serve

    Him with what he has bestowed uponus.

    Of course, the Church Choir is not just

    all work and no play. For example,

    there are times when Dn Eric will

    amuse us with his funny antics in an

    attempt to lighten the mood, and he

    rarely fails to do so (maybe never =p). I

    was also very much impressed by how

    the Church Choir appears to be a big

    family when someone shared abouther troubles and everyone prayed;

    when various people went overseas

    and came back with food for us; or

    even when Olivia turned 1 month old

    and Dn James brought cupcakes for

    everyone to enjoy. There was also a

    thanksgiving dinner for the completion

    of the CD project, which I unfortunately

    had to miss. Even though I am so new

    to this family, I already feel quite at

    home. May God continue to bless theChurch Choir as we continue to strive

    to bring songs of prai se and

    thanksgiving for His glory!


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    Tortured for Christ

    by Joel Quah

    The following is the review of a book

    that I hold very dear to my heart. It

    has gotten me through the parts of my

    life that I found the toughest, mainly

    by showing me how my life (or if were

    honest, any of our lives) isn't really

    that tough or miserable. It helped with

    bringing my focus off earthly woes up

    to heavenly blessings. It has also

    made many Biblical concepts

    concerning Christian living very

    tangible. It has shown me how much

    Ive underutilized Gods strength, and

    how my new-found great faith is

    really just a slightly larger mustard

    seed than before.

    I implore one and all to examine the

    life of Richard Wurmbrand, a

    Romanian pastor of Jewish descent

    that lived through both the Nazi

    Occupation and Communist rule.

    The above synopsis of Richard

    Wurmbrands background would have

    evoked quite a response from those

    with a basic grasp of world history. It

    is hard enough to be a Jew converted

    to Christianityfor that usually means

    that you would be shunned by your

    family and the rest of the Jewish

    community. It would have been hard

    enough for a Jew to live through a

    Nazi occupation; I need not elaborate

    on the atrocities committed by the

    Nazis during the Holocaust. Being a

    Christian would have exacerbated an

    already harsh situation to be in, for the

    only sort of Christianity that the Nazis

    did not allow was true Christianity

    and Richard Wurmbrand was certainly

    a true disciple of Christ. Now having

    endured merciless treatment at the

    hands of his captors, Richard

    Wurmbrand did not have time tocelebrate freedom at his release

    following the Nazis defeat, for the

    Communists came to power and the

    cycle of physical pain re-started, and

    in fact, intensified.

    This book describes much time spent

    behind bars, under torture, in solitary

    confinement, but it is no Mein

    Kampf1. The focus was never on

    physical suffering. Instead, one findspassages of singing and dancing in

    joy and of his intense love for his

    captors. He preached fervently to the

    soldiers, and when he asked one of

    them whether or not he believed in

    Christ, the soldier replied,

    I have no such military order to

    believe. If I have an order I will


    Such a response brought tears to his

    eyes and spurned an agape love that

    would bring him through all his days,

    no matter which cruel captor had

    custody over his mortal frame.

    This book also has brief accounts of

    his most courageous and wise wife.

    She attended a meeting with Richard

    Wurmbrand, where the Romanian

    church was altering their doctrine to

    accommodate the wishes of the

    Communists. She prompted her

    husband to stand up against the

    blasphemy, and he initially resisted,

    saying that if he did so, she would

    lose her husband. But she made it

    clear to Richard Wurmbrand that shedid not want a coward for a husband.

    I encourage one and all to get a copy

    of this book. The YF theme for 2009

    was Myself Aside, Jesus Inside. It

    speaks of laying aside self and all our

    carnal requirements for Gods work.

    The theme of the camp was Laying

    Your All On the Altar. This resonates

    with the 2009 YF theme. To knock it

    all home, the theme for 2010 isTaking Up Your Cross Daily. This

    book will show how much we can do

    when empowered by the love of God,

    edify us and reveal the deficiencies in

    our service. I pray that it will inspire us

    to truly give up our entire beings as

    living sacrifices unto Him, that no

    principality or power might deter our


    The copyright of this book has beenrelinquished, and the .pdf file of the

    entire book can be obtained from me.

    I hope this book blesses you as much

    as it has blessed me.

    1 Editor's Note: For those who do not

    know, 'Mein Kampf' (translated as 'My

    Struggle') is a book by Adolf Hitler, which

    serves as both an autobiography and an

    explanation of his political ideas.


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    Its hard to believe that Ive been

    away from Singapore for almost half

    a year now. I cant imagine how I

    would have managed starting work

    in Shanghai without Gods grace!

    Although my journey has been

    filled with enriching encounters and

    interesting experiences, the road has

    been bumpy and uncertain. Much

    has changed; from the food Im used

    to eating, to the church Im used to

    attending, to the way I view

    Singapore life. I hardly know where

    to begin writing in this article!

    Maybe I should start by

    counting my blessings.

    Im glad that I had a

    sturdy upbringing,

    especially in the

    Christian faith. I have no

    familiar Christian

    friends here to support

    me spiritually, and even

    after I managed to

    locate people that

    share my beliefs, its

    still not quite the

    same- its not convenient at all

    to meet up regularly in this large and

    capricious city, and theres always

    the language barrier. It would have

    been so easy to fall away and forget

    God, if not for the foundation that my

    years in CPBPC have given me. Dear

    reader, do treasure your fellowship

    group(s), treasure having a building

    to worship freely in, and treasure

    even the beautifully boundhymnbooks you have to sing from

    every Sunday!

    In my little Christian group here,

    we have none of the above, except for

    the voices which we

    lift in praise with such

    great gusto every

    worship service. I

    would join them, if and

    when I master reading

    the Chinese lyrics, andrecover from this sore

    throat >.25




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    scheduled in were project work

    deadlines, project meetings, business

    conferences dates, tuition slots,

    teaching assistant sessions,

    networking sessions etc. Only after

    that was done did I pen in FCM, YF or

    other church activities. My peers

    wowed at my perfect schedule.

    However, my power-packed schedule

    usually tired me out by Friday, so by

    the weekend I was sometimes

    stoned out during messages or too

    tired to go for YF. This not only

    affected my quality of service and

    spiritual growth, but also health, and

    of course it gave me enormous eye


    Feeling lost, I turned back to God and

    learnt to pray to Him, asking Him to

    guide me in scheduling my plans for

    the next day. I learnt to commit myday and its activities to Him. I found

    out what works best is not only

    morning QT, but also saying a prayer

    before the start of the day. Whenever I

    have the slightest temptation to go off

    track my priorities, prayer really helps

    to put me back on track. Now I am

    glad that I have the full energy to

    serve Him - Sunday in Beijing can be

    as follows: 7am QT/Prep for Sunday

    School Lesson 8.30am Buy SundaySchool Snacks from Bakery 9.30am

    Sunday Service 11.30am Teach

    Sunday School Class 3pm Start

    cooking preparation for Bible Study

    Group 6pm Bible Study Group

    dinner starts 10pm Home / QT

    So whenever you have the urge to go

    off on a tangent, just remember

    Proverbs 3:5-7 Trust in the LORD

    with all thine heart; and lean not unto

    thine own understanding. In all ways

    acknowledge Him, and He shall direct

    thy paths. Be not wise in thine own

    eyes; fear the LORD and depart fromevil.This is one of Gods rules - to

    run the race you need a partnership

    with God. One must stop and

    acknowledge God along the way, and

    wait patiently upon Him to direct you

    instead of always trying to catch up

    with others. This means praying to

    Him regarding our priorities and

    decisions before we scurry ahead.

    Sometimes, the answer is not

    instantaneous but God never fails andwe should wait patiently upon Him to

    give an answer in His own good

    timing. (i.e. I never knew why God

    sent me to Nanyang Girls instead of

    RGS where I really suffered studying

    higher Chinese. I totally hated the

    cheena culture till I was posted to

    China in 2008 realizing His will for

    me after 10 years)

    What if yourealready lost?

    Going to China really put me off track

    as I was embracing a whole new

    world. A new culture of food, travel,

    shopping, friends, and of course, the

    Olympics. Service took a backseat

    and I didnt make an effort to find an

    area of service in church. However, by

    the end of one year, I realized that I

    felt really empty instead. Everything

    that I had accumulated had nothing to

    do with my spiritual growth. I was still

    at base camp spiritually. For 2009, myresolution was

    1) Spiritual Growth, Bible Study Group

    2) Service.

    The first resolution was answered in

    February; God also provided the

    opportunity to lead a Bible study. The

    second was answered in end

    October; my Bible study group will

    also be reaching out to the auntiesand older kids at the orphanage at

    least once a month.

    So if you are already lost, its never

    too late to turn back and detangle

    yourself from things that will impede

    our race for Christ. Remember, God

    never forsakes His sheep. As

    Hebrews 12:1-2 teaches us

    Wherefore seeing we also are

    compassed about with so great a

    cloud of witnesses,let us lay asideevery weight, and the sin which doth

    so easily beset us,and let us run withpatience the race that is set before us,

    Looking unto Jesus the author and

    finisher of our faith; who for the joy

    that was set before him endured the

    cross, despising the shame, and is set

    down at the right hand of the throne

    of God," Secure that final prize with

    glorified victory and do not fall into

    the pit of success at the expense of


    So remember:

    Only one life,Twill soon be past; Only

    whats done for Christ will last.

    Matthew 6: 24 "No man can serve two

    masters: for either he will hate the

    one, and love the other; or else he will

    hold to the one, and despise the

    other. Ye cannot serve God and


    So be wise about running with the rat

    pack and pray that your resolutionsfor 2010 are on the right track!


    Also known as Auntie Esther (though

    she has not come of age yet)






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    Hi Henry,

    God has been so good to you that sometimes, it is easy to take for granted and to forget His goodness.

    Although not born into a wealthy family, you had no lack. Through the various stations in life, you were

    blessed with good friends, challenges never insurmountable, in fact often smooth pathways, and most of

    all, Gods guiding presence.

    The O levels came and went without you really realizing it. Then the A levels. You will recall you

    prayed to the Lord for 4 things before the A levels. You had wanted to :

    1. Be a strong Christian

    2. Do well enough in A levels to enter the U

    3. Train yourself physically and to be an officer in the army

    4. Embrace chivalry as a gentleman, and have a steady girlfriend

    On the face of it, you attained all. But did you?

    Perhaps the last three you attained, but are you sure you became a strong Christian? What good is getting

    the last three without the first, the most important?

    What is a strong Christian? A strong Christian is one who knows he is weak. A strong Christian is one who

    does not indulge in self-reliance, and because you did on various occasions, you cannot be said to be a

    strong Christian.

    The problem is that which is visible are the last three things. A persons academic results are tangible,

    and the route he takes after that is clear for all to see. What is not clear is how he attained the results. Foryou do you not remember the second year when you committed most time to the Lord, and relying on

    His strength instead of yours, you actually did better than the other years? Had you committed more to

    Jesus, whether the results are the same or otherwise, you would have been able to view the results with

    the perspective touched by God.

    Preparing yourself physically and being an officer in the army brought that tinge of pride, no matter how

    slight, into the equation. Especially when most friends were not selected for officer-training, and both

    your brothers did not do well in the army. Yes, you did pray. Yes, you did turn to the Lord during the

    twelve months of training as a recruit and officer cadet. But the extent and frequency with which you did

    so could have been higher, the level of reliance on the Lord much deeper. Did you not turn to Him more

    when you were down than when you were up?

    Lets talk about relationships. Thank God your girlfriend then was a good Christian girl. But you could

    have been distracted by other girls who were not necessarily the same. To you, what was most important?

    Gods will for your only life-partner, or your will to have someone you think suits you most. Or that cute

    and adorable girl who is head over heels with you? The girl with whom you share a relationship must be

    someone you know can be the mother of your children, someone whom you can depend on through thick

    and thin; not some flippant flighty personality who tickles your fancy.

    Coming back to the 4 points you prayed for, at the end of the day, if you got it right on the first, you will get

    it right on the other three. You see, if we are right with God, if we are close to Him, the other three and for

    that matter, whatever other issues that crop up in life will be seen in the right perspective.

    So Henry, you must be so grateful God has given you so much for so long in the past despite your lapses of

    unfaithfulness and periods of self-reliance. What lies ahead, no one knows. My only advice is : remember

    Psalm 119:9, Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy




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    The race of life can be fraught with trials

    sometimes. So what/who do we really

    turn to for comfort along the journey?

    We asked YFers (who were familiar with

    the use of writing instrument and paper)

    for their top 3 items, and here were the

    responses, in order of frequency:

    Sharing top spot were God and family. A

    good start it is that many of us

    remember to turn to God at some point

    (one with the qualifier of only when Im

    really panicking), but one that falls

    short. Its easy to turn to things and

    people around us that we can see with

    our eyes, but may God be our very

    present help in trouble.

    Various foods as a collective, presumably

    to be consumed in the quest for comfort,

    ranked above friends, who are

    generally less edible.

    Girlfriend was found among the bottom

    feeders, along with various inanimateobjects and solitary activities.

    Ah, time for our usual

    YF cottage meeting!Thank God for the sharing by

    our senior pastor, Dr Tow.

    Our memory versesthat day were Ephesians

    2:8-9, For by grace are ye

    saved through faith; and that

    not of yourselves: it is the gift

    of God: not of works, lest any

    man should boast. As

    children of God, we owe

    Christ a debt of gratitude. We

    were saved to serve the

    LORD and help others. I was

    reminded of my duty to

    spread the Gospel and tell

    others about Christ and his

    goodness toward us. There

    were times when I tried to

    spread the Gospel to others,

    but they were not touched by

    Gods Word. I still remember

    feeling very discouraged

    after that!

    However I realised

    that we should not keep this

    joy of salvation to ourselves!

    Even when we faced with

    obstacles in the midst of

    spreading the gospel, we

    should press on and pray

    about it. That was why we

    were saved. We were saved to


    I will try again!

    God Bless,


    Cottage Meeting at Dr Tow

    TEENS THAT TALKActually, moving up to YF seems quite

    scary to me. I dont really know the

    people there, and am pretty afraid. I

    think that YF will be quite different

    compared to Teenz, cause the people

    there are older, and the messages will

    probably be more difficult. However, I

    kind of look forward to going YF

    (though Im a little scared).

    I hope YF will be fun and enjoyable,

    and that the people wont be scary. I

    think that YF will be a good place to go.

    I think the people there will be more

    mature. Anonymous

    I think YF would be quite cool. I am quite scared to move up to YF because of the

    big age gap as compared to Teenz, and also because the messages would be more

    difficult to understand as well, but nevertheless, Im looking forward to joining

    YF in a few years time! A Sec 3 teenz

    I am looking forward to moving up

    to YF but a bit nervous too. I think

    that YF will be fun and Chim. I

    hope that YF will teach us more

    things and that it may edify us.

    And I hope that the people there

    are nice. A girl from Teenz

    I think YF will be very edifying. Andthat the things we learn are more

    mature. I hope that the people wont be

    so scary and itll be fun. Am looking

    forward and excited to go YF but scared

    too. A girl from Sec 3 teenz

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    ThankGodforablessed YFoutingon31

    stOct!Itwasabusy time

    formanyofthe YFersin the midstofcountless assig


    upcomingexams, butthank Godespeciallyforthema

    nywho took

    timeoffto come andfellowship withlikemindedbreth

    ren(: Im

    surethosewhocamedidnt regretit! H


    thedaytolook back on. Andforthosewho werentthere,heres

    what youmissed! =p

    Westarted offthe daywithsinging+adevotionbyKennyfromPs 63,provokingustoreflectonwhetherwetrulyloveanddesireGodsWord.Verymeaningful!










    Of course, physical feeding is important

    too:D The food was all lovingly prepared bythe various groups each group was in

    charge of contributing 1 food item. YUM!


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    or 2 (guess whos behind Brian!) Truly a

    blessed and enjoyable time! See you at the

    next YF outing!(:


  • 8/14/2019 Uth Chronicle 2010-I


    YF Camp ThoughtsTHANK GOD FOR A FRUITFUL YF CAMP. Truly a week of

    spiritual feeding, it was revival for some, and a time of

    fellowship, especially between the YFers and Teens. I was

    tasked by Brian to do a little sharing on my thoughts of the

    camp, so here it comes

    For me, organising a camp was something new. I hadorganized army programmes like route marches but had

    no prior experience organizingchurch activities. The task

    seemed great and whats more,

    it was a combined camp that

    was to be held overseas. That

    explains why I didnt dare to

    take it up when Exco first

    approached me. Thank God for

    revelations through preaching

    and His Word, especially

    through the study of Elijah at FCM by Bro Paul, and my

    personal study of the life of Peter, showing me how vessels, no matter how weak or

    unsuitable they seem, can be used by God if He wills it.

    It didnt make it any easier that I only accepted the task around July. The listof preachers chosen was slowly ticked off as they all were busy.

    Forming a suitable committee, finding a theme and all the

    logistical preparations had to be done. On top of these, university

    was starting and it would take up a sizeable amount of my time

    and mental faculties. Thank God for His providence and how He

    saw me through all these, yet at the same time trying my faith and

    helping me to constantly seek His face. Other problems, especially

    with the ever-changing numbers and various situations/requests

    (especially those that came at the very last minute while I was

    overseas), sought to frustrate me and make me lose faith in God.

    However, I thank God that through the reading of His Word and also

    the encouragement of brethren there was the peace in my heart that

    all things would fall into place, albeit in ways not of my choice.

    There was also the help received from committee members.

    Thank God He gave me wisdom to choose these members for they

    helped rectify many deficiencies.

    When the camp started I was a little tired, having justcome back from India. I also had a 'present' of diarrhoea, which

    explained why I sat out of icebreakers. But I also was worrying

    too much, looking at self to solve all problems. Thank God for

    rebuke from a comment made by a YFer which made me wonder

    why I was trusting self and not being joyful inservice. Thus from Day 2, I sought to be more joyful

    in service with Gods help even if I was at times

    limited by the diarrhoea, for which I also thank God

    for it helped me see how weak and frail I was.

    Personally, I found the messages hard-hitting and thought-provoking, as I had hoped they

    would be. Pr Dennis messages showed how much I

    lacked in living my life totally in Christ, and

    Kangs messages on the principles of Christian

    interaction did show me more of what I should

    look out for. My regret was the occasionaldistractions that filled my mind with regard to

    the running of the camp, which made me lose

    focus at times. Thank God for the workshop that

    helped by emphasizing the practical steps that

    we could take to put the messages into practice.


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    Besides the messages, I would also like to thank

    God for all the other activities:the games, the

    object lessons, the outing, the workshop and

    Brians story time. Even though the weather

    wasnt perfect, God gave enough. Thank God

    for logistics that went well also. We didnt lose

    anyone, and the part-timers reached and left safely. Another big

    thing to thank God for was the safety and health of the campers. Despite the rain, there were only a few coughs,

    colds and fevers, and apart from some cuts, scrapes, bruises, and one injured knee, there was nothing really

    major or serious. It was rather surprising given the number of campers and how camps usually are sick zones.

    In addition, I thank God for the number of people that attended, as the initial sign-up rate was a little slow.

    Above all these, I was glad and encouraged that among those were turned up were teens and infrequent YF

    attendees. Especially encouraging was to see Hui En not pulling out even though none of her friends her age came.

    That was sweet. Indeed thank God for the warm fellowship, and that the younger ones (mainly the teens) did not

    hide in one corner, but really came out of their comfort zones to fellowship with the older ones. I trust that we

    have all gotten to know each other a little better, and hope that this will encourage more to attend YF.

    In conclusion, I thank God for granting me theopportunity and the ability to organize this camp with

    the help of my committee. Indeed it was a time of

    learning and growing spiritually. I hope and pray that

    the spiritual revival we had will not fade away even as

    we enter this new year, but instead we will apply lessonslearnt. As with the buddy system, I do hope that we

    would continue to encourage and edify each other,

    helping each other to walk close to God, and creating a

    Youth Fellowship that indeed shines for Christ by

    leaving our all on the altar. Looking forward to the next

    camp already, which by tradition is run by the 2I/C of

    the immediate past camp:)

    In Christ,



    Name:Yeong Lee Wei

    Age: 22

    Studying at: Imperial College London (2nd yr Computing

    Masters undergraduate)

    Hobbies: Ice skating, Playing computer games,

    Programming, Reverse Engineering software

    My hopes & dreams: Want to get a job at Google/settle

    overseas like in London when I'm 30 (provided the world's

    still around by then!)20

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    2nd:Annual General Meeting

    9th: CPYF 29th Anniversary

    May the Lord Find Us Faithful

    Rev Quek

    16th:YF Night

    23rd: Take Up Your Cross Daily

    Bro Henry (Cottage Meeting)

    30th:YF Outing

    Birthdays: 3rd Raphael7th Zhongyan 11th Suling and

    Matthew Yeo 12th Christopher15th Serena Lok 28th Joline


    Who are you taking up your

    cross for?

    6th: Combined YAF-YF Meeting

    13th: No YF in view of CNY Eve

    20th:What is God? Eld Chew

    27th:Who is God to you? Eld Chew

    Birthday: 14th JQ

    March Denying Yourself

    6th:What is denying yourself? Rev Quek

    13th: Character Study on

    Denying Self (OT) Rev Quek

    20th: March Retreat

    (19th-20th Mar)

    27th: Character Study on

    Denying Self (NT) Rev Quek

    Birthdays: 2nd Elliot and Ivan

    3rd Johan 4thWella and Lisa

    6th Elvin 11th Kang

    17th Jelaine 31stYin Leng


    Dates uncertain - Ko Lingting starts her

    first restaurant and her first theme park

    (both virtual), and the rest is history.

    4th - Some YFers get to know the Secondary Foursgraduating from Teenz over a pizza lunch.

    16th - Jeremy Chan returns from a 2 week adventure in


    17th - Gabriel Teo goes to Kukup for a one-day trip with

    his parents.

    Also on the !7th, Some YFers (mostly members of KiNG)

    have an impromptu outing as they visit Gethsemane B-P

    Church for its Reformation Lecture-cum-Cantata

    presentation, Sola Scriptura.

    21st - FCM NUS holds a gospel rally at NUS Kent Ridge campus, with Dr

    Paul Ferguson speaking on the topic of "Is Your Life Complete", from Luke

    16. Several new friends are brought to the meeting.

    25th - Reformation Sunday. CPBPC commemorates Luther's nailing of

    his 95 theses to the cathedral at Wittenberg, and celebrates also 500

    years since the birth of John Calvin. Rev Quek delivers the morning

    message on "Discerning the time (Luke 12:54-56)". Young People's Choir

    presents "A Mighty Fortress".

    30th Oct-3rd Nov - Sophia Huang goes on a road trip

    in Norway, where she delights in the snowcappedmountains and magnificent fjords.

    31st - YF outing @ Botanic Gardens. YFers enjoy

    the beauty of God's creation at the Botanic

    Gardens, with a devotion by Kenny Cheong on the

    topic of "Does your soul thirst?", a potluck feast

    prepared by each of the groups, and an

    entertaining time of games organized by Elvin.

    Some also get quite a workout walking from the

    Tanglin to Bukit Timah side of the park or just

    plain wandering about, but God graciously grants

    splendid weather.


    2th - Brian Lim is appointed the

    student coordinator for FCM


    7th - "Meat Attack" @ William's

    home. Guys' Bible Study

    Fellowship gathers at the home of

    William Quah to consume a whole

    lot of barbecued meat and play

    tennis and basketball.

    Also on the 7th, YF Cottage Meeting @ Dr Tow's home. YFers meet at the

    home of Dr Tow Siang Hwa and wife, as Dr Tow reminisces about

    the Youth Fellowship of his time, gives advice for our generation, and

    prepares a sumptuous spread for them. This is followed by an impromptu

    session of singing Christmas carols.


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    11th - Pr Ko Ling Kang returns from Perth after a 3

    month stint ministering to the brethren at BPCWA.

    13th-29th Abigail Quek and

    Evangeline Chiang set off togetherwith a group of church members

    led by Dn Milton for a 3 week tour

    of the Holy Land. They are very,

    very well-received by the locals

    (particularly of the male variety)

    in Egypt, Jordan and Israel.

    16th - Brian Lim takes his first-ever Literature paper,

    and finds that his fellows publish an average of 4-page

    length responses to each question, 2.5 pages more than


    16th-20th - Carmen Yeo attends NJC's Youth LeadershipTraining Camp to further develop her skills as a squash


    18th - Ivan Ting, Jason Quah and Ruth Ng finally

    conclude their gruelling 2-year International

    Baccalaureate programme.

    20th - Hannah Woo finishes her A level examinations.

    Also on the 20th, Matthew Yeo celebrates the end of

    Project Work with a party. Incidentally it is his elder

    sister Lynn's birthday.

    Still on the 20th, dotK has a combined meeting with the

    Helpmeet contact group. Rev Quek speaks on the topic

    "Conduct of the youth" from 1 Timothy 4:12-16.

    21st - Damien Choong flies home to Melbourne.

    25th - Kenny Cheong goes to KL for a well-earned break

    and time with family members.

    25th Nov-13th Dec - Ruth Ng flies off for a tour of

    Europe and China.

    28th - Joyce Huang passes her 2 star kayaking course.

    30th Nov-5th Dec - Teenz camp in church. Pr Ko Ling

    Kang spoke on "The Question of Suffering".

    30th Nov-13th Dec - Ivan Ting

    travels around Europe for a post-IB



    2nd - Elvin and Jo-Ann Siew go toHokkaido for a family holiday.

    4th-11th Abigail Quek, Choong Kai

    Shuin and Kenny Cheong go to

    Bethel Development Center at

    Chiang Rai for a mission trip with

    Truth B-P Church.

    4th-13th William and Jason Quah and family travel to

    India, where they meet up with naturalized Indian

    lawyer Danny Quah and spend their holiday touringDelhi and Rajasthan.

    5th - YF Games Day. Wet weather notwithstanding,

    YFers gather in church for a time of indoor fun

    remembering nicknames and birthdays, slashing and

    shooting, and dodging balls.

    Also on the 5th, The Ko Ling X siblings and special

    friends travel up to Malacca for a break and lots of food.

    8th-11th JW Camp: "Be Ye Ready". Rev Quek and Pr

    Dennis Kabingue are the speakers.

    8th-29th Kenny Cheong returns home to Melbourne.

    11th A small party of dotK girls gets together with the

    intent of exercising their bodies standing up

    (badminton), but ends up mostly exercising their

    stomachs sitting down (food).

    13th - Sophia Huang makes her first flight in a glider

    over a London airfield.

    14th-19th Combined YF-Teenz Camp @ Resort Lautan

    Biru, Mersing. YFers and Teenz travel up north to

    Mersing for a combined year-end camp. The theme is "Is

    Your All On The Altar?", with morning messages by Pr

    Dennis Kabingue and night messages by Pr Ko Ling


    24th - Christmas Praise Service. YPC presents 2 items:

    "Under the Stars" and "Come and Worship".

    YFers present Hark! What joyful notes are swelling

    and a Mandarin item, .

    25th-31st - Michelle

    Chiang and family go to

    Hong Kong for the


    26th - YF RemembranceNight. YFers share on

    Gods goodness in the

    year past, with bold

    resolutions for 2010.

    31st - Year End Service.


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  • 8/14/2019 Uth Chronicle 2010-I


    A Publication of

    Calvary Pandan Youth Fellowship

    Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church

    201 Pandan Gardens

    Singapore 609337

    Email: uth.chronicle@gmail.comEdify, Educate, Engage
