USTB AD Folk Art within Modern Design 02



民艺造型与现代设 / 郑阳老师 / 作业02号 • Folk Art within Modern Design / Professor Zheng Yang / Homework 02: Pattern Design Inspired in Chinese Bamboo Waving • 2013年01月15日

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PAT TERN DESIGNInspired in Chinese Bamboo Waving

PAT TERN DESIGNInspired in Chinese Bamboo Waving


The bamboo is a native specie of China. It grows in regions with different types of environments and climates, what makes this country to be the owner of more than 200 varieties distributed along its wide geography, mainly following the Pearl River and Yangtze River.

The natural fiber provided by bamboo it has an excellent flexibility and durability, becoming one of the main raw material in folk arts. Bamboo waving inside Chinese crafts exists as early as 7000 years ago, to produce an amazingly wide variety of objects, such as walls, curtains, umbrellas, hats, baskets and countless domestic utensils.

Today, bamboo waving is still present in contemporary art and craftery.And is also the main inspiration to design a serie of pattern elements presented in this report.

Chinese Bamboo Waving


Weaving has many styles and techniques, which have been perfected over the centuries. Weaving creates a pattern by winding pieces of thread from one side to the other by needle or on a loom.


Pattern Design


A Pattern Design is a visual element with the property of being repeated in both horizontal and vertical directions to create a continuous texture. In this project, the structure of one of the main patterns used inside Chinese bamboo waving it is translated into graphic language, through the use of lines and basic shapes, to obtain drawing motifs of the initial bamboo texture.


The application of pattern design is as much extense as the use of bamboo to produce different kinds of objects. For instance, it can be used to create different kinds of fabrics design and paper design, in the surface of elements inside industrial design, in arquitecture and interior design, just to name a few.


Digital media allow us to explore the visual possibilities of one same design pattern within the use of line, shapes and color. In the following pages, each of the five initial bamboo waving textures that serves as inspiration for this project are decomposed into the graphic language to finally show examples of its particular visuality, expanded through the use of color.

Waving Pattern I

Waving Pattern II

Waving Pattern III

Waving Pattern IV

Waving Pattern V

University of Science and Technology Beijing

北 京 科 技 大 学

民艺造型与现代设 / Folk Art within Modern Design郑阳老师 / Professor Zheng Yang

作业02号 / Homework 02

项目描述: 选择一个你最有兴趣的进行设计,可以改良工艺,也可根据现代生活新的需求做新设计,希望你的设计可以与某一传统工艺有着概念上的联系.

丽芳 / Lai Guim2013年01月15日
