USPEX Manual 9.1.0 Release


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  • USPEX Manual 1

    USPEX (Universal Structure Predictor: Evolutionary Xtallography).

    A.R. Oganov, C.W. Glass, A.O. Lyakhov, P. Pertierra, M.A. Salvado, H.T. Stokes, Q. Zhu


    version 9.1.0. Last modified May 27, 2012. A.R. Oganov, A.O. Lyakhov

  • USPEX Manual 2

    Contents: 1. Terminology in the context of structure prediction.

    2. Aims and history of the project.

    3. Basics of the algorithm.

    4. Version history.

    5. How to obtain USPEX. How to install it. Necessary citations. Codes that can work with USPEX. On which

    machines can USPEX be run?

    6. Input and output files. File locations.

    7. Input options: the INPUT.txt file.

    7.1. Type of run and system.

    7.2. Population.

    7.3. Survival of the fittest and selection.

    7.4. Variation operators.

    7.5. Constraints.

    7.6. Cell.

    7.7. Restart.

    7.8. Details of ab initio calculations.

    7.9. Hardware-related.

    7.10. Remote settings.

    7.11. Fingerprint settings.

    7.12. Space groups.

    7.13. Many-parents settings.

    7.14. Statistics for developers.

    8. Additional input for special cases:

    8.1. molecular crystals: MOL_1, MOL_2, files.

  • USPEX Manual 3

    8.2. variable-composition code.

    9. How to

    9.1. How to visualize results.

    9.2. How to avoid trapping.

    9.3. How to use seed technique.

    9.4. How to set up passwordless connection from your local machine to remote cluster.

    9.5. How to adapt USPEX to your cluster.

    9.6. How to set up remote submission.

    10. References.

    11. Appendix 1: test runs.

    12. Appendix 2: sample input file INPUT.txt

    13. Appendix 3: sample short input file INPUT.txt

    14. Appendix 4: list of space groups.

    15. Appendix 5: list of most important point groups.

  • USPEX Manual 4

    1. TERMINOLOGY IN THE CONTEXT OF STRUCTURE PREDICTION. Crystal structure prediction problem problem of finding the most stable (lowest free energy) structure for a given chemical composition at given external conditions (such as pressure and temperature). Evolutionary algorithm a broad class of global optimization algorithms operating with populations of candidate solutions and featuring selection, production of offspring (through recipes known as variation operators), and survival of the fittest. There is no such thing as the evolutionary algorithm, because the construction of variation operators, representation of solutions, type of fitness function etc. play crucial role in performance of an algorithm, and for each type of problem one needs to construct a specialized evolutionary algorithm. Genetic algorithm subclass of evolutionary algorithms involving binary 0/1 strings for representation. USPEX is not a genetic algorithm, but an evolutionary algorithm. Local optimization = structure relaxation. Niching removal of duplicate structures. USPEX does it using fingerprint functions defined in (Valle & Oganov, 2008; Oganov & Valle, 2009). Fingerprint function an identifier of the structure based on interatomic distances (or, more generally, many-particle correlation functions) (Valle & Oganov, 2008; Oganov & Valle, 2009). Seed technique insertion of already known reasonable structure in the initialization of USPEX structure searches. Space group vs lattice vs crystal structure often there is confusion between these terms. There are only 230 space groups, and 14 Bravais lattices, but the number of possible distinct crystal structures is infinite. Space group is a set of all symmetry operators present in the structure. Bravais lattice is a set of translation vectors in the space group. I.e. space group and lattice are mathematical objects, while crystal structure is a physical object defining where the atoms sit. Density functional theory (DFT) exact or approximate? In principle, DFT is exact, but in all practical calculations one uses approximate flavors of DFT such as LDA, GGA, meta-GGA, or hybrid functionals. Looking for the global minimum of the approximate energy surface will give realistic results only if the underlying approximations for the energy are reasonable. I.e. dont use LDA for cuprate superconductors (where LDA doesnt work well at all) the results will be garbage! Using LDA for studying normal metals, semiconductors or ionic salts is a perfectly valid approach. Some details are given further in this Manual. For more, see References or consult the book below:

  • USPEX Manual 5

    2. AIMS AND HISTORY OF THE PROJECT. The USPEX (Universal Structure Predictor: Evolutionary Xtalloraphy and in Russian uspekh means success owing to the high success rate and many useful results produced by this method!) code possesses rather unique capabilities: it allows one to predict the stable structure of a given compound at given conditions (pressure, temperature) just from the knowledge of the chemical composition and using no experimental information. From the beginning, this non-empirical crystal structure prediction was the main aim of the USPEX project. This is achieved by merging a specially developed evolutionary algorithm featuring local optimization and real-space representation with ab initio simulations. In addition to this fully non-empirical search, USPEX allows one to predict also a large set of robust metastable structures and perform several types of simulations using various degrees of prior knowledge. The problem of crystal structure prediction is very old and does, in fact, constitute the central problem of theoretical crystal chemistry. In 1988 John Maddox1 wrote that:

    One of the continuing scandals in the physical sciences is that it remains in general impossible to predict the

    structure of even the simplest crystalline solids from a knowledge of their chemical composition Solids such as crystalline water (ice) are still thought to lie beyond mortals ken. It is immediately clear that the problem at hand is that of global optimization i.e. finding the global minimum of the free energy of the crystal (per mole) with respect to variations of the structure. To get some feeling of the number of possible structures, let us consider a simplified case of a fixed cubic cell with volume V, within which one has to position N identical atoms. For further simplification let us assume that atoms can only take discrete positions on the nodes of a grid with resolution . This discretisation makes the number C of combinations of atomic coordinates finite:






    3 NNV




    If is chosen to be a significant fraction of the characteristic bond length (e.g., = 1 ), the number of combinations given by (1) would be a reasonable estimate of the number of local minima of the free energy. If there is more than one type of atoms, the number of different structures significantly increases. Assuming a

    typical atomic volume ~10 3, and taking into account Stirlings formula (n! ne

    n n 2)( ), the number of

    possible structures for an element A (compound AB) is 1011 (1014) for a system with 10 atoms in the unit cell, 1025 (1030) for a system with 20 atoms in the cell, and 1039 (1047) for the case of 30 atoms in the unit cell. One can see that these numbers are enormous and practically impossible to deal with even for small systems with the total number of atoms N ~ 10. Even worse, these numbers increase exponentially with N. It is clear then, that point-by-point exploration of the free energy surface going through all possible structures is not viable, except for the simplest systems with ~1-5 atoms in the unit cell. Progress in solving this problem has been insufficient as revealed by the results of blind tests2, where a large variety of methods were tested against experimentally solved structures. Thus, new approaches are

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    needed. Previous approaches that have been devised to solve this problem are discussed in Ref.3. USPEX3,4 employs an evolutionary algorithm devised by A.R. Oganov and C.W. Glass, with major later contributions by A.O. Lyakhov and Q. Zhu. Its efficiency draws from the problem-specific variation operators and extensive tuning, while its reliability is largely due to the use of state-of-the-art ab initio simulations inside the evolutionary algorithm. The strength of evolutionary simulations is that they do not necessarily require any system-specific knowledge (except chemical composition) and are self-improving, i.e. in subsequent generations increasingly good structures are found and used to generate new structures. This allows a zooming in on promising regions of configuration space. Furthermore, due to the flexible nature of the variation operators, it is very easy to incorporate additional features into an evolutionary algorithm. A major motivation for our development of USPEX has been the discovery of the post-perovskite phase of MgSiO3, which was made in 20046,7 and has significantly changed models of the Earths internal structure. Several months later, when Colin W. Glass joined Oganovs group in August 2004, we started the development of USPEX. In 2006 -2008, when Yanming Ma was A.R. Oganovs postdoc, USPEX was applied to a number of important problems. A new major turn took place in August 2007, when Andriy O. Lyakhov took over the role of the main code developer. Qiang Zhu (current USPEXmaster and an active code developer) joined us in September 2009. By September 2010, when USPEX was publicly released, over 50 paper (including 2 in Nature, 5 in Phys. Rev. Lett., 4 in PNAS) were written on USPEX or using this methodology, and its user community numbered nearly 200. Things develop fast now we have a larger developers community (where everyone is welcome to join) and over 800 users, as of May 2012.

    Prediction of the crystal structure of MgSiO3 at 120 GPa (20 atoms/cell). Enthalpy of the best structure as a function of generation is shown. Between 6th and 12th generations the best structure is perovskite, but at the 13th generation the global minimum (post-perovskite) is found. This simulation used no experimental information and illustrates that USPEX can find both the stable and low-energy metastable structures in a single simulation. Each generation contains 30 structures. This figure illustrates the slowest of ~10 calculations done by the very first version of USPEX and yet is already pretty fast! The popularity of USPEX is due to its extremely good efficiency and reliability. This was shown in the First Blind Test for Inorganic Crystal Structure Prediction9, where USPEX outperformed the other methods it was

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    tested against (simulated annealing and random sampling). Random sampling (a technique pioneered for structure prediction by Freeman and Schmidt in 1993 and 1996, respectively, and since 2006 revived by Pickard12 under the name AIRSS Ab Initio Random Searching Strategy) is the simplest, but also the least successful and reliable strategy. Due to the exponential scaling of the complexity of structure search (eq. 1), the advantages of USPEX also increase exponentially with system size. But already for small systems such as GaAs with 8 atoms/cell these advantages are large (random sampling requires on average 500 structure relaxations to find the ground state in this case, while USPEX finds it after only ~30 relaxations!). For instance, 2 out of 3 structures of SiH4 predicted by random sampling to be stable12, turned out to be incorrect13; and similarly predictions of random sampling were shown14 to be incorrect for nitrogen15 and for SnH4 (compare predictions16 of USPEX and of random sampling17).

    a b Structure prediction for GaAs: a) energy distribution for relaxed random structures, b) progress of an evolutionary simulation (thin vertical lines show generations of structures, and the grey line shows the lowest energy as a function of generation). All energies are relative to the ground-state structure. The evolutionary simulation used a population of 10 structures. The first generation was produced randomly. Each subsequent generation was produced from the lowest-energy 40% of the previous generation. 60% of the new structures were generated through heredity, 20% by lattice mutation and 20% through permutation. In addition, the lowest-energy structure of the previous generation survived into the next generation.

    For larger systems random sampling tends to produce almost exclusively disordered structures with nearly identical energies, which decreases success rate to practically zero, as shown in the example of MgSiO3 post-perovskite with 40 atoms/supercell random sampling fails to find the correct structure even after 120,000 relaxations, whereas USPEX finds it just after several hundred relaxations. An important note is that random sampling runs can easily be done with USPEX, for those who would like to try but we see this useful mostly for testing. Likewise, Boldyrevs version of the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm for crystal structure prediction (recently re-implemented by Wang, Lv, Zhu and Ma) can be implemented on the basis of USPEX with minor programming work, and we implemented a corrected PSO algorithm, which, however, only shows that all existing PSO methods are much less efficient and reliable than USPEX again, we see the PSO approach suitable mostly for testing purposes, if anyone wants to try. A very powerful new method,

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    complementary to our evolutionary algorithm, is evolutionary metadynamics19 a hybrid of Martonaks metadynamics and Oganov-Glass evolutionary approach. This method is powerful for global optimization and for harvesting low-energy metastable structures, and even for finding possible phase transition pathways.

    Sampling of the energy surface: comparison of random sampling and USPEX for a 40-atom cell of MgSiO3 with cell parameters of post-perovskite. Energies of locally optimized structures are shown. For random sampling, 1.2x105 structures were generated (none of them corresponded to the ground state). For USPEX search, each generation included 40 structures and the ground-state structure was found within 15 generations. The energy of the ground-state structure is indicated by the arrow. This picture shows that learning incorporated in evolutionary search drives the simulation towards lower-energy structures. In its current version, the code has a minimal input: the number of atoms of each sort, pressure-temperature conditions and algorithm parameter values: size of the population (i.e. the number of structures in each generation), hard constraints35, the number of structures used for producing the next generation, and the percentage of structures obtained by lattice mutation, atomic permutation and heredity. Other parameters define how often structure slices combined in heredity are randomly shifted, how many atomic permutations are done per structure, and how strong lattice mutation is. The use of specially designed fingerprint functions for niching helps to speed up structure search and prevent sticking to local minima. Optionally, calculations can be performed under fixed lattice parameters (if these are known from experiment). It is possible to perform variable-composition simulations, where one specifies only the atomic types, and USPEX should find both the stable compositions and the corresponding structures. It is also possible to predict structures of nanoparticles and to study packing of molecules in molecular crystals.

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    Overview of capabilities: The table below shows different styles of calculation and their mutual compatibility in the latest version (+ means ready for production runs):


    Molecular Variable-composition

    Properties Evolutionary metadynamics

    VASP + - + + + SIESTA + + + + - GULP + + + + + CP2k + - + - To be

    implemented QuantumEspresso + - + - - DMACRYS + + + - - MD++ + - - - - Seeds + + + + N/A Restart + + + + + CellSplitting + + + + N/A Space groups + + + + + Fingerprints + + + + + Local order + + + + + Molecular - + In progress + + Variable-composition + In progress + + - Properties - + + + + Evolutionary metadynamics + + - + +

    Post-processing, or analysis of the data, is extremely important, and in this aspect USPEX also occupies a unique niche, benefiting from an interface specifically developed for USPEX by Mario Valle in his STM4 code. This includes analysis of thousands of structures in a matter of a few minutes, determination of structure-property correlations, analysis of algorithm performance, quantification of the energy landscapes, state-of-the-art visualization of the structures, determination of space groups, etc. etc. etc. including even preparation of movies showing the progress of the simulation! USPEX also generates some figures, so you can monitor its results and analyze them:

    1. Energy_vs_N.tif (Fitness_vs_N.tif) energy (fitness) as a function of structure number; 2. Energy_vs_Volume.tif energy as a function of volume; 3. BestEnthalpy.tif (BestFitness.tif) best enthalpy (fitness) as a function of generation number; 4. quasiEntropy.tif quasi-entropy as a function of generation number; 5. Ediff_vs_N.tif energy of the child vs parent(s) energy; different operators marked with different

    colors (this graph allows one to assess the performance of different variation operators); 6. E i_vs_Ei+1.tif correlation between energies from relaxation steps i and i+1; helps to detect problems

    and improve input for relaxation files;

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    For variable compositions there are additional graphs, like: 1. C-O-volumes.tif shows the volume/atom of the system vs composition, useful for determination of

    the correct atomic volumes for the input file; 2. C-O-decomposition-enthalpy.tif shows the enthalpy of formation as function of composition.

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    3. BASICS OF OUR EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHM. Crystal structures (lattice vectors and atomic coordinates) are represented by real numbers - not by the often used, but unphysical, binary 0/1 strings. Every candidate structure is locally optimized (i.e. relaxed) and replaced by the locally optimal structure. For structure relaxation we use conjugate-gradients or steepest-descent methods, available in many first-principles and atomistic simulation codes. Currently, USPEX can use VASP38, SIESTA39, Quantum Espresso, CP2k for first-principles simulations, and GULP40, MD++, and DMACRYS for atomistic simulations. Structure relaxation is split into stages starting from crude and ending with very fine. This allows extremely accurate calculations at low cost. During optimization with ab initio methods, the k-point grid changes in accordance with cell changes. This enables strict comparability between all obtained free energies while keeping the computational costs low. The following variation operators are used: heredity, lattice mutation, permutation, softmutation. Our procedure is the following: 1. The first generation is produced by a random-number generator (only those structures which satisfy the hard constraints are allowed). Non-random start from some good structures provided by user is also possible. Though this is not necessary, we recommend that the first generation be produced randomly using space group symmetry but the code works well also if you dont use space groups! Even if you use symmetrized structures, the algorithm finds whether the structure wants to break symmetry and breaks it, if needed! 2. Among the locally optimized structures, a certain number of the worst ones are rejected, and the remaining structures participate in creating the next generation through heredity, permutation and mutation. Duplicate structures are removed using the fingerprint method8. Selection probabilities for variation operators are derived from the rank of their fitness (i.e. their calculated free energies). During heredity, new structures are produced by matching slices (chosen in random directions and with random positions) of the parent structures. A certain fraction of structures is produced by randomly shifting these slices in their matching plane. Heredity for the lattice vectors matrix elements (for this matrix we use the upper-triangular form in order to avoid unphysical whole-cell rotations) is done by taking a weighted average, using random weights. A certain fraction of the new generation is created by permutation (i.e. switching identities of two or more atoms in a structure) and lattice mutation (random change of the cell vectors). Lattice mutation essentially incorporates into our method the ideas of metadynamics9,21, where new structures are found by building up cell distortions of some known structure. Unlike in metadynamics, in our method the distortions are not accumulated, so to obtain new structures the strain components should be large. Softmutation obtains new structures by large displacements of the atoms along the eigenvectors of the softest phonon modes; this relies on our very efficient approximate phonon technique that requires no input parameters and takes negligibly small time. To avoid pathological lattices all newly obtained structures are rescaled to have a certain volume, which is then relaxed by local optimization. The value of the rescaling volume can be easily estimated either from the equation of state of some known structure or by optimizing a random structure; this value is used only for the first generation and for subsequent generations is adapted to the volumes of several best found structures. A

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    specified number of the best structures of the current generation always survive, mate and compete in the next generation. 3. The simulation is terminated after some halting criterion is met. In our experience, for systems with up to ~ 10 atoms in the cell the global minimum is often found within the first few generations, for systems with ~20 atoms in the cell this usually takes up to ~10-20 generations. Among the important results of the simulation are the stable crystal structure and a set of robust metastable structures at given pressure-temperature conditions. USPEX allows one to find the stable crystal structure of a given compound at given external conditions (pressure, temperature, etc.). Moreover, it also produces a set of robust metastable structures. Unlike traditional simulation methods that only sample a small part of the free energy landscape close to some minimum, our method explores the entire free energy surface on which it locates the most promising areas. This allows one to see which aspects of structures (molecular vs coordination or metallic vs insulating structures, atomic coordination numbers, bond lengths and angles) are required for stability and therefore provides an interesting way of probing structural chemistry of matter at different conditions. Our present implementation in the USPEX code is very efficient for systems with up to ~200 atoms in the unit cell. With additional developments we expect the method to be efficient also for larger systems. Since no symmetry constraints are imposed during simulations, symmetry is one of the results of our algorithm. This ensures that the resulting structures are mechanically stable and do not contain any unstable -point phonons. Our approach enables crystal structure prediction without any experimental input. Essentially, the only input is the chemical formula (then, we typically perform simulations for different numbers of formula units in the cell). However, in some cases, we would like to be able to predict also stable stoichiometries. One of the first steps in this direction was taken in Ref. 44, who have applied an ab initio evolutionary algorithm to find stable alloys. However, in their work the structure was fixed (only fcc- and bcc- structures were explored). Our algorithm incorporates variable-composition searches in order to find stable structures and likely stoichiometries in a given system. Among the current limitations of the method is the limitation to ordered periodic structures, but it can be overcome once it becomes possible to calculate free energies of disordered and aperiodic structures. Another limiration is that most calculations are done at T=0 K, because finite-T free energy optimization is too expensive at the ab initio level; such calculations with interatomic potentials have, however, been possible since 2005!3 Then, clearly, the quality of the global minimum found by USPEX depends on the quality of the ab initio description of the system. Present-day DFT simulations (e.g., within the GGA) are adequate for most situations, but it is known that these simulations do not fully describe the bonding and electronic structure of Mott insulators, and until recently there were problems with the DFT description of the van der Waals bonding. In both areas there are significant achievements (see, e.g., Ref. 45-51), which can be used for calculating ab initio free energies and evaluation of structures in evolutionary simulations.

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    4. VERSION HISTORY. Versions up to 6.1 were written by C.W. Glass (he also partly debugged molecular options in 6.7.3). Starting from 6.2 A.O. Lyakhov is the main developer. Experience with Octave from M. Salvado and P. Pertierra, later complemented by A.O.Lyakhov, enabled the use of USPEX under Octave. Q.Zhu has finalized the molecular packing prediction code (finalized in v.8.5) and powerful evolutionary metadynamics code. H.T. Stokes has contributed his powerful code for initialization of the first generation of random structures with space group constraints in v.8.5.0, and space group determination code in v.8.6.0. v.1 Evolutionary algorithm without local optimization. Real-space representation, interface with VASP. Experimental version. October 2004. v.2 CMA-ES implementation (CMA-ES is a powerful global optimization method developed by N. Hansen). Experimental version. January 2005. v.3 Evolutionary algorithm with local optimization. v.3.1 Working versions, sequential. Major basic developments. 3.1.1-3.1.3 Versions for debugging. April 2005. 3.1.4-3.1.5 First production version. Based largely on heredity with slice-shifting and with minimum-parent contribution (hard-coded to be 0.25). May 2005. 3.1.6-3.1.7 Experimental versions (development of new options). August 2005. 3.1.8 Adaptation of k-point grids. 15/10/2005. 3.1.9 Improved output. 28/10/2005. 3.1.10 Automatic control of structure relaxation (before this was done manually). Slice-shift mutation. Experimental version. 31/10/2005. 3.1.11 Restart from arbitrary generation. Experimental version. 04/11/2005. 3.1.12 Production version based on v.3.1.11, variable slice-shift mutation. 11/11/2005. 3.1.13 Adaptive scaling volume. 29/11/2005. 3.1.14 Basic seed technique. 29/11/2005 (debugged 6/12/2005). 3.1.15 Improved output. 15/12/2005. v.3.2 Massively parallel version. 3.2.1 Massive parallelisation. 16/11/2005. Corrected version with an arbitrary number of CPUs/job. 21/11/2005. 3.2.2 Improved output. Replaced InterplanarDistance constraint by LatticeParameter constraint. 15/12/2005. v.4 Unified parallel/sequential version. 4.1.1 Lattice mutation. 20/12/2005 (debugged 10/01/2006). 4.2.1 Interfaced with SIESTA. Initial population size allowed to be different from the running population size. 24/01/2006 (debugged 20/04/2006). 4.2.2 Number of kept best individuals can be specified. Experimental version. 21/04/06. 4.2.3 Relaxation of best structures made optional. Version with fully debugged massive parallelism. 25/04/06. 4.3.1 Implementation for CRAY XT3 supercomputer. 22/05/2006. 4.4.1 Interfaced with GULP. 08/05/2006. 4.4.2 POTCAR_1, POTCAR_2 etc. allowed. 08/05/06. v.5 Completely rewritten and debugged version, clear modular structure of the code. 5.1.1 new platforms: Blanc, Gonzales. Sequential mode temporarily abandoned. Atom-specific permutation, code interoperability, on-the-fly reading of parameters from INPUT_EA.txt. 20/12.2006.

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    5.2.1 SIESTA-interface for Z-matrix, rotational mutation operator, only remote job submission enabled (experimental version). 01/03/2007. v.6 Production version, with both remote and local job submission enabled. 6.1.1 - Variation in CPU numbers allowed. Created standard tests. 04/04/2007. 6.1.2 Density of k-points changes within structure relaxation (from stage_1 to stage_2 to ), allowing extremely accurate and cheap treatment of metals and semiconductors. 06/04/2007. 6.1.3 To efficiently fulfil hard constraints for large systems, an optimizer has been implemented within USPEX. 07/06/2007. 6.2 Development version. 6.3.1-6.3.2 Introduced angular constraints for cell diagonals. Completely rewritten remote submission. Improved input format. Further extended standard tests. 07/12/2007. 6.3.3 X-com grid interface (with participation of STikhonov and SSobolev). In progress (05/03/2008). 6.4.1 Fingerprint functions for niching. 07/04/2008. 6.4.2 Debugged fingerprinting. Separate identity threshold for survival of the fittest. (16/04/2008). 6.4.3 Debugged SIESTA- and GULP-interfaces. 19/04/2008. 6.4.4 - Space group recognition (debug, but still problematic), with an option to switch them off. Fast fingerprints (from tables). 05/05/2008. 6.4.5-6.4.7 - Further debugging. Development of features for next version. (June-July 2008) 6.5.1 Split-cell method for very large systems. Easy remote submission. Variable number of best structures (energy clustering). 16/07/2008. 6.6.1 A very robust version, with local execution re-enabled, and improved fingerprint and split-cell implementations. 13/08/2008. 6.6.2 adaptation of v6.6.1 for compatibility with older versions of Matlab. 16/08/2008. 6.6.3 Heredity with multiple parents implemented. 01/10/2008 6.6.4 Added a threshold for parents participating in heredity (niching). 03/10/2008 6.6.5 changes in remote submission files, clean-up of the USPEX code. 11/2008 6.6.6 first implementation of multicomponent fingerprints. 04/12/2008 6.6.7, 6.7.1 and 6.7.2 Implemented quasi-entropy to measure the diversity of the population, moved CEL and SPF to separate folder. 10/12/2008 6.7.3 largely debugged the case of 2-atom molecules. Stopping criterion was based on the quasientropy of the population. 14/01/2009. v.7 Production version, written to include variable composition. 7.1.1-7.1.7 series of improved versions. v.7.1.7 has been distributed to ~200 users. Variable composition partly coded, most known bugs fixed, improved tricks based on energy landscapes. Improved cell splitting, implemented pseudo-subcells. Implemented multicomponent fingerprints (much more sensitive to the structure than one-component fingerprints). 28/04/2009 (version finalized 28/05/2009). 7.2.5 first fully functional version of the variable-composition method (7.2.1-7.2.4 development versions). Introduced transmutation operator and compositional entropy. 6/09/2009. 7.2.7 thoroughly debugged, improved restart capabilities, improved seeding, interface to MBaskess MD++ code, introduced perturbations within structure relaxation, introduced biased fitness function for variable-composition. 25/09/2009, further improved in versions 7.2.8/9.

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    7.3.0 Full fingerprint support in the variable-composition code, including niching. Fair algorithm for producing the first generation of compositions. 22/10/2009. 7.3.1 introduced (optionally) heredity and permutation biased by local order parameters. Found and fixed two bugs in the heredity operator. 30/09/2009. 7.4.1 introduced coordinate mutation based on local order 8. Heredity and transmutation are also biased by local order. Introduced computation of the hardness and new types of optimization by hardness and density. 04/01/2010 7.4.2 debugging, implementation of multiple-parents heredity biased by local order. 15/01/2010. 7.4.3 debugging, implementation of new types of optimization (to maximize structural order and diversity of the population). Eliminated parameters volTimeConst and volBestHowMany. 24/01/2010. v.8 Production version, written to include new types of optimization. 8.1.1-8.2.8 development versions. Local order and coordinate mutation operator. Softmutation operator. Calculation and optimization of the hardness. Prediction of the structure of nanoparticles. Implementation of point groups. Greatly improved overall performance. Option to perform PSO simulations (not recommended for applications, due to PSOs inferior efficiency so use only for testing purposes). GoodBonds transformed into a matrix and used for building nanoparticles. 22/09/2010. 8.3.1 debugged PSO method, cleaned-up input. 08/10/2010. 8.3.2 for clusters, introduced a check on connectivity (extremely useful), and improved dynamicalKeepBestHM=2 option, as well as mechanism for producing purely softmutated generations. Improved fingerprints for clusters. Interface to Quantum Espresso and CP2K codes. 11/10/2010. 8.4 - Family of development versions containing several improvements for nanoparticles. Development branches pseudo-metadynamics, molecular crystals. 8.5.0 initialization of the first random generation using the space group code of H.Stokes added. New formulation of metadynamics implemented and finalized, for now in a separate code. Several debugs for varcomp, nanoparticles, computation of hardness. 18/03/2011. 8.5.1 working version with numerous debugs. Space group initialization implemented for cases of fixed unit, variable composition, and subcells. 20/04/2011. 8.6.0 added space group determination program from H. Stokes. Merger with the updated code for molecular crystals (including space group initialization). Fixed a bug for SIESTA (thanks to DSkachkov). 06/05/2011. 8.6.1-8.7.2 development versions, quite robust. Improved symmetric initialization for the case of fixed cell. Graphical output enabled. Improved softmutation (by better criteria of mode and directional degeneracies) and heredity (by using energy-order correlation coefficient and cosine formula for the number of trial slabs) operators. Most variables now have default values, which allows to use very short input files. Shortened and improved the format of log-files. 13/11/2011. 8.7.3 improved split-cell algorithm and debugged enhanced constraints, graphical output now includes random structures. 21/11/2011. 8.7.5 fixed bugs in variable composition code, graphical output now includes many extra figures and approximate atomic volumes are suggested to user in variable composition calculations. Added utility to extract all structures close to convex hull for easier post-processing. 21/3/2012. v.9 Production version, made more user-friendly and written to include new types of functionality and to set the new standard in the field.

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    9.0.0 Evolutionary metadynamics and vc-NEB codes added to USPEX package, added tensor version of metadynamics, added additional figures and post-processing tools, cleaned the code output. A few parameters removed from the input. Improved soft-mode mutation. April 2012. 9.1.0 Release version. Cleaned up, documented. The user community is >800 people. Released 28/05/2012. Bug reports: Like any large code, USPEX may have bugs. If you see strange behaviour in your simulations, please report to us by sending files INPUT.txt and log to USPEXmaster (currently Qiang Zhu).

  • USPEX Manual 17


    USPEX is an open source public domain code, and can be downloaded at For ease of programming and ease of use USPEX is written in MATLAB and it also works under Octave (a free matlab-like environment) you dont need to compile anything, just plug and play! To enhance MATLAB-version compatibility, only basic MATLAB commands have been used. USPEX can be used on any platform all you need is to have 1 CPU where MATLAB or Octave can be run under Linux or Unix using its special remote submission mechanism, USPEX will be able to connect to any remote machine (regardless of whether MATLAB is installed there) and use it for calculations. Trial structures generated by USPEX are relaxed and then evaluated by an external code interfaced with USPEX. Based on the thus obtained ranking of relaxed structures, USPEX generates new structures which are again relaxed relaxed and ranked. Our philosophy is to use existing well-established ab initio codes for structure relaxation and energy calculations. Currently, USPEX is interfaced with VASP, SIESTA, Quantum Espresso, CP2k, DMACRYS, GULP, ASE, ATK and MD++. The choice of these codes is based on 1) its efficiency for structure relaxation, 2) general speed, 3) robustness, 4) popularity. Of course, there are many other ab initio codes that can satisfy these criteria, and in the future we can interface USPEX to them. USPEX is easy to install. To run USPEX, you need to have MATLAB or Octave installed (at least, on login nodes or on your remote computer) and to have VASP, SIESTA, Quantum Espresso, CP2k, DMACRYS, GULP, ASE, ATK or MD++. executable(s) on the compute nodes. This way you can use USPEX on any platform. Whenever using USPEX, in all publications and reports you must cite the original papers, e.g. in the following way: Crystal structure prediction was done with the USPEX code3-5, based on an evolutionary algorithm developed by Oganov, Glass and Lyakhov and featuring local optimization, real-space representation and flexible physically motivated variation operators.

  • USPEX Manual 18

    6. INPUT AND OUTPUT FILES. FILE LOCATIONS. OVERVIEW OF CAPABILITIES. Hint to all new users: USPEX comes with a set of test cases. Run them to check if everything works.

    Use this Manual to understand the input parameters. To prepare a new calculation, it is always best to

    start with one of these test cases but be sure to modify input (especially the level of accuracy) to what you need. Most of the tests are provided with very crude computational settings designed to tell

    the user (and developer!) whether certain functionalities of the code perform correctly. Bear this in

    mind when transforming these tests to real calculations.

    Input/output files depend on the external code used for structure relaxation and on the type of job


    An important technical element of our philosophy is the multi-stage strategy for structure relaxation,

    which has a deep rationale. Final structures and energies must be high-quality, in order to provide

    correct ranking of structures by energy. Most of the newly generated structures are very far from local

    minimum (e.g. contain bonds that are too short or too long) and their high-quality relaxation is

    extremely expensive. However, this cost can be avoided if the first stages of relaxation are done with

    cruder computational conditions only at the last stages of structure relaxation there is a need for high-quality calculations. First stages of structure relaxation can even be done with cheaper

    approaches (e.g. interatomic potentials using GULP or MD++). You can change the computational

    conditions (basis set, k-points sampling, pseudopotentials or PAW potentials) or the level of

    approximation (interatomic potentials vs LDA vs GGA) or even the structure relaxation code (GULP

    vs MD++ vs DMACRYS vs SIESTA vs VASP vs CP2K vs QE) during structure relaxation of each

    candidate structure. Furthermore, a multi-stage strategy is needed to ensure stability of structure

    relaxation if the initial forces on atoms are too large, variable-cell optimization will often lead to the explosion of the structure and meaningless results. Therefore, we strongly suggest to first optimize atomic positions at constant cell parameters, or the cell shape and atomic positions with constant unit

    cell volume, and only then perform the full optimization of all structural variables. While optimizing at

    constant volume, you dont need to worry about Pulay stresses in plane-wave calculations and therefore it is OK to use a small basis set at this stage, but of course for constant-pressure variable-cell

    relaxation you will need a high-quality basis set. For structure optimization, you can often get away

    with a small set of k-points- but dont forget to sufficiently increase it at the last stage(s) of structure relaxation.

    Now, suppose that the directory where the calculations are performed is ~/StructurePrediction.

    A. Running USPEX in the sequential mode. This directory will contain: -USPEX code in particular, the ev_alg.m and directory FunctionFolder -file INPUT.txt

    -Subdirectory ~/StructurePrediction/Specific with VASP or SIESTA or GULP (etc) executables, and

    enumerated input files for structure relaxation INCAR_1, INCAR_2,, and pseudopotentials or PAW potentials For VASP, files INCAR_1, INCAR_2, etc. defining how relaxation and energy calculations will be done at each stage of relaxation, and the corresponding POTCAR_1, POTCAR_2 files with pseudopotentials.

    E.g., INCAR_1 does very crude structure relaxation of atomic positions with fixed cell parameters, INCAR_2

    crudely optimizes both atomic positions and cell parameters, keeping the volume fixed, INCAR_3 does full

    structure relaxation under constant external pressure with medium precision, INCAR_4 does very accurate

    calculations. Each higher-level structure relaxation starts from the results of a lower-level optimization and

    improves them.

    - For SIESTA, you need the pseudopotentials and input files sinput_1, sinput_2, (if you do molecular calculations with Z-matrix) or input_1.fdf, input_2.fdf, if you do standard calculations.

  • USPEX Manual 19

    - For GULP, files goptions_1, goptions_2, and ginput_1, ginput_2, must be present. The former specify what kind of optimization is performed, the latter specify the details (interatomic potentials, pressure,

    temperature, number of optimization cycles, etc.)

    - For MD++ - to be documented.

    - For DMACRYS - to be documented.

    - For CP2K, files cp2k_options_1, cp2k_options_2, must be present. All files should be the normal cp2k input files with all parameters except atom coordinates and cell parameters (these will be written by USPEX

    together with the finishing line \&END FORCE_EVAL). The name of the project should always be USPEX, since the program reads the output from files and USPEX-1.cell. We recommend doing

    relaxation at least in three steps similar to VASP first optimise only the atom positions with lattice being fixed and then do a full optimisation.

    - For Quantum Espresso, files QEspresso_options_1, QEspresso_options_2, must be present. All files should be the normal QE input files with all parameters except atom coordinates, cell parameters and kpoints

    (these will be written by USPEX at the end of the file). We recommend to do a multi-step relaxation. E.g.,

    QEspresso_options_1 does a crude structure relaxation of atomic positions with fixed cell parameters,

    QEspresso_options_2 does full structure relaxation under constant external pressure with medium precision,

    QEspresso_options_3 does very accurate calculations. Each higher-level structure relaxation starts from the

    results of a lower-level relaxation.

    - Subdirectory ~/StructurePrediction/Seeds containing seed structures, if the seed technique is used (otherwise keep this directory empty). If seeds are used, copy to this directory the get* files. Seeded structures should be all

    concatenated in the VASP format to a file called POSCARS (format concatenated VASP POSCAR files) and a file called compositions (format on each line, there should be the number of atomic species A, B, C, in the unit cell, there should be as many lines as structures in POSCARS).

    -Subdirectory ~/StructurePrediction/results1 (if this is a new calculation) and results2, results3, (if the calculation has been restarted or run a few times).

    The subdirectory ~/StructurePrediction/results1 contains the following files: -Parameters.txt this is a copy of the INPUT.txt file used in this calculation, for your reference. -gatheredPOSCARS, enthalpies, fitness.dat, VOLUMES, KPOINTS structures, their enthalpies, fitnesses (may or may not be identical to enthalpies, depending on what you ask the code to optimize!), unit cell volumes,

    and k-points meshes that you need to use to reproduce values given in enthalpies. If you use USPEX with

    SIESTA, you will see structures in the file gatheredSTRUCS (in SIESTA format)

    -BESTgatheredPOSCARS, BESTenthalpies, BESTvolumes, etc. the same data for 1 best structure in each generation.

    -hardness.dat an estimate of hardness of all structures. -enthalpies_complete here enthalpies for all structures in each stage of relaxation are given. -quasiEntropy.dat shows the diversity of structures in each generation. -origin shows which structures originated from which parents and through which variation operators -a lot of other files useful mostly for benchmarking, rather than applications.

    File Parameters.txt is a copy of the INPUT.txt file (to keep track of computational conditions). There

    is a (suppressed but easy to reinstate, if needed) capability to generate structure files in formats for other software - CEL files can be used immediately for calculating powder diffraction patterns with

    the program Powdercell (freely available), and .SPF files are convenient for finding the space group

    using PLATON (also a public domain code).

    How to run USPEX.

    First of all, set up your calculation by editing INPUT.txt. Options and keywords of this crucial file are

    described below.

  • USPEX Manual 20

    Then, gather files needed for the external code doing structure relaxation this information must be in the folder Specific. This includes the executable (e.g. vasp), and such files as INCAR_1, INCAR_2, and POTCAR_1, POTCAR_2, It is in these files that you specify the external p-T conditions at which you want to predict the structure.

    Once this is done, all you need to execute the code in the sequential mode is just to type:

    matlab log &

    File log will contain information on progress of the simulation and, if any, errors (these need to be

    reported to us, if you would like to report a bug).

    B. When running USPEX in the massively parallel mode, there will be a few differences. All the capabilities are

    implemented, the user only needs to do minimal work to configure files to the users computers (hence, we cannot guarantee support for solving problems with massively parallel mode).

    First, you need to edit file RemoteTemplate and enter parameters specific to your remote supercomputer and your personal

    access there. Rename this file as you like (then this name should appear in INPUT.txt on the input line


    Also, in INPUT_EA.txt specify remote=2, and indicate the level of parallelization of your calculation (how many

    structures to be relaxed in parallel). When the calculation starts, new subdirectories CalcFold1, CalcFold2,, where independent jobs are executed, will be created.

    To start the calculation, you need to use a Cron daemon on your Linux machine. In your user root directory, there must

    now be files:



    Here is an example of a 1-line CronTab file from one of our clusters:

    */5 * * * * sh call_job

    It states that the interval between job submissions is 5 minutes and points to the file call_job, which should contain the address of the directory where USPEX will be executed, and the file call_job looks like this:


    source /etc/csh.login

    source ${HOME}/.cshrc

    cd /ExecutionDirectory

    matlab < USPEX.m >> log

    To activate Cron, either type

    crontab CronTab

    or edit Cron by typing

    crontab e

    If you want to terminate this run, either edit call_job or remove this crontab by typing

    crontab r

  • USPEX Manual 21

    7. INPUT OPTIONS: THE INPUT.TXT FILE. A typical INPUT.txt file is given in Appendix 2. Below we discuss the most important options of the

    input. Most options now have default values, which will be used if you skip them in the input file (this

    allows you to have extremely small input file!) Those options that have no default, should always be


    7.1. TYPE OF RUN AND SYSTEM *variable calculationMethod

    Meaning: specifies the type of calculation.

    Possible values (characters): USPEX evolutionary algorithm for crystal structure prediction VCNEB transition path determination META evolutionary metadynamics (pseudo-metadynamics)

    Default: USPEX


    USPEX : calculationMethod

    *variable calculationType

    Meaning: specifies type of calculation, i.e. whether a bulk crystal, or a nanocluster structure is to be


    Possible values (integer): 1 = bulk, 2 = clusters, 4 = varcomp bulk, 11 = molecular crystals

    Default: 1


    1 : calculationType

    Notes: If calculationType=11, i.e. a prediction for a molecular crystal is to be done, then USPEX expects you to provide

    files MOL_1, MOL_2, with coordinates of the atoms in each type of molecule type and these molecules will be placed in the newly generated structures as whole objects (and later, if needed, relaxed).

    *variable optType

    Meaning: This variable allows you to specify the quantity that you want to optimize.

    Possible values (characters): enthalpy - to find the stable phases

    volume - volume minimization (to find the densest structure)

    hardness - hardness maximization (to find the hardest phase)

    struc_order - maximization of the degree of order (to find the most ordered structure)

  • USPEX Manual 22

    Default: enthalpy


    enthalpy : optType

    Notes: (1) If you want to do opposite optimization, add minus sign. For instance, to minimize the hardness, put -hardness.

    Now, you need to specify what you know about the system. The number of atoms of each sort is given

    by the numIons keyblock, e.g.:

    *variable numIons

    Meaning: Describes the number of atoms of each type.

    Default: none, must specify explicitly


    % numIons

    4 4 12

    % EndNumIons

    This means there are 4 atoms of the first type, 4 of the second type, and 12 of the third type.

    Notes: For variable composition calculations, you have to specify the building blocks as follows:


    % numIons

    2 0 3

    0 1 1

    % EndNumIons

    This means first building block has formula A2C3 and second building block has formula BC, where A, B and C are

    described in the block atomType. All structures will then have the formula xA2C3+yBC with x, y = (0,1,2,).

    *variable atomType

    Meaning: Describes the identities (e.g. numbers in Periodic Table) of atoms of each type.

    Default: none, must specify explicitly


    % atomType

    12 14 8

    % EndAtomType

    In this case, the first atomic type is Mg (number 12 in Mendeleevs Periodic Table of the elements), second one is Si and the third one is O (numbers 14 and 8, respectively). You can use atomic numbers, short name of the element (e.g. Ca, Cl,

    etc) or full name (Carbon, etc) of the elements in this field.

    *variable valencies

    Meaning: Describes the valencies of atoms of each type.

  • USPEX Manual 23

    Default: none, must specify explicitly


    % valencies

    2 4 2

    % endValencies

    *variable goodBonds

    Meaning: specifies the minimum bond valence matrix (i.e. the ratio valence/coordination number,

    extended by Browns formula) in this system this does not have to be accurate, just give a reasonable guess. Like the IonDistances matrix (see below), this is square keymatrix cast in an upper-triangular


    Default: 0.15


    % goodBonds

    1.0 1.0 0.2

    0.0 1.0 0.5

    0.0 0.0 1.0

    % EndGoodBonds Notes: The dimensions of this matrix must be equal either to the number of atomic species or unity. If only one number is

    used, the matrix is filled with this number. The matrix above reads as follows: to be considered a bond, the Mg-Mg

    distance should be short enough to have bond strength of 1.0 or more, the same for Mg-Si, Si-Si and O-O bonds (by using

    such exclusive criteria, we effectively disregard these interactions as potential bonds), whereas the weakest Mg-O bond

    that will be considered for hardness and softmutation calculations will have valence strength of 0.2, and Si-O will have

    strength of 0.5 or more. To set this parameter just take values close to the ratio valence/(maximum possible coordination

    number). Easy!

    *variable checkConnectivity

    Meaning: switches on/off hardness calculation and connectivity related criteria in softmutation.

    Possible values (integer): 0 = connectivity not checked, no hardness calculations; 1 = connectivity

    taken into account, hardness is calculated.

    Default: 1


    1 : checkConnectivity

    7.2. POPULATION *variable populationSize

    Meaning: the number of structures in each generation, except initial

  • USPEX Manual 24

    Default: 2*N rounded to closest 10, where N is number of atoms/cell (or maxAt for variable

    composition). Upper cap is 60. Usually, you can trust these default settings.


    20 : populationSize

    *variable initialPopSize

    Meaning: the number of structures in the initial generation.

    Default: equal to populationSize.


    20 : initialPopSize

    Note: In most situations we suggest that these two parameters be equal. Sometimes it may be useful to specify the initial

    population to be larger than the population size in the rest of the simulation. This allows one to explore the configuration

    space better and thus have a better selection of initial structures. It is possible to have a smaller initial population as well this is useful, if one wants to make the first population entirely from seeded structures.

    *variable numGenerations

    Meaning: maximum number of generations allowed for the simulation. The simulation can terminate

    earlier, however, if the stopping criterion is met i.e. when the same best structure remained best for stopCrit generations.

    Default: 100


    100 : numGenerations

    *variable stopCrit

    Meaning: the simulation is stopped if for stopCrit generations the best structure did not change, or

    when numGenerations have expired whichever happens first.

    Default: total number of atoms for fixed-composition runs, maximum number of atoms maxAt for

    variable-composition runs.


    100 : stopCrit


    Meaning: defines how many best structures will survive into the next generation.

    Default: 0.1*populationSize

  • USPEX Manual 25


    3 : keepBestHM

    Note: if reoptOld=0, these structures will be left without reoptimization while if reoptOld=1, they will be reoptimized

    again (if structure relaxation is high-quality, this option will not affect the final results).

    *variable bestFrac

    Meaning: Fraction of the current generation that shall be used to produce the next generation.

    Default: 0.7


    0.7 : bestFrac Note: This is a very important parameter, directly affecting the convergence rate of the algorithm. Values between 0.5-0.75

    seem to be reasonable.

    If you use the fingerprinting method (see below), it is a good idea to keep several best structures. This

    will increase the learning power of the algorithm, while not leading to decrease of structural diversity.

    To that end, set dynamicalBestHM to 1 or 2.

    *variable dynamicalBestHM

    Meaning: specifies whether number of surviving best structures will vary during the calculation with

    keepBestHM as upper bound .

    Possible values (integer): 0 = no variation, 1 and 2 = see note

    Default: 2


    1 : dynamicalBestHM Note: If you set dynamicalBestHM=1, the code will choose up to keepBestHM best different structures (based on the

    fingerprint tolerance toleranceBestHM). If dynamicalBestHM=2 (our preferred choice), then you select keepBestHM

    maximally different structures (chosen using a clustering algorithm) in the entire energy interval corresponding to

    bestFrac, and toleranceBestHM is determined automatically this helps diversity while retaining memory of good structures.


    *variable fracGene

    Meaning: percentage of structures obtained by heredity. 0.1 means 10%, etc.

    Default: 0.5


  • USPEX Manual 26

    0.5 : fracGene

    *variable fracPerm

    Meaning: percentage of structures obtained by permutation. 0.1 means 10%, etc.

    Default: 0.1 if there is more than 1 type of atoms/molecules, 0 otherwise.


    0.1 : fracPerm

    *variable fracRotMut

    Meaning: percentage of structures obtained mutating molecular orientations. 0.1 means 10%, etc.

    Default: 0.1 for molecular crystals, 0 otherwise.


    0.1 : fracRotMut

    The percentage of structures obtained by lattice mutation is not specified explicitly, but obtained as 1-


    For heredity, slices are chosen in random directions with a random offset.

    *variable percSliceShift

    Meaning: switches on, for a specified percentage of structures, random shifts of slices parallel to their

    matching plane.

    Default: 1.0


    1.0 : percSliceShift

    Note: This helps to increase structural diversity and can be viewed as an atomic coordinate mutation. Values close to zero seem to speed up the calculation, large values diversify search as always, choose balance.

    *variable howManySwaps

    Meaning: For permutation, the number of pairwise swaps will be randomly drawn from a uniform

    distribution between 1 and howManySwaps.

    Default: 5 (we recommend to specify this parameter explicitly, not resorting to this default value)


    5 : howManySwaps

    *variable specificSwaps

    Meaning: specifies which atom types you allow to swap in permutation.

  • USPEX Manual 27

    Default: blank line


    % specificSwaps

    1 2

    % EndSpecific

    Note: In this case, atoms of type 1 could be swapped with atoms of type 2. If you want to try all possible swaps, just leave

    a blank line inside this keyblock.

    *variable fracAtomsMut

    Meaning: specifies percentage of structures obtained by softmutation or coormutation.

    Default: 0.1


    0.1 : fracAtomsMut Note: You can use softmutation or coormutation by specifying softMutTill this gives the number of generation after which coormutation is used instead of softmutation.

    *variable mutationDegree

    Meaning: the maximum displacement in softmutation in . The displacement vectors for softmutation

    or coormutation are scaled so that the largest displacement magnitude equals mutationDegree.

    Default: 3*average atom radius


    2.5 : mutationDegree

    *variable softMutOnly

    Meaning: how many generations should be produced by softmutation only.

    Default: 0


    % softMutOnly


    % EndSoftOnly

    Note: In the above example generations up to 5th generation (excluding, of course, the first generation) are produced by

    softmutation alone. Note that upon softmutation each parent produces TWO softmutants. You can also specify particular

    generations to be softmutated throughout the run, for example to softmutate every 10th generation you can write:

    % softMutOnly

    2 12 22 32 42

    % EndSoftOnly

    For lattice mutation, we define each mutated cell vector 'a as a product of the old vector ( 0a ) and the

    ( I ) matrix:

  • USPEX Manual 28

    0' )a(Ia , (1)

    where I is the unit matrix and is the symmetric strain matrix, so that:








    I (2)

    The strain matrix components are selected randomly from the Gaussian distribution and are only

    allowed to take values between -1 and 1. Lattice mutation essentially incorporates into our method the

    ideas of metadynamics9,21

    , where new structures are found by building up cell distortions of some

    known structure. Unlike in metadynamics, in our method the distortions are not accumulated, so to

    obtain new structures the strain components should be large:

    *variable mutationRate

    Meaning: standard deviation of the epsilons in the strain matrix.

    Default: 0.5


    0.5 : mutationRate

    It is a good idea to combine latmutation with a weak softmutation:

    *variable DisplaceInLatmutation

    Meaning: specifies softmutation as part of latmutation and sets the maximum displacement in .

    Default: 1.0


    1.0 : DisplaceInLatmutation

    7.5. CONSTRAINTS Since the same structure can be represented in an infinite number of coordinate systems (this

    phenomenon is known as modular invariance), there is a lot of potential redundancy in the search.

    Furthermore, most of these equivalent choices will lead to very flat unit cells, which creates problems

    for structure relaxation and energy calculation (e.g., very many k-points are needed). The constraint,

    well known in crystallography, that the cell angles be between 60 and 120, does not remove all

    redundancies and problematic cells (e.g. thus allowed cells with ==~120 are practically flat). Therefore we developed

    35,36 a special scheme to obtain special cell shapes with shortest cell vectors.

    This transformation can be done if there is at least one lattice vector whose projection onto any other

    cell vector or the diagonal vector of the opposite cell face is greater (by modulus) than half the length

    of that vector, i.e. for pairs a and b, or c and (a+b) these criteria are:

  • USPEX Manual 29












    )( c





    )( ba




    E.g. for the criterion (3a) the new vector a* equals:


    baaa ))(*




    signceil (4)

    This transformation, done iteratively, completely avoids pathological cell shapes and solves the

    problem. During this transformation atomic fractional coordinates are transformed so that the original

    and the transformed structures are identical (during the transformation Cartesian coordinates of the

    atoms remain invariant).

    *variable minVectorLength

    Meaning: sets the minimum length of a cell parameter of a newly generated structure.

    Default: diameter of the largest atom.


    2.0 : minVectorLength

    Commonly used computational methods (pseudopotentials, PAW, LAPW, and many parametric

    interatomic potentials) break down when the interatomic distances are too small. This situation has to

    be avoided and you can specify the minimum distances between each pair of atoms using the

    IonDistances square keymatrix cast in an upper-triangular form, e.g.

    *variable IonDistances

    Meaning: sets the minimum inter-atomic distance matrix between different atom types.

    Default: half of the covalent radii sum for corresponding atom pair.


    % IonDistances

    1.0 1.0 0.8

    0.0 1.0 0.8

    0.0 0.0 1.0

  • USPEX Manual 30

    % EndDistances

    Note: The dimensions of this matrix must be equal to the number of atomic species. The matrix above reads as follows: the

    minumum Mg-Mg distance allowed in a newly generated structure is 1.0 Angstrom, the minimum Mg-Si, Si-Si and O-O

    distances are also 1.0 Angstrom, and the minimum Mg-O and Si-O distances are 0.8 Angstrom. You can use this keymatrix

    for incorporating further system-specific information: e.g. if you know that in your system Mg atoms prefer to be very far

    and are never closer than 3 Angstrom, you can specify this information. Beware, however, that the larger are these

    minimum distances, the more difficult it is to find structures fulfilling these constraints (especially for large systems) so a compromise must be found in each case. With some experience you will find this easy.

    *variable constraint_enhancement

    Meaning: rather technical parameter, which allows one to use stricter (by constraint_enhancement

    times) constraints of IonDistances matrix for symmetric random structures (for all variation operators,

    unenhances IonDistances matrix still applies). Use it only if you know what you are doing.

    Default: 1.


    1 : constraint_enhancement

    For molecular crystals, the following keyblock is useful:

    *variable MolCenters

    Meaning: sets the minimum inter-molecular distance matrix between centers of molecules of different


    Default: zero-matrix for non-molecular calculations.


    % MolCenters

    5.5 7.7

    0.0 9.7

    % EndMol Note: In the above example, there are two types of molecules. In all generates structures the distance between geometric

    centers of the molecules of the first type must be at least 5.5 (A-A distance), between centers of the molecules of the first

    and second type 7.7 (A-B distance), between molecules of the second type 9.7 (B-B distance).

    7.6. CELL As mentioned above, it is useful to rescale all newly produced structures to a unit cell volume that you

    believe to be reasonable for your system at relevant conditions. To find this volume, do structure

    relaxation for a randomly generated structure, or just take some other (known or hypothetical)

    structure at relevant conditions and use its unit cell volume. This should be specified in the

    LatticeValues keyblock, e.g.:

    *variable LatticeValues

    Meaning: specifies the initial volume of the unit cell or know lattice parameters.

  • USPEX Manual 31

    Default: no default, has to be specified by user.


    % Latticevalues


    % Endvalues

    Notes: (1) This volume is only used as an initial guess and influences only the first generation, each structure is fully

    optimized and adopts the volume corresponding to the (free) energy minimum. This keyblock has also another use: when

    you know lattice parameters (e.g., from experiment), you can specify them here (in a matrix form, with each lattice vector

    represented by a row of the matrix), in the LatticeValues keyblock instead of unit cell volume, e.g.:

    % Latticevalues

    7.49 0.0 0.0

    0.0 9.71 0.0

    0.0 0.0 7.07

    % Endvalues

    (2) For variable composition calculations you have to specify the volume of each atom separately, e.g.:

    % Latticevalues

    12.5 14.0 11.0

    % Endvalues

    If you have a large system (>20-40 atoms/cell), randomly produced first generation will consist of

    disordered structures with high energies and little diversity. This is one of the manifestations of the

    curse of dimensionality, which eventually becomes hopeless for any algorithm to overcome. For this case we proposed a trick, where a large cell is split into a suitable number of identical subcells. The

    user can input how many atoms these subcells are allowed to contain (5, 10 and 20 in the example

    below) and the code will search for an optimal splitting for a given cell. Here is an example:

    *variable splitInto

    Meaning: defines the number of identical subcells in the unit cell. If you dont want to use splitting, just put value 1.

    Default: 1


    % splitInto (number of subcells into which the unit cell is split)

    1 2 4

    % EndSplitInto

    Subcells introduce extra translational (pseudo)symmetry. One can use, in addition to this, the full

    apparatus of space groups, enabled by a powerful code contributed by H.T. Stokes 18


    *variable symmetries

    Meaning: possible space groups for crystal or point groups for clusters.

    Default: 1-230 for crystals and E C2 D2 C4 C3 C6 T S2 Ch1 Cv2 S4 S6 Ch3 Th Ch2 Dh2 Ch4 D3 Ch6 O D4 Cv3 D6 Td Cv4 Dd3 Cv6 Oh Dd2 Dh3 Dh4 Dh6 Oh C5 S5 S10 Cv5 Ch5 D5 Dd5 Dh5

    I Ih for clusters.

  • USPEX Manual 32


    % symmetries


    % endSymmetries

    For clusters you have to specify the thickness of the vacuum region around the cluster.

    *variable vacuumSize

    Meaning: defines the amount of vacuum added around the structure (closest distance in between

    neighboring clusters in adjacent unit cells).

    Default: 10 for every step of relaxation


    % vacuumSize

    20 20 20 10 10

    % endVacuumSize

    7.7. RESTART Sometimes a calculation may go wrong or terminate prematurely e.g. due to hardware failure. One could, of course, start it again from scratch (sometimes this is necessary, if your input was incorrect!),

    but often you want to continue the calculation either from the point where it stopped or even from an

    earlier point. If all you want is to continue the run from where it stopped, you dont need to change settings (all information will be stored in the *.mat files) and it will suffice to remove file still_reading

    and run USPEX again.

    If you want to restart from a particular generation in a particular results-folder, then specify

    pickUpYN=1, pickUpGen=number of the generation from which you want to start,

    pickUpFolder=number of results-folder (e.g., results1, results2,) from which the restart needs to be done. If pickUpGen=0, then a new calculation is started, if pickUpFolder=0, then restart is done by

    default from the highest existing number of result-folder. (Hint: instead of relying on these defaults,

    better specify the folder and generation explicitly). Default options are 0 for all three parameters. For

    example, to restart a calculation performed in the folder results5 from generation number 10, specify:

    1 : pickUpYN

    10 : pickUpGen

    5 : pickUpFolder

    7.8. DETAILS OF AB INITIO CALCULATIONS USPEX enjoys a powerful two-level parallelisation scheme, making its parallel scalability very hard to

    match by most other computational algorithms. By far the most expensive part of the calculation is

    structure relaxation. The first level of parallelisation is done within structure relaxation codes, enabling

  • USPEX Manual 33

    excellent efficiency for each structure on up to ~10-102 CPUs. You can specify how many CPUs you

    want to use for structure relaxation (at each of its steps) using the numProcessors keyblock, e.g.:

    *variable numProcessors

    Meaning: defines the number of processors for every optimization step.

    Default: 1 for every relaxation step


    % numProcessors

    4 8 16 16 16

    % EndProcessors

    Another interesting feature of USPEX is the possibility to combine different levels of theory e.g., often you dont need to do highly accurate structure relaxation from the beginning (only final steps of structure relaxation have to be highly accurate) and you may want to start structure relaxation at a

    cheaper level, e.g. with interatomic potentials (e.g., using the GULP code) or with a minimal LCAO

    basis set (using SIESTA), switching towards the end to more accurate calculations - with large LCAO

    (using SIESTA) or plane-wave basis sets (using VASP). However, use this feature with care cheap calculations still have to be meaningfully constructed. This feature is controlled by the abinitioCode

    keyblock, e.g.:

    *variable abinitioCode

    Meaning: defines the code used for every optimization step.

    Default: 1 for every optimization step (VASP)



    3 2 2 1 1


    Note: Numbers indicate the code/mode used at each step of structure relaxation 1 means VASP, 2 means SIESTA, 3 indicates GULP, 4 is for GULP used in molecular crystal calculations (only for testing purposes), 5 is for SIESTA for

    molecular crystals, 6 is for MD++ code, 7 is for Neural Networks code (only for testing purposes at this moment), 8 is for

    DMACRYS, 9 is for CP2K, 10 is for Quantum Espresso, 11 is for DL POLY, 12 is for molecular VASP, 13 is for ASE, 14 is for ATK.

    *variable Kresol

    Meaning: specifies the reciprocal-space resolution for k-points generation (units: 2*Angstrom-1).

    Default: from 0.2 to 0.08 linearly


    % KresolStart

    0.2 0.16 0.12 0.08

    % Kresolend

    Note: You can enter several values (one for each step of structure relaxation), starting with cruder (i.e. larger) values and

    ending with high resolution. This dramatically speeds up calculations, especially for metals, where very many k-points may

  • USPEX Manual 34

    be needed for accurate energy calculations. This keyblock is important if you use VASP or QuantumEspresso (with GULP

    it is not needed at all, and with SIESTA you will have to define Kresol within SIESTA input files).

    *variable wallTime

    Meaning: (format- hours:minutes, e.g. 04:30) sets the maximum amount of wall time a single

    calculation is allowed to take, it will be put in the job-submission files.

    Default: 2:00


    2:00 : wallTime

    The second level of parallelization done within USPEX parallelizes the calculation over the

    individuals in the same population (since within the same generation structures are independent of

    each other) i.e. you can simultaneously perform up to populationSize (also typically of order 10-102) structure relaxations.

    *variable numParallelCalcs

    Meaning: specifies how many structure relaxations you want to run in parallel (more precisely, up to

    how many jobs you want to be in the queue at each moment of course, if the machine is fully loaded, you will have to wait, only if the machine is sufficiently free they will be executed at the same time).

    Default: 1


    10 : numParallelCalcs

    You need to supply the job submission files or names of executable files for each code/mode you are

    using (1 - VASP, 2 - SIESTA, 3 - GULP, 4 - GULP in molecular mode, 5 - SIESTA in molecular

    mode, 6 WCais MD++ code, 7 development code, etc) and specify them in the commandExecutable keyblock:

    *variable commandExecutable

    Meaning: specifies the name of the job submission files or executables for a given code.

    Default: No default, has to be specified by user.


    % commandExecutable

    mpirun -np 2 vasp > out





    ./meam-lammps_han test.tcl

    timelimit -t 400 ./OptimizeNN.x > log

    timelimit -t 400 ./dmacrys output

    mpirun -np 4 cp2k.popt cg.inp > cp2k_output

  • USPEX Manual 35

    mpirun -np 4 pw.x < > output

    reserved for DL POLY executable

    molecular VASP

    ASE executable

    atkpython < > ATK.out

    % EndExecutable

    Note: USPEX reads the line number for every optimization step from the variable abinitioCode and then uses the

    corresponding line from commandExecutable to start the optimizer. For example, abinitioCode equal to 3 3 1 means that first two optimization steps will be done with GULP which is started using the script ./job3_gulpNP and the last step is done with vasp via the command mpirun -np 2 vasp > out.

    7.9. HARDWARE-RELATED USPEX is written in Matlab, and is compatible with Octave, a non-commercial analogue of Matlab.

    You can actually use USPEX on virtually any platform in the remote submission mode. All you need

    is Matlab/Octave to be running on your workstation. In that case, your workstation will prepare input

    (including jobs), send them to the remote compute nodes, check when the calculations are done, get

    the results back, analyse them and prepare new input. The amount of data being sent to and from is not

    large, so the network does not need to be very fast. Job submission is, of course, machine-dependent.

    To use remote submission from your workstation to a supercomputer, you must first set up a

    passwordless connection from the workstation to the supercomputer. On the local workstation USPEX

    could be run using periodic cron calls (e.g. starting USPEX every 10 minutes).

    *variable remote

    Meaning: specifies whether the jobs are submitted remotely or locally.

    Possible values (integer): 0 calculation is done on a local machine, e.g. on your desktop workstation. 1 remote submission on supercomputers, description of which is hardcoded into the USPEX code. 2 remote submission using specially prepared submission file, see whichCluster

    Default: 0


    0 : remote

    Note: for remote calculation we strongly urge the users to use remote=2, which only requires them to modify the file


    *variable whichCluster

    Meaning: specifies on which machine the calculations will be run.

    Default: nonParallel


    nonParallel : whichCluster

  • USPEX Manual 36

    Note: If you select whichCluster = nonParallel, this will set up a local sequential calculation (e.g., on your desktop

    workstation, with interactive energy calculations). This needs to be set with remote=0. If remote = 2, then specify

    whichCluster=mySupercomputer, and create file mySupercomputer by editing Remote_template, located in the folder

    RemoteSubmission (with a few examples for real supercomputers). Example: Lomonosov : whichCluster

    Where file Lomonosov describes all the information required for remote job submission on Lomonosov supercomputer.

    Occasionally, relaxation of a particular structure may fail (hardware problems etc.) and its a good idea to give it another chance by specifying how many times you want a failed relaxation to be re-

    attempted, which is done by specifying maxErrors (Default: 2). If after maxErrors attempts there is

    still a failure (e.g. no output), this trial structure will be removed from the population.

    7.10. REMOTE SETTINGS If remote > 0, you have to specify some settings in the input file relevant to the current user and

    calculation. Other (user/task independent) settings are either coded in USPEX or specified in the file

    described by whichCluster parameter.

    *variable username

    Meaning: user name to login to remote supercomputer.

    Default: by default, remote=0 and all subsequent remote settings are disabled.


    aroganov : username

    *variable remotePath reserved for developers. Will not influence user calculations.

    *variable portNumber reserved for developers. Will not influence user calculations.

    *variable localFolder

    Meaning: used for remote = 1 and describes the location of your calculation folder. Basically, it

    specifies which part of the path returned by unix pwd command is not relevant for calculation. The

    folder structure after localFolder is usually replicated on supercomputer, if remote = 1. This allows

    better organization of multiple calculations.

    Default: by default, remote=0 and all remote settings are disabled.


    artem : localFolder

    *variable remoteFolder

    Meaning: folder on supercomputer, where calculation will be performed.

    Default: by default, remote=0 and all remote settings are disabled.


  • USPEX Manual 37

    Blind_test : remoteFolder

    Note: there is similar parameter specified in the remote submission file - homeFolder. The actual path to the calculation

    will be *homeFolder*/*remoteFolder*/CalcFolderX where X = 1,2,3,

    7.11. FINGERPRINTS SETTINGS Before changing the following parameters we would encourage you to read the methodological papers

    first, so you know what you are doing (Valle & Oganov, 2008; Oganov & Valle, 2009; Lyakhov, Oganov & Valle, 2010). 0.05 : sigmaFing

    0.10 : deltaFing

    10.0 : RmaxFing

    0.015 : toleranceFing (if distance is less than tolerance - structures are identical)

    0.015 : toleranceBestHM (if distance is less than tolerance - structures are identical)

    sigmaFing is the Gaussian broadening of interatomic distances (0.05 is always OK).

    deltaFing is the discretisation (in Angstrom) of the fingerprint function (0.10 should be OK).

    RmaxFing is the distance cutoff (7-10 is usually OK, but sometimes you may want to use smaller

    or larger values, depending on the system and what you want to do).

    toleranceFing and toleranceBestHM specify the minimal cosine distances between structures that

    qualify them as non-identical for participating in the production of child structures and for survival of the fittest, respectively. Often its OK to have the two values identical. Sometimes you may want to sample best structures that are very different in such cases, make toleranceBestHM much larger. These settings are very powerful and should be made with good experience and judgment. A short

    evolutionary or random-sampling run would be helpful to tune the parameters. They depend on the

    precision of structure relaxation and on the physics of the system (for instance, for ordering problems

    fingerprints belonging to different structures will be very similar, and these tolerance parameters

    should be made small).

    maxDistHeredity specifies the maximal cosine distances between structures that participate in

    heredity. This specifies the radius on the landscape within which structures can mate. Use with care

    (or dont use at all).

    7.12. SPACE GROUPS Meaning: determine space groups and write output also in the crystallographic *.CIF-format (this

    makes your life easier when preparing publications but beware that sometimes space groups may be under-determined if the relaxation was not very precise and very stringent tolerances were set for

    symmetry finder). This option is enabled thanks to the powerful symmetry code provided by H.T.


    Default: 1, except calculationType=2 (clusters) where the default is =0.


    1 : doSpaceGroup (0 - no space groups, 1 - determine space groups)

  • USPEX Manual 38

    7.13. MANY PARENTS SETINGS *variable manyParents

    Meaning: specifies whether more than two slices (or more than two parent structures) should be used

    for heredity. This may be beneficial for very large systems.

    Possible values (integer): 0 only 2 parents are used, 1 slice each. 1 many structures are used as parents, 1 slice each. 2 two structures are used as parents, many slices (determined dynamically using parameters minSlice and maxSlice) are chosen independent form each other.

    3 two structures are used as parents, many slices (determined dynamically using parameters minSlice and maxSlice) are cut from cell with fixed offset. This is the preferred option for large systems. For example, we cut both structures into

    slices of approximately same thickness and then choose even slices from parent 1 and odd slices form parent 2, making a

    multilayered sandwich.

    Default: 0


    3 : manyParents

    minSlice, maxSlice : Determine the minimal and maximal possible slices in that will be cut out of

    the parent structures to participate in the creation of the child structure. We want them to be thick

    enough to carry some information about the parent (but not too thick to make multiple-parents heredity

    ineffective). Reasonable values for these parameters are around 1 and 6 , respectively.

    For clusters you have to specify the number of parents participating in heredity:

    *variable numberparents

    Meaning: defines the number of parents in heredity for clusters.

    Default: 2


    2 : numberparents

    7.14. STATISTICS FOR DEVELOPERS 20 : repeatForStatistics

    Default: 1 (i.e. no statistics will be gathered)

    USPEX simulations are stochastic, and redoing the simulation with the same input parameters does not

    necessarily yield the same results. While the final result the ground state is the same (hopefully!), the number of steps it takes to reach it and the trajectory in chemical space differ from run to run. To

    compare different algorithms you MUST collect at least some statistics not relying on just a single run (which may be lucky or unlucky USPEX does not rely on luck!). This option is of interest only

  • USPEX Manual 39

    to developers and it only makes sense to collect statistics with simple potentials (e.g., using GULP or


  • USPEX Manual 40


    8.1. MOLECULAR CRYSTALS: MOL_1, MOL_2, FILES. MOL_1 file: the file describes the structure of a molecule to be used as a whole entity, and defines

    which degrees of freedom will be frozen during structure relaxation. This file and its format differ

    from Siesta's Z_Matrix file (MOL_1 gives Cartesian coordinates of the atoms, whereas Z_Matrix file

    defines atomic positions from bond lengths, bond angles and torsion angles). Z_Matrix file is created

    using the information given in the MOL_1 file - i.e. bond lengths and all necessary angles are

    calculated from the Cartesian coordinates. Which lengths and angles are important and should be used

    for Z_Matrix to define atomic positions - this is exactly what columns 5-7 specify. Let's look at the

    MOL_1 file for benzene C6H6:

    Number of atoms: 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1.0600 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 1 1 1.7550 1.2038 0.0000 6 2 1 0 0 0 1 3.1450 1.2038 0.0000 6 3 2 1 0 0 0 3.8400 -0.0000 0.0000 6 4 3 2 0 0 0 3.1450 -1.2038 0.0000 6 5 4 3 0 0 0 1.7550 -1.2038 0.0000 6 6 5 4 0 0 0 1.2250 2.1218 0.0000 1 3 2 1 0 0 0 3.6750 2.1218 0.0000 1 4 3 8 0 0 0 4.9000 -0.0000 0.0000 1 5 4 9 0 0 0 3.6750 -2.1218 0.0000 1 6 5 10 0 0 0 1.2250 -2.1218 0.0000 1 7 6 11 0 0 0

    The first atom is Hydrogen, its coordinates are defined without reference to other atoms ("0 0 0")

    The second atom
