Using Digital and Social Media for Parish Councils€¦ · Presentation title - edit in Header and...


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Using Digital and Social Media forParish Councils


About me

Andy BlackAndy Black Associates

Website Twitter LinkedIn


Proof point – Foreign and Commonwealth Office

I have trained 100’s of UK diplomats

in digital diplomacy

Including teams from Anti Daesh

Coalition, Modern Slavery, Cyber

Security and related departments

The training includes content creation,

campaigns, strategic communications

In an independent survey conducted

in 2016, the Foreign and

Commonwealth Office won the top

performing digital foreign ministry

• Messages that hit more directly and

reach beyond traditional audiences

• Closer engagement with our target

audiences and potential influencers

• More immediate interaction with our


• Crisis management is faster and

more responsive

• Makes FCO more visible, and

therefore more accountable

and transparent

• Saves money

Reasons FCO uses social media for comms


Trust in mainstream news is declining

Source: Reuters Digital News Survey 2016

Trust in alternative news& UGC is growing

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Link to example alternative news websites

YouTube channels

Facebook pages

Twitter accounts




Periscope and Facebook Live

Belfast City Council has its own YouTube channel containing short 1-2 minute homemade videos that can also be shared across their social media channels


How Parish Councils Can UseDigital and Social Media

For Communications

Choose your channels:

• Twitter

• Facebook

• LinkedIn

• Instagram

• forums such as local radio, local bloggers, local newspapers

• Surveymonkey

Implementation: tactics

We can train you to create content

• Articles

• Links to your parish council


• Videos

• Cartoons

• Leaks

• Audio recordings

• Opinion polls

• Surveys

• Memes

• Photos

Why people share content:

• 84% - to support causes or issues they care about

• 73% - to connect with others who share their interests

• 78% - to stay connected to people they may not otherwise stay in

touch with

• 69% - to feel more involved in the world

• 68% - to give others a better sense of who they are and what they

care about

Strategy: make your message relevant

• Ethos, Logos, Pathos

• Use credible messengers

• Use effective content

• Get a debate going

• Show direct relevance

• Make it real and authentic

Strategy: persuade and convince

Building online reputation and


• Listen

• Be focused: define your niche

• Be authentic and human

• Be trustworthy

• Don’t self-promote

• Be accessible and responsive

• Be reciprocating

• Share interesting content and


Strategy: tactics

The digital transformation of parish councils


Locating and engaging with your parishioners


• Real-time news feed

• Twitter can be searched to

identify local stakeholders

• Advanced search features

• Stakeholders often share ideas,

links and documents that can

assist stakeholder engagement

• Twitter lists enable real-time

intelligence feeds to be created

by aggregating and categorising



• Followerwonk helps you explore the

social graph of any Twitter account.

• Who are their followers? Where are

they located? When do they tweet?

• Data visualisations enable easy

analysis of any Twitter social graph.

• Export spreadsheet of stakeholders.

• You can also search across Twitter

bios to assist stakeholder


Search Twitter using geo-location

• Go to Google Maps, search for a location• The long and lat will appear in the url

string• Add the long and lat to the Boolean

location operator “geocode:latitude,longitude,radius”

• Search Twitter for “geocode:51.497996, -0.1123689,5km”

• You will now see Twitter search results for people within a 5km radius of this location

• You could also search for specific hashtags at the location by adding “geocode:51.497996,-0.1123689,5km,#freebeer”

#grenfelltower OR grenfelltowerfire OR #londonfire geocode:51.5129360,-0.2150470,1km

Twitter geocode search for named hashtags within 1km of Grenfell Tower itle - edit in Header and FooterOFFICIAL


Easily monitor stakeholders and related topics on Twitter


Thank you

Andy BlackAndy Black Associates

Website Twitter LinkedIn
