Using “Analyze Patron Searches” Reports Barbara Kriigel (Univ. of Mich.-Dearborn) Beth Taylor...


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Using “Analyze Patron Searches” Reports

Barbara Kriigel (Univ. of Mich.-Dearborn)

Beth Taylor (Univ. of Mich.-Dearborn)

Dana Kemp (Innovative Interfaces, Inc.)

University of Michigan--Dearborn

225,000 bibliographic records 102,000 authority records 6,000-8,500 searches in a 10-day period

Larger institutions might choose to randomly look at searches

2.25 FTE professional catalogers .5 collection development librarian 2 paraprofessional serials staff members

Uses for the Reports

Collection Management Review most popular searches for an index;

evaluate collection for quantity, quality and currency of popular topics

Review “no hits” for an index to assist in selecting materials

If library has a journal title index, review searches and compare to library holdings

Adding/canceling titles

Uses for the Reports (con’t) Enhance authority records with cross references

based on how patrons search Analyze “no hits” report for the subject index

Ex. Marital abuse SEE Conjugal violence

Design help screens Add examples based on actual searching problems

Subject help screen examples:

Henry VIII, King

Benedict, Saint

Clinton, Bill

Improve bibliographic instruction to students

Uses for the Reports (con’t) Analyze how patrons use the system

Number of searches performed Busiest days, hours of the week (staffing issues)

System options used Nearby on shelf, same search as word search,

similar items, etc. Number of records being retrieved, exported Number of searches limited Other functions invoked

Reserve lists, ILL requests, library information, view your own record

Pathway to the Reports

From the main screen (character mode) select:

M> Management information

A> Analyze patron searches

(initials and password)

How UMD Uses the Statistics

Analyze journal index searching Cancel/add titles

Analyze subject index searching Create local cross references on authority

records Collection development Bibliographic instruction

Cataloger prints all desired reports every 2 weeks, Sept.-April

Analyzing Journal Title Searches

Lists used: In order by popularity, No direct hits Some data is lost since report is run every 14

days and III keeps only 10 days of searches Titles searched two times or more are entered into

Excel spreadsheet by serials staff Staff review “no hits” list and if title was

searched multiple times in short time period, extra searches are discounted

Statistical count is updated for titles already in spreadsheet

Analyzing Journal Title Searches (con’t)

At end of year, serials staff review all titles with ten or more searches over the year Add info about formats available in library

Paper, microfilm, Proquest, etc. Add in-house usage statistics for each title

Selectors review report for possible cancellations or additions Faculty are more accepting of cancellations

when statistics are available

Analyzing Journal Title Searches (con’t)

Future of this report Is report still useful when so many titles are

full-text and students may be accessing them through other methods than OPAC?

Is report still useful if library is unlikely to cancel or add titles?

Can data collection process be automated using macros and Access database?

Could report containing alphabetical list of all searches be downloaded each week so data is not lost (de-duping is required)?

Analyzing Subject Searches

List used: no direct hits List is divided among 3 catalogers; each cataloger

retains same section of alphabet for entire year in order to see trends and continual problem areas

Catalogers analyze searches to determine if additional cross references (xrefs) are appropriate Color coding used to indicate what cataloger found

Yellow=heading looked at

Green=correct heading or an xref was on screen

Orange=valid topic but nothing owned

Blue=xref added (at later meeting)

Analyzing Subject Searches (con’t)

Catalogers discuss recommendations and add local xrefs to link patron searching terms to LC subject headings

List is routed to other librarians (with color decoder chart!) Collection development, bib instruction, etc.

Analyzing Subject Searches (con’t)

Searches checked Legitimate-seeming searches, i.e. passes the

“looks good to me” testChinese astrology

CuriosityCompulsive hair pulling

Searches sometimes checked Recurring searches

Same list, different times Multiple lists over time

Multiple Searches on Same list

auto industry 801 9:05 PM, March 12

auto industry 801 11:52 AM, March 9

auto industry 601 3:34 PM, March 14

Insanity plea 801 2:02 PM, March 14

Insanity plea 801 2:04 PM, March 14

Analyzing Subject Searches (con’t)

Searches Not Checked Searches with misspellings/typos

chaucher Searches in sentence form

breaking your childs television addiction Subject areas not collected

chefs Names in direct order

david brinkley

Analyzing Subject Searches (con’t)

Searches Not Checked Searches in WRONG index

chem 101 (looking for reserve materials?) Obvious keyword/Boolean searches

ecology systems theory family Titles (searched in wrong index)

farmers almanac Previously analyzed searches considered

concept terms or “unhelpable”learning theory; history of …

Analyzing the Search Re-do search

Heading on screen??search: abortionson screen: Abortion United States Statistics

Cross-reference on screen??search: bebop jazzon screen: Bebop (Music) see Bop (Music)

Clues on screen??search: architecture of the russian revolutionOn screen: Architecture North America

Analyzing the Search (con’t)

Perform keyword search to find possible LC headings

Are 1 or 2 subject headings consistently assigned to relevant titles? If yes, consider making a cross reference on

authority record(s)

Recently Added Xrefs Conjugal violence

Added xrefs Marital abuse; Marital violence Arabs|xMusic

Added xrefs Arab music; Arabic music Business intelligence

Added xref Corporate espionage Computer hackers

Added xref Internet hackers Product obsolescence

Added xref Planned obsolescence

SEARCH TERMINAL TIMEabnormal behavior 801 6:27 PM, March 7airbags automobiles 803 9:04 PM, March 13auto industry 801 9:05 PM, March 12auto industry 801 11:52 AM, March 9campaign financing 601 12:10 PM, March 10celebrity chefs 801 9:15 AM, March 9celebrity chefs 801 9:16 AM, March 9comp 220 801 9:57 PM, March 11compulsive hair pulling 601 3:36 PM, March 9dress codes 801 5:24 PM, March 11ecommerce 802 7:46 PM, March 7internet auctions 803 4:07 PM, March 13probability 801 9:30 PM, March 9teenage pregnant boys 601 4:59 PM, March 13youth smoking 803 1:17 PM, March 12

abnormal behavior 4 Abner Lil Fictitious Character --> See LI'L ABNER (FICT ……... 1 entry

Your entry Abnormal Behavior would be here 5 Abnormal Children --> See Related Subjects .........………………... 2

entries 6 Abnormal Hemoglobin --> See HEMOGLOBINOPATHY ...………1 entry 7 Abnormal Psychology --> See PSYCHOLOGY, PATHOLOGICAL..1 entry

Keyword search retrieves multiple headings Psychology, Pathological; Psychiatry;

Animal behavior; Problem children—Education; Classroom Management; Medical genetics;

Child psychology; Psycholinguistics

Remains keyword search

airbags automobilesYou searched for the SUBJECT: airbags automobiles Nearby SUBJECTS are:

1 Air Warfare History ……………….………….......... 2 entries 2 Air Warfare History Congresses … ……................. 1 entry 3 Air Warfare Periodicals ……………...................... 1 entry Your entry Airbags Automobiles would be here 4 Airborne Infection ………………............................. 1 entry 5 Airborne Pollutants See AIR POLLUTION.......... 1 entry 6 Airbrush Art …………………………………… …… 1 entry

No help on screenKeyword search retrieves bib records with subject

heading “Air bag restraint systems”UMD has large automotive engineering program

Added xref

auto industryYou searched for the SUBJECT: auto industry Nearby SUBJECTS are:

1 Auto cad See AUTOCAD …………………………….......... 1 entry 2 Auto courts See MOTELS ………………………….............. 1 entry 3 Auto immune disease SEE AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES …. 1 entry Your entry Auto Industry would be here 4 Auto Instructional Machines See TEACHING MACHINES ... 1 entry 5 Auto Leasing See AUTOMOBILES LEASING AND RENTI .. 1 entry

Some help on screen although it is “automobiles” (plural)Keyword search retrieves titles with subject heading

“Automobile industry and trade”Search occurred on many lists

UMD has large automotive engineering program Added xref

campaign financingYou searched for the SUBJECT: campaign financing Nearby SUBJECTS are:

1 Campaign Contributions --> See CAMPAIGN FUNDS …. 1entry2 Campaign Debates United States …………………………. 6

entries3 Campaign Expenditures --> See CAMPAIGN FUNDS ….. 1 entry4 Campaign Finance --> See CAMPAIGN FUNDS ……….. 1 entry Your entry Campaign Financing would be here5 Campaign Funds ………………………………………….. 2 entries

On screen -- No further help given

celebrity chefs

Not analyzed

Not a subject area UMD collects

comp 220

Not analyzed

Student looking for reserve materials

compulsive hair pulling

3 Compulsive Eating Popular Works ......................……….... 1 entry4 Compulsive Gambling United States …....................……..... 1 entry Your entry Compulsive Hair Pulling would be here5 Compulsive Internet Use --> See INTERNET ADDICTION ….1 entry6 Compulsory Education --> See EDUCAION, COMPULSORY..1 entry

No help on screenKeyword retrieves no hits

Legitimate LC subject headingTOPIC NOT IN DATABASE

(decide whether or not to highlight for selector to review)

dress codes

Seen many times on previous lists

Legitimate LC heading

Librarians don’t want to buy items

Don’t waste time analyzing


3 Ecology Zooplankton Congresses ………….........…...….. 1 entry

4 Ecomarketing --> See GREEN MARKETING......………. 1 entry

Your entry Ecommerce would be here

5 Econometric Models ………………………………………...1 entry

6 Econometric Models Automobile Industry and Trade ….... 1 entry

Added 450 xref to Electronic commerce in Feb. 1999

LC added as 450 xref in Dec. 2000

internet auctions3 Internet addiction......................................................................... 2 entries

4 Internet addresses......................................................................... 1 entry

5 Internet advertising .................................................................... 3 entries

6 Internet advertising Case studies................................................... 2 entries

Your entry Internet auctions would be here

7 Internet commerce --> see ELECTRONIC COMMERCE......... 1 entry

Newly authorized heading --

added to a bib record found through

keyword search


1 Probability and Statistics See Related Subjects ……. 3 entries

Your entry Probability would be here

2 Probability measures ………………………………….. 2 entries

On screen help -- No further help added

teenage pregnant boys

Not analyzed

Laughed out loud

youth smokingYou searched for the SUBJECT: youth smoking Nearby SUBJECTS are:

1 Youth Sexual Behavior Cross Cultural Studies .......... 1 entry 2 Youth Sexual Behavior Longitudinal Studies ................ 1 entry 3 Youth Sexual Behavior Videocassettes ....................... 1 entry Your entry Youth smoking would be here 4 Youth Soviet Union ........................................ 1 entry 5 Youth Soviet Union Social Conditions .......................... 1 entry

No help on screenKeyword search retrieves Youth--Tobacco use

Added as 450 to Youth--Tobacco use

A Success Story The search “spotted owl” was on many lists Catalogers (tired of seeing the search) asked

(begged/bargained with) science librarian to order materials

Several items about lumber industry that included coverage on spotted owl issue were purchased

When items were cataloged, catalogers added subject heading “Spotted owl -- Northwest, Pacific” to bib records even though LC had not deemed the content coverage sufficient to warrant heading

Result: happy students, happy librarians

Collection Development

List used: Subject Index, “In order by Popularity”

“No hits” list routed to collection development librarian after catalogers finished analyzing searching

Collection development librarian reviews both lists and checks collection for number of titles and currency of titles for subject areas of interest

Time Spent by Catalogers

Analyzing the “no hits” list 45 min each (2 1/2 hours total)

Discuss & make changes 1 hour

Total time 3-4 hours biweekly

This work is appreciated and gets catalogers lots of recognition!

Cross References Added 93/94 122 94/95 137 95/96 126 96/97 177 97/98 108 + 379 Government headings 98/99 134 99/00 207 00/01 102 01/02 105 (to date)


Barbara Kriigel -- (313) 593-5614

Beth Taylor -- (313) 593-5402

Dana Kemp

