User Management - strongbonds … · Resetting Your Password ... page, including your State/APO...


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User Management User Guide

Version 1.6 June 15, 2018

Strong Bonds

June 15, 2018 User Management User Guide ii

Table of Contents

Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 3

About this Guide ........................................................................................................................................ 3

Who Should Use this Guide ....................................................................................................................... 3

How this Guide Can Help ........................................................................................................................... 3

Managing User Profiles ................................................................................................................................. 4

Editing Your Own User Profile ................................................................................................................... 4

Resetting Your Password ...................................................................................................................... 9

View Your Two Factor Authentication QR Code ................................................................................. 10

Associate your CAC ............................................................................................................................. 12

Managing Other User Profiles ..................................................................................................................... 13

Approved or Rejecting an Account ..................................................................................................... 16

Disabling an Account ........................................................................................................................... 17

Enabling an Account............................................................................................................................ 19

User Report ................................................................................................................................................. 20

Next Steps ................................................................................................................................................... 22

Contact Us ............................................................................................................................................... 22

Index............................................................................................................................................................ 23

User Management User Guide 3


About this Guide

This guide provides detailed instructions on how to use the User Management page to locate, view, edit, enable, and disable user profiles in your state. This guide also details how to update user profile information, resetting user passwords, associating your user profile with your CAC, enabling an account and disabling an account.

Importance of User Management in Strong Bonds

The User Management functionality in Strong Bonds provides a management interface for the Strong Bonds user database in your state. It allows you to quickly activate system user accounts and maintain accurate user profile information. This ensures that users receive timely access to the Strong Bonds features to effectively manage Strong Bonds events in their community.

Who Should Use this Guide

This guide is designed to support DACH, ACOM/ASCC/DRU SBPM, Component SBPM and BDE/State/Region PM users with appropriate system permissions to view and maintain user accounts in their states.

How this Guide Can Help

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to:

• Search for and locate users in Strong Bonds

• Edit a user profile

− Edit your own user profile

− Edit the profile of another user

− Reset a user password

− Enable/disable a user account

User Management User Guide 4

Managing User Profiles

You can edit any information on the My Profile page, including your State/APO affiliation, Component and User Role.

Editing Your Own User Profile

To edit your own user profile:

1. Click your name in the Strong Bonds menu bar.

2. Click My Profile in the drop-down that appears.

The My Account Details page appears.

3. Update the following fields in the User Info section. Note that all mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk.

• Email*

• First Name*

• Last Name*

User Management User Guide 5

• Phone Number*

• Fax Number

4. Update the following fields in the Location section. Note that all mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk.

• City

• State/APO*

• Country*


• If the Country selected is not USA, the State/APO field will automatically select a corresponding region (AE: Army Forces Europe, AP: Army Forces Pacific, AA: Army Forces Americas) and is locked.

• Additionally, the field name will also change from State/APO to Region.

5. Update your User Role using the drop-down in the Account section.

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6. Update your Component using the drop-down in the Account section.


• If you select Component SBPM as your User Role, then your Component can only be set to either Army National Guard or Army Reserve.

• If you select ACOM/ASCC/DRU SBPM as your User Role, then your Component is automatically set to Active Army and locked.

• If you select DACH, then the Component and Unit or Command fields are removed from the Account section since they are no longer applicable.

• If you select Logistics Contractor, then the Component and Unit or Command fields are removed from the Account section since they are no longer applicable.

• If you select BDE/State/Region PM, you will be automatically assigned to events that are being hosted by your unit or any unit below you unit’s chain of command.

7. To change your Unit or Command, click the Edit icon.

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The Select Unit/Command pop-up window appears.


The options available for selection in the drop-down fields will depend on what your selection in the Component field. For this example, the Army Reserve component has been selected.

8. Use the first drop-down to select a Tier.

9. Once you select a Tier, use the second drop-down to select a Command.

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10. Once you select a Command, a third drop-down may also appear depending on your selection in the previous step.

11. Click Done to confirm the updates you have made.

12. Click the Save link in the top-right corner of the page once you have made all the necessary changes.


• Navigating away from the page without saving will cause you to lose any updates or changes.

• Changing your Unit, Component or User Role to a higher level will require approval. However, changing to a lower level does not require approval.

• You will not be able to access your account until it has been approved.

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Resetting Your Password

To reset your Strong Bonds password:

1. Click Account Security in the left sidebar.

2. Click the Password drop-down in the Account Status section.

3. Click the Reset Password button.

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The Current, New and Confirm New password fields appear.

4. To reset your password:

• Type your present password in the Current Password field.

• Type a new password in the New Password field. Note that your password must meet the DoD.

• Retype your new password in the Confirm New Password field.

5. Click the Reset Now button to confirm your new password.


Click the What’s the password requirement? link to see the DoD password requirements.

View Your Two Factor Authentication QR Code

If you have already set up your Two Factor Authentication (2FA), Strong Bonds allows you to set up 2FA on a different device(s) in case your original device has been stolen or lost.

For more information on how to set up your Two Factor Authentication, see the Strong Bonds Two Factor Authentication (2FA) Quick Start Guide.

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To set up 2FA on a different device:

1. Click Two Factor Authentication (2FA) in the Account Status section.

2. Click the Show QR Code button.

The QR code and QR key will appear.

User Management User Guide 12

You can now copy the code or scan the QR code using the Google Authenticator software on your PC, tablet or smartphone to set up your 2FA. For more information on setting up your 2FA, see the Strong Bonds Two Factor Authentication (2FA) Quick Start Guide.

Associate your CAC

To associate your CAC with your Strong Bonds account: 1. Click CAC in the Account Status section.

2. With your CAC and CAC-enabled reader ready, click the Associate CAC button.

Your Strong Bonds profile is now associated with your CAC.

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Managing Other User Profiles

The User Management page provides a management interface for the Strong Bonds user database in your state. It helps you to quickly activate system user accounts and maintain accurate user profile information. This ensures that users receive timely access to the Strong Bonds system features they need.

The User Management page displays a list of users who have registered as Strong Bonds users belonging to your component. You can easily locate specific user(s) using the filter sidebar. You can then open the appropriate user profile to review profile information, changing the password, and activating or deactivating the user account.


• BDE/State/Regional PMs can manage Event Coordinators (UMT). Furthermore, BDE/State/Regional PMs cannot view users from any other component besides their own.

• Component SBPMs can manage BDE/State/Regional PMs and Event Coordinators (UMT) belonging to the same component as the Component SBPM.

• ACOM/ASCC/DRU SBPMs can manage BDE/State/Regional PMs and Event Coordinators (UMT) that belong to the Active Army component.

• DACH users can approve or reject Strong Bond account requests from any other type of user.

To edit a user profile:

1. Click User Management in the Strong Bonds menu bar.

The User Management page appears.

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2. Locate the appropriate user using the following criteria in the left filter sidebar:

Field Name Action/Input

Search by Name or Email Enter the name or email of the user you wish to find.

Status Select the status(es) from the drop-down.

Component Select the appropriate component from the drop-down. After selecting a component, you will be prompted to select a unit/command. This field may be locked depending on your User Role.

State Select the state(s) from the drop-down.

Country Select a country from the drop-down.

User Role Select user role(s) from the drop-down.

Note: Certain fields will be locked depending on your user role, as explained on page 13.

3. Click Apply Filters once you have selected your criteria.

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4. Click the Manage Status link in a user’s row to access their user profile information.

The User Profile page is displayed.

5. Click Account Details to edit the user info as shown in the Editing Your Own User Profile section of this guide.

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• To reset a user’s password, see the Resetting Your Password section of this guide.

• You can approve or reject users who wish to join Strong Bonds. For more information on approving or rejecting an account, see the Strong Bonds User Approval Quick Start Guide.

Approved or Rejecting an Account

Upon signing up with Strong Bonds, a user’s account must first be approved before he or she can log into Strong Bonds and access its various features. Conversely, rejecting an account disables the users from logging into Strong Bonds.

To approve a user’s account:

1. Click the Manage Status link in a user’s row to access their user profile information.

2. Click the User Account drop-down.

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The Account Status window will open.

3. Click one of the following buttons in the Account Status window:

• Click the Approve button to approve this user.

• Click the Reject button to reject this user.

Disabling an Account

Disabling a user will prevent them from logging into Strong Bonds and accessing all its features.

To disable a user’s account:

1. Click the Manage Status link in a user’s row to access their user profile information.

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2. Click the User Account drop-down.

3. Click the Disable Account button to deactivate this user’s account.

4. Click Disable Now in the confirmation pop-up message. Once an account is deactivated, the user will not be able to access the account until it is enabled again.

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Enabling an Account

To enable a user’s disabled account:

1. Click the Manage Status link in a user’s row to access their user profile information.

2. Click the User Account drop-down.

3. Click the Disable Account button to deactivate this user’s account.

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User Report

DACH users will be able to generate a report on all users in Strong Bonds.

To generate the User Report:

1. Select the report criteria in the left filter sidebar:

Field Name Action/Input

Search by Name or Email Enter the name or email of the user you wish to find.

Status Select the status(es) from the drop-down.

Component Select the appropriate component from the drop-down. After selecting a component, you will be prompted to select a unit/command. This field may be locked depending on your User Role.

State Select the state(s) from the drop-down.

Country Select a country from the drop-down.

User Role Select user role(s) from the drop-down.

2. Click Apply Filters once you have selected your criteria.

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3. Click the Menu icon in the top-right corner of the User Management page.

4. Click Generate User Report.

5. Click Save in the pop-up notification to download the registration report.

6. Click Open to view the report once it is saved.


You can make changes to the report by enabling the edit option in MS Excel.

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Next Steps

Congratulations! You have completed the Strong Bonds User Management User Guide. For more information on Strong Bonds, please visit the Strong Bonds Learning Center.

Contact Us

Your feedback is important to us. If you have any questions or comments related to this guide, please contact the Strong Bonds Helpdesk available at

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account deactivate .............................................................. 18, 19

C CAC ................................................................................... 12 contact .............................................................................. 22

F filter ............................................................................ 14, 20

M manage status................................................. 15, 16, 17, 19


password............................................................................. 9

DoD requirements ....................................................... 10

S service component ............................................................. 4 staff role ............................................................................. 4 state affiliation ................................................................... 4

T two factor authentication (2FA) ....................................... 11

QR code ....................................................................... 11 QR key ......................................................................... 11

U user management ............................................................ 13 user profile ..........................................................4, 9, 11, 12 user report ....................................................................... 20
