Use of Psalms


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8/4/2019 Use of Psalms 1/3

Use of Psalms

For a person who wishes greater spiritual awareness - Psalm 99

Before moving into a new home for luck and blessings - Psalm 61

For all your undertakings to be fortunate and advantageous - Psalm 65

To have good luck in all you do - Psalm 57

To change an unhappy situation into a happy one - Psalm 16

So daily needs can be obtained and avoid harm - Psalm 77

to rid yourself of strong negative influences - Psalm 19

to release from the heart deep seeded hate, envy and spite - Psalm 137

For defense against enemies, rivals and assailants - Psalm 3, 59, 70

For illness or bad health - Psalm 23, 35, 38

For thanksgiving or recovery from illness - Psalm 30

To bring peace or blessings to the home - Psalm 1, 128

For spiritual support in stress or affliction - Psalm 3, 25, 54

To bring harmony between groups or people - Psalm 133

To petition for material needs - Psalm 41

For trouble by slander - Psalm 38, 39

To receive grace, love and mercy -Psalm 32

To be respected and loved by others - Psalm 47

To protect against unjust slander - Psalm 36

So idle gossip will not harm you or cause agitation - Psalm 36

For protection from an enemy who will not leave you alone - Psalm 109

To free yourself from harmful or evil habits - Psalm 69

To reconcile with a enemy - Psalm 16

To overcome a enemy in a just manner - Psalm 70

To have more friends - Psalm 111

To keep the love of friends and acquire more friends - Psalm 133

To bring peace and harmony between families - Psalm 98

To do good and avoid evil - Psalm 87

To cast out evil influences from another - Psalm 29

8/4/2019 Use of Psalms 2/3

For someone in prision to be released early - Psalm 26

To be safe from any planned robberies or danger - Psalm 50

For safety if traveling alone at night - Psalm 122

For a safe ending in your travels - Psalm 34

To be accepted, liked and respected by all - Psalm 47

To remove negative influences you feel around yourself - Psalm 10

To win a lawsuit if opposed by a unjust or revengeful person - Psalm 35

If appearing vefore a judge and want a favorable verdict - Psalm20

To receive justice and a favorable hearing from a lawsuit - Psalm 119

For anyone who drinks too much - Psalm 87

If the law is taking measures to punish you - Psalm 35

For reconciling between man and wife - Psalm 45, 46

For possession by an evil spirit - Psalm 66

To revenge yourself from secret enemies - Psalm 53-55

IF enemies caused you to lose money and be mistrusted - Psalm 41, 43 ( 3 times daily for 3 days with appropriate prayer to your situation)

To overcome trouble and loss from business partners - Psalm 63

To make your home lucky - Psalm 61

To receive holy blessings - Psalm 62

Psalm #:

64 - Accidents, To avoid ...

64 - Enemies, Protection from ...

29 - Demons, To exorcise ... (Verse 1).

7 - Hex, - To break ... (Verse 1-10).

94 - Justice, For ... to triumph.

65 - Luck - For ... in all of one's affairs.

111 - Love, - To attract ... (Verse 4).

119 - Money, - To attract ... (Verse 17-24).

129 - Oppression - Escape from ...

30 - Sickness, - Recovery from ... (Verse 11-12).

29 - Storm, For protection from ... (Verse 3-4).

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132 - Worldly Goods, - To acquire ... (Verse 12-18).
