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usborne books & more

Enter orders by customer using Customer Receipt mode “on” to take advantage of marketing features. Select books by searching for titles or by clicking on a letter of the alphabet. To select hostess benefits, change Customer Receipt Mode to “off”. Then use the “Type of selection” drop down box to select the type of hostess benefits, & select books as above. Repeat for each hostess benefit.

Be sure and look at your order closely. Once you have reviewed your order, click on “Submit Order” then “Post to Expense Ledger”. You have now successfully completed your order! Congratulations!

Type in hostess information. Info is automatically saved when you click “Next Step”.

This screen breaks down the calculations used to figure amount due.

Enter “Order Name” (e.g. Hostess name) then complete rest of steps.

Enter payment information & click “Authorize now” to authorize credit cards.

