US Steel 4Q


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  • 8/13/2019 US Steel 4Q


    United States Steel Corporation

    Fourth Quarter 2013Earnings Conference Call and Webcast

    January 28, 2014

    2011 United States Steel Corporation

  • 8/13/2019 US Steel 4Q



    Forward-looking Statements

    United States Steel Corpo ration

    This presentation contains forward-looking statements w ith respect to market conditions, operatingcosts, shipments and prices. Factors that could affect market conditions, costs, shipments and pricesfor both North American and European operations include: (a) foreign currency fluctuations and relatedactivities; (b) global product demand, prices and mix; (c) global and company steel production levels;(d) plant operating performance; (e) natural gas, electricity, raw materials and transpor tation prices,usage and availability; (f) international trade developments, including court decisions, legislation andagency decisions on petitions and sunset reviews; (g) the impact of fixed prices in energy and rawmaterials contracts (many of which have terms of one year or longer) as compared to short-term

    contract and spot prices of steel products; (h) changes in environmental, tax, pension and other laws;(i) the terms of col lective bargaining agreements; (j) employee str ikes or other labor issues; and(k) U.S. and global economic performance and pol itical developments. Domestic steel shipments andprices could be affected by import levels and actions taken by the U.S. Government and its agencies,including those related to CO2 emissions, climate change and shale gas development. Economicconditions and pol itical factors in Europe and Canada that may affect U. S. Steel Europes andU. S. Steel Canadas results include, but are not limi ted to: (l) taxation; (m) nationalization; (n) inflation;(o) fiscal instability; (p) poli tical issues; (q) regulatory actions; and (r) quotas, tariffs, and other

    protectionist measures. We present adjusted net income and adjusted net income per diluted share,which are non-GAAP measures, as an addit ional measurement to enhance the understanding of ouroperating performance and facilitate a comparison wi th that of our competitors. In accordance with safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, cautionary statementsidentifying important factors, but not necessarily all factors, that could cause actual results to di ffermaterially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements have been included in U. S. Steels

    Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2012, and in subsequent fil ings for

    U. S. Steel.

  • 8/13/2019 US Steel 4Q


    3United States Steel Corporation

    Adjusted Fourth Quarter 2013 Results















    4Q 2012 3Q 2013 4Q 2013













    Reportable segment and other businesses income from operationsAdjusted net incomeAdjusted diluted EPS

    Positive reportablesegment and otherbusinesses incomefrom operations foreight consecutivequarters

    Operating income perton increased $6 fromthird quarter, and $19from fourth quarter2012

    Note: For reconciliation of non-GAAP amounts see Appendix

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    4United States Steel Corporation

    Fourth Quarter 2013 Flat-rolled Segment

    Shipments(net tons in thousands)



    $752 $750








    4Q 2012 3Q 2013 4Q 2013









    Income from operat ions Average real ized pr ices

    4Q 2012 3Q 2013 4Q 2013

    3,924 3,428 3,470

    Improving spot pricemomentum maintainedthroughout the fourthquarter

    Lead times for value-added

    products extended duringthe fourth quarter

    Outages completedefficiently and repairs andmaintenance spending

    discipline maintained

  • 8/13/2019 US Steel 4Q


    5United States Steel Corporation

    Fourth Quarter 2013 Tubular Segment










    4Q 2012 3Q 2013 4Q 2013










    Income from operations Average realized prices

    Shipments(net tons in thousands)

    4Q 2012 3Q 2013 4Q 2013

    407 459 414

    Highest quarterly levelof shipments of semi-premium connections

    Rig efficiency and well

    completion ratescontinue to improve

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    6United States Steel Corporation

    Fourth Quarter 2013 U. S. Steel Europe Segment

    $7 $12


    $718 $714







    4Q 2012 3Q 2013 4Q 2013












    Income from operations Average realized prices

    Shipments(net tons in thousands)

    4Q 2012 3Q 2013 4Q 2013

    905 861 1,029

    Operating income perton increased $49 fromthe third quarter

    Production andshipments returned tonormal levels afterscheduled blast furnaceoutage was completedin the third quarter

  • 8/13/2019 US Steel 4Q


    Priorities and objectives

    Macro business strategy

    Carnegie Way value creationCost and margin improvements (including $75 million announced last quarter)

    $175 million annual run rate / $150 million to be realized in 2014

    Business measurements to motivate a greater sense of urgency

    Investor communications

    Reducing complexity and streamlin ing business processes

    Strategic Approach

  • 8/13/2019 US Steel 4Q

    8/228United States Steel Corporation

    Pension and OPEB



    $271 $276

    $443$412 $396




    $191 $152












    2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014E


    Pension Expense OPEB Expense

    Total pension and OPEB expense by year

    Major Assumptions:

    Discount rate: 5.75% for 2007 & 2008, 6.00% for 2009, 5.50% for 2010, 5.00% for 2011, 4.50% for 2012, 3.75% for 2013, and 4.50% for 2014E

    Expected rate of return on assets: 8.00% in U.S. & 7.50% in Canada for 2007 through 2011

    Expected rate of return on assets: 7.75% in U.S. & 7.25% in Canada for 2012 through 2014E

    Unfundedstatus ofpension andOPEB plansat 12/31/13 is$2.5 bill ion,as comparedto $4.9 bil lionat 12/31/12

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  • 8/13/2019 US Steel 4Q

    10/2210United States Steel Corporation


    Automotive production in2013 best since 2002,expected to increase in2014

    Service center shipmentsimproved in second half of2013, inventories downfrom end of 2012

    Non-residentialconstruction expected to

    improve per consensusforecasts

    U. S. Steel Europe

    Automotive production in2014 expected to becomparable to 2013, salesexpected to increase in2014

    Appliance, tin plate andconstruction expected toincrease from 2013 levels

    Service center inventoriesexpected to remain in-line

    with sales activity. Salesexpected to improve from2013 levels


    Rig counts are stable and footagedrilled per rig expected to continueto increase

    Imports remain challenging

    Oil prices remain supportive ofcurrent drilling levels

    Natural gas prices are expected toincrease per Wood Mackenzie

    Natural gas storage levels at endof withdrawal season expected tobe at lowest level in six years

    Market Updates

    Major industry summary and market fundamentals

  • 8/13/2019 US Steel 4Q

    11/2211United States Steel Corporation

    First Quarter 2014 Outlook

    Segment outlook


    Operating results expected toimprove as compared to fourthquarter

    Higher realized prices forcontracts and spot market

    Shipments expected to behigher than fourth quarter

    Lower repairs and maintenancecosts

    Higher scrap and energy costs

    U. S. Steel Europe

    Operating results expectedto be comparable to fourthquarter

    Higher average realizedprices primarily due tochange in product mix

    Shipments expected to becomparable to fourth


    Higher raw materials andoperating costs


    Operating results expected todecrease as compared tofourth quarter

    Average realized pricesexpected to decrease ascompared to fourth quarter

    Shipments expected to behigher than fourth quarter

    Operating costs expected tobe lower as compared tofourth quarter

    Substrate costs expected toincrease

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    12/2212United States Steel Corporation

    Strategic update

    Process and cost efficiencies

    Granite City Works caster project

    Minntac mine extension

    Product development and capabili ties

    PRO-TEC continuous anneal line

    Tubular semi-premium and premium connections

    Potential Footprint changes

    Fairfield EAF permit filings

    Actions and initiatives

  • 8/13/2019 US Steel 4Q


    United States Steel Corporation

    Fourth Quarter 2013Earnings Conference Call and Webcast

    Q & A

    January 28, 2014

    2011 United States Steel Corporation United States Steel Corporation 13

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    14/22 2011 United States Steel Corporation



  • 8/13/2019 US Steel 4Q



    Major industry summary

    North American Flat-rolled SegmentSources: Wards / Customer Financial Reports / AISI / CMI /

    Economic Planning Assoc / AHAM / US Census Bureau / AIA / AEM / MSCI


    2013 vehicles sales hit expectations at 15.53 million; up 7.5% year over year and best since 2007

    Production exceeded 16 million in 13; best since 2002. Expected to grow again in 20141stquarter 14 build projected to exceed 4thquarter; best unit build since 2ndquarterVehicle inventory increases during the year by 6 days to 64


    Tractor and Combine retail sales up 9% in 2013; 2014 outlook is mixedRailcar deliveries projected down 14% versus 2012; 2013 Order intake up 17% and in line withprojected 2014 delivery forecasts

    Tin Plate

    Full year metal can shipments increased a modest 1% in 2013Metal food can shipments increased year over year for the first time since 2008Imports averaged up 18% versus 2012

    ApplianceMajor home appliance shipments up 10% through November versus 2012, and no major forwardchanges up or down projected.

    Pipeand Tube

    Structural tubing demand is consistent and appears to be meeting customer expectationsLine pipe market is extremely slow with minimal award activity in 2ndhalf 13 and early 14

    ConstructionConstruction recovery slow in 2013, as Non-Residential spending was flat in 2013, but expected toimprove by 5.8% based on consensus forecasts.

    ABI falls in Nov and Dec (seasonally typical); Billings index averaged 52 in 2013; up from 50 in 2012


    MSCI carbon flat-rolled improved as year progressed; 2ndHalf USA shipments +8.9% versus 2H 2012USA inventory down 4% from prior year end; Canada sheds almost 36%Combined USA and Canada flat rolled inventory was reduced by 600,000 tons during 2013

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    Market Fundamentals

    Sources: Baker Hughes, Energy Information Administration,Preston Publishing, Spears & Associates, Wood Mackenzie, Internal

    United States Steel Corporation

    Oil DirectedRig Count

    Currently 1,416 rigs, up 8% year over year. The oil directed rig count increased modestly

    during the fourth quarter and increased 4% during 2013.

    Gas DirectedRig Count

    Currently 356 rigs, down 18% year over year. The natural gas directed rig count decreased13% during 2013.

    Natural Gas

    Storage Level

    Currently 2.42 tcf, 19.8% below last year, and 13.2% below the five year average.Inventories are expected to end the withdrawal season (End of March) between 1.4 and1.6 Tcf which could be the lowest end of season inventory level in six years.

    Oil PriceThe West Texas Intermediate oil price averaged $97.50 per barrel during the fourth quarter,down $8.50 or 8% from the third quarter. Wood Mackenzie forecasts an average firstquarter price of $94.50 per barrel.

    Natural Gas PriceWood Mackenzie forecasts an average first quarter natural gas price of $4.12/MMBtu,representing increases of $0.27 (7%) and $0.63 (18%) respectively from the previous

    quarter and first quarter of 2013.

    ImportsDuring the fourth quarter of 2013, import share of apparent market demand averagedroughly 50% for OCTG and 49% for line pipe.

    OCTG InventoryNovember 2013 OCTG inventory is estimated to be about 3.1 million tons, approximately5.9 months of supply.

    Tubular Segment

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    Major industry summary

    Sources: Eurofer, USSK Marketing, EASSC, LMC, Euroconstruct, ESTA, ACEA

    United States Steel Corpo ration


    1Q14 EU production is estimated to grow by 7% versus 4Q13. Total EU 2014 car production is forecasted to

    stay flat at roughly 15.6 mill. units. For 1Q14, production growth in V4 will be 3 % q-o-q, quarterly growth impacted mostly by Mercedes

    Hungary, GM Poland, PSA Slovakia. EU sales in 1Q14 are expected to increase by 10% q-o-q , while 2014 expectations show 3% growth



    In 1Q14, EU appliance production is projected to decrease by 5.4% q-o-q and to increase 2.5% y-o-y. Prospects for the EU electric domestic appliances market in 2014 are for the continuation of the mildly rising

    trend in demand and production (3% y-o-y). Positive demand trends are expected in Germany, the UK and the Nordic region resulting from the rebound

    in residential construction. Growth in Central Europe will continue to outperform average EU growth.

    Tin Plate

    Tin consumption in 2013 based on October numbers is anticipated to increase by 3.3 % y-o-y. In 1Q14, Tin consumption is projected to increase by 7.7 % q-o-q, as usual after the weakest quarter during a

    year. Demand in Q1 is expected to be at the same level as the previous year ( 900 kMT). Inventory of empty cans still above average.


    The outlook for 2014 is for a slow and cautious recovery of the EU construction market. The pick-up in construction output will largely be driven by the residential sector and renovation and

    modernization work. In 1Q14, activity in the sector is expected to increase by 2.3% y-o-y. EU construction output is forecasted to rise almost 1.5% in 2014.


    The forecast for 1Q14 shows that inventory in the distribution chain will remain well-balanced withdownstream sales activity; ex-stocks sales are forecasted to improve in most countries.

    2Q14 flat product inventory is forecasted to be normal and in-line with the expected activity of ex-stockssales. Sales activity is forecasted to maintain at least the improved levels reached in Q1 or register somefurther improvement.

    U. S. Steel Europe Segment

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    U. S. Steel Commercial Contract vs. Spot

    Contract vs spot mix by segment twelve months ended December 31, 2013


    Market BasedQuarterly *



    Market BasedMonthly *


    Tubular U. S. Steel Kosice


    Cost Based13%

    Contract: 71%

    Spot: 29%


    Market BasedQuarterly



    Cost Based1%


    Contract : 50%

    Spot: 50%

    Market BasedMonthly




    Program: 55%

    Spot: 45%

    United States Steel Corporation 18

    Market BasedSemi-annual *

  • 8/13/2019 US Steel 4Q


    19United States Steel Corporation

    Other Items

    Capital SpendingFourth quarter actual $149 million, full year 2013 actual $477 million,

    2014 estimate $650 million

    Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization

    Fourth quarter actual $170 million, full year 2013 actual $684 million,2014 estimate $670 million

    Pension and Other Benefits Costs

    Fourth quarter actual $119 million, full year 2013 actual $451 million,

    2014 estimate $345 million

    Pension and Other Benefits Cash Payments (excluding any voluntary pension contributions)

    Fourth quarter actual $3 million, full year 2013 actual $338 million,

    2014 estimate $540 million

  • 8/13/2019 US Steel 4Q



    Days Away From Work Cases 31 Days(Frequency Rates per 200,000 Hours Worked)

    United States Steel Corpo ration












    0.0730.037 0.037 0.041 0.026 0.015







    2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

    BLS Iron and Steel BLS Manufacturing U. S. Steel

    Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and U. S. Steel. BLS data not available for 2013

    Global Safety Performance - 2005 to 2013

    Safety Performance

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  • 8/13/2019 US Steel 4Q


    22United States Steel Corporation

    Fourth Quarter 2013 Results

    ($ millions)

    4Q 2012 3Q 2013 4Q 2013

    Reported net income (loss) ($50) ($1,791) ($122)

    Restructuring charges 244

    Impairment of goodwill 1,771 23

    Supplier contract dispute settlement (9) (15)

    Charge related to an unconsolidated equity method investment 15 14

    Tax related items (142)

    Environmental remediation charge 21

    Adjusted net income ($59) ($20) $38

    ($ per share)

    Reported EPS (LPS) ($0.35) ($12.38) ($0.84)

    Restructuring charges 1.68

    Impairment of goodwill

    12.24 0.16Supplier contract dispute settlement (0.06) (0.10)

    Charge related to an unconsolidated equity method investment 0.10 0.10

    Tax related items (0.98)

    Environmental remediation charge 0.15

    Adjusted diluted EPS ($0.41) ($0.14) $0.27

    Reconciliation of reported and adjusted net income and EPS
