US Drill Unit I. Chapter 1 The first empire to emerge in the Americas was


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US Drill Unit I

Chapter 1

The first empire to emerge in the Americas was

the Olmec

believed to be the first civilization to have a ball game.

The Olmec

The Second major civilization to emerge in the Americas was the


Around 1200 AD the third major civilization arose in the

Americas, it is known as?

The Aztecs

In 1521 this person conquered the Aztecs?


In the 1560’s this person conquered the Incas?


These people lived on the mesa tops, cliff slides, and canyon bottoms of the Four Corners

region (Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico)?


They made mounds in the shapes of animals that can easily be

spotted by Airplanes.

Adena, the Hopewell, and the Mississippian

This Native American group had totem poles and potlatches?


a ceremony in which families give away large quantities of their



underground ceremonial chambers for religious

ceremonies and councils


Native Americans thought of land as the source of life and did not believe that is something that

could be

Bought or sold

In the 1400’s these Europeans began trading for West African



In the 1400’s, this empire controlled the Saharan trade?


This king ruled from 1464 to 1492, and made Songhai the largest West

African empire in history?

Sunni Ali

Popular trading city for the Saharan trade, regained its

significance as an educational center for Islamic scholars in



Benin gained its dominance over the forested area under the leadership of _____ (king)



Type of ship designed to sail against the wind?


This man sponsored an up to date sailing school and some of the

earliest voyages.

Prince Henry

King and queen of Spain who funded the expedition for Christopher Columbus

Ferdinand and Isabella

The names of the three ships used by Columbus on his journey?

Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria

Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492 and found a people

called the Taino on an island he named ____________

San Salvador

the establishment of distant settlements controlled by the parent



What were the three G’s?

Gold, Glory, and God

In this exchange ships took plants and animals from the Americas

back to Europe and to Africa and brought items form the Eastern

Hemisphere to the Western Hemisphere.

Columbian Exchange

In this treaty, Lands to the West of an imaginary vertical line drawn in the Atlantic, including most of the

Americas, belonged to Spain.Lands to the East of the line,

including Brazil, went to Portugal.

Treaty of Tordesillas

This famous explorer died disappointed that he never

reached China.


Chapter 2

This type of company allowed investors to pool their wealth to

fund a colony?

Joint-stock company

What was the name of the 1st permanent English colony?


What was the name of the group of Native American peoples that lived in eastern Virginia at the time of the

first English settlements?


The English colonists discovered that they could sell this crop in

Europe for a great profit?


What was the name of the system, in which each new

person who came to the colony received 50 acres of land and

another 50 acres for each family member who came.

Headright system

What were the people called who came to North America with the agreement that they would work on a farm for several years, and

after that time they would be granted freedom?

Indentured Servant

The turmoil in Virginia angered the English government. The

king took over the colony from the Virginia Company. Virginia

became a colony under the control of the king, what is the term for this type of colony?

A royal colony

What type of people controlled life in the Virginia colony?

Wealthy landowners

Who was the person who led a group of aggravated marchers into Jamestown, they were there to protest the lack of

aid they were receiving in the western areas of Virginia against the Native Americans? The Protest ended up

turning violent.

Nathaniel Bacon

What was the name of the Separatist Puritan group who arrived in North America and

founded the Plymouth Colony in 1620?


The first “constitution” in North America, it was signed by 41 Pilgrim men who came to Plymouth on the

Mayflower in 1620. It established the rule of law and the separation of

church and state. What was it called?

Mayflower Compact

What religious group of people founded the Massachusetts Bay


The Puritans

What would the Massachusetts Bay Colony come to be known


New England

Who was the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony (New


John Winthorp

Who was the preacher that Puritan leaders banished for his beliefs that

government officials should not punish those with different religious views and that settlers should buy,

not take, land from the Native Americans? He would later form a

colony in what is now Rhode Island.

Roger Williams

What woman was banished for her beliefs that people did not need church leaders to interpret the bible, and that people could gain enlightenment on their own through the holy spirit?

Anne Hutchinson

What was the name of the 1st major conflict between the New England

colonists and Native Americans that arose in Connecticut in 1637?

Pequot War

Who was the Wampanoag chief (nicknamed King Phillip) that led a war against the English which would cost the colonists 1/10th of their fighting

age men? He was eventually killed by the Puritans and his head was put on

display for 20 years in Plymouth.


What colony was founded by the Dutch in 1621?

New Netherland

What was the capital of the Dutch colony?

New Amsterdam

Chapter 3

An economic system where a host country establishes colonies to

exploit the resources of the colony. The goal for the country was to become self sufficient and have

more gold and silver than any other country.


A series of laws passed by the English that restricted trade for

the colonists

Navigation ActsNavigation Acts

The land from Maine to New England

Dominion of New England?

The man appointed by King James II to govern over the Dominion of

New England.He severely punished smugglers and refused to allow the colonists

to form assemblies

Sir Edmond Andros

The English kicked out King James II

The invited William and Mary to take over

They established laws over the monarchy

the Glorious Revolution

Parliament did not supervise the colonies closely as long as raw

materials continued flowing

Salutary Neglect

A crop grown for sale rather than the farmers personal use

Cash Crop

Who controlled the South’s economic, political, and social


Plantation owners

What is this process called?• In this process merchants carried rum and other

goods from New England to Africa. In Africa merchants traded merchandise for enslaved people. They transported these people to the West Indies and sold them for Sugar and molasses. These goods were then shipped to New England to be distilled into rum.

Triangular Trade

Voyage that brought Africans to the West Indies and later North


Middle Passage

This dance paid tribute to the ancestors and gods of the slaves?

The Ring Shout

Why was slavery not as predominant in the north as it

was in the south?

Because the North depended more on commerce than it did on


Famous 1692 trials which focused on a witchcraft


Salem Witch Trials

An Eighteenth century intellectual movement that emphasized the use of

reason and the scientific method as means of obtaining knowledge

The Enlightenment

This man was a religious leader during the Great Awakening of

the 1730’s and 1740’s?

Jonathan Edwards

A revival of religious feeling in the American colonies during the

1730’s and 1740’s?

The Great Awakening

In 1608, Samuel Champlain founded the first permanent

settlement for the French called this?

Name of the French Fort where modern day Pittsburgh is now


Fort DuquesneQuickTime™ and a

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22 year old George Washington and his militia built this fort across from Fort Duquesne?

Fort Necessity

This person led Virginia troops in first battle of the French and Indian


George Washington

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Who did the Iroquois fight with during the French Indian war the

French or the British?

The British

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War that gave the British control of North America?

French and Indian War

Treaty that ended the French Indian War?

Treaty of Paris

Who received Florida after the French Indian War?

The British

It banned settlements west of the Appalachian mountains

Proclamation of 1763

In 1761, the royal governor of Massachusetts authorized the writs of assistance, which allowed the British

soldiers to search any ship or building. Why was this done?

The British were cracking down on smugglers

What were three reasons the colonists became outraged at the

British following the French Indian War?

• Invasions of homes (writ of assistance)

• 10,000 British troops remained in colonies

• Sugar Act

This Ottawa leader and his men captured eight British forts, and laid siege on two



• Pontiac


This British imposed tax forced the colonists to purchase special stamped

paper for every legal document, license, newspaper, pamphlet, and


Stamp Act

As a result of the Stamp Act Boston shopkeepers, artisans, and

laborers organized a secret resistance group called this?

Sons of Liberty

Many American colonists did not want to pay taxes unless they were

fairly represented in parliament The colonists protested this phrase

“No Taxation without Representation”

In October 1765, delegates from nine colonies met in New York city.

This Stamp Act Congress issued a Declaration of Rights and Grievances.

What did this declaration say?

Parliament lacked the power to impose taxes on colonies because the colonists

were not represented in Parliament.

It taxed imported materials glass, lead, paint, and paper as they came

into the colonies from Britain.

Townshend Act

In 1768, this man’s ship was seized by the British because they claimed that he had been avoiding paying taxes on the goods he was


John Hancock

Event in which Crispus Attucks was killed?

The Boston Massacre

Massachusettes and Virginia set up this communication network to communicate with other colonies about this and other

threats to American liberties.

committees of correspondence

In this event, Boston rebels disguised themselves as Native Americans and

dumped 18,000 pounds of the East India Company’s tea into the waters of

Boston Harbor?

Boston Tea Party

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Why did the Sons of Liberty choose to have the Boston Tea


They felt that it was unfair that the British East India Company did not have to pay the colonial tax on the

tea that they were trying to sell.

These acts were imposed on the colonies by King George III for

the Boston Tea Party?

Intolerable Acts (Coercive)

British soldiers were housed in private homes, Boston Harbor was

shut down, and martial law was imposed. These were three results

of these acts

the Intolerable Acts

The committees of correspondence quickly moved into action and assembled the First Continental

Congress. In September 1774, 56 delegates met in Philadelphia and

drew up this?

A declaration of Colonial rights

General Thomas Gage, commander of the British troops in North America, ordered his men to capture these two patriots?

Samuel Adams and John Hancock

This man was a member of the Sons of Liberty, and was told told to warn Adams and Hancock as

well as the townspeople along the way that the British were coming?

Paul Revere

What was the first battle of the Revolutionary War?

Lexington and Concord

In this event the colonists showed their resolve to stand up against the

British in battle. It was the bloodiest battle of the

Revolutionary War with over 1000 British casualties and 400 colonists casualties. Famous quote, “don’t fire till you see the whites of their


Battle of Bunker Hill

This document written by Thomas Paine ridiculed Britain and urged

American independence?

Common Sense

The Second Continental Congress appointed this man to draw up the

Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

In writing the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson

used concepts from this philosopher who believed that life,

liberty, and property were the natural rights of mankind.

John Locke

People who supported the independence of the colonies were

known as what?


Those who opposed independence and remained loyal to the crown

were known as what?


German mercenaries, or soldiers who fought solely for money. They were hired by the British during the

American Revolution.


Name the battle: In the summer of 1776, the British brought 32,000

soldiers to this battle. George Washington brought 23,000. His troops were untrained and poorly equipped. The Continental Army was forced to retreat and suffered

heavy losses.

Battle of New York

On Christmas night 1776, George Washington and his men were able to cross the Delaware river and sneak up on the drunk Hessians and defeat them

at this battle?

The Battle of Trenton

Old Glory (the American Flag), is said to have been carried for the first

time in this 1777 battle?

Battle of Brandywine Creek

Leader of the Green Mountain Boys?

Ethan Allen

The October 17th, 1777, surrender here dramatically changed Britain’s war

strategy. From that time on, the British generally kept their troops along the coast, close to the big guns and the

supply bases of the British Fleet. The French decided to support the

Revolution. It is considered the turning point of the Revolutionary War.


Washington and his men spent the uncomfortable winter of 1777-1778

at this place in Pennsylvania?

Valley Forge

An increase in prices or decline in purchasing power caused by an increase in the supply of money.

The selling of goods in short supply at inflated prices


These two men raised the money needed to pay the salaries of the

Continental Army?

Robert Morris and Hyam Salomon

What was the nickname of Mary Ludwig Hays McCauly, the woman who took her husband’s place at a

cannon when he was wounded at the Battle of Monmouth?

Molly Pitcher

Who was the brave, 20 year old French aristocrat, who offered

military assistance to the Continental Army?

Marquis de Lafayette

Who is the patriot that served as a British spy?

Benedict Arnold

This Prussian captain aided the Americans by making “regular

soldiers out of country bumpkins”?

Friedrich von Steuben

Who was the British general who after being defeated at Yorktown,

had one of his fellow generals surrender to George Washington?

On September 17th, 1783, this treaty was signed, which confirmed the independence of the colonies?

Treaty of Paris
