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For Both Sexes— City.


CHAMBERMAID and WAITRESS —Hotel. IjongIsland; wages J2O, rcini and hoard. Mrs.

Eeecher. 4*ll flth avp.. between 24th and 2Jlth stp.


MaleYOUNG MAN* for general office work; Christian;

lartfe office; quick-

advancement. Employers'P.rferertoe iA«r*ncyi Service; 144 West 23a st.

COOKS; alpo t«conil cooks; best reference* re-quired. .Tu«!«J!n Agency. 0?n Lexington aye.

GENERAL HOT'SKWrmKEß— Private family:$25; for New Rochelle. Sirs.- Beecher, 401 «th

eve., between 24 and 23th sts.'

1133 Broadway, corner 26th Street.287 Lexington Avenue, corner 3"th.Street.


VBUi year begins Tnenrtay, September (»h. 1910.Tho organization of the/ new school at 37th

Street and Lexington Avenue affords an oppor-tunity to offer, for th- time hemp. SPECIALRATES for complete scholarship that areabout ?20 less than they will be. Inter. Fullinformation freely given upon request. Theonly schools that will najne? a definite pricefor complete courses.

CHARLES M. >m,LBK. Principal.


Harlem Branch. 343 Lenox Aye.. near 127th St.Erooklyn Branch. 215>220 Livingston St.

For Boys and Young Men City.

LAUNDRESSES- wage* $35; also second laun-dresses; private families. Jtiaffia Agreney. 6SO

Lexington aye.


at once for good posi-

tions on all machines at salaries from $6 to$55. There is absolutely no charge. \


OORAPHBR. understanding Oliver ma-chine; salary $10; another position

'for down-

town firm, commercial house. $12; in.«nrance $12. .Tupp Exchange (Agency); *7 Xassjrust. \u25a0 ;

BERKELEY SCHOOLI31jtYear Begins September 29th 972d Street and West End Avenue B

Pr«»pitre» Bots Thornachly for .-»:1 nCollecea »nd irchnii-al Srhoolw. Small \u25a0Clause*. Individual Instruction. .M:'it4rjr Drill \u25a0(optiooal). Afternoon Study Hour. M

"From Primary to College |EJOSEril CURTIS BLOA\K.Headmaster ||


Three positions paying SISup for young ladies who understand bookkeep-

ing; must be thoroughlj' competent and reliable;permanent positions. Jupp Exchange (Agency).ST Nassitu rt.

?TET«COr!RAPHERa. understanding law. three for$15 up; another $12. another $S-sl2; these po-

sitions are with- good firms: all permanent. JuppExchange (Agency), 87 yassau st. _____

Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Type-writing.Penmanship, GvilService

, \u25a0I end Academic Departments.-^an_k Onen during the Entire year.

£ mm Call or write for catalogue.

mi —8^ |23d St. & Lenox Aye.

HAMILTONMSftTrUTESSBNineteenth year beclns Sept. 2Sth.

Colleffe and Commercia* **r»*ParßtJ<>r»*ParßtJ<>nA«»

PUIT.ROOD 110x250 ADJOINS .SCHOOLAll lessons prepared at school under class in-

structors. For Catalog addres9 45 West 81st st.T^lephnn- 908W Schuyler.

IRVING SCHOOLL. I). RAY. 33 West 84th \u25a0*.___

COLLEGE PREPARATION A SPECIALTY.Small classes for boys from seven years up-

ward. No home study for boys under fifteen.


New York •» Wah Year opens Sept 2*.

University \u2666 SSSSS-^cßa '&\u25a0Law School > ETenlnc Class. »-«>•

4, +»»t +» »» Degree* LL.8.. LL.M-. J.D.

Address L- J. Tompkins. Sec, Washington Sq..

New York.

BillSCHOOL FJ BOYSCollece Preparatory & Elementary. 721 St Nlch.Ay.Elementary, «mi Riverside &226 3t a st-

_2sth YEAR begins Sent. 2«th. CataJog^_

For Girls and Young Ladies— City.

BARNARD SOICL m GIRLSCollege Preparatory &General. 4




Kindergarten & Elementary, 123 W. lVvn st.

15TH YEAR hesliw Sept. 2fith. Catalof.^


Three positions for Brook—lyn, one paying $15, another $12, next cmc $8;

these positions are with reliable firms and per-manent. Jnpp Exchange (Agency). S7 Nassau st.

SWEDISH EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 4.r. West125 th st., wants laundress at ?25; family of


SWEDISH EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 4.% West125 th St., wants German girl for waitress;

splendid place.


BOY. IP. wishes position with chance of ad-vancement. Jos. VysKocil. 342 East 7Tst St.

CHAUFFEtTR.Younjr careful driver desires- position with

private family: good mechanic. \u25a0 experienceddriver: make own re"pairs; honest, sober andreliable at all hours: can handle any ijaso-

lerie car: goo 4 reference; moderate salary.Chauffeur. Tribune Uptown Office. ISM Broad-way.

Ask the Fall River Lineticket man at 171 Broadwayabout it to-day.

Fall River Line steamers leaveNew York, Pier 19, NorthRiver, foot of Warren Street,at 5.30 P. M. Get you to Bos-ton as early as 7 o'clock nextmorning

—later if you like. *.

Fare toBoston .... 54Telephone 512! Cortlantft for information.

City Ticket Office—l7l Broadway

FALL RIVER UHZ(Splendid Steamers— Splendid <*«rrice>

Cooling breezes, splendidfishing and sailing


at Marthas Vineyard andNautucket these August days.

Either Island a vacationparadise. >

CHAUFFEtrß.— Mechanic 24 years old. de-sires position driving or repairing; careful

driver. sober, obliging: best references. DoBabier. 302 West 2Sth St.


Understands aH cars: sober,careful driver; good mechanic: thoroughly ex—

perienced Philip Lawrence. 219 E. 32d st. _MAN (30). German, wishes position with ad-

vancement; shipping clerk, clerical work,useful man: references. Elch. 2553 Bth aye.

YOUNG MAN '2.">i wishes position in office.where <ood work will ho appreciated: cleri-

cal or otherwise: Brood all around man: neatappearance And well recommended: familiarwith paper business. R. 0.. Box 20, TribuneOff'ce.YOT'NT0 MAN Irishes a position as messensrer:

best of rcf»rpncr-s and bond it required, c.-.shor otherwise, with a surety company. W. D.Shlrly. 33 West I3r>th st.YOUXG MAN.—In wholesale house: has had

two years' experience In office work; bestreference*. 13<t^ 14. Tribune Office.




POWELL." of the Hudson River Day Line, fast-;eat an'! finest river boats In the worlJ.!Lye.Read. down. Ajt.Rea-;up.

IA.M.|A.M P.M. [Dally.ex.Sun. A.M. >P.M. , .M.8:001 [ t B'klyn Annex! t s :£°:£°8:40: 3:40 l:4sl.De9br'se» St-.111:43| ti:

'> ' •--••9:00 10:00 2:0O .West USA St.. 11:20 5:30 S:4O9:20 10:20 2:30! .West 129 St. .;11:001 0:10 SAO

I 9:45 10:50 |.. TonKers ..1.:... i 4:30 7:3*4:!H> HlsWd Fallsf 8:40 .... \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

11:501 1.-00 s:ool.. Went Point. !8:35 2:80-•«

1*1:25 5:25 ..Cornwall ..' WtU ..... •»:»12:25 1:45 5:451. .Xewhiirxh. -i 8:00 2:15 1*

1 »:15!Ne-w Hamb'g 7:301 !i i 6:30 ... Milton ... 7:IV \u25a0-;•]•—.

1:15 2:35 <V:451. -Po'ke«>psie. 7:0 1:20 4:10! 2:10 |.Kingston Ft 12:23}| j '! 7:45 .. Kingston .. 6:W ....\u25a0

; 3:25 . Catsklll .. '11:00 . \u25a0\u25a0-

; 3:4<i .... Huo»an .. 10:401 6:10iAlbany ..; »:30 .....IP.M.iP.M P.M.I A.M. AM. P.M.

•Connect nx at Cornwall with O. & W. Ry-Special trains to Catsklll Mt. resorts aid Sara-toga, and easy connections to all points sast.

North and West. Through tickets and bassage

checked at offices or N. T. Transfer Co. ThroughIrail tickets between N. V. and Albany accepted.

Most delightful ope-half and one-day outings to

West Point, »wbergh or Poti*bke»T»«ie, r«-turning on any down Day boat- Meals serveaat all hours. Miinlr.

STB. M&RY POWELL S^SZs,Perfect Afternoon Outing. Leave Desbrosses at.

1:45 P. M.. connecting at West Point with

<?TD At DIUV *>*" West 42d St. 8:40 P. MOln. fiLHflnY Orchestra on each steamer.

London M^.j.j- TUESDAYS, BREMEN MIWIHI 10 *•M.

Express Sailings.|Cecilie Auk. 231Kaiser Wm 11.. _-=<>r'- JKronprinz Wm Auk. 30|Kals.Wm. d Or.-Sept. 13

IE!German t0 A. M.Tula Screw Sailings.

iBremen Aug. M Pr Fried. Wm .Sept.*

Gr. Kurfuerst..Sept. ÜBarbaroesa Sept. 10

GIBRALTAR|\u25a0-__ J SATURDAYSisssf yoyo «*\u25a0-.

K. Lulse Aug. MlAlbert Sept- 10

IBerlin (new)...Aug. 27(P. Irene Sept. -•»

Wlreln**and SnbmnrlßH Slsnnla.Independent llound-tlie-Woria Toon.

Travelers' Checks Good AHOver tlte World.

OEXRICHS & CO- Seal Aots.. 5 Broadway. \u25a0. V

Coins to the International Euchart«Uc Con-KreHS in Montreal take the

IHUOSON RIVER MIGHT LINESjMost direct Ronte. Superb a'Tommndatiowand sen toe. Thron«h Round Trip ti<-ket-».Three routes. Option of taking in LakeGrorK«- and Lake C'hamplaln. Rer^ptlon t<»

Cardinal Vannutelll Sept. 3.

iPEOPLES LINE TO ALBAXYSTR. c W. morse (ewan dates Aug.), STR. ,

ADIRONDACK—DaIIy from PICT 32. N. R. 1P M.. W. 129 th St.. 6:30 P. M. ORCHESTRA. :


46. N. R-. ft.West loth St.. « P. M.: Yon.<ers.7 P. M daily. Stop at Albany in either dtrre-tion.

Best service. Direct rail connection atAlbany and Troy for points North. East, anilWest. Rail tickets accepted for passage be-tween New York, Albany, and Troy. Horses jand automobiles carried at reaeonablo rates.

Send for Summer Report Book and 'Ip the

Hudson and Beyond." a heautifnl illustratedbooklet. .

For Boys and Young Men Country.

WORRAIX HALLACADEMY,PeekskUl. X.Y.Ideal Home Boarding School. Academic.

Business and Preparatory courses. Military

drill. Primary departments. Sanitary condi-tions perfect.

'Address Principal. P. O. Box 211.

YOUNG MAN, 18, high school education, officea xperl«>nce. desires poslton. P. Eckman, Jr..

1031 Union aye., Bronx.

Female.COMPANION. ATTENDANT.—Youn*c woman,

educated, musical, as companion to lady liv-ing in Bridpeport. Stamford or Greenwich:references. Address. L. V., Tribune Office.DRESSMAKER wants more work home; dresses,

waists remodelling; prict-s moderate. Mitchell,247 West 884 st.

ST. rAITI.'S SCHOOL,Garden City. L. I.

We lenow how to t*arh hoys.

CUNARD LINEPiers 54 and 50. North P.lver, foot of 140* 3L.

OFFICES. 21-24 State \u25a0 . opposite th« Battorr.

Lusitania— MauretaniaLargest. Fastest. Finest Steamers Afloat.

Hew York to London DirectVIA FISHC.rABO.

The most expeditious route. Quicken also to ,

PARIS-BERLIN-VIENNALeare New York Wednesdays, 9 A. ML

HQIOAF IN LOHOQN TUESDAY 1H MilUlreles* Teleeraph, Snbmarlae Signal*.

•CarmaniaAuar.2o.lo am jCaronla. .Sept. 3, 10» taCampania Aug. 24(Lusitanlx ...Seel

- 1Mauritania Aa*. 31 Campania Sept. 14

•Call*at Queenstown. AfterSept. 1tb*Carocla.Carmanla and Campania will call atQueer.stowa.

Hr>«ARIAX-AMrRIC.VN9EBYICE.To 'ME. vfa GIBRAX.T \R.NAPI^E3,TRI2ST3tCarpathia.Aug.2S.cocn{ lUltonia Sept. 22Finn ma. \u25a0>. noont tCarpathia Oct. 9

tCalla at Ganca. JCarries 2d and 3d claas only.Trarellers' checks issued— good ev«rsrwher9ITALY-EGYPT CRUISES. 1910-11. Not. 38.

Jan. 7 and 21. Feb. 1«. March 11.

For Young Ladles—



St. Mary's School, Bit. St. Ga&risiChurch Boarding School for Girls. Forty-

third y*ar. Eighty acres New FireproofBuildliis ready in 'he fall. Terms, $600.


Male.COUPLE— Middle ssred. English: entire work

private family: man gardener, generally use-ful; wife good cook, laundress. -References.Couple, 311 W. .".Oth St.


—$25; German; good milker and

teamster: farm experience in this country;sober, obliging. Mathewson Agency, 818 6thav°. Tel. 373

—Bryant. American and Foreign Teachers' Agency.

Supplies Professors. Teachers. Tutors, Gov-ernesses, etc.. to Colleges, Schools and Families.Applyto Mrs. M. J. YOUNG-FULTON,

23 Union Square.


Swiss. sinKle. 2fl. wants posi-tion on gentleman's place: heat references.

Address. Hang A. Vaupel. 30fl East ft'»th st-(JARDFJfER-FARMER—Elderly; single; handy

with scythe and all farm tools; or would rentland where wild Brß>=s Is plenty; references. K.SrihorfTn»r. lo."." 3d ?.v».





Southampton.Pt Paul Aujj. 20 St. Loais Sept. 3Philadelphia . Aue;. 27 New York. Sept. 10


>ETV YORK—DOVER—A>TWTKPKrconland; ...Auk 201Vaderland ... ..Sept. 3Finland Ausr. 27 \Lapland Tew»...S«pc I'^

WHITE STARLINEgTef^B.N. V.. Qaeenstown. Holyhead, L.iT«rpnot.

Cedric.Aug. 20, 10 a Baitic Sept. 3Arabic . Aug.. 27. nooilCeltic Sept. 10

2*. V..Plyiaonth, Cherbourg, Sonthamptoo.Adriatlc.Anst.24,O:3O am |i>ceanic. . . Sept. 7Teutonic.Aug. 31. •"- p mMajertlc . . S*vt. M

Z'SoSS? IS, MEDITERRANEANVia Azores. Gibraltar, etc.

Canopic.Sept. '-+. 4 Romanic ...Oct. 1...Sept. 21. noon'Canoptc ..Oct. C2

offlc«3. 9 U'way. (Tel. 210«iRector> iPier 62.M P.. «23d St.). >'. T.LONDON I New }S.S. rbw Amsterdam

via I Service . J- 17.230 Tons

Plymouth ) (Leaving NewYorV Aug.3o

Luxurious Comfort to OceanTravelers Nowhere Exceeded

HEW YORK I„\u0084„, I Sailingmm Holland [¥Br^PARIS America Tuesday(viaPlymouth & Line atBoulogne s/M.)

*-"*^ 31

ROTTERDAM 1 39 Broadway 1018.•Potsdam. . • Aug. 23! \u2666Rotterdam Sept. 131;.Am»terflam.AuK. 30 *!iam Sept. 20•Noordam Sept. « *Potsdam Sept. 27;•Via Boulogne s/>I. tVia Plymouth&80-iloßne.

CHAMBERMAID. W.AITRKS9.— Trish- <rirl. -two years' re-ference. VS., Mi's Hof-mayer's Agency. 320-322 ."th nve.. corner of32d Ft. Telephone. 4"»27

—Madison Square.


Danish: competent; excellent baker:good laundress; has friend coachman and gar-

dener; both highly recommended; go any dis-tance. Morrow's Apency, 721 Lexington aye.,corner BSUI st. •


USEFUL MAN.—?2-"; German; all "round use-

ful, outside work: horse, cow, poultry, etc.;references. Mathewson's Agency, SIS 6th aye.Tel. 378— Bryant.

For liewburgh. Poosbken>»l<» and Kingston.From Franklla St.. w«ek days, except Sat.. 4P. M. Sats.. 1 P. M. W. J2oth St.. 1:30 P. 31.

For NBWBIKGK and \u25a0 -r*rrr.e<itat» !ani-tneis. week days. 5 P. M. Saturdays. 3 P. II-West 12*>th St.. 3:30 P. M.CIliinAVC From. Franklin St.. & A. 11.OURyfla «> West 129 th St.. 0-30 A. M.COOK and IyA.UNDRESft, chambermaid


waitress", or do entire work private family:oity or couutrj": both highly recommended. Mor-row's Agency-. 721 Lexington aye., corner 3Sth st.

NEW YORK TO BOSTONFare 84 00. Metropolitan Line Express Turb:r.e--

ish:p9 YALE&HARVARDWeek Days *Sundays Lv». Pier 0. N. R-. ft.of Rector st., Xew York. •" P. M Due Boston8 A. M. next day. Same pchedule returning.

REDBAAK UM.Leaves Franklin St.. Pier 24. North RWer.

dally B:3<> A M. KM P. M. Sun. 9:3». 8:15A. M.: Battery. 9:35 A. M.. 2:53 P. M. Sun-S-55. 0:35 A. M.. for Highlands. Red Bant, ate.Exc. 50c. Trolley to Lone Branch and Asbury.


.Swedish and German: cook and but-ler, or do entire work private family; both

tl'orousrhly experienced; town or count ry. Mor-iw'a An«mcy. 721 Lexington aye.. corner Mth Ft.

HOU KEEPER— Hy cheerful, trustworthj' ladyof refinement; no encumbrances: for on? or

two \u25a0.•\u25a0 ->ple: city or country; hizh p» refer-'•• >\u25a0- i,. X.. Box 27. Tribune nffli-°,


Younp German woman; poodcook: can bake; excellent laundress; has child

five years; waec reasonable; city, country. Mor-row's Apency. 721 Lexington nve.. corner 58th st.


SAN FRANCISCO MINING STOCKS.San Francisco, Aug. IS.—The official clos-

Iing quotations for mining stocks to-day

were as folioAlta Julia ....: '

00Alpha Con 07(Justice 10Ar.deg 18 Kentucky Con 1<)Belcher Mexican 1.40Best £ Belcher... .47 Occidental Con -»1Bullion :ir>|Ophir 1.4".Caledonia 52 (Overman - X)Challenge C0n.... .is Potosi .34Chollar

--i-avase 21

Confidence 72 Sierra Nevada :<6Con. Cal. & Va... 1.."57 j t."nlon '."on 45Con. Imperial 05 jUtah Con 01Crown P0int...... .55] Yellow Jacket 59Gould & Curry... .l!7l

It was the annual outing of the OldGuard, and Commodore W. J. Moran, Vice-Commodore George* Emener, Rear Com-modore John May and the other officersand members of the Jamaica Bay Yacht,Club, who had placed their home at thedisposal lor the day of New York's vet-eran military organization, sa,w to it thatevery Old Guardsman enjoyed himself tothe limit. After an old-fashioned shore, din-ner, served at noon, by Dennis Grogan, thesteward. commodore Moran«took a partyof the visitors on a cruise on the Bay Inhis motor yacht Mori

Major S. K.Briggs, commandant of the OldGuard, presided at the dinner in the even-ing. The guests included Major GeneralsE. A. McAlpin arid Heber B. Breintnall,Brigadier General "W. F. Morris, ColonelsHenry Alton. Benjamin A. Lee and A. L.Koliey, Majors Charles H. Grant. DavidWilson and Joseph Hart, the Rev. Dr.James B. Wasson, John Williams, andCommodore W. J. Moran and the other Hagofficers of th« Jamaica Bay Yacht Club.The entertainment committee were Cap-tains David H. 1,-chtenstein, E. E. Blohmand Neal J. Hepburn.

The Old Guardsmen present wore MajorS. Ellis Brigßs, Captains F. H. Clement,George E. Conley, George W. Homans,George W. Laird, James H. Stevens. Rob-ert Taylor. Mary B. Warren, Orville Odclie,George H. Wyatt and C. C. ifummell. Lieu-tenants W. A. Darner. 1!. Siefke, .1. 11.Higgins, H. Cole Smith, J. G. Cook. Ser-geant Major A. Hearn. Quartermaster-Ser-geant H. Corson, Commissary D. M. Woods,Sergeants James MCNevin, J. J. Morris,W. H. Mclntosh, J. C. Summers. W. D.McGovcrn. O. M. Chace, F. O. Bensel, F.Battes, W. H. A. Eiorsfall, M. W. Cooper,H. Meyers. Fred S. Alder. F. B. Langston,-"W. W. Lewis, B. F. Moore. F. F. Ryder.c D. Smith. T. K. Chutkowsky. W. R.Mitchell and D. A. O'Mara.

- .. 'William Duncan Preston and Dr."Young-

lingand W. Dana Bigelow were among thelate arrivals. " •

SAYS KEELER MARRIED HERIllinois Woman Accuses Dentist

Awaiting Trial in Brooklyn.Honinp that the Keelers may spend the

remainder of their lives in prison andhappy that their Sins have found them out,Mrs. Lou Ashton. of Pittsfield, 111., yestet-day added her name to the Krowin*,' l'pt

of women throughout the country whotiaim that Dr. Harry Bradley Keeler mar-ried them, took their money and desertedthem.

Mrs. Ashton sent three letters to Deputy

Commissioner Reynolds, of Brooklyn. Onewas addressed to himself, another to theKeelers, and a third was written to herson by J. M Baker, under which nameMrs Ashton says Keeler married her. Mrs.Ashton says she was married to "Saker"in Pittsfield in August, 1897; that she gave

him $1,200 shortly after the ceremony wasperformed, and that he then deserted her,just as he is alleged to have deserted six

other women. Mrs. Ashton is Iwidow,

with a grown son.This Is the letter to Mr. Reynolds:"Isee by the papers you have in custody

one Dr. Harry B. Keeler. a dentist, a manof many wives and names. Isee by hispicture he is the same man Imarried inAugust, 1897. He robbed me of $1,200 outof the Plttsfield Bank. We took trainto Detroit, and there he left me at a hotelwithout a cent in the world. He even ato*emy clothing. He hypnotized me and leftme helpless in the hotel. He married roein the name of Mr. / Baker. His fcisterEmma, as he called her, was with Him.They claimed they had money, Can Igetanything: out of them? A few years agohe wrote me from your city. At Quincy,111., they planned to killme; also at De-troit. Ihope they will suffer the penaltyof the law to the full extent."

OLD GUARD" ON OUTINGVeterans Then Hold Dinner at

Jamaica Bay Yacht Club.Witn the American flag at their front

and rear and the red-starred pennant ofthe Jamaica Yacht Club overhead, the of-ficers and members of the Old Guard ofNew York dined last night in the ship'scabin of that club, with it? quaint frames,beams and portholes. Oldtime melodies byColllns"s orchestra awakened memories offar-off battlefield?, and many were thestories told of d«eds of valor afloat andashore. s

BANKBOOK No. 51U.930 at the Union Dime Pav-ings Bank is missing. Any person having a

claim to it Is hereby called upon to present thesame within ten days or puhmit to having cancelled and a new on« issued.

Gamar Lowers Time for Trackat Goshen Meeting.

«,. trophy offered by B. A. Bulkley to.', one who could produce a trotter to*;. the time made by Nahma. 2.-09V*. over

J* old "historic track" at Goshen. wasjoined by lhf* diminutive bay stallion-asr. from the stable of Ross & Dicker-l'- yesterday afternoon. in a special event'. '.i|c licht harness meeting.

*%tartln? alone, without a pacemaker.

.'^ r̂ pot away on first score and swunga pure, frlctionless stride that carried

tic over the two*laf 'rack in Uliifjtrt ,• the horsemen had th«>ir watches

• hiir.. *nc excitement ran hieh as. they'-*-:ieQ that he would make a record mile.

tr*fn Hs"T'?on drove him back to thej-p ivfi:- srrected with applause from

.v" Kxe? and rill whistles and cheers•Jig In*. railbirds. Mr. Bulkley handedSalary Weston th. promised $250. which"*

tt,f, crH,-ifie<i value of. the trophy. The

*~sck at Goshen Is probably four seconds",trtr than the mile tracks to TrhJchgtSir i? acruftomed. but the short turns

j^jjf-ed him not at aH\u25a0$• J. Andrew? broucht out the roan

Jl/ef Marrln to try to lower thee«<* record before Gamar had made his*i.rfpfi performance, and it looked asTfcJ^c>j ft-* would do It. although she was

\u0084. trotting the mile that Gamar trotted.,_t- st •-' homestretch in the first lap thej-j-f went up '"n the air and refused to •

jtjT en her feet around the turns.-.

-a,?""1 -j-kr races, one for three- ;

_ir^,;;c and one for two-year-olds, proved> .cor^iderable -.-.-<:- for horsemen and

jirpsdfrs. Chatty Direct, by Director Gen-',^l,&R7T. Chatty Brooks, won the three- :•rgf-cia trot in strmlgbi beats. She is a'^,-r- '<•-'* mar* and far outclassed the j.. . of the field, distancing thr*>e of them. :

jadpe pr-',n).- by Baron Gale, won the j._.• -c contest

•'- •w.->-v«ar-o: and thiswent \u25a0\u25a0- straJcht beat?, -which pave

filler & the 5.V» driver's prizejfered by Secretary Weston.

;-v.--- A., the- brown p*»ldintr that mv-

red -\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0- •**Story at the ClevelandGr»ai Circuit meetlnc. would not do any-.. -

r yebierflar in th«» 2:25 race. Insteadt! Fro- -c \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 s trot he bobbed up andrtca in --•> .-->->- until the starter wouldfc^lly bave tr» let the field array "R-Jthoutvjj' H« -f.r.F.:«i however, to keep inside•i»

-stance flap. Madee

-Worthy and

Ssroa Aberdeen ha<i It out hammer andirrs^. and five heats were necessary to

V«l<3e the flteiibotioa of the- money. Thelist heat wsu« the clo?pst of the race, fortie Baron, with EtnaU gallantry, passed* fael M they w«re coinp under thevire firr'i trr*>te<s the laurels from her.General Barrier:'? Fplend-'d hisrh ?teppinc

rr.:?r. sffuer won in straight heats inth? matinee rare for members of thft<^st*a DrivJr.c Club, and defeated Pattfe jSell erf Jsp- which di\-ided second honors. [

PiKT* Lorillar<l. jr.'s >:• eaa Atraln was \u25a0

jgutf*'- when Bh« aralM Sown in the'i;s»ac3 Is?. f.• 9 Rnisbed last. i\ IJ» rcr^narifs follow:



STAKE, $1,200.

jjia*!^"-*b. c. by Baronyale: Draoa \u25a0-»

j^farE (sim<»r> 1 I,rai -\u25a0 c. by !>nrv»rf. Benjamin Moors

<OrrfcU . C 4Him. fcr. f-- by E:npen; V,'. A. Siodpett i-'- ..•:...


DBHeae. tr. 1.. v- --

v b: J. O. "U'inetonIJMpMn) ... 4 3

Tr;.:* ilsc. t. r.. by Ha -\u25a0 igall (C. WLm«!l*i


rtrr. Pa'.ch. !•• f-. by Joe Tatcfcen <I. B.«=»•- . \u0084 dis


oat ji**<

Gtttv Dsr*ct. Mk. f.. by Director General;J. IT. FiTrr^en (Tsllrr.a.n) ". 1 1

Se> Eunkrr, eh. f.. by Axworthy: Dro-am Firm •Miller) 3 2

IUir Kat!ir.a. bik. t.. by •--..-\u25a0. BrookFtnr. (Vmrmyl .' 2 4 '

Iterai P*-»-*- b. c. by Admiral Dt»t);J.-A. Tilpard <Thorappon> r» 3

|>E^. rt t-. --.\u25a0\u25a0.-:. Ben-Ijroa -Mcr<i .<Cnr*ain> ..-« . . .. 4 <ilsH&fc^-fc. p.. by Aiuetral; Eton: Ford

1 ?ifei fßfiaven• . disSis* S.. b. t., by Bin«e«; W. A. Elodß-ettiTilrrj d's

Time. iiT-s^ 2:1c1?;.


pr^r, t. f., Hl!l?5(5e Farm (Dlckerson).. 11'r-»-t»-B*ll. St. m iRichard ptapi'eton) 3 2Sf. iS: G:er.m«re Stable? (Fred Bnwne) 2 3«r- Mr. b. m. (Richard Me<rcrmick> 4 4•\u25a0it Again, b. m. >Pierre Lnrilierd) "• •"•

Tin-.». ia V L»:24^i.

anraxc— r^s cl.^s?— \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.•:!: ix fi\-e-PURSE JI/iOO.

\u25a0_,-\u25a0- Aberd«-J>7i. r,r. c. by Barc-nH&eF. C. W. L<ea\ltt <Car-r-ir, . 12 2 11

*sr "R'orthv. et. m.. by As-»c"i-: t>. K. Your.?: (Hamliii).. 3-1 12 2

fcjtn h. f.. by K>Tillic; R. H..atrkT^if- . . . 2 c 6 4 \u2666-

Bed!••\u25a0\u25a0 Jr.; r.-hit* Man Stock,J*a (Dougherty > 4 3 4 3 t*-»'L3.-*-r.ialf. h. c.. by John R.•

fetry: E. UoeHer <Mur.z.» 6 .». 3Baßc Kk. m.. m- Baron =tar;\u25a0•'•t rv>cFP ; S 4 I*as*. • .. £.: J. Howard Ford 3 6 7p*rt a., br. c, by Bernaflotte:BMW:- =:able<= .---..-, c .7 7 S

T!a*, Z:?t\, 2:ISU. l: 14-":.1 4-":. 2:20:4. 2:21. BANKBOOK No. 555.292 of the Union DimeSavings Bank is mtoting. Any person having

a claim to it is called upon to presentthe same within ten days or submit to havingsaid passbook cancelled and a new one l«oued.



Greatest Amusement Enterprise In the World.Leave West 129th St.. N. 11.. 9:00. 9:45. 10:3<\

11.50 A M 12:15. 1:00. 2:00, 2:45. 3.::0. 4:13,

5:1.\ 6:30. 7:30, 8:40 P. M.Leave Pier 1 N. 11. *:45. 10:30, 11:15 A. M.;

12:15 ](X> 1:45, 2:45, 3:30 4.15. 5:00. 6:00, 6:40.fTis. V]-, 0:30 p. ii. '- '- :

-Leave Iron Pier, Coney Island. 10:55, 11:40

A. M. 12:25, 1:25. 2:10. -2:55,.3:53. *4:50, 5:25,6:l'>. *7:10. 7:50. 8:25. 9:25. 10:4o P. M.

Returning from Coney Island trip marked •does not fen to 12!»th Street, N. R.

Round Trip!From 129 th St.. 50 Cents.Tickets ? From Pier 1. N.R. 40 Cents.

"STEAMER TAURUS makes trips EVERYDAY to FISHING BANKS. Leaves 129th St.,N. P... 7:20 A. M.:Pier (new) 1, N. n.. S:2O A. M.Bait and tackle on board. Fare: Gentlemen.7.V.; Ladles, 50c.; Children, '-•"»:


Lv. Yonkers 8:45 A. M.1 v foot 12flth St., N. P... 9:43 A. M.. *2 P. M.

Lv Pier mowi No. 1. N. R.. 10:40 A.M.. 2:45 P.M.Lv. Rockaway Beach, 12 •*» P. M. 6:30 P. M.

Trip marked•

transfers to Str. "Gran.! Re-

public'1 at Pier 1. N. R.Round trip tickets. 50c: Children. 25c.

Include adm. to steeplechase Park at Rockaway.

Male.ACCOUNTANT, for the West; prefer man with

public accounting experience: salary $I.*•>">.STlphlll (Agency), rintlron Building. :--;\u25a0

BANKBOOK No. 023.519 of the Union DimeSavings Hank Is missing. Any person having

a claim to It Is hereby called upon to presentthe same within ten days or submit to havingyald passbook cancelled and a new one issued.


Bankbook No. !>r,7.!«41. Bank for Sav-ings. 2SO 4th aye.. New York. Payment

stopped. Please return book to bank.

N. Y. CARPET GLEiHIBfi WORKSOldest. Largest. Most Modem.

Tel. 4002—


Bryant. Established MM

Fine Rugs Woven from Old Carpels.Prices Reasonable. Send for Circular.

437 and 433 W. 45?h St.W. H. JORDAN. _ EDWIN' LENT2.

Carpet &Hug Cleansing-6,fi.Brown Go,fST^, -.„

_?«!\u2666 *MlK. t-rh St. >I—l?J


Clear.sby compressed air. steam, hand or on floor.

IJKM Broadway. 421 East 48th St. COS ABRANDT- Tel VC-2

—AGENTS to handle our teas and coffees; ejrpe-

riendfl not necessary; build Up a business ofyour own. Call or write. Burns & Kecd. 209Hucson St.. New York. '. , . j_

ASSISTANT BOO KKEEPER.— man; alsodo gtneiaj office work; advancement; $10. Em-

ployers" Reference (Agency) Sen-ice, 144 West2& st.


Bankbook No. 058.445. Bank for Sav-ings. 280 4th aye.. New York. Payment

stopped. Please return book to bank. > FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET.LARGE. ST XNY CORNER ROOM, runnl^a*

water; private family; beautiful location, faclntth« Hudson, telephone^ Harrison. 213 West 101

Ist. Telephone 6000—Riversida. ___LOST OR STOLEN—Bankbook No. 628,946 of

the German Savings Bank In the City of NewYork, corner 4th aye. and 14th St., issued toMorris Greenberjf. All persons are cautionedagainst negotiating: the same. If not returnedto the bank on the 3d day of September, 1010,a duplicate will be issued.

ROOMS, large a.-. small, stagl* or en suit-, most•x>mfortaMe an<l homelike; re?ercnc«». 31 West

!>th st.

COTJREPPONDENT. with successful reccrd astravelling salesman, i-xptrlence with Fmall

concern preferred; rk('25-35; salftrj^ $75 month-ly; worth $150 monthly to right man in threemonths; furnish full details in reply. A.. Box

4<i. Trlbun" Office. •

STAMFORD YACHT CLUB RACE., Jnfigßg from the long li?t of entries inI class, the annual rogstta of the Stair.-jk"cTecht Club, which takes place to-mor-

**f. Wffl be en* of the \u25a0»••* Bweoeaafjai*BC Found this season, provided Com-

\u25a0»aor» R. H. Gillesple and his assistantstttaeresratta committee— H. F. Hart, J. S.••ts. Eoward Corning and Bartholomew"SJtßre luck?- enough to have a pood

\u25a0*» from almost any quarter. The start*~:)« half a mile south of Stamford

«Wicase at 123} p. m. The yacht? will*<eat any in five.Feries, and the coursesP*.*? 27. a, isu.. JO"-', and T4 miles, re-ttCtively.


LABOR DAYIncluding Tickets and Hotels.

Atlantic City 3 days . . $10.00 up

Niagara Falls 3 days ... 15.25 up

Thousand Islands 3 «ay« 10.75 up

St. LAwrence, Montreal.Lakes ChninpUiln andGeorge ...8 days .. , 45.00

St Lawrence, Quebec.Steamer to Halifaxand New York .. » days 90.00

THOS. COOK & SON,245 Broadway, 264 and firt-1Fifth Aye..


EXPEKIEN'CED automobile salesmen to sellEXopiiMbiM an,] EoeJU«r '.'4O" ears. Eve.rit,

120 Uvinsston si . Brooklyn.I*>«< WEST 52L> ST.

—Private baths, staara.

ielectricity, parqueted; excellent cooking:special doctor's suit*: opportunity.

SALESMEN throuphout the United States to sell'automatic \u25a0lilts. ev<»r>- owner wants our

pr^tfetor: references required. Ths O'Nell Tire'&. protector Co.. 320 Broadway.


Young: man: also to assistbookkeeper: advancement; $12. Employers'

Reference (Agency) S*tvlc». 144 West -<^Et.WANTED.

—d#nnaa t*aeh<>r (business man)

Address 1... C, Box 20, Tribune OAos.

SMALL MAN KILLS HIMSELF.Leu-istown. 11.1 1. -,•-,. Are IS.— Because of

his diminutive stature. Virgile Slnna. aged

forty-two years, of New York City, fireda bullet Into his brain on the street hereto-day- Pinna wae a drummer in a band

playing in a park here.

A letter w«s found a! his lodgings con-

taining $50 to be forwarded to his fatherin South America. The letter said he had

committed suicide because his fellow mv-

Ficians were always making sport of him,

owing to his small stature.

Murphy said be signed only two Of the.bills; that the formality of making the affi-davit was not complied with,as he sent thebill over to Joseph W. Ilobr».n, a notary pub-he, who affix-•; his signature] Murphy tes-tified that the other bills were tilled out by

Jasn?a O*Mara, his manager, or Mary Har-ris, his bookkeeper, and Tie knew nothing

about the charges for time and materials.

The witness put all the responsibility onothers. The committee issued a subpoena

for Hobsn, but he could not be found.

John H. Ward, ex-president of the board,

who is in the insurance business, admittedthat hi« firm got some of the school andcity ins-jranc? when his partner, William G.

N<l?on. was City Controller. The commit-

tee tjuurntd to meet hi Bayonne nextWednesday.

Senate Committee Gets Light onSchool Expenditures.

The committee of the New Jersey Senatethat i? investigating the transactions of thepublic school bonrtis, and which brought tolight scandals in North Bergen, Secaucoaand West New York, spent yesterday inJer-sey City.

Mayor Wlttper.n was one of the wltacsa-<".-. He a.nd a partner manufacture andd«~al in brick. The Mayor testified thatthe firm had sold bo brick to the city sineshe had been Mayor with hi? knowledge, andhe had instructed his partner not to sellbrick to go in public buildings in the city.

It did develop that the firm sold brick to

Cane &\u25a0 Co.. who had been customers for

>cars. and they were sent to Public School32. but were rejected as defective by Su-pervising Architect Rowland.


Another witness was former Health Com-

missioner William J. Murphy, a plumber,r.-ho put in bills aggregating $3, 500 for ma-

rials and work on schools Xos. 4 and 21.Many of these bills were rejected on thereport of Leslie Brown, chief inspector of

the School Department, that they were ex-orbitant. One item charged was HOC fora water meter that we? supplied gratuitous-ly by the Water Department. Each bill issworn to.

GOMAR TROTS A FAST MILEMifldletown, X. V.. An?. IS.—Gomar,

owned by Ross and. Dlckerson. of Madison,Mo., and driven by Harrison, lowered byone second to-day the world's tiottine: recordfor one mile over a hall mile course, withoutpacemaker. Hi? time was 2:f>«>.2. This featand the exhibition of Allen Winter, ownedby Louis W. Winans, of Hove. England,

winner of th» 5.i0.0» American TrottingDerby, at Readville. Mass., in 1503. madethe third day's racing of the Oranpo CountyDriving Park Association, at Goshen. themost successful of the meet.


LEGG SHOWS FORM REVERSAL.Denver. Aug. 18.—The third round of

match play at thirty-ate holes in the trans-Mississippi, coif tournament to-day showedthe best golf of the week, and leaves fourconsistent players to fierht out the semi-finals to-morrow. P.. G. Legs, of Minne-apolis, title holder, will meet F. H. Games.of Omaha, in tho semi-finals and LawrenceBromfieW. of Denver, willplay W. M. Shee-han, of TV;- Moines. Grant Chamberlain,of Hutchinson. Kan., caught Legg, ofMinnikahda. off his pame and gave hima terrific match To-day, losing 1 down inthirty-seven holes.

Stirring: Finish Marks Bout atLongacre A. ABy one of the fasw' j

tlonal finishes seen hi m°St SenSa *

•CViin* n»n,h Iere ln many months.

la;T f1• outpoin^ -pighttog Dick-

met Battling ****.and i,'Uer hej2 ,COnfrOmc<l,

COnfrOmc<l b>- • bo, of -ore thanusual prormsc and ability. Hyland borethe traces of his bout with Hurley. Hisright eye was badly discolored and he wasslow Inhis movements, and failed to warm

ito his work. This Lability probably savedIBtJßCsscr from being outpointed

Beocher had the better of the earlyrounds and had little trouble in holdinghis rival safe. He worked a snappy upper-

I<-ut to the face and head and jaw thatDick was evidently unable to soJve. and!Willie kept the Westerner's head bobbingback and forth.

Hyland came into his own for a whilecuring: the seventh,; eighth and ninthrounds when he slowed Beecher up to awalk with a fusillade of body blows thatmade the Ohetto lad wince and cover up toavoid punishment. Hyland sent


reeling to the ropes in the eipht round witha heavy ripht cross counter to the jaw.

The final round will Hvo long In theannals of the I^ons: Acre A. A. Beecher \sprang from his corner like an an?ry bulland Hyland met him half way. For fullya minute the pair stood and slugged away,neither willing to yield an inch of pround.Something: had to give, and it was Beecher.

viand drove htm across the arena beforea storni of blows that would have finished« less hardy lad, but DeCCkftr seemed tothrive on hard Knocks. He turned and iv-turned the Mows, and until the bell theso

'lads swapped punch for punch, with honors jin favor of Beecher.

FOR SALE.BIG BARGAlNS—^Slightly used office fumttora.

tfaaka, typewriters, cash registers, adding ma-chines, mimeographs, fllir-s cabinet*, safes, ad-dressin>: machines. time clocks, partitions, cfeecfcprotectors. bookcases. NATHAN'S,4 Whit. Street


chl¥MThTTxgorsio^sWest Point, Ncwburgh & Poughkeepsie


Brooklyn, Fulton St. (By Annex). 8; De*-brosses St., 40 and 0:40; W. 42J St., 9 and

10 W. 129 th St.. 9:20 and 10:20 A. M Return

on either down boat due 42d St. 5:30 or 8:40P. M. See Steamboat Advt.


Large and Small

To Let OfficesSingle or en Stiite in the

TRIBUNE BUILDING,54, 54 A-««saa Street Oppo'lte City HtllPtrk

STKAMEB MARY POWELLLeaving Deabroaaaa St.. t:45: W. 42d St.. 2 00;

W 12S)th St 220 P. Bt Heturn to N. T 07Ptenmer "ALBANY."$1 00. or by rail. Jl.lO.Dally, except Sunday. Orchestra. Cadets lnCamp.

nrn »*!«'» IS2d£ piku n. whilst.Htll

"LIHC Ferry. noon.

'For San Juan. P. R., La Qlsljia, Pto. Cabello. ;

Curacao and Marai-all.-... via Curacao.Philadelphia.. ..Aug. 27iCaracas.... .. . Sept. 10

For La Guayra, Curacao and Mararalhn.Maracaiba Aug. 2l)|Zulla... . S^pt. i'

«uDerior Accommodations for Passengers.'BLISS, DALLETT & CO..

Oeneral Managers. «2 Wall St.

ANCHOR LINEGLASGOW via LONDONDERRYColumbia. Aus. 20. 9ami California. Sept 3. 9 amCaledonia. Aug. 27. noon) Furnessia..S«-pt. 10. noon I

KrR-ST CABIN. J87.50 and tTi.SO.MECOND CABIN. St3end MM*.THIKD CLASS. $2R.73 and $30.

HENDERSON BROTHERS. 17-lt) Rroadway.


given, pursuant in Section 26«i4 of th« Ced»of Civil'Procedure, that the uiviersiained intendsto apply to the Surrogate of Niagara County forletter* of administration of th« <?ods. chattelsand credits of Mary C. Whattar, K»:-> of th« City

of Loekport Ntaaat County. N. Y. decea»-d.and for a decree of said Surrogate .-'.xsng the p«n-alt) of his official bond as such administratoraiisum not exceeding twice the amount at -!a!-.n»

ucainst the estate of said deceased presented : >

said !*urr©g»te pursuant to this n.>ti.-^ and allpersons having claims or itemands against saiilMary ,• VTbmt&tr, Je»:ea«e<l. are hereby notlfleito exhibit the same, \u25a0\u25a0".". the vouchers Hon. Charles Hickey. Surroirat* of Niagara.County at th* Surroisate's Ofnce in the City ofi,<x-k.port in said County, on or befora •--. 10t!»day of September. 1910.

["»,,. iIikpori N. V . August !*th, 191(>.

ritEPBKIC R. v hkftt,?:r.


*Abner C Thomas, ft Surroeate of the Countyof New .York, notice la hereby sriven to all per-

sons having claims against James R. Plum,

late of the Dorwush of Manhattan, City of. NewTork deceased, to present th« same, withvoucher* thereof, to tho subscribers at tlwirPlace of transacting business, at th* office, ort>ani«?l Mason, their attorney. No "5 WilliamStreet, in th« Borough of Manhattan. City »CHew York, on or before th» nrs: «Jay of Oc-tober next.

Dated New V -rk. the 9th .My of March. 1910 lOEOKOB W. PLUM. IEl

_llfiriCAROLINE T. NASON. ? Exacutors.

DANIEL. MASON. At: ro«y for Executors. 65William Street. Eorou«r!i of Manhattan. City

nf New York.-

LAPSIJTI DAVID—IN PURSUANCE OF A.vorder of fl n Abaer C. Thomas, a Surro^nts of

the County of New York, notice Is hereby *iv«nto all persons having claims against David]_ii'-l'-v. lat« of the County of New York, de-ceased, to present the same with vouchers thereofto the subscribers it their place of transacting

business at the. office of Wallace.. Butlsr &Brown, No .">4 Wall Street. Borough Of Manhat-tan. In The City of New York, on or before th»"•Uh iy of AuKiwt nest.

Dated New York, the 11th i!sv of February.1010 AKTIlimH. I.aP.-I-KT.


W\t.I.ACE. PI.'TLBR & BROWN. Attorneys forExecutors. M Wall ?treet. Boroush or Man-hatfan. X»w York City.



(7^ITK^~ STATES KNOINPER OFFICeTRoom 3f>y. Custom Hou*e. Bttltlnsere, M.

\\ig IT. 1010 Sealed proposals fo» tre.lging in

Southwest Kuitn.-

I\u25a0\u25a01 \u25a0\u25a0 Harbor and Curtis Bay

Cannel. Md will be received at this off!c<>until Io'clock P. M.. Sept. -'\u25a0 '\u25a0•!'\u25a0 •'\u25a0 1 therxnubllclv (^prned. Information on application.THOd. I*CASEY. Colonel Engineer*.

Electric Lightand JanitorService



Absolutely SafeFast-Running

ELEVATORS(Plunger Type)

The Centre ofTransit for the



"L" Stations

Entrance to

Brooklyn Bridge


Allwithin a Step


—Tnitfd States Trust Company '\u25a0(

New York, plaintiff, against Anna K. Danieland oth-ers. defendants. —In pursuance of aJudgment of foreclosure and sale, duly madeand filtered In th«» aho\i- entitled action andbearing date the 13th day of June. 1910 Ith* und*Tslenf»d, the refer** In said lu<lk-went namPd, will sell at public auction, atthe New York Real Estate Salesrooms, Vc»ey Street, in the Borough of Man-

;hattan. City of New York, on the Bth day ofSeptember. ll»10. Nt TJ o'clock noon on thatiday, by Danifl Or*"»rnvnld. auctioneer, thepremises directed by said Judgment to bosold, and therein described as follows:

All that certain lot. piece or parcel of land,with the buildings and improvements thereonerected, situate, lylnjr and being In the. Cityof Now York, and bounded and described asfollows, vi«.:BeKinninir at a point on the south-erly Bide of S2nd Street distant three hundredand five (80r>) feet westerly from the cornerformed by the intersection of the said south-erly Bide of 82nd Street with the westerly sideof Columbus (formerly Ninth) Avenue; thencorunning southerly parallel with the said west-erly side of Columbus Avenue and part ofthe way through a "party wall one hundredand i"wo (102) feet two (2) Inches to Utacentre line of the block between Slst and S2ndStreets; thence westerly along- said centre linoof the Mock twenty (20 > feet: thence north-erly aßßiii- parallel with the said westerly sidoof Columbus Avenue one, hundred and two(102) feet two (2) Inches to the Bale] south-erly side of N2nd Street and thence easterlyalong the said southerly side of 82nd Streettwenty (20) feet to the point or place of be-ginning. Said premises belnjr now known bythe. street number 128 West 82d Street, inth<- Borough of Manhattan of said City.

Subject to covenants and restrictions con-tained in instruments dated the. Ist day ofMay, lfW>. and recorded in the New YorkCounty rjeclßt<r's office on the 25th day ofJanuary. I**so, in t,lber lO7S of Conveyances,peire 412.

Dated, New York, A«gn« 3rd. 1910.ALEXANDER BROUGH, Referee.

STKWART & SHEARER. Attorneys forPlaintiff, Office and Post Office Addrepsif. Wall Street, Bomueli of Manhattan, City

of New YorkThe following is a djnfrram of the property

to be Bold: Its street No. 1« 128 West HindStreet. ': •; \u25a0'

2< R2nd Street. [A. -<» ;-• 303 Ii

s H iiF K-i^ I!I go |


22Centre line of block.


1guafj:» to play baseballVSs?.** in1* -̂

**t prevails aanong fipanleh

ti*i!*'trE.r*'s '.• greater New York as to

>:i-*'"ICOm'ik ole baseball gam* betweenan Camp No- ] and Old Guar<l

3^' «C- :.:« to l*> held to-morrow after-I^*Jfrihr*-. * Park, Jackson avenue,

V^^1 Cong Isian<l. upon the occasion*«Ir-''^* <iua];i annual o-.ulng. General

B jj^'D- Grant, v. S. a and Major V.

t*ta3'^' Regiment Eneineere, ha%eua-!u a-! to umpire. In ttdd'.tion to the

tsv,^*1a tf.: ol athletic games, in which*flut^nt local regimental athletes

*<i,MH take place. , _„

SKTEAL LEAGUE BIG PROFITSfi»uth BtA. Ind., Aug. IS.—Six Central'i--

cl'^bs will this year realiza from;*\u25a0 \u25a0'•nr*i;o tS.C'JO from the sale of players tos* class ofpanizatlons. Of this

•\u25a0"WOt South Bend has aiiv-ariy receivedfrom Pittsburs for McCarthy, a

fc '\u25a0* \u25a0';- and Carey, an outSclder.*$ South Bend. Dayton has the

"•? Profltiijle aggregation, having dls-::'X<* of ilanin, a catcher, to PiTteburK

j*Or IUI and Starke, a s'jortstop. toj^klynror J2,oi>o. Terr" Heait* has sold

l£5?? and Alberts. Pitchers, to the St.XaUonals for $1,000 <-^eh. and •*-another thousand foe Wheeler, an

;£^!<i«3-. who has jr>ir/^ Cincinnati."•

\u25a0£i)u'"? is ex?»ect<»<J• Pomm<rlot, a

.~T£a*vi!}e he* sold CoMSn?aon. a pitcher.for H250. and Millget the draft

f**Jor La Jun^, an ot/rneld^r.

ETCHES A RECORD GAME.a~'*«aport, lOV3. Auti. is.—Falser, a

rf*of the I^vibuqvip team of the Thrf^

ljJ**!fcJ -• -\u25a0 'r>-^a> did not allow*'^'6Bd W not 1--la Davenport player

i*^-**lbase in tr^ nine innings played."**'-;. has b»>Fn accomplished only a fewI. **\u25a0 : lably by '.~y YounK. pitching for

-\u25a0"oii in \u25a0\u25a0 ar^inst Philadelphia, andACdie Joss, pluming for Cleveland

Chicago in 1908. The uick wasl*wned by Galvin, of St. Louis, in"

&««>Jt in Ml It was dupli-

I^* •>:• L<» mond. of Worcester.

J^at Clevciart5 in jß6BijB6Bi an'i by Ward, of"-> aija:rs- Buffalo In the same



UK'S. Long Island SoundHfiRWIPH IINri' On Mondays Str CHESTERnunniun Lint. w chapin iV«, Pier 40,

N. X.. ft Clarltson at.. 10:00 A. M.; ft. of Easti:2d St., 10:45 A. M. for New London, connect-ing there for Stonlnjiton. Norwich. Narragan-eett Pier. Providence. Boston, &c. For NewHaven unO Bridgeport Una Service see regularadvertisement. FoUler on request.

City Ticket Agent. 171 Broadway. NTNT Y.


Via Wong Island R. tL Special Expresa Trainto Montauk. thence, by »teamw ".Shinne-cork" i"Block Island. For full particulars

per. Friday evanlng't .me. Saturday's papers.

""m™1!^..1^ 1Sir. -husaninri'- leaves VWr

UP THE*"':H. (bet. Hanover Sq. «"

Ho. Ffrry). SaturiiavM atl:"0: .list St.. E. R., 1:20 P.avunu M. R9t;( jnßjnB x, V 1(:«5 1' M

C .|lff ft Sundays leaves Put H. 0:80;dBaCIITi « njBt Ht.. !':P"> A. M. net. duer>t._v.M»J N V. N:3<> P. M.Gionwood

"•»ton. m,].'*''"•''•

TVP£WRIT>NG AND TYPEV.'RITEHs"IVICTOR VISIBLE. "» Nassau St.: catalogueI free all wakes taken part payment: bargains

'in Uuiei woods, Uemlnfitonn. Olivers. Smiths.

Magnificent S. P."*raolc"BfJ| a/)IMC*l\ave» Fe»-ho^ *

Pn.-hanting days. Stop- overH nRIFNTprivileges. •"* hlrrh class ». mos UnlbllliItouiul World Tours O-t- and «*\u25a0»§\u25a0<•%\u25a0"


—Oct. 2S. Nov.

*and 1!>

—Nearly 7

Months. No mor« WITH Kxiepiional

than 15 members ww»»»* interesting |111 "frank C. CLARK Time, ,«• u;r' :


Sir "Fhinnecoclt" of Montauk Steamboat Co.'sIIMleavtß N. 1.. New Pier B\ K. R. Tuc*. andThuis. 5:30 P. M. S'ats. 1 M P. M.

BERMUDA TOURS«i.l>a>-8. covering all expenses


FRAXK TOURIST CO.. •"• Broailway, .V. Y.—~~•TRAVKI."FREE

TJooklet of 200 tour* mailed on request.Marster* Tuura, 31 West 30th St.. N. T.

\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;•* \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'aMßHMaMkii^i

flltt,Street.Th« «pproxlmaie amount of the ]len or

charats, to satisfy which the above describedproperty in to be Bold, la $19,472. l«, with in-terest th<reon from the 22nd day Of April.l!>10, together with costs and allowance•.mounting to $8.">3.3:i. together with the mx-penses of th« sale. The approximate amountor the tax*», assessments and water rates, orother Hens to, be allowed to the purchaser outof th« purchase money, or paid by the, referee,ii$1,204.01 and Intei-eat. .

Dated, New York. August 3rd. 1910.ALEXANDER BKOUOH, Referee.


IEXCURSIONSLake Hopatcong. $1.00

EVERY SUNDAY and EVEKV FRIDAYLv \V 23d St. •Sunday s .-.:, A. M.. Frl-davs 6-20 A M: '<v

-Üb«t> St. Sunday*

0:00 A. M.. Fridays 9:30 a. M.

Mauch Chunk. $1.50\f,i guiulay, Auirnst Slat,

i,- w 4M R| 8 20: IJhertv St. 8:30 A.M.




ILrN V..Pl»r 81,N.R..f<v>t W. 421S?.,w»ck<lmys8.S0' \u25a0

9 35.1(1 30 A.M..12.J0. 1.30. «5 J5. 7 45 P M. BSun. 9.00, 10.00 A. M., 1.00, 3.30, 7.45. 10.40 lEj-tHLone Branch only) P. M. \tLv N. V P»«r 10. N.R.. loot Crdar St., w-ek -!iv<B915 10 00 1100 A.M.. 100. 2.00. •? 45. \u25a08 :o'P M S»in. 9 30. 10.30 A. M..1.30. 4.00. 8.10. lii;HIX Longßi-onlylP.M.*Wlilnrt runJuly *aad Scpt-5. g


Rour;-trip tin

to"tUntic^isrbUads^ ,eST!

"eW J

iiteiillrhe Most

Charming Short SraTrip on the Atlantic Coast.

Special $"3? OOExcursions *\u25a0 w

The Maine Steamship Company sell at

their Pier 20. East River. Ticket officeOnly Ten-Day non-transferrable Excur-sion Tickets from New York to PortlandMaine. and return for 57.00. Tickets^ soldand accommodations assigned for the»o

excursions only or. day of sailIns \Monday. 1" A. M-. Ju

"rta^Thursday and Saturday. •» P- M.. from

I%sOIS&3S& a^d M^kVh STAB,

nina deiiluttv»booklet \u25a0"-"' "\u25a0' r«qo««.MAINES.S. < O- 2»» BKOAPUAY. N. Y.

'ic^SßiE^^mil•MAIDFV Steamers '•\u25a0**« Pier 43.

SMITH-S* II>O >• R.. ft. ChrtstoDnor St..

•CATSKIIJU West '-3th St. 7:00 P. M

."then* Saturday Special. 1prosto< kport «r 43 and 1.30 P. M.rflT«\rK!T! il«r 43 ana l-«01. •»•

•Saturday special atamp for booklet giving

laixls only at Resorts of Catakill He-points marked *\u25a0 gior.n. 'Phone l'»s Spring




AROUND THE WORLD. Two Grand Cruises of about

three and one-half months dura- j

tion each. "Around the World,"the first to leave New York Nov.1, 1311, and the second from SanFrancfsco Feb. 17, 1912, by thelarge transatlantic steamer

"Cleveland." Rate..? from $650 up.! ALSO CRUISES TO WEST

INDIES, ORIENT AND SOUTHAMERICA.Villa for itinerary of both cruises, j

a— <innniiti-AMEKiov i.

LeaDOH-PABIS-HAB3U3G•Cincinnati >.•,;» 20. 10{Pennsylvania Aug. 31. 3 ¥ M.fKalserin An*. Vie. .Sept. 3. 10 A. M.Bliiechrr Sept. T. IP. Sl-

\u25a0i 'a«xreil*d Kitz-Carlton a la CarteRestaurant. Gymnasium, Elec. Bath*.Elevator. Palm Garden. *Harar.u-»direct. 'Entire accommodations re-served for second cabin only.GUISALTAK.NAPLES AND GENOAS. S. MOI.TKE August SO. 2P. M.>. s. iiami;i sept. so. to a. m.

In November Th- new 17.000 tonS. S. Cleveland and Cincinnati willenter tho MefJiterraneen service.

TRAVKI.LERS1 CHECKS ISSUED.Tourist I"-;.' for Trips Everywhere.

Guide and Travel Cook 3on Sale.INK. II 1.1 P.rmilnir -V 1- VHB>n

Central Hudson Line
