Upstr A1plus Bulg Test 01


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7/29/2019 Upstr A1plus Bulg Test 01 1/8

TEST 1 (Module 1)

NAME: …………………………………………………………….……. DATE: ……………………

CLASS: …………………………………………………………….……. MARK:  ______ 



A Directions: You will hear a conversation twice. Before you listen to the

recording, read the questions below. As you listen to the recording for the first

time, look at the questions, but DO NOT take any notes! As you listen to the

recording for the second time, you are allowed to circle the letter of the correct

answer (A, B or C).

1 Natalie is …

A new to the school.

B Mark’s best friend.

C from Greece.

2 Jessica is from …

A the UK.

B the USA.

C France.

3 Natalie and Jessica are …A thirteen.

B twelve.

C eleven.

4 Natalie has got …

A two favourite sports.

B two favourite subjects.

C two friends at the school.

5 Jessica’s favourite subject is …

A Maths.

B Music.

C Science.

B Directions: You will hear a conversation twice. Before you listen to the

recording, read the statements below. As you listen to the recording for the first

time, look at the statements, but DO NOT take any notes! As you listen to the

recording for the second time, you are allowed to mark the statements as T  

(True), F  (False) or NI  (No information in the text).

6 Lucy wants to buy a present. .............

7 Lucy likes the mug. .............

8 The mug is $7.00. .............

9 Lucy likes a red cap. .............

10 The cap and mug cost $12.00. .............

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C Directions: Read the text below. Then, read the statements that follow it and

mark them as T  (True), F  (False) or NI  (No information in the text).

11 Mr Fantastic is good at science. ..............

12 He is very strong. ..............

13 Mr Fantastic and Doctor Doom are friends. ..............

14 Mr Fantastic has got a child. ..............

15 Doctor Doom protects the world. ..............

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Mr Fantastic

Mr Fantastic is a superhero and the leader of the Fantastic Four. He’s an amazing scientist.

He’s tall and thin with brown eyes and brown hair.

Mr Fantastic can do amazing things. He can change his body into different shapes. He can

make his body very long and thin like a piece of paper. Mr Fantastic has got an enemy. His

name is Doctor Doom and he’s very strong and very bad!

Mr Fantastic has got a wife called Susan Storm and a son, Franklin. Susan Storm is also amember of the Fantastic Four. She can make herself invisible and then her enemies can’t see

her! Together, Mr Fantastic and Susan Storm help protect the world from Doctor Doom and

other bad people.

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TEST 1 (Module 1)

D Directions: Read the text below. Then, read the questions that follow it and

circle the letter of the correct answer (A, B or C).

16 Children start school when they are …

A four.

B eight.

C eleven.

17 Children who are 13 go to …

A primary school.B secondary school.

C college.

18 In secondary school, everyone learns …

A History.

B Maths.

C  Art.

19 Children go to college for …

A two years.

B three years.

C one year.

20 When they are sixteen, some children …

A study other languages.B stop going to school.

C go to university.

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At School in the UK

In the UK, children go to school from the age of four. In primary school, children do lots of 

subjects. Children go to primary school for eight years. They leave when they are eleven years

old. Secondary school is for children who are eleven to sixteen years old. Children do many

subjects in secondary school like History, Geography and Art. All children have to learn Maths,

English and Science. Some children go to college for two years after secondary school but

some children leave school when they are sixteen. Children can go to university for three years

when they are eighteen to study their favourite subject.

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TEST 1 (Module 1)

Use of English

E Directions: Circle the answer (A, B or C) which best completes the meaning of 

each sentence.

21 Lisa loves sports so …. is her favourite


A Information Technology

B Physical Education

C Design and Technology

22 My friend Oliver is …. .

A Scot

B Scotland

C Scottish

23  Alex has got very …. feet.

A tall

B big

C long

24 Canberra is the …. city of Australia.

A capital

B official

C special

25 My brother can’t …. a car.

A drive

B ride

C climb

26 This is my friend Marika and she’s …. .

A Turks

B Turkey

C Turkish

27 Twilight is a …. film. I love it!

A brilliant

B strong

C bad

28 Has your father got fair …?

A beard

B moustache

C hair 

29 This gold ring has got …. on it.

A diamonds

B straps

C laces

30 The US flag has got stars and … .

A characters

B patterns

C stripes

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TEST 1 (Module 1)

F Directions: Read the text and for each gap circle the letter (A, B or C) of the word

that best suits each space.

31 A Portuguese B Portugal C Portugalese

32 A age B old C young

33 A singers B students C subjects

34 A Biology B  Art C English

35 A short B plump C thin

36 A arms B face C knees

37 A run B dive C spin

38 A comic B video C digital

39 A helmet B cap C scarf 

40 A ankle B head C foot

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Hello David,

My name is Manuel Pinto and I’m 31) …… . I’m 14 years 32) …… .

I’m in middle school. My favourite 33) …… are History and Geography. I’m not good at

painting and drawing so I can’t say I like 34) …… very much! My favourite teacher is Mr 

Rodriguez. He’s very 35) …… – about 1.5 metres – but he’s nice and funny. He’s

always got a smile on his 36) …… . I also like sports. I can swim and play basketball. I

can even 37) …… a ball on my finger!

In my free time, I play 38) …… games or I ride my bike. I’ve also got a 39) …… to

protect my 40) …… when I’m on my bike! What about you?

Write back soon!


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G Directions: Circle the answer (A, B or C) which best completes the meaning of 

each sentence.

41 Lucy and Jane are sisters and ….. are from

the UK.

A them

B their 

C they

42 …… you got a guitar?

A Has

B  Are

C Have

43 Helen is ….. sister.

A  Anna and Kate’sB  Anna’s and Kate

C  Anna’s and Kate’s

44 …… Ben and Bill friends?

A Is

B  Are

C  Am

45 …… is your house?

A Where

B WhoC What

46 Shrek’s ….. are very big.

A tooths

B teeth

C toothes

47 Look at …… dog over there!

A this

B those

C that

48 Emma ….. got a skateboard.

A isn’t

B hasn’tC haven't

49 The ….. bags are blue.

A childrens’

B children’s

C childrens

50 Is this ……. car?

A him

B he

C his

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H Directions: Read the text and for each gap circle the letter (A, B or C) of the word

that best suits each space.

51 A I B me C my

52 A is B have C has

53 A She B Her  C She’s

54 A can B is C can’t

55 A is B are C has

56 A babys B baby’s C babies

57 A boy B boys’ C boys’s

58 A aren’t B can’t C haven't59 A they B them C their 

60 A What B Who C What’s

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Hi Susan,

Let me tell you about my best friend, Anna. She’s 14, like 51) ………, and we are classmates

too. Anna 52) ……… got short brown hair and beautiful green eyes. 53) ……. favourite sport

is athletics. She 54) ……. run fast but she can’t jump very high. Tom and Alex 55) …….

 Anna’s twin brothers. They are still 56) ……. and they love playing with their stuffed toys. The

57) ……. favourite toy is a brown teddy bear. They 58) ……. talk yet, but they make funny

sounds! They have got beautiful eyes, like 59) ……. sister!

 And you? 60) ……. is your best friend? Write back and tell me!


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I Directions: Write an email to your new pen-friend Nick in England about a

collection you have got. (50-60 words) Write:

• your name

• how old you are

• where you are from

• what collection you have got

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