Update on Hepatitis C Infection · Lifetime risk of cirrhosis is 20-25%; risk of liver disease...


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Update on Hepatitis C

Sally Williams MD

Hepatitis C – Magnitude of the Infection

Probably 8 to 10 million people in the U.S. are infected with Hep C

30,000 new cases are diagnosed annually; most were acquired years ago

New infections are at 10-20,000 a year, most in young IV drug users

Liver disease is 10th leading cause of death in U.S., most are Hep C positive This should change with new medications

Hepatitis C Around the World

Risk Factors for the Acquisition of Hepatitis C

IV drug use by far the most common

Blood product transfusion prior to 1992

10% risk in early 80s with single transfusion

Tattoos likely if done in unlicensed setting

Male-female sex transmission almost zero; condoms not recommended

Male-male sex is high risk

Who should be tested for Hep C?

Any history of IVDU (even once!) Even with “no shared needles”

Blood or blood product transfusion from about 1965 to 1992

Hemodialysis patients

Anyone with elevated transaminases, even in the absence of risk factors

Gay men and HIV+ persons

100% of people freak out after their Hep C diagnosis

Natural History of Hepatitis C Infection

About 70% of persons will be chronic carriers of Hep C (+ viral load)

30% of persons will eliminate the virus in the year after infection and will be immune

They will be antibody + but RNA negative

Presence of Hep C RNA (viral load) determines the diagnosis of active infection

Natural History of Progression of Hepatitis C

Not that bad for most people!

Lifetime risk of cirrhosis is 20-25%; risk of liver disease death or liver cancer is 5%

Heavy alcohol use increases risks

Average time to cirrhosis is 30-40 years. Hep C is NEVER an emergency

Everything has changed with new medications, expect almost no deaths in future

Living with Hepatitis C

The vast majority of patients are asymptomatic

50% or more have clinical depression Complaints of fatigue are common and usually

related to depression

Rare patients have arthritis, vasculitis or renal disease; Type II diabetes is common

There is a strong correlation with fibromyalgia. Also, RA test often false + with Hep C. True arthritis is rare.

Markers of Hep C disease

There is NO correlation between a patient’s symptoms, transaminase levels, Hepatitis C viral load, and the stage of liver disease found on biopsy

Many persons even with cirrhosis have no symptoms

Average viral load is 2-5 million, higher has no worse prognosis.

Stages of Liver Disease



Compensated cirrhosis (normal albumin and bilirubin)

Decompensated cirrhosis (liver failure)

Cirrhosis is stage 4, anything else is fibrosis

Tests Utilized with Hepatitis C Infection

Transaminases – do NOT correlate with stage of disease unless always normal

Hep C RNA – presence confirms active disease, amount usually not important

Hep C genotype – determines what meds will be used for treatment

Liver biopsy – determines stage of disease and need for treatment. Used less now, fibrosure blood test often used.

Therapy for Hepatitis C

Goals of treatment:

Eradicate virus permanently (cure)

Slow progression, stabilize disease, and decrease risk for hepatocellular cancer

Improve symptoms for rare persons with vasculitis and glomerulonephritis Treatment rarely improves joint pain or fatigue


Therapy for Hepatitis C

It’s all new. Previous treatment involved interferon shots and ribavirin for 6-12 mos

New treatments are all oral, short courses New medications are targeted at genotype 1

which represents about 75% of patients New meds have minimal side effects and very

high cure rates Genotype 3 cirrhotics are now the most

difficult to treat group

Responses to Treatment

Transaminase response: expect enzymes to normalize during treatment

Virologic response: expect negative or very low Hep C RNA during treatment

**Sustained response: persistent eradication of Hep C RNA 3 months after end of tx

Biopsy response: improvement in histology after treatment (research only)

History of Hep C Treatments

1991 Alfa interferon daily

1996 3x/wk interferon 1998 ribavirin added

2001 Once weekly peg-interferon with ribavirin

2011 Telaprevir and boceprevir approved for use with peg and ribavirin for genotype 1

2013 Sofosbuvir and simeprevir approved

2014 Harvoni and Viekira approved

The breakthroughs

The new meds

New oral meds for Hep C 2013

Sofosbuvir (Sovaldi) NS5B polymerase inhibitor To be used with peginterferon for genotype 1, 12

week treatment, 90% cure For genotype 2: 12 weeks with ribavirin, 93% cure For genotype 3: 24 weeks with ribavirin, 84% cure

Simeprevir (Olysio) NS3/4a protease inhib Almost always used with sofosbuvir for patients

with cirrhosis, cure rates variable Both are priced at $1000 a pill

New Medications 2014

Sofosbuvir/ledipasvir (Harvoni) (Gilead) Approved for genotype 1 only, cost $1200 a pill

Treatment course: 1 a day for 8 weeks if not cirrhotic, 12 weeks for cirrhosis, high viral load or previously treated with interferon

Very minimal side effects, cure rates 90-95% even with cirrhosis if treatment naive

Ribavirin often added for treatment experienced cirrhotics (increased cure 86% to 96%)

New Medications 2014

VieKira pack (AbbVie) A combination of 4 drugs: ritonavir + NS3/4a

protease+ NS5a protease+CY3PA inhibitor

BID dosing for 12 weeks, 4 pills a day for 1b

Approved for geno 1 only, cure rates similar to Harvoni but many more pills

If pt has geno 1a OR 1b with cirrhosis then ribavirin bid must be added to the regimen

Cost is $1000 a day for 12 weeks

Treatment issues

Because of cost, currently insurance is only treating patients with stage 3 fibrosis or more

Abbvie drug company has negotiated an exclusive contract with Express scripts for their 25 million members. Appears cost of drug will be about $60,000

Only Viekira will be covered, not Harvoni, except for advanced cirrhosis

Abbvie is promising “treatment for all”, remains to be seen

Medicaid has had to carve out cost of drugs

The future of Hep C treatment

Hopefully prices will drop and all with stage 2 or more will be able to get treatment

No progress for the genotype 2 or 3 market. Geno 3 cirrhotics now have almost no treatment options

Treatment will become so easy that all primary care providers will be prescribing meds

We now can guarantee patients they will never reach cirrhosis or have complications

The new influx of young heroin IVDUs could stress the treatment system

Don’t forget to test for Hepatitis A and B!