Up scaling Chicken-Fish integrated farming project for


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Up scaling Chicken-Fish integrated farming

project for Food Security and Rural livelihood

Enhancement, Seka district, Jimma

Learning Event Workshop

1st of July, 2016

Nazra Hotel, Addis Ababa


Background of Jimma university

Jimma university is a public organization

geared to ward human resource development plan of the


It has a mandate of community service

as research & development undertaking in addition to its

educational role

The JU has very clear goal

in releasing or adopting technologies that can help the small

holder farmers to alleviate poverty


Project type: Matching grant fund

Financer (Euro)

ICCO-Cooperation contribution: 40052.70

Own contribution: 40033.36

Out growers contribution: 17777.97

Project total Budget: 80066.72

Project duration: 1 year period

Project location: Jimma zone, OMONADA district, Ethiopia

Background of previous FSRE projects


Why Integrated farming?

Integrating chicken farming system with fish farming system can

accommodate the demand for food

utilization of limited resources

conservation of environment

reduction of investment risk through diversification

diversification of family food source

increment of employment opportunities

productivity and sustainability

Background of previous FSRE projects


Geographical Site Significance

Jimma is among geographically well-known

potential area in the west Ethiopia where

the natural resources are relatively intact

It is known for chronic malnutrition and relatedchallengesThe project was initiated to demonstrate and transform the socioeconomic condition of

the small scale farmers in Gilgel Gibe belt

by filling the gaps in food and nutrition security in the

project area and the zone at large.

Background of previous FSRE projects



Achievements of the project

Output1: On site establishment of the

integrated farm as

demonstration site for


Background of previous FSRE projects


Background of previous FSRE projects


Output2: on farm establishment of

the integrated farming for

60 farmers.

Supply 200 fingerlings and 40

pullets to each farmer had been


Background of previous FSRE projects


Background of previous FSRE projects


Background of previous FSRE projects


Achievements of the project

Output 3: Market access improved

60 fish and egg producer farmers skilled to provide their products directly to potential customer (café, restaurant, hotel, institutional consumer) in Jimma, omo nada and Hassendabo towns

Output 4: Capacity of stakeholders strengthened

6 water pumps distributed

All farmers trained about integrated farm construction and management, poultry feed formulation, their business cost benefit assessment, market linkage(how to create market for surplus products)

Background of previous FSRE projects


Achievements of the project (Outcomes)

all HH had started gaining income from egg and fish sales ,

5 farmers had been supplying the others ( with fingerling sale at price of 5 birr/ fingering)

All farmers had gained know how, on cost benefit assessment of their business,

feed formulation to poultry breeds to assure sustainability,

The potential for restocking the poultry replacement by brooding

dietary significance of the animal protein

Background of previous FSRE projects


Achievements of the project


2 family members from each

beneficiary HHs permanently job


All HH had started using the

products for home consumption

Background of previous FSRE projects


Background of previous FSRE projects


Background of previous FSRE projects


Cost- benefit Analysis

A. Chicken production (layers)

I. Input cost

II. Out put


Fixed Items Cost/year

Poultry house 500

Feederer and waterer 100

Chicken 1920

Variable Items

Feed cost (13 quintal/year) 11700

Labour 5400

Total annual cost 19620

No Hen Average egg/year One egg price Annual return

1 250 3 750

40 10000 3 30,000

Profit /year Annual return-Total annual cost



Cost- benefit AnalysisA. Chicken production (layers)

I. Input cost

II. Out put

III.Total profit = profit from egg +profit from fish

= 10380+7500

= 17,880


Fixed Items Cost/year

Pond construction 1500

Fish fingerling purchase 1000

Total annual cost 2500

No fish Average kg/year One kg price Annual return

2 2kg 50 100

400 200kg 50 10000

Profit /yearAnnual return-Total annual cost =10,000-2500 =7500

Background of previous FSRE projects

Challenges of the project

The college had encountered

50% losses of pullet from outbreak of disease in the hatchery

house, that contributed to limit the number of pullet distributed

in phase I

The price of concentrate supplement for grower birds

were to high from companies that

forced as to propose an alternatives strategies for



Background of previous FSRE projects

Lesson learned

‘‘prevention is better than control’’ especially for poultry


The college had encountered

50% losses of pullet from outbreak of disease in the hatchery

house, that contributed to limit the number of pullet distributed

in phase I

Hatchery ponds in JUCAVM chicken –fish integrated

farm should be constructed and started the construction


The main purpose of the up scaling

The project focuses on scaling up of tested model of

chicken-fish integrated farming for

additional smallholder farmers in Seka chekorsa


It has two main components:

Expanding the successful chicken-fish integrated

farming for 60 potential rural farmers in Seka district

Strengthening the capacity of all stakeholders

Description of the up scaling project



Key partners for implementing the project 1.FSRE/ICCO cooperation

2.Jimma Zonal Livestock and fishery resources bureau

3.Sabata and zeway Agricultural research centres

4.Seka chekorsa Livestock and fish resources office

5.Fish-egg producers Farmers Cooperatives of omo

nada district


Description of the up scaling project


The overall targets of the project

Is to expand the proven chicken –fish integrated farming

experience at Omonada district to potential rural farmers

in the Seka new project area: thus

1. ensuring diversification of livelihoods

2. improved nutritional status

3. increased income-generating capacity of the

smallholder farmers

4. Creation of new job opportunities

Description of the up scaling project


Milestone activities in brief

Stakeholder workshop will be carried out

Integrated fish- chicken farm will be established at the

binging of the project period.

Improvement of market access;

Finally, the integrated chicken-fish farming will be

further expanded to trained model farmers from adjacent


Description of the up scaling project


Fingerling supply to the new beneficiaries

Knowledge and experience sharing through farmers field


Similarity of the two project high but, it is extrapolation

of the proven model and its experience in omo nada to

Seka beneficiary

NB: New Dimension of the up scaling project is the

intensive use of farmers to farmers skill of nada

experience sharing platform to ensure fast

implementation within 5 months time.

Previous and current FSRE Projects link



Disease outbreak among the crossbred poultry birds being


The safety issue around ponds to safe grand the children

and animals

Mitigation strategies

Vaccination at day old stages

Construction of fences around the ponds

Risks and Mitigation Strategies


The use of natural brooding for incubation of eggs and presence of

hay box brooder in JUCAVM is promising strategy to get

replacement stock.

The training and skill attained by the farmers were assumed to

solved feed shortage home made feed formulation from available

crop resources

The Bureau of agriculture as implementing agencies and

capacitated expertise will take over the follow up role to ensure the

project continuity and scale up to other farming community

Farmers to farmers /knowledge sharing or training will ensure the

continuity of the project

Sustainability of the up-scaling project


Medication of the crossbred birds

Supply of day old chicks and hay box brooder

Networking of the producers to market (consumers)

through restructuring

Credit service to poultry pullet if commercial farming is

to be adopted by certain segment of the beneficiaries.

Other required service and inputs


The project had involved 30% of the beneficiaries to be

women household because of

the very nature of the poultry keeping that requires the

female and youngster members of the household(enable to

income contribution, nutritional role to house hold etc) inline

with the existing culture.

Gender strategies


