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Evaluation of Creative Process

So this is my overall evaluation of the creative process so this is from pre-production to post-production to the finished product, the way I am going to word this is that the first paragraph is going to be mainly pre-production, the second is going to be about production and post production and the final paragraph is going to be the conclusion.

As we started to plan the advert, we had the idea from the beginning so we had no trouble planning which advert we wanted to do or arguing who did what as we all agreed to do what we were best at and luckily for us they were all different. Me, myself agreed to do the risk assessment and the photo diary and the others agreed to split the rest between each other so it was only two each to do and it was split evenly or It wouldn’t have been fair on any of us though if any of us wanted to do more work then they could as it was up to them.

Once the holidays came then it was time to start, then it was time to start production though unfortunately it was delayed for a week as I was unable to make the original date due to not being able to get there though the production was officially started a week later as I finally got there and had filming done, the filming in general only took no longer than an hour as they were pretty simple shots to film, so that was no problem to do for any of us and I enjoyed it as no one messed around and everyone was strict on getting it done with. Though post-production was the job of one of our team and not mine as he edited it at home and the finished product was as expected though for my full opinion you will have to check my actual evaluation of the advert itself.

I’d be lying if i said we never encounter problems, the main one was trying to get one of our group members to get his work finished as he mainly procrastinated and never really got his work done during the final stages though in the end we pushed him to do it and fortunately for us got it done with time to spare which was good, though overall it was a good topic to learn and managed to get alot out of it, I did really enjoy it.