University of West Florida Viewbook



A descriptive booklet highlighting the educational opportunities and experiences available at the UWF campus in Pensacola, FL.

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Quick Facts 01

U N I V E R S I T Y O f


Quick Facts 01UWF’s total student enrol lment is 10,500 — 40% men, 60% women, 23% minority; 89% Florida residents, 11% out-of-state, and 2% international.

Quick takEs Founded 1963 One of 11 Florida Public Universities

Located in Pensacola—Metro area of 400,000 plus

Emphasis on teaching—small class sizes, personal attention from faculty

The leading research institute for marine and terrestrial archaeology and headquarters of the Florida Public Archaeology Network

Winning academic student teams in advertising, business, computer programming, engineering, forensics, and logistics

1,600-acre campus and wildlife refuge

Focused on safety, with 24-hour police security

On-campus hiking and biking trails, canoeing, and kayaking

Nightlife in downtown Pensacola and Pensacola Beach

25 minutes from Florida’s most beautiful beaches

cREatE yOuR OWn ExpERiEncE at uWF.

ExpEct tO WORk haRD anD pLay haRD. ExpEct tO

shaRE knOWLEDgE. ExpEct tO LEavE inspiRED anD

REaDy tO ExcEL.

The degree you earn at UWf certifies that you will have developed the following marketable skills to take with you into your career, your family, your community, and your life.

A relevant body of knowledge in your chosen field

The ability to apply critical thinking—information analysis and synthesis, logic, and strategic decision making—to any problem

The capability to present ideas clearly and effectively in oral and written communication

An inherent professional integrity and a commitment to ethical standards

The experience to manage projects, large or small, in your chosen field and elsewhere

This is what we pledge to every student who desires to become a member of our communityof scholars in order to learn, achieve, and contribute. Ready to start your journey?

abOut uWF 01

EngagED, smaRtWith 49 degree programs and 110 specializations, uWF will prepare you to go into the world with marketable skills:

build robots survey shipwrecks research thin films analyze bones restore wetlands find missing links in local history write business plans manage PR campaigns (and so many more options you won’t be able to make up your mind)

accredited Excellence—uWF is accredited by the southern association of colleges and schools. many programs areaccredited by their respective association boards.

UWF is one of only a few institutions in the U.S. that offers a degree in marine biology at the undergraduate level. Dr. Wayne Bennett’s students are able to become immersed in the environment while they study, participating in oceano-graphic cruises in the Gulf of Mexico, studying reefs in the Florida Keys, and performing fieldwork in a variety of marine environments, including Costa Rica and Indonesia.

Faculty member Eileen Perrigo enjoys teaching her public relations class outside. She values the one-on-one relationship with her students and seeing their transformation from student to professional. Internships at such companies as Sony, Comedy Central, ABC’s The View, and DKNY add prestige to a UWF public relations degree.

02 acaDEmics UWF’s new School of Science and Engineering Bui lding, scheduled to open Spring 2010, wil l be home to the world’s largest 3-D wall.


schOLaR-ExpERtsUWF is home to 324 faculty members who are passionate about their fields of knowledge and ready to share their expertise. Our scholar-experts include: a Florida Professor of the Year; the most influential archaeologist in Florida; a forensic bone specialist who works with Northwest Florida crime labs; a marine biologist with research programs in Indonesia, Honduras, and Costa Rica; an expert and international lecturer in the field of power electronics; a recognized expert in the study of Autism; a national award-winning logistics and supply chain professor; and a prize-winning poet and National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellowship awardee.

stuDEnt achiEvEmEnt hEaDLinEs Logistics Team competes annually in national competition Public Relations class project wins Golden Image Award from Florida Public Relations Association Engineering unmanned aerial and submarine teams win awards in international competitions Computer Science students take first place in a national JAVA programming competition Theatre production competes at American College Theatre Festival Forensic Team earns national ranking

viRtuaL REaLityThe magnificent new four-story School of Science and Engineer-ing Building, scheduled to open spring 2010, is home to the Computer Science, Math, Physics, and Electrical and Computer Engineering departments and features a robotic tour guide and a

“holodeck” virtual reality classroom with 3-D simulation.

Lab, LibRaRy, anD spEciaL REsOuRcEsScience, engineering, psychology, exercise physiology, sports medicine, telecommunications, and other lab facilities are avail-able to all students. Library resources include 700,000 volumes, 6,000 current periodicals, 830,000 items in special collections, and access to statewide, regional, and national data banks. The university also operates 24 historic properties as a living-learning history laboratory in downtown Pensacola. At UWF, one of two institutions in Florida to earn the “All-Steinway” designation, music students practice and perform on Steinway pianos.

cOmputingThe main computer lab has 121 general-purpose workstations, plus others for e-mail, printing, group study, and accessibility. There are also more than 50 academic labs with 960 total work-stations across campus and a CyberLounge with 15 workstations. Other services include the campus community Web portal (Argus intranet), Internet, Web publishing, central file storage, ArgoAir wireless service, online course information, and the Help Desk.

RObOts, pLanEs, anD submaRinEsUWF student engineering teams work on projects such as the autonomous underwater drone; the aerial drone, also called the “Phoenix”; and a tour robot in the Autonomous Unmaned Systems Laboratory.

(From michael, grayson, ashley, amber, Jessica, sarah, David, and cole): Be yourself Make friends Live every moment like it’s your last Do everything

Volunteer out in the community and participate in free activities offered Get to know your teachers focus on small things; small things separate you from the pack

Don’t stress Don’t procrastinate; it’s hard to catch up Don’t be afraid to get off campus Make a schedule to manage your time Have fun, but don’t forget why you came...

acaDEmics 03UWF’s new School of Science and Engineering Bui lding, scheduled to open Spring 2010, wil l be home to the world’s largest 3-D wall.

FREsh aDvicE...

uWF hOnORsLivE anD LEaRn With

thE invitatiOnnew students with the following high school credentials are invited to apply for the Honors Program:

3.5 GPA or top 10 percent of your class 26 ACT or 1170 SAT

transfer students may apply by presenting these credentials:

A college GPA of 3.25 A letter of recommendation from a faculty member or the honors director of your former college or university

thE aDvantagEIn the Honors Program, students practice presentation skills, meet new people, and experience new places. The University Honors Program means more resources:

Honors scholarships and workstudy Honors classes—smaller (most limited to 15 students) and varied or experimental in content and structure (research projects, theses, directed studies, seminars) Honors seminar and social events Individualized instruction and personal attention Priority registration and a dedicated honors advisor Honors computer lab and lounge with TV and DVD Honors housing in Pace Hall

thE OppORtunityThe University Honors Program offers the opportunity of:

Leadership positions on the Honors Council

Serving as mentors to freshmen and transfer students

University Honors Research Program

Semester-long internships in Washington, D.C., in the student’s area of academic interest

Summer study-abroad experiences including Shakespeare’s plays in Italy; tropical ecosystems in Panama; maritime studies seminar in England; cultural exchange and historical research in Cuba; volunteer service and cultural exchange in Nepal; marine research in Indonesia, Honduras, and Australia; archaeology in Mexico; and technology in Japan

thE succEssThe University Honors Program is a pathway to success. Our students have made formal academic presentations at honors conferences across the country, presenting ideas and research. Infinite Wisdom, the honors newsletter, won first place in a national honors competition. UWF honors students also contribute more than 3,000 community service hours every year in such projects as:

Habitat for Humanity

Relay for Life

Beach clean-up

04 hOnORs UWF was named a “Best Southeastern College” by Princeton Review.

Quick Facts 01

uWF hOnORs








Honors students are dedicated to their studies but they also like to have fun! They engage in all sorts of social activities such as the above pictured Mafia Murder Mystery Dinner, Halloween party, spring formal, beach days, movie nights, dance parties, and much more! Still need some convincing? Visit

UWF was named a “Best Southeastern College” by Princeton Review.

sEREnity anD bEautyStudents who attend UWF agree that the natural beauty of its campus—1,600 woodland acres on a state wildlife refuge—is extraordinary. What better way to experience and appreciate the natural environment of this campus than to be right in the middle of it?

The campus woodlands, wetlands, creeks, and bayous provide miles of great nature trails for hiking and biking. Take some time to explore the board-walk over Thompson’s Bayou, part of our Wildlife Sanctuary. You might even catch a glimpse of the legendary alligator, Captain Thunder, on patrol.

If hiking or biking isn’t your thing, no worries, take out a free canoe or kayak. No experience is necessary to enjoy our natural campus setting, so come and try something new.

stuDEnts in actiOnThe Student Environmental Action Society (SEAS) is a special

interest group committed to educating students, businesses, and citizens on the importance of environmental awareness and natural resource conservation. This group and others sponsor projects including a recycling awareness program, beach clean-ups, and even renowned guest lecturers. For more information, visit

b.E.s.t. hOusEA model for building green, the UWF BEST (Build/Educate/ Sustain/Technology) House will serve as a demonstration home for energy-efficient, technologically-advanced, “green” home construction. The BEST House will enable UWF and Northwest Florida to become a centerpiece for cutting-edge research and new trends in the construction profession and industry. The house is being developed as a collaborative effort involving UWF Building Construction and Engineering Technology, as well as building and business partners who are committed to “green” construction.

gREEnit’s Easy bEing

06 EnviROnmEnt As a wildl i fe refuge, UWF is home to armadil los, birds, deer, foxes, rabbits, raccoons, and turt les. Learn more at l

OutDOOR aDvEntuREParticipate in training, trips, and tours on and off campus; no experience necessary.Camping Caving Climbing Kayaking Mountain Biking Paintballing RaftingRiver Canoeing Skiing Snowboarding Trail Running Tubing

REcREatiOnThinking about a fitness tune-up? get ready for action. The Health, Leisure, and Sports Facility serves the UWF community as a popular exercise and recreational meeting place.

Facility Features:

Fitness and Cardio Equipment Group Classes Indoor Courts36-foot Climbing Wall 1/8 Mile Indoor Track Massage Therapy Personal Trainers

aQuatic cEntERWorked up a sweat? The temperature in our Olympic-size pool is 81-84 degrees year round. Earn American Red Cross Lifeguard or SCubA certification. Join the Aquatic racing Club or Swim Club, take water aerobics classes, or compete in events like the UWF Challenge Biathlon Race.

intRamuRaL spORtsJoin fellow students, faculty and staff for competitive fun. Basketball Billiards Dodgeball Flag Football Floor Hockey Golf Racquetball Soccer Softball Table Tennis Volleyball

spORts cLubsWhatever your interest, we’ve got it.Ballroom Dance Cheerleading Climbing Cycling Disc Golf Fencing Fishing Handball Karate Paintball Racquetball Men’s Rugby Sailing Scuba Skateboard Soccer Surf Swim Table Tennis Water Ski Wrestling

univERsity paRkpicnic or enjoy a bonfire at the campus Oak grove. Throw a frisbee on the disc golf course. Or, play a basketball, tennis, sand volleyball, or racquetball game with some friends.

hikE, bikE, sWim, suRF...

kEEp mOving

it’s Easy bEing

REcREatiOn 07As a wildl i fe refuge, UWF is home to armadil los, birds, deer, foxes, rabbits, raccoons, and turt les. Learn more at l

cOmmunity it’s yOuR LiFE, yOuR spacE, yOuR

08 hOusing

REsiDEncE LiFEAt UWF, you are not required to live in campus housing, but we highly recommend it. Whatever may be happening on campus—live performances, music, movies, comedians, games, sports, or events such as Welcome Week, Exam Jam and Homecoming—you’re right in the middle of it all.

Our Housing and Residence Life staff are ready to assist you in making your new home an enjoyable environment that supports your academic pursuits. Resident Assistants (RAs) are full-time, trained staff who live on campus and supervise the housing com-munities. These dedicated student staff members are here to help you get involved, meet people, and make the best use of the campus resources available to you.

UWF’s housing offers opportunities to live close to students who share similar interests, including Honors (Pace Hall), Argos in Action, Global Living, Outdoor Experience, ROTC, Wellness Community, and First-Year Experience (Southside and Pace Hall). Consider your options and make yourself at home.

hOusing OptiOnssouthside Southside residence halls are nestled in the heart of the UWF campus. Each Southside hall has 16 rooms in four private foyers surrounding a private courtyard. Most rooms are double- occupancy, but there are a few singles.

traditional Residence hallsIn Argo, Martin, and pace Halls, you’ll find double-occupancy rooms, private bathrooms, study areas, TV and game rooms, and laundry facilities. Our newest hall is scheduled to open Fall 2010. Currently, each hall is home to between 180 and 300 students. Including all modern amenities and locked 24 hours a day for safety, Argo, Martin, and Pace Halls serve as your home-away-from-home.

university village student apartmentsThe university Village Student Apartment communities offer the privacy of individual bedrooms and the convenience of an on-campus location. These communities are primarily occupied by upper-division students and include all the modern comforts you’ll need. yes, there’s a pool. uVSA-West includes a washer and dryer in each apartment and uVSA-East has laundry facilities located in the clubhouse.

DetailsWant more information? A virtual tour, information, and contracts are available online at And, noyou can’t have cats or dogs but you can adopt a fish...

Whatever you are into, you’l l f ind many ways to serve. UWF students volunteer more than 57,000 community service hours each year.

campus LiFE anD stuDEnt activitiEsLearning goes on as much outside the classroom as inside here. You learn when you become involved in student government, Greek life, campus activities, sports, clubs, and volunteer service. As you get involved, you’ll make connections and find whole groups of fellow students who share your passions. UWF has more than 160 organizations, and every one of them would love to have you as a member.

greek Life15 national fraternities and sororities provide an active Greek life community on campus.

Just For FunBands Jazz Sessions Dance Parties Movies ConcertsComedians Tailgate Activities Unicycling

special timesWelcome Week Homecoming Exam Jam Fall FrenzyFestival on the Green

clubs and OrganizationsAfrican American Student Association The Artery (art club)Caribbean Student Association (CSA) Club Ad Exercise Club Honors Council Interfraternity Council Juggling ClubSigma Alpha Epsilon Society of Women EngineersStudent Environmental Action Society (SEAS) Unmanned Systems Club Voyager newspaper, and more.

vOLuntEER uWF!So many ways to serve. Habitat for Humanity Relay for Life Escambia Animal ShelterProject Green Shores Big Brother Big Sister United WayAlternative Spring Break Children’s Service Center

cuLtuRE anD musicJoin ceremonies, lectures, and workshops or take center stage.The Runge Strings Madrigal Singers UWF Singers Jazz band Jazz Vocal Ensemble Symphonic Band Musical Theatre Troupe Art exhibits Theatre productions

it’s yOuR LiFE, yOuR spacE, yOuR

intERnatiOnaL cEntERThe International Center is an ideal place to connect with different cultures. UWF students represent 49 states and 92 countries. Visit

One of the great perks of being a UWF student is free access to any event produced by the Art, Music or Theatre Departments within the Center for Fine & Performing Arts. With more than 70 different performances and five or six Art gallery exhibitions each school year, there is almost always something going on. Want to get involved? All three departments offer opportunities to display your artistic talent or to expand your horizons through classes—whether you are majoring in the arts or not. From working onstage or backstage in a play to being in the band or choir and even having your visual art displayed in the Annual Student Exhibition, there are plenty of ways to participate. For more information, visit

campus LiFE 09

aRgO spiRitaRgOnaut 101What’s an Argonaut? According to Greek legend, the mythic crew of the ship Argo under the leadership of Jason embarked on a long, perilous voyage to capture and bring home a golden fleece. These renowned heroes were called Argonauts. In 1967, the UWF student body selected the heroic Argonauts as their mascot, launching a voyage of excellence that continues to this day.

gO aRgOs!The Argonauts’ proud athletic tradition began in 1967. Since 1994, the Argos have competed in NCAA Division II, Gulf South Conference, capturing national championships in men’s golf and tennis as well as 50 conference championships. UWF’s tradition of scholar-athletes includes numerous Academic All-American and All-Academic Team honors, and several Argonauts have gone on to professional athletic careers.

catch thE spiRitShow your spirit at Argonaut games. Join a tailgate party before the Homecoming soccer games and fireworks after. Dress in your club jersey for “Rep Your Organization” night as you vie for the Argonaut Spirit Challenge. Wear white at the “White Out” bas-ketball game and break out black at volleyball’s “Black Out” match. Show off your beads at the Mardi Gras game. Game promotions include prizes and free food, and it’s all for the Argo fans.

tEams7 Women’s teams:

Basketball Cross Country Golf Soccer Softball Tennis Volleyball

6 men’s teams: Basketball Baseball Cross Country Golf Soccer Tennis

WE’RE tOugh, WE’RE hEROic, WE’vE gOt

10 athLEtics The constel lat ion Argo, once the largest in the Southern sky, was named for the Argonauts’ ship.

Quick Facts 01

aRgO spiRit

champiOnshipsncaa team national championships (4)

Men’s Golf (2001, 2008) Men’s Tennis (2004, 2005)

gulf south conference championships (50)

Baseball (1) Men’s Cross Country (2) Men’s Golf (9)

Men’s Soccer (6) Men’s Tennis (8) Softball (3)Women’s Soccer (5) runner-up in 2008 national championship

Volleyball (1) Women’s Cross Country (1)Women’s Tennis (10) including 2009Women’s Golf (4) the past four seasons












yOuR hOmE aWay FROm hOmE

DiD yOu knOW... Pensacola was once the capital of Florida?

Historic pensacola, the City of Five Flags, was first settled by Spanish explorer Don Tristan deLuna in 1559?

Santa Rosa Island, a barrier island protecting Pensacola from the Gulf of Mexico, is home to Pensacola Beach and the Gulf Islands National Seashore?

Pensacola is sometimes called the “Cradle of Naval Aviation”?

The Pensacola Naval Air Station, home of the “Blue Angels” navy flight demonstration team, was America’s first naval air base, established in 1914?

343 days of sunshine Average temperature of 75 degrees3.25 seasons—spring, summer, fall, and a few frosty nightsMetro area of 400,000 plus

sOmEthing FOR EvERyOnENightlife downtown and at the beach Fort Pickens The zooCoffeehouses Indoor and outdoor concerts for all types of musicProfessional and community theatre Shows at the SaengerArt museums and galleries Renaissance Faire Seafood Festival Restaurants and shops of all sorts Pelican Baseball

thERE’s nOthing ELsE LikE itAnnual Flora-Bama Mullet Toss Pensacola Beach Boardwalk McGuire’s St. Paddy’s Day 5K Run The Double Bridge Run Pensacola Marathon uSS Oriskany—world’s largest artificial reef Farmer’s Opry in Chumuckla The Beulah Sausage Festival Breakfast at the Coffee Cup Joe patti’s Peg Leg Pete’sburgers at Jerry’s Drive In H&O Café The Blue Dot


gOOD Eats...Ally’s Oyster House chick-fil-A Dharma Blue End of the Line flounders Hopjacks Hub Stacey’s Ichiban

Madison’s McGuire’s New York Deli Ozone pizza Shanghai Buffet Teriyaki café Tokyo Sushi Tuscan Oven Zea

12 pEnsacOLa UWF’s archaeology program has discovered nine historic Pensacola shipwrecks and is leading the region in terrestrial and marine excavations.

thE WatERIf you like the water, you are in luck:The Gulf of Mexico—white sand beachesLagoons Rivers Bayous LakesDiving Surfing Sailing Kayaking Water Skiing Canoeing Tubing Parasailing Jet Skiing FishingSeashell Collecting

Pensacola Beach is known for its white sandy beaches and natural setting but there is much more. The Pensacola Beach Pier, the longest in the Gulf of Mexico at 1,471 feet, is perfect for people watching. In summer, there is a free concert once a week. And the biggest event of the year is the Pensacola Beach Air Show featuring the Blue Angels.

yOuR hOmE aWay FROm hOmE

FREE OR nExt tO nOthingBeaches Mardi Gras JazzFest Gallery NightHistoric pensacola Village Blue Angels Air Shows National Museum of Naval Aviation Big LagoonSummer concerts in Seville Square Perdido KeyFiesta of Five Flags Great Gulf Coast Arts Festival Pensacola Lighthouse Blackwater State Park


pEnsacOLa 13UWF’s archaeology program has discovered nine historic Pensacola shipwrecks and is leading the region in terrestrial and marine excavations.Photos of singer, lighthouse, Seafood Festival, Opry, and Blue Angels used with permission, Pensacola News Journal, Copyright 2009

Quick Facts 01

EvERy yEaR, mORE than 2,000 FREshmEn anD nEW tRansFER stuDEnts DiscOvER that EvERyOnE at

uWF Wants thEm tO succEED in thEiR cOLLEgE LiFE anD in thEiR caREERs. thERE’s a gREat nEtWORk

OF FacuLty, staFF, anD FELLOW stuDEnts WhO aRE REaDy tO hELp yOu in any Way thEy can.

takE aDvantagE OF aLL thE REsOuRcEs that uWF OFFERs tO hELp EvERy stuDEnt succEED.






aDvisORsAs a new student, you will automatically be assigned an academic advisor. Your advisor will explain degree requirements, help you schedule your classes, help you choose a major, monitor your academic progress, and help you with any academic problems. Your advisor may also refer you to these facilities to help you achieve academic success:Learning Center Math Lab Writing Skills Lab Student Life Skills

cOunsELingFriends and mentors can help you with most problems, but sometimes you need more than they can offer. The Counseling Center is staffed by professional counselors who are available to help any student with any problem. The service is confidential and free.

caREER sERvicEsUniversity Career Services is staffed by caring and experienced professionals who will help you explore your career options, develop an effective résumé, polish your interview skills, and set up on-campus interviews with recruiters. Other resources to take advantage of located in Career Services:Info on firms and agencies Career planning materials Job listings

caREER aDvisingThe chairperson of your academic department, your faculty advisor, and individual faculty members will also be glad to help you get ready for the big step from classroom to career. Providing an excellent way for students to gain hands-on experience, earn academic credit, and network with potential employers, internship opportunities are available through most academic programs at UWF.

yOuR kEys tO a gREat FutuRE

FinanciaL aiDUWF believes that every student should have access to a college education regardless of ability to pay. Every year more than 65 percent of students receive some form of financial assistance. The university awards approximately $40 million in the form of grants, scholarships, loans, and jobs.

When to apply: Apply online beginning January 1 for the upcoming academic year.

step 1: Because the U.S. Department of Education encourages electronic applications, you will need a federal personal Identification number (pIn). This pIn will serve as your electronic signature. To get your federal PIN, go to If you have an e-mail address, you will receive your PIN by e-mail within minutes.

step 2: Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on the Web at

step 3: Complete the UWF Institutional Financial Aid application on the Web at

campus JObsuWF offers two campus job programs. The first is Federal Work

Study, a need-based financial aid program where students are as-signed an on-campus position and work six to15 hours per week. The second is student OPS, non-need-based student employment where students apply directly to campus departments for available departmental jobs.

LOansUWF participates in three different federal loan programs—the Perkins Loan, the Federal Direct Loan, and the Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan.

gRantsStudents with financial need may qualify for one or more of the following programs. Repayment is not required.

Federal Pell Grants

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants

Florida Student Assistance Grants

Education Enhancement Grants

Academic Competitiveness Grants

National Smart Grants

Out-of-state grants:Limited funds are available to assist non-Florida students with the out-of-state portion of their tuition. For details, contact the UWF Office of Admissions.

nEED-basED schOLaRshipsUWF awards need-based scholarships to a limited number of full-time students. Awards range from $700 to $1,500 per year, depending on the student’s GPA. Priority is given to students who have a complete financial aid file by March 1.

mERit-basED schOLaRshipsStudents who have a record of academic, creative, or athletic achievement may be considered for the following scholar-ships, which are awarded solely on merit; financial need is not

a factor.

Florida bright Futures scholarships:100 percent or 75 percent tuition per year. For details, talk with your high school guidance counselor, or visit the Florida Department of Education Web site at

academic scholarships for Freshmen (Florida residents):

Top 5 Academic Merit Scholarship. Full tuition and fees.

Pace Scholars. $5,000 per year ($20,000 total)

Presidential scholarships. $1,500 per year

John C. pace Jr. Honors Scholarships. $1,000 per year

academic scholarships for transfers (Florida residents):

John C. pace Jr. Transfer Scholarships. $1,000 per year

University Transfer Scholarship. $1,000 per year

Phi Theta Kappa Scholarships. $1,200 per year

schOLaRships 15

for information about talent and department scholarships, contact the chair of the department in your academic major. Unless otherwise noted above, please contact Admissions for information about merit-based scholarships, academic scholarships, and tuition grants for non-florida residents. Office of admissions | 850.474.2230 | |

Understanding the financial aid process is critical. for help with aid applications, florida Bright futures, grants, need-based scholarships, loans, and campus jobs contact: uWF Financial aid Office | 850.474.2400 | |

The largest bequest in the university’s history created the John C. pace Jr. Scholarship program. learn more at

gEt What yOu pay FOR...

LOng-Lasting vaLuE

WhEn it cOmEs tO highER EDucatiOn, uWF is OnE OF thE bEst DEaLs aROunD. FLORiDa pubLic univERsitiEs

stiLL havE sOmE OF thE LOWEst tuitiOn RatEs in thE cOuntRy, sO uWF is ExtREmELy aFFORDabLE. gREat FutuRE

accounting, b.s.b.a. Professional Accountancy

anthropology, b.a. Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, General Anthropology

art, b.a. Art Education, Graphic Design, Studio Art, Art History

arts, Fine, b.F.a Art, Digital Art

biology, b.s. General Biology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Pre-Preprofessional— pre-Med, pre-Vet, Pre-Dental, Pre-Pharmacy

business, general, b.s.b.a.

career / technical studies, b.s. Technology Education, Vocational program Development, Vocational Teacher Education

chemistry, b.a., b.s. Chemistry, Chemistry/Biochemistry

clinical Laboratory sciences, b.s.

communication arts, b.a. Advertising, Journalism, Organizational Communication, Public Relations, Telecommunication and Film

community health Education, b.s.

computer Engineering, b.s.c.E.

computer science, b.s. Computer Information Systems, Computer Science, Software Engineering

criminal Justice, b.a.

Economics, b.a.

Economics, b.s.b.a. Comprehensive Economics, Global Economics

Electrical Engineering, b.s.E.E.

Elementary Education, b.a.

Engineering technology, b.s. Construction, Electrical, Information Engineering Technology

English, b.a. English/Liberal Arts

Environmental studies, b.s. Environmental Policy, Geography, Natural Science

Exceptional student Education, b.a. Elementary/ESOL Education

Finance, b.s.b.a.

health, Leisure, and Exercise science, b.s.b.a. Athletic Training, Exercise Science, Physical Education, Sport Management

health sciences, b.s.

history, b.a. History, European Studies, Pre-Law, Public History

hospitality, Recreation, and Resort management, b.s.

humanities, interdisciplinary, b.a.

interdisciplinary information technology, b.s. Bioinformation, Digital Enterprise, Human-Computer Interaction, Information Technology, Networking and Telecommunications

Legal studies, b.a. Pre-Law, Professional

management, b.s.b.a.

management information systems, b.s.b.a.

marine biology, b.s.

maritime studies, b.a.

marketing, b.s.b.a. Comprehensive Marketing, e-Commerce, Global Marketing, Sales Management, Supply Chain Logistics

mathematics, b.s.

middle Level Education, b.a.

music, b.m. Jazz Studies, Music performance

music Education, b.m.E.

nursing, b.s.n.

Oceanography, b.s.

philosophy, b.a. Philosophy, Religious Studies

physics, b.s. Physics, Computational Physics, Engineering Physics

political science, b.a. Political Science, Pre-Law

pre-kindergarten/primary Education, b.a.

psychology, b.a.

sciences, interdisciplinary, b.s.

social science, interdisciplinary, b.a. Children and Society, Diversity Studies, Nature and Society

social Work, b.a.

theatre, b.a.

theatre, b.F.a. Acting, Musical Theatre

unDERgRaDuatE DEgREEsaDmissiOns cRitERiaFreshman admission to UWF is based upon a number of factors that emphasize preparation and performance. We consider strength and quality of required academic courses in high school, scholastic achievement, and SAT or ACT scores. Other considerations may include class rank and recent academic performance, as well as some non-academic factors such as leadership, extracurricular activities, and community service. Transfer students with fewer than 60 hours are reviewed as first time students, while associate degree holders from Florida community colleges are eligible for direct admission. For details about the transfer process, visit

REQuiREmEntsPreferred candidates for admission will have a college preparatory curriculum that includes: 4 units—English 3 units—Mathematics (Algebra 1 and above)* * Fall of 2011, 4 units of Mathematics (Algebra 1 and above)

3 units—Natural Sciences 3 units—Social Sciences 2 units—Foreign Language (same language, sequential) 4 units—Electives from above areas

appLicatiOn DEaDLinEsFall—June 30, Spring—november 1, Summer—April 1

unDERgRaDuatE cOsts 2009-2010Based on 13 semester hours per term.

Resident non-Resident alabama

Tuition & Fees $3,649 $14,183 $4,756

Room & Board $7,576 $7,576 $7,576

Books & Supplies $1,200 $1,200 $1,200

Transportation $900 $900 $900

Personal $2,300 $2,300 $2,300

total $15,625 $26,159 $16,732

semester hour* $140 $570 $183

* approximate cost per semester hour

16 aDmissiOns cRitERia

UWF offers 49 undergraduate degrees with more than 100 specializations. As programs may change, be sure to consult the degree list at UWF is an equal access/equal opportunity institution. Programs, activities, and services of the university are available to all persons.


cEntRaLLy LOcatED

On thE guLF cOast

Easily accessible from I-10 25 minutes from the blue water and white sand of Pensacola Beach 3 hours from Tallahassee 3 hours from New Orleans 4.5 hours from Birmingham 5 hours from Atlanta

pensacola Regional Airport is served by: Airtran, American, Continental, Delta, Northwest, and US Airways.

UWF offers classes in Pensacola, Ft. Walton Beach, Crestview, Egl in AFB, and Hurlburt Field.

cOmE visit us!

bEst Ways tO sEE uWFcampus Tours: Monday – Friday, 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., central Time

Open House Events: Half-day programs that offer interested students and their families an opportunity to explore our campus and learn more about the UWF experience.

To learn more about campus tours and open house events, visit

LEaRn mORE abOut uWF of admissions | 11000 University parkway | pensacola, fL 32514-5750 | 800.263.1074 | 850.474.2230

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