University of Hawai‘i President’s Commission on the Status of LGBTI Equality Stocktaking 2008 FB...


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University of Hawai‘iPresident’s Commission on the

Status of LGBTI Equality

University of Hawai‘iPresident’s Commission on the

Status of LGBTI Equality

Stocktaking 2008

FB 09-11 Biennium

Stocktaking 2008

FB 09-11 Biennium

Commission HistoryCommission History

1992Established as UH System-wide Task Force on Sexual Orientation

1997Became UH President’s Commission on the Status of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) Equality

1992Established as UH System-wide Task Force on Sexual Orientation

1997Became UH President’s Commission on the Status of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) Equality

Commission MembershipCommission Membership

Representatives are appointed by the President from each of our 10 campuses

Commissioners reflect campus diversity: Executives; APTs; Faculty Members; Civil Service Employees; Graduate Students; Ex Officio representative

Several Commissioners have continued their service in appointments since 1992

Representatives are appointed by the President from each of our 10 campuses

Commissioners reflect campus diversity: Executives; APTs; Faculty Members; Civil Service Employees; Graduate Students; Ex Officio representative

Several Commissioners have continued their service in appointments since 1992

Commission on the Status of LGBTI Equality Mission

Commission on the Status of LGBTI Equality Mission

Promotes a safe and inclusive environment by creating a culture of equality, acceptance, and respect throughout the UH system.

Advocates the creation and implementation of and adherence to Hawaii State and University of Hawaii policies that serve the needs of the LGBTI students, staff, and faculty.

Promotes a safe and inclusive environment by creating a culture of equality, acceptance, and respect throughout the UH system.

Advocates the creation and implementation of and adherence to Hawaii State and University of Hawaii policies that serve the needs of the LGBTI students, staff, and faculty.

Commission Accomplishments Commission Accomplishments

Safety and compliance Awareness of campus climate issues Increased visibility and support of LGBTI

students, faculty, and staff Policy and procedure recommendations

Safety and compliance Awareness of campus climate issues Increased visibility and support of LGBTI

students, faculty, and staff Policy and procedure recommendations

Safety and ComplianceSafety and Compliance

Safe Zone is a proactive effort to make campuses safer for all members of our university community

Safe Zone workshops have been held on each campus

Safe Zone is part of the University response to anti-gay, bias-related incidents

Two Train-the-Trainer (T3) workshops have been conducted at UHM (Sp 2007, F 2007)

Council of Chancellors approved funding for October 2008 programs

Safe Zone is a proactive effort to make campuses safer for all members of our university community

Safe Zone workshops have been held on each campus

Safe Zone is part of the University response to anti-gay, bias-related incidents

Two Train-the-Trainer (T3) workshops have been conducted at UHM (Sp 2007, F 2007)

Council of Chancellors approved funding for October 2008 programs

Awareness of Campus Climate Issues

Awareness of Campus Climate Issues

Initial campus climate survey conducted at UHM in 2001

23% of students knew someone who had been harassed because of perceived sexual orientation

48% of students felt they were not safe from verbal harassment

32% of students felt they were not safe from physical harassment

Initial campus climate survey conducted at UHM in 2001

23% of students knew someone who had been harassed because of perceived sexual orientation

48% of students felt they were not safe from verbal harassment

32% of students felt they were not safe from physical harassment

Increased Visibility and SupportIncreased Visibility and Support

The LGBTI Gathering: System-wide Conferences (March 23-24, 2007; April 4-5, 2008)

Featured keynotes included UH faculty, elected officials, Local authors and Local LGBTI business owners

First LGBTI and Ally student summits Pride at Work Hawaii

The LGBTI Gathering: System-wide Conferences (March 23-24, 2007; April 4-5, 2008)

Featured keynotes included UH faculty, elected officials, Local authors and Local LGBTI business owners

First LGBTI and Ally student summits Pride at Work Hawaii

Policy, Procedure and Best Practices

Policy, Procedure and Best Practices

Feelings of isolation are prominent with students, especially Local transgender students.

Recommendation to add “gender identity and expression” to A9.920

Continuous commitment to outreach to new faculty, staff and students via Safe Zone Programs

Feelings of isolation are prominent with students, especially Local transgender students.

Recommendation to add “gender identity and expression” to A9.920

Continuous commitment to outreach to new faculty, staff and students via Safe Zone Programs

FB 09-11 Biennium ProposalsFB 09-11 Biennium Proposals

Campus Safety: Student Outreach and Retention

Leadership/Professional Development: Faculty and Staff

Campus Safety: Student Outreach and Retention

Leadership/Professional Development: Faculty and Staff

Campus Safety: Student Recruitment and RetentionCampus Safety: Student

Recruitment and Retention

Expansion of Safe Zone with annual outreach in October for National Coming Out Day on each campus

Publication of a brochure addressing harassment, safety and campus climate for LGBTI individuals

Creation of a website with resources to help curtail feelings of isolation and to increase opportunities for academic and personal achievement

Expansion of Safe Zone with annual outreach in October for National Coming Out Day on each campus

Publication of a brochure addressing harassment, safety and campus climate for LGBTI individuals

Creation of a website with resources to help curtail feelings of isolation and to increase opportunities for academic and personal achievement

Leadership/Professional Development: Faculty/Staff

Leadership/Professional Development: Faculty/Staff

A Focus on APT/Civil Service Employees: University-supported, equitable access to Safe Zone workshops and training

Continued programmatic support of The LGBTI System-wide Gathering

Honor years of service already contributed by Commissioners

Deepen system-wide commitment to funding across the UH system

A Focus on APT/Civil Service Employees: University-supported, equitable access to Safe Zone workshops and training

Continued programmatic support of The LGBTI System-wide Gathering

Honor years of service already contributed by Commissioners

Deepen system-wide commitment to funding across the UH system


FY 10 FY 11

Recruitment and Retention

Full-time Safe Zone Coordinator for UH System (APT Band A or B)

$47,000 $47,000

6 Student Assistants at 10 Campuses $30,720

Campus Safety

Website production, brochure design and printing


Leadership/Professional Development

Safe Zone printed materials and supplies $9,647 0

LGBTI Gathering: System-Wide Conference

Travel & per diem $1,500 $1,500

Honoraria $1,000 $1,000

Program materials and protocol $1,650 $1,650

$70,797 $81,870
