

UNIVERSITY CONSORTIUM ON EXTENSION AND ADVISORY SERVICES. What we intend to be?. An affiliate/arm of GFRAS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What we intend to be?

• An affiliate/arm of GFRAS• A platform of academia in universities,

researchers in the field of extension and or services providers to clientele along with the agriculture value chain and those need other forms of support in rural livelihoods and well being.

What functions shall we serve?

• Champions in refining, advocating and disseminating the concept of the “New Extensionist”

• Contribute actively to its theoretical base and integrating it into teaching and research curriculums

• Promoting a goodness of fit between the current realities and challenges in extension and the curricula of universities and training institutions

• Contribute to GFRAS objectives by providing evidence through research, documentation, and building theoretical base for initiatives and directions

Continued----• Act as a platform for sharing and exchanging

information and expertise (e.g. manpower, curricula, materials)

• Provide guidance and expertise to GFRAS about Regional and National processes e.g. agricultural extension policy formulation, development of tools, methodologies and M&E

• Undertaking actions to promote the science of extension e.g. side events during GFRAS, regional network activities, holding scientific conferences, undertaking joint projects like research and publications


• Contribute to the promotion of quality assurance in extension delivery at all levels

• Serve as mentors and role models to stimulate the interest of youths to opt for careers in extension

Next steps before GFRAS meeting Berlin 2013?

• Hold e- discussions to take the process forward (Ongoing – Facilitator/ All members/ Compilation team to be constituted)

• Expand the contacts and link other existing networks (use GFRAS database and members contacts) (On starting after this meeting - All members to develop tools for inventory of members)

• Secure a page on GFRAS ad other regional networks websites (till April – GFRAS/Facilitator)

• Exchange and examine the current curriculums in universities (April – All members/Technical team to be constituted)

• GFRAS to announce the formation of the consortium and provide letters for to inform relevant stakeholders (university authorities) (April – GFRAS/Facilitator)

• Launch the consortium during the Berlin conference (September – All members/GFRAS)

• Set up a side event at the Berlin conference (September – All members/GFRAS)

• Prepare a concept paper on the consortium (End of April – Facilitator/All members)

• Develop funding proposals with the support of GFRAS to secure funds for programme and operational costs (End of June – Facilitator/Team to be selected among members/All members)

What we will deliver in the Berlin GFRAS meeting- 2013

• Report on the e- discussions among members• Analysis of curriculums in member universities• An inventory of members

Founding members• Abdel-Al Mohamed – Egypt (Cairo University)• Ali Muhammad – Pakistan (Arid Agriculture University)• Akeredolu mercy – Nigeria (WinRock International/SAFE) • Cardenas Virginia – Philippines (University of the Philippines Los Banos)• Dolly David – Caribbean (University of the West Indies)• Fatch Paul – Malawi (College of Agriculture) • Groenewald Izak – South Africa (University of the Free State)• Johnson Adolphus – Sierra Leone (Njala University) (Facilitator)• Lategan Francois – South Africa (University of Fort Hare)• Ngomane Tsakani - South Africa (University of Pretoria)• Sulaiman Rasheed - India (Center for Research on Innovation and Science

Policy)• Terblanche Fanie - South Africa (University of Pretoria)• Van Niekerk Johan – South Africa (University of Limpopo & Free State)• Zwane Elliot – South Africa ( University of the Free State)

