University Accreditation Process



University Accreditation Process. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Trainers: Dr. Gregory Maffet,Dr. Noelle Branch , Dr. Roland Yoshid, Aladdin Zaglol, M.S., Mohamed Mahdi, M.S., Waheeda Said, M.Ed. Goals: Answer the following. What is accreditation? How does it benefit the university? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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University Accreditation Process

Trainers: Dr. Gregory Maffet,Dr. Noelle Branch , Dr. Roland Yoshid, Aladdin Zaglol, M.S., Mohamed Mahdi, M.S., Waheeda Said, M.Ed

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Goals: Answer the following

1. What is accreditation?2. How does it benefit the university?3. What is an internal self-study process?4. How is the Strategic Improvement Plan

developed?5. How does the institution prepare for an

accreditation review visit?6. What is does the external quality assurance

team do?

Accreditation.…Quality Assurance

Institutional Improvement

Program Improvement


Opening Thought

“When you cease getting better, you stop being good”!

Vince Lombardi

Accreditation means.…

TRUST It means that we can trust that the


It means the university Is doing what it says it is doing.

Accreditation means.… Is providing quality education.

Meets international standards for leadership, facilities, programs, assessments,…

Has established an internal system of self evaluation.

Is committed to peer evaluation

Is committed to continuous improvement

Foundations of Accreditation

TrustworthinessVoluntary CommitmentQuality StandardsCommon Protocol Self EvaluationPeer ReviewsContinuous Improvement

What is accreditation? Educational accreditation is a type of

quality assurance process under which an educational institution is evaluated by an external agency to determine if applicable standards are met. (Wikipedia 2009)

The process also consists of an internal self-evaluation of the institution to build a

framework of continuous improvement



Institutions pursue accreditation for the following reasons:

1.Self-evaluation based on the institution’s mission

2.Improvement of instruction and services

3.Evaluation of effective leadership

Why accreditation?

Why Accreditation???

4. Development of a strategic improvement plan

5. Demonstration of quality, assessed by objective educational professionals not personally involved in the institution.

6. Public recognition institutions that complete the process successfully

Types of Accreditation

There are broadly two types of accreditation Institutional accreditation:

This accreditation applies to the university as a whole.

Professional accreditation: This accreditation exists only in fields where professional competence is of broad concern such as engineering, nursing, and business of accreditation.

EXAMPLES: Institutional

NCAAANational Commission for Academic

Accreditation and Assessment

CITACommission on International and Trans-

regional Accreditation

Middle States Commission on Higher Education

EXAMPLES: Professional

ABETAccreditation Board for Engineering and Technology

ACPEAccreditation Council for Pharmacy Education

CAACouncil on Aviation Accreditation

AACSB American Association of Colleges and Schools of


Benefits of Accreditation

Continuous improvement of university based on standards

Helps students, employers, and others in identifying those university that meet the standards for educational quality.

Transferability of credits from one university to another.


“Accreditation is an activity, not a status. Schools are accredited because of the way they move, not the way they stand.”

John A. Stoops

First Executive Director, CITA

Accreditation Process



Internal Evaluation(Self-Study)

Addressing Improvement

Plan/Monitoring Visits

Establishing a continuous system

of internal evaluation

Steps to Accreditation

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Preparation and Self-ExaminationBased on StandardsINTERNAL EVALUATION


Judgment on Accreditation

Continuous Review

Saudi University

Steps of Accreditation

Preparation and Self-Examination: INTERNAL EVALUATION

The college, university, or other institution seeking accreditation status prepares materials that effectively display the institution's accomplishments.

The institution must also create a written report of its performance according to the standards set by the accreditation association

Step 1

INTERNAL EVALUATION: Gathering and Analyzing Information

For each standard: Identify strengths, areas

needing improvement and improvement interventions

The institution will be evaluated holistically, the decision of recommending accreditation does not rest on one particular standard or section, but on the quality of the institution as a whole

INTERNAL EVALUATION: Gathering and Analyzing Information

The required details of this report are designed to stimulate in-depth analysis of institutional effectiveness and to assist a thorough self-study and self-improvement process.

It is also designed to give enough evidence to the Visitation Team to determine whether or not the institution is eligible for accreditation.

Steps of Accreditation

Peer review visit: EXTERNAL EVALUATION

Teams of peer reviewers visit the institution. Most accreditation boards consist of faculty and administrative peers in the field.

Administrative and faculty peers conduct an intensive review of the written report, the materials that provide evidence for statements made in the written report, and the general workings of the college, university, or other institution seeking accreditation status.

Step 2

Steps of Accreditation

Judgment action made by accreditation organization:

After the review team submits its report, the accreditation association grants or denies accreditation status.

Step 3

Steps of Accreditation

Continuous review:

• The accreditation association conducts a re-accreditation periodically.

• The purpose of the continuous review is to ensure that the accredited institution maintains the required accreditation standards and addresses items from its improvement plan.

Step 4

Accreditation Process

School with proper license

CITA Applicationto start


On-site inspection, if needed

Candidacy Preparation

Meet CITA requirements

Candidacy On-site Team Review

and Report

Accreditation Preparation

· Self-Study

· Improvement Plan

· Meet CITA Standards

Accredited School· Annual Reports· On-site

Reviews· Inspections

· Monitoring · Improvement

Plan Results· Training

CITA Accreditation Board approves school to

be a Candidate School

Recommends Candidacy

CITA Accreditation Board approves school to be an

Accredited School


Every 5 years -new Self–Study and On-site

Team Evaluation

Accreditation On-site Team

Evaluation and Report


CITA Accreditation Board approves school to start Accreditation


Accreditation Time Line

CITA Applicant to Candidate CITA Candidate to Accredited CITA Accreditation

3 months to 1 year 1 to 3 years Continue to meet standards

and follow protocol


Commission on International and Trans-Regional Accreditation (CITA)Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - CITA Accreditation Protocol

Warn or Revoke




Leigh University Time TablePhase 1. Preliminary preparation: Fall 2004-Summer 2005, 12 monthsPhase 2. Preparing the self-study proposal: Fall 2005-July 2006, 12 monthsPhase 3. Preparing the Self-Study: Summer 2006-January 2008, 18 monthsPhase 4. Evaluations March 2007-March 2008, 12 months

Goals for Accreditation Self Study

• A powerful systems approach to improving student performance and system effectiveness results over time

– University accreditation recognizes that increasing student achievement involves more than improving instruction

– University accreditation is a measure of how well all the parts of the education system - the university, program, and classroom - work together to meet the needs of students

Goals of the Self-StudyBy conducting a data-driven Self-Study of its own strengths and opportunities for change, the university will

involve the campus community to evaluate its mission, educational programs, activities, ongoing processes of planning, resource allocation, and institutional renewal; involvement = investment

provide a framework for continuous improvement of the university’s educational and administrative effectiveness; initiates an attitude or culture of growth and improvement

Goals of the Self-Study

enhance the shared understanding of its mission as an educational institution; UNITY and team play

Ensure that the institution’s programs and activities strive towards a common vision; all on the same spacecraft

provide comprehensive and coherent recommendations for the university’s future plans—recommendations that have been developed, evaluated, and committed to by the entire community; are comprehensive VS personal agenda

Faculty Involvement

Since faculty members are KEY individuals in the self-study process. They should be…..

aware of the process and requirements of a self-study before that decision is made.

involved in the decision to conduct a self-study

continuously involved throughout the self-study process.

Key is University Faculty

Accreditation and the sum total of university success is directly aligned to the faculty.

Self-Study Steering Committee The Steering Committee consists of key individuals that will drive the Self-Study process (Accreditation Leadership Team).

. Its primary task is to plan, guide and coordinate the Self-Study responsibilities include:

1. Appointing necessary subcommittees, 2. Preparing the Self-Study report, 3. Setting the agenda for the site visit. 4. Participating as hosts and resources to the visiting

team and to fellow faculty members and administrators. 5. Reviewing the report of the Visitation Team, and6. Making recommendations for continued improvement.

Steering Committee Chair Role1. Keep everyone on task2. Ensure the subcommittees are functioning and

carrying out their tasks3. Encourage and motivate those working with the

accreditation process4. Work closely with the university’s administrator5. Attend the pre-visit of the Visitation Team Chairperson6. Chair the Steering Committee meetings7. Ensure that the work of the committee stays on the task


Qualifications of the Steering Committee Chairperson

• Dedication to the mission of the university• Trusted member of the university• Familiarity with the university• No employment, either personally or of a family

member, within the university • Strategic planning, technological, and organizational skills• Strong interpersonal skills• TEAM BUILDER• Conflict of interest policy and ethics policy

What will each sub-committee for writing the self-study do?

Decide what questions will be asked in order to demonstrate meeting an accreditation standard.

Determine whether data exist for answering these questions.

Collect new data if necessary.

Assess the University’s current effectiveness in meeting the standards assigned to it;

Write a report including tables, charts and appendices, responding to focus questions, submitted to the chair

Make a clear set of recommendations next steps to address topics the sub-committee considers necessary.

Self-Study in Three Steps

Step One – StudyStep Two – AnalyzeStep Three - Show


3 Steps to Self-StudyStep One: Study In this step, the institution determines what

questions will be answered in the self study; Identify TOPICS converted to questions

The institution gathers and reviews information pertinent to each standard; What data? + Collect data + Assess Data + Show EVIDENCE.

Standards1) Mission and Objectives2) Governance and Administration3) Quality Assurance and

Improvement4) Learning and Teaching5) Student Administration and

Support Services6) Learning Resources7) Facilities and Equipment

Standards8) Financial Planning and Management 9) Faculty, Staff and Employment

Processes10) Research 11) Institutional Relationships with the


System Elements



Technology MIS

Executive StaffPrograms

Accounting Finance






Colleges & Universities

Facilities & Maintenance

Food Service

Three Pillars of Accreditation


AdvancED Accreditation Standards

Commitmentto ContinuousImprovement

Documenting &Using Results

Vision & Purpose

Governance& Leadership

Teaching & Learning

Resources &SupportSystems



Commitment to Continuous Improvement40













Systemic Thinking

System of Systems

Systemic University Improvement:Alignment at ALL Levels


College Program








© 2008AdvancED

Activity: Knowing the Standards

• Study your standard, its indicators, and impact statement.

• Choose a word or develop a phrase that “captures the essence” of your standard.

• Using chart paper, draw a graphical representation of how your standard interacts with the other ten standards.


3 Steps to Self-StudyStep Two: Analyze Quality Indicators In this step, the institution does a self-rating

on the standard and quality indicators and analyzes the information.

The analysis helps identify findings, strengths, and recommendations (weaknesses and needs).

After the analysis, intervention actions will address the needs that were suggested.

Quality IndicatorsWhat quality indicators support or verify that a Standard is met? (ie., Research)

What questions should be answered to indicate that the Standard is met? (What evidence and for what reason?)

3 Steps to Self-StudyStep Three: Show Evidence In this step, the institution collects documents and

artifacts that provide the proof that the standards are met.

This information is either included in the self-study notebook or available for the visiting team to review during the visit.

Schedules of interviews and observations that will take place during the accreditation review visit are also prepared.

Support EvidenceWhat evidence supports that a quality indicator is evaluated


What evidence documents that the answers to the questions

are accurate?

Reason: What rational?What is the thinking that is

behind the assessment?How are the statistics, graphs, or tables interpreted in order to

establish the evidence?What is the logic behind the


What is the Profile?A picture of the institution using data

• Institutional Description

• School Accomplishments

• Enrollment Data – trends over time

Using data to improve what you are doing!

University of Colorado

Profile and Self Study ExampleExecutive SummaryBackgroundAccreditation SummaryMonitoring Student ProgressEnrollment and QualityDesired Program Outcomes, p 15Passing Rates, p 20-21

University of Colorado

Self StudyResults, p 71Faculty, p 72-74Facilities, p 75Institutional Support, p 77

What is the Profile?A picture of the institution using data

Academic Achievement and Performance

Assessment data Failures/Drop-out rates Acceptance rates, profile of accepted

students Follow-up on alumni

Satisfaction in university at various credit levels

Using data to improve what you are doing!

How do you organize for data analysis?


Collect Data

Organize/Display Data

Analyze Data

Share Results

Other Comments

Question and outcome to be studied:

What Students

What Levels

Time Of Year

PurposesWhat does it

measure?Assessment Name: Standardized Criterion-referenced Instructor-madeAssessment Name: Standardized Criterion-referenced Instructor-made

What is your assessment system?



2002 2003 2004 2005


Strength:• Senior enrollment

Weakness:• Enrollment

fluctuation• Revenue instability• Class size change

Profile Sample

Findings:•3rd enrollment decreases every year

•3rd decline causes future enrollment problems

•Senior enrollment has steady increase

• Junior enrollment is up and down

Standards are expectations that.…

1) Function as an indicator of educational quality and effectiveness by which institutions are evaluated; and (100 + years, research based; best practices; cross local, regional, national, international, cultural, and religious boundaries).

2) Provide guidance for continuous improvement.


1) Mission and Objectives2) Governance and Administration3) Quality Assurance and Improvement4) Learning and Teaching5) Student Administration and Support

Services6) Learning Resources7) Facilities and Equipment


8) Faculty, Staff and Employment Processes

9) Research 10)Institutional Relationships with the

Community11)Financial Planning and Management

Activity: Knowing the Standards1. In your “standard” group, discuss:

– Write a phrase that describes the standard in your own words

– Explain how the standard applies to or affects the university, classroom, and learner

– Graphically depict how the standard impacts other standards and how other standards may impact this standard

– Identify and list data or potential evidence that could illustrate the degree to which the standard is met

Standard__# Descriptive Phrase:Effect on:




Activity: Knowing the Standards

.2Record your work on chart paper and post

.3Be prepared to present or discuss your work

Standard 1Mission and Objectives

The mission of the institution clearly and appropriately defines its principal purposes and priorities, and is influential in guiding planning and

action within the institution .

Sample Standard: Mission

Are Mission documents clear and articulated publicly?

1. What evidence is there that the institution has a well-developed statement of mission, vision, goals, values and institutional priorities?

Well written Signage Strategic Plan Document Board Minutes Faculty Minutes Publications


In its Mission documents, the organization recognizes the diversity of its learners, other constituencies, and the greater society it serves.

2. What evidence is there that the institution has a diversity plan and that the plan addresses the diversity of all its constituents?

Diversity Plan brochure Student Handbook Employee Handbook International programs P & P document Print & website(intra) Website (intra) Board Minutes Bulletin

Understanding of and support for the Mission pervade the organization.

3. How well is the mission understood?

Freshmen & Senior Exit Interviews Strategic Plan Orientation For Employees Forums Faculty and Staff Surveys

Standard 2Governance and Administration

• The governing body provides effective leadership through policy development and processes for accountability.

• The governance structure, within a framework of sound policies and regulations, ensure financial and administrative accountability, and coordinated planning

The organization’s governance and administrative structures promote effective leadership and support collaborative processes that enable the organization to fulfill its Mission.

4. How is governance structured to share responsibilities among administration, faculty, staff, students?

Board by-laws/policies Employee handbook Organizational chart List of student organizations Advisory Council Minutes/Budgets of Student Activities

Standard 3Management of Quality Assurance & Improvement• Quality assurance processes involve all departments

and offices of the institution and are effectively integrated into normal planning and administrative processes.

• Quality is assessed by reference to evidence based on indicators of performance and challenging external standards.

• Criteria have a particular focus on outcomes.

• Administrators, faculty, staff and students are committed to improvement and regularly evaluate their own performance.

Developing clearly articulated written statements, expressed in observable terms, of key institutional and unit-level goals.

1. Designing performance objectives and strategies to achieve those goals

2. Assessing achievement of those key goals

3. Using the results of those assessments to improve programs and services

Institutional Assessment

Standard 4 Learning and Teaching

• Faculty are qualified and experienced • Student learning outcomes are clearly specified and

aligned with employment or professional practice.

• Benchmark outcome variables, assessment process, and results from assessments

• Instructional strategies address various learning outcomes

Standard 4 Learning and Teaching

• Standards for learning are assessed through valid and reliable processes.

• Standards of learning are assessed through appropriate processes and benchmarked

• Program effectiveness is evaluated through student assessments and surveys. Data is used for improvement planning

Assessment of Student Learning1. Develop clearly articulated written

statements, expressed in observable terms, of key learning outcomes

2. Design courses, programs, and experience that provide intentional opportunities for students to achieve those learning outcomes

3. Assess student achievement of those key learning outcomes

4. Use the results of those assessments

5. Benchmark learning outcomes, assessment processes, and results from assessments

Standard 5 Student Administration & Support Services

• Admission policies and student record systems are reliable, responsive to client needs, and confidential

• Students’ rights and responsibilities are clearly defined and understood

• Academic advice, counseling and support services are accessible and address student needs.

• Support services for students include: formal academic requirements, religious, cultural, sporting and other activities relevant to the needs of the student body.

Standard 6 Learning Resources• Learning resource include libraries and access to

electronic and other reference material that meet program goals and are provided at an adequate level.

• Library and associated IT facilities are accessible to support independent learning, with assistance provided.

• Facilities are provided for individual and group study in an environment conducive to effective investigations and research.

• The services are evaluated and improved in response to systematic feedback from faculty and students.

Standard 7Facilities and Equipment

• Facilities are designed or adapted to meet requirements for teaching and learning

• Facilities offer a safe and healthy environment for high quality education.

• Use of facilities is monitored and data from user satisfaction surveys assist in planning for improvement.

Standard 8Financial Planning and Management

• Financial resources are adequate for the programs and services offered

• Financial resources are efficiently managed in keeping with program requirements and institutional priorities.

• Effective systems are used for budgeting and for delegation and accountability of financial decisions that provide local flexibility, institutional oversight, and effective risk management.

Standard 9Faculty, Staff and Employment Processes

• Faculty and staff have the qualifications and experience for effective exercise of their responsibilities

• Professional development opportunities ensure continuing improvement in expertise.

Standard 9Faculty, Staff and Employment Processes

• Performance of all faculty and staff is evaluated, with outstanding performance recognized and support provided for improvement where required.

• Effective, fair, and transparent processes are available for the resolution of conflicts and disputes involving faculty or staff.

Standard 10Research• Faculty are encouraged to pursue research interests

and to publish their results .

• Necessary facilities for conducting research are provided within the limits of available resources.

• Research output is monitored and benchmarked against that of similar institutions.

• Clear and equitable policies are established for ownership and commercialization of intellectual property.

Standard 11 Institutional Relationships with the Community

• Contributions to the community are recognized as an important institutional responsibility.

• Faculty and staff are encouraged to be involved in the community

• Facilities and services are made available to assist with community developments

Standard 11 Institutional Relationships with the Community

• Information about the institution and its activities are made known

• Community perceptions of the institution are monitored and appropriate strategies adopted to improve understanding and enhance its reputation.

The Site Visit Team

Team member can be selected from the following:1. An administrator2. An instructor3. A faculty member4. A member of a particular profession

From this group, a chairperson with experience andrecognized status will be assigned as chairperson.In order to be eligible to serve on a team, teammembers have prior training and orientation tothe accreditation process or have served onother accreditation teams

Key Tasks for the Team

Determine if the data and materials in place are adequate and reliable

Key Tasks for the Team

Assess data as whether it meets the standards

Key Tasks for the TeamAsk for additional data if necessary Conduct interviews

Key Tasks for the Team Chair assigns writing tasks for the team

evaluation report Chair reviews site visit team members written

reports Team agrees upon the overall

recommendation about accreditation

What to Do With This Information?


Develop a Strategic Plan

Strategic Improvement Planning

Targeted improvement

Data-driven (Data should be analyzed to guide improvement decisions)

Prioritized (Based on importance and available resources)

Aligned to Mission

Moving from Random Acts of Improvement

Why do you need a Strategic Improvement Plan?

To Focused Continuous Improvement

Why do you need a Strategic Improvement Plan?

Continuous ImprovementFour Core Elements Vision

What is our future? Profile

Where are we today? Plan

How will we improve? Results

What have we accomplished?

Improvement Process Components


Plan andImplementation

What future are you

pursuing ?Vision


What is your current reality?

What actions will you take to improve?

What have you accomplished?



Write the Goal:Support Data: Three sources used to select the goal1.2.3.

Standardized Assessments Criterion-Referenced and/or Instructor-Made


Research Supporting This Intervention:

Activities to Implement theStrategy


TimelineStart End

Needed Resources

Needed Faculty Development

An Action Plan for Strategic Improvement

What does a Strategic Improvement Plan look like?

Data Analysis WorksheetTitle of Assessment:

What does this data show?Factual information


How should we respond?Plan for action or next steps

How can you organize your evaluation data?

Case Studies: Grading Policy

Goal: Develop clearly articulated written statements, expressed in observable terms, of key institutional and unit-level goals

Sample from Community College of Alleghany County

Articulated Written Statement Measurement


Case Studies: Grading Policy


Sample from Community College of Alleghany County

Supportive Data

Case Studies: Grading PolicyGoal:

Sample from Community College of Alleghany County

What were the results?• Success rates in subsequent courses

increased by 4%

• Students who initially earned a D had a 58% success rate in repeated course

• Data on success of repeaters in college level courses pending

Case Studies: Grading PolicyGoal:

Sample from Community College of Alleghany County

UsingResults for

Improvement Planning

Group Activity As a group, analyze the case study for student or library or budget assessment

Identify the following:

Fill-in the grid

Present your findings



Results How to Use Results for

Improvement Planning

How can the Self-Study process contribute to institutional improvement?



Results How to Use Results to Direct Improvement Planning

Statements are measured using tools

Tools provide resultsof evaluation

Results are usedto direct


Group Activity: Case Study Analysis




How to Use Results for

Improvement Planning
