Universal Offers Regional Training Workshop Miranda McKearney, The Reading Agency 26 November, 2013


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Universal Offers Regional Training Universal Offers Regional Training Workshop Workshop

Miranda McKearney, The Reading Miranda McKearney, The Reading AgencyAgency

26 November, 2013 26 November, 2013

EDGE 2013EDGE 2013

The Public Library The Public Library Universal Health OfferUniversal Health Offer



• 2010 Public library health mapping research• West Midlands regional pilot of library health

offer• 2011 Call for local authority clusters to

undertake next stage of development work• Public library health offer development group

A Key Moment for Public Libraries A Key Moment for Public Libraries and Healthand Health

• Pressure on traditional health, well being and social care services.

• 1:4 people suffering mental health conditions• 6m people with anxiety and depression, three

quarters not receiving treatment• Health and Social Care Act, 2012: local

authority responsibility for improving health outcomes, tackling wider determinants and taking new approaches to preventative care

The Public Library Health OfferThe Public Library Health Offer

Libraries have huge potential to impact on health • Trusted community space, • Assisted digital access, • Out reach to vulnerable groups• Health information and signposting, • National reading programmes, • Social reading, • Volunteering

Logic modelLogic model

Value and use Value and use • Provides a baseline for health service provision: information and

promotion, signposting and referrals, creative and social reading • Tool for service planning and development: locally, regionally,

nationally• Advocacy tool http://readingagency/about/health.html• Support for partnership development particularly with public health• Calendar hook focus for activity- World Mental Health Day, October

10th• Opens up commissioning and fundraising opportunities• Basis for GftA bids

Reading Well Books on Prescription Reading Well Books on Prescription Scheme Scheme

• Integrated approach

• Book based support for common mental health conditions e.g. anxiety and depression

• Signposting to mood boosting creative and social reading opportunities

• Best practice model supported by health partners

• 87% of library authorities on board, nearly 60% have collections in every library

• Opening up new commissioning partnerships: 26% of authorities have secured local funding from public health, IAPT services, CCGS

• Leaflets, book collections, launches, staffing• Health partnership starting to develop; 1,636

partners interested in the scheme (GPs, IAPT services and other prescribers)

• Strong book issues • New models emerging; local authority

workplace well being

Early Impact Early Impact

Reading Well Reading Well

Next StepsNext Steps

• National and local fundraising strategy• Evaluation and impact research• Development plan

Embedding model/ partnership infrastructure New lists/audiences: dementia/alzheimers, children

and young people Digital User engagement (user panels/volunteering/self help

reading groups)

Debbie Hicks, Director of ResearchDebbie Hicks, Director of Researchdebbie.hicks@readingagency.org.ukdebbie.hicks@readingagency.org.uk
