Univ18 : UBS & Karnataka State Open University Online MBA Programs Brochure



UBS : The Sampuran Prakash School of Executive Education - Brochure UBS is a venture by University18 and the Karnataka State Open University, India, in the field of Open & Distant Management Education.

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UBSUniv18 Business School

U18 | Advanced School for Open & Distance Management Education


The workplace demands commitment and allows no room for mistakes but it always rewards those who go beyond their immediate responsibilities and display ambition. It is this ability to transform ambition into self-development by acquiring the concepts, knowledge and skills-that distinguishes tomorrow’s leaders from today’s executives. However the ways and means to gain the kind of learning that grooms tomorrow s leaders are fairly inflexible. The rules for entrance are tough. And then comes the demand for total immersion in the academic environment.Aspiring executives suddenly find that they need to sacrifice their current job-role to be able to devote themselves to this quest for knowledge and better skills. The dilemma then becomes whether to join these reputed institutions and give up their professional status or pursue only the task at hand, and remain relegated.

Pursue the future, but risk giving up the present-this used to be the most difficult choice that all working professionals faced.

But not anymore !

Welcome to the U18 Business School, an Advanced Center for Open & Distance Management Education, built on a platform that has been specially created for working professionals, designed to match their aspirations, and their constraints.

UBS offers its Programs of Study over the internet in a convenient 24x7 mode, making teaching and content developed with the help of Professors from the most prestigious institutions in the country, available to the students online, directly to their workplace and homes. UBS’s own faculty constantly endeavors to provide guidance and mentoring to each of their students, helping them even at their workplace challenges while enrolled in the course. This ensures that the effect of a UBS education reflects in your career even before you’ve completed the course!


U18 | Advanced School for Open & Distance Management Education

The design and implementation of the students education experience come from UBS’s heritage. At the core of UBS’s educational delivery methodology is the state-of-the-art Web based Interactive Distance Learning technology, that allows students to be linked live to teachers in the institution. Having used IDL technology for many years, UBS has built around this technology, a unique learning methodology and student experience that includes the best features of conventional classroom education coupled with advanced e-learning and learning management techniques.


UBS presently offers long term executive management programs of duration ranging from 1 year to 2 years.A comprehensive list of the courses currently on offer may be had from the institute’s website www.ubs.edu.in.

Program List

• MBA for Professionals

• MBA in Information Technology

• MBA in Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management and Strategy

U18 | Advanced School for Open & Distance Management Education

Application and Selection Process

Admissions take place during an admission cycle (usually 2 times in a year). A single UBS application form suffices for all the programs on offer during an admission cycle. The candidate can specify his preference for the programs for which he would like to apply

Admissions at UBS are strictly only based on eligibility. UBS is a part of an ODL (Open Distance Learning) system, which is ‘Open’ in nature, and does not differentiate within candidates, on a basis other than eligibility.Thus, candidates who apply, if found eligible by the criteria set in the program, are automatically granted admission.


Each course at UBS requires the student to devote a substantial number of hours to self study, online lectures, group work as well as projects. A student has access to an extensive amount of SLM’s (Self Learning Material), as well as (in some cases) recorded Video Lecture’s and other e learning content.

Also , in addition to their self study, Students attend classes conducted by institute’s faculty and delivered using the Online Interactive Distance Learning platform. The Teaching & Learning methodology that emphasizes peer-to-peer collaboration, projects and case discussions among students are the typical instruments of collaboration.Individual assignments and presentations are part of the methodology.

Study Material and Library Usage

All textbooks and study material are supplied by UBS. The student is also expected to refer to additional reference material and the Internet.

Learning Management System

T h e t e a c h i n g - l e a r n i n g m e t h o d o l o g y i s comprehensively supported by UBS’s Learning Management System (LMS).This online web-based system includes the main course content in elearning format, program-specific notices, online submission of assignments, reminder services, online testing and student records.

Assessments and Examinations

Interactive Distance Learning— BRINGING EDUCATION LIVE

Dedicated broadband two-way audio-video is used at remote locations that are linked LIVE to teachers at the institution. The technology permits full features of face-to-face teaching: from a raised-hand-seeking-teacher’s-attention, to tabulation of responses, to quizzes randomly created by the teacher, to intense discussions among students separated by large distances.

Typically, every program has formal examinations associated with it, whose scores are a part of the student’s transcript. These tests are conducted online through the LMS, as well as at physical locations. Performance in assignments, case-studies, projects, presentations and participation are other instruments of evaluation.

Face-to-face teaching has been the prevalent model of learning since the beginning, and continues to be the foundation of contemporary education. But given the limited capacity of premier institutions, it is unable to address all aspiring students. As a result, many are forced to compromise their futures.E- Learning has increasingly become an answer to this scalability problem. But a majority of e-learning courses offered to students present little means of interacting with their instructors, thus, missing out on most benefits of face-to-face learning. But with advancement of communication technologies and availability of sophisticated software, it has become possible to take the same teachers to a geographically distributed audience, preserving the benefits of face-to-face teaching.

U18 | Advanced School for Open & Distance Management Education



All programs are available 24x7, with the elearning content and courseware being available throughout the world over the internet. Supplementary IDL Classes are conducted in the mornings on weekdays, and on weekends, making it convenient for working professionals to attend. Even these are recorded on most occasions, making them available to the student 24x7 on the LMS

Student Kits

Students receive a Registration Kit on enrolment, and a Welcome Kit when classes commence. The Welcome Kit includes the ID Card, a stationery kit, textbooks and study material, passwords and login details to the LMS.

U18 | Advanced School for Open & Distance Management Education

Bank Loans

UBS facilitates bank loans towards program fees, negotiating the best-possible terms and conditions. However, the loan is between the student and the bank, and it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all requirements are met within stipulated deadlines.

Student Directory and Alumni Network

Students will feature in the worldwide Student Directory published by UBS, and become a part of UBS’s alumni network.

Student Rules and Discipline

Students are expected to meet high standards of academic and professional discipline. Student Regulations are separately available.


For further details, log on to www.ubs.edu.inor call us at 1800-200-0675 (toll free) or 0124-4767000

or sms MSL U18 to 56070
