Unity Connection 2.0 Architecture TOI Part II – Technical Area Overview



Unity Connection 2.0 Architecture TOI Part II – Technical Area Overview. June 2007. Administration Clients Conversations Core Services Database Hardware. Architecture Changes by Area. Media Messaging Reports Security Setup Voice User Interface. Administration. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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© 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco ConfidentialPresentation_ID 1

Unity Connection 2.0Architecture TOI Part II – Technical Area Overview

June 2007

© 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco ConfidentialPresentation_ID 2

Architecture Changes by Area




Core Services








Voice User Interface

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Co-residency Administration with CuCMSingle-sign-on via common realm/valve and IMS

CuCM is authoritative source of common co-res user info (CuCM end user CRUD dictates CUC user admin tasks) via NCS.

CUC switch info shared from CuCM (mwi settings, server ip, default integration, etc.) via NCS

BLAF for all web applications

Move administrative standalone tools into web admin (bulk import, bulk edit)

Move serviceability tools into serviceability web app (trace settings, service stop/start, reports)

Into RTMT (trace file retrieval, perf counters, port status monitoring)

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Replace COM between Tomcat and CuCsMgr for TraP with message queue

Add External Service interface for user specific credentials (required by E2K7).

Integration with IMS to support single credentials

Performance tuning for move to Informix (more to come)

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Core Services

Port to Linux

Connection CLI support

IPC redesign/COM removal

Licensing simplification (java+flexlm)

ServM support instead of SRM

Serviceability (AlarmInterface, PIWriter, SDITrace) plumbed seamlessly through existing components

Port Status Monitoring Redesign

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Conversations (Telephone User Interface)

Port to Linux/Remove COM

Port Kubrick CDE Scripts

Support for addressing to VPIM contacts via CDL

Support for MPE integration (review/join meetings) via CCL.

Major performance tuning for CDE

HTTP support for Visual Message Locator

Complete diagnostic trace overhaul

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Major redesign to port to Informix DBMS Stored Procedure conversion (~500)

Data type support (GUIDs, utf-8 strings, etc.)

Major performance tuning effort

Separate Informix instance from CuCM in co-residency and standalone

Port of database components (DbEvents, ConfigData, etc.) to Linux and Informix

Setup changes from sql to InformixDb python scripts. Partition switch/upgrade support

Support for IMS

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Supports majority of MCS hardware platforms supported by CuCM (including co-residency platform)

Same disk/partition allocation as provided by UCOS (active/inactive/common)

IPTablesCo residency: Integration with IPTables management (ClusterManager)

Standalone: disable ClusterManager and directly configure IPTables for minimal access. Will utilize ClusterManager in Dublin (when CuCM moves to a minimal access model).

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Port to Linux

Replace Windows Audio Driver with CuMixer (provides transcoding, TTS interface to RealSpeak)

Replace TAPI for SCCP with direct protocol support in MIU

Baseline support (QoS phase 1)

Provide offline Wave library (for VPIM transcoding)

Thread reduction

TTS Resources Managed by MIU

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Port to Linux/Informix

Replace IIS SMTP Server with CuSMTPSvr service

MTA updated to support outbound VPIM messages

MTA supports contact creation on inbound VPIM messages. Also supports contact “push”

Remove stream server

Secure Messaging approach

CCL calendaring layer to MPE for meeting access

Upgrade/Rollback framework support (Messages preserved)

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Administration Moved to serviceability web application

CollectionHarvestor (CuScavenger) re-implemented in Java for simplicity

Removes RDL component in favor of direct database access

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CSA: Single version supports CuCM, CUC, and CuCMBE

IPTables/NetFilter: Minimal ingress for UC Standalone. Specific blocks in co residency to minimize access to additional UC sockets

IMS: Authentication plus credential policies for all three products

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CuCM/UCOS updated to support VTG application install on “sleeping seadragon” platform

CUC Setup completely redesigned to leverage CuCM/UCOS framework

Single Distribution Media/Build for CuCM standalone, CUC standalone, and CUCMBE

No additional questions added to CuCM installation. CUC configuration not required by setup moved to web administration

Supports L2 partition-switch upgrade/rollback in co residency and standalone.

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Conversations (Voice User Interface)

Ported components to Linux

Voice recognition services provided by Nuance OpenSpeech Recognizer (v3.0) through a media (MIU) connection to the Nuance (MRCP) server.

VPIM contact addressing (name, name@location for disambiguation)

Meeting Place Express Integration (list and join meetings)

Offbox ASR service not supported in this release

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Connection 2.0 represents a significant effort which involved changes to all technical areas in providing an appliance based, non-windows solution

Connection 2.0 supports co residency and standalone versions with same code-base/build/distribution media

Connection 2.0 provides a key step in the roadmap for the future of the Unity Connection Product

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EDCS 510894 – Lucas PRD

EDCS 529129 – Lucas SFS

EDCS 589819 – Lucas SAP

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Q and A
