Unit Five Grade Seven 1. anecdote (n) a short account of an incident in someone’s life syn: tale,...


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Unit Five

Unit FiveGrade Seven

1. anecdote (n) a short account of an incident in someones lifesyn: tale, story, sketch, vignette, yarnEx. Many anecdotes relate a humorous incident in someones life.

2. consolidate (v) to combine, unite; to make solid or firmsyn: strengthen, firm up, mergeant: scatter, disperse, dissipate, separateEx. The two companies consolidated to give themselves stronger buying power.

3. counterfeit (n) an imitation designed to deceive (adj) not genuine, fake (v) to make an illegal copysyn: (adj) false, phony, bogusant: (adj) genuine, real, authenticEx. The cubic zirconia is a counterfeit. It appears as a diamond but is not genuine.4. docile (adj) easily taught, led, or managed; obedientsyn: manageable, teachable, pliantant: unruly, wayward, intractable, disobedientEx. The once wayward puppy was very intelligent and soon became a docile pet in the home.5. dominate (v) to rule over by strength or power, control; to tower over, command due to heightsyn: control, govern, overlookEx. The Steelers defense dominated the Browns offensive line and continually sacked their quarterback. 6. entreat (v) to beg, implore, ask earnestlysyn: plead, beseechant: clamor forEx. The animal in the shelter seemed to entreat me to rescue it.7. fallible (adj) capable of being wrong, mistaken, or inaccuratesyn: imperfect, errantant: foolproof, unfailing, flawlessEx. Humans are fallible creatures.8. fickle (adj) liable to change very rapidly; erratic; marked by a lack of constancy or steadiness, inconsistentsyn: capricious, inconstant, faithlessant: constant, steady, invariableEx. The boy was fickle and changed girlfriends as often as he changed socks.9. fugitive (n) one who flees or runs away (adj) fleeting, lasting a very short time; wandering, difficult to graspsyn: (n) runaway, deserter (adj) elusiveant: (adj) lasting, enduring, permanentEx. The fugitive dog once again broke its chain.10. grimy (adj) very dirty; covered with dirt or sootsyn: filthy, sooty, soiled, dirt-encrustedant: spotless, spic-and-span, immaculateEx. The toddlers played in the mud and became instantly grimy.11. iota (n)a very small part or quantitysyn: speck, dab, jot, bit, smidgenant: flood, deluge, avalanche, glutEx. There was not even an iota of paint left, so the artist resorted to markers to finish the project.12. maul (v) to beat or knock about, handle roughly; to mangle (n) a heavy hammersyn: (v) rough up, manhandle, batterEx. The defenseless dog was mauled by the wild coyotes.13. potential (adj) possible, able to happen (n) something that can develop and become a realitysyn: (n) possibility, capabilityant: (adj) actual, real, unlikely, impossibleEx. The potential of the student was obvious; her vocabulary indicated she was quite intelligent.14. radiant (adj) shining, bright; giving forth light or energysyn: glowing, brilliant, dazzling, resplendentant: dull, tarnished, lacklusterEx. The girls radiant personality infected everyone else with energy.15. rural (adj) relating to farm areas and life in the countrysyn: countrified, rusticant: urban, metropolitan, citifiedEx. Lancaster, PA is home to many Pennsylvania Amish who raise livestock and grow vegetables in this rural location.16. substantial (adj) large, important; major, significant, prosperous; not imaginary, materialsyn: considerable, tangible, bigant: minor, insignificant, negligibleEx. The win was substantial since it catapulted the team into the playoffs.17. tactful (adj) skilled in handling difficult situations or people; politesyn: skillful, diplomatic, discreetant: clumsy, gauche, boorish, indiscreetEx. Even though the boy thought the girls new hairdo was horrid, he was tactful so as to not hurt her feelings.18. tamper (v) to interfere with; to meddle rashly or foolishly with; to handle in a secret and improper waysyn: monkey with, fool with, mess withEx. Tampering with the computers wires could cause it to malfunction.19. ultimate (adj) last, final; most important or extreme; eventual; basic, fundamental syn: farthest, furthest, terminalant: first, initial, most immediate, nearestEx. The ultimate goal was to win the playoffs.20. uncertainty (n) doubt, the state of being unsuresyn: doubtfulness, hesitationant: sureness, certainty, confidenceEx. Since he hadnt studied for the test, he felt uncertainty about most of his answers.