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Unit Assessment Guide

ICTNWK516_UAG_v1 Created: 19/08/15 Revised: 23/11/15 Page 1 of 6

Unit details Unit Code: ICTNWK516

Unit name: Determine best-fit topology for a local network

Unit purpose This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to determine the most appropriate way of networking computers to meet user needs and business requirements.

It applies to individuals in senior networking roles who are required to plan the most appropriate topology for a proposed network.

Elements and performance criteria

For further information about this unit go to: https://training.gov.au/Training/Details/ICTNWK516

Unit outcome This unit is not graded. Your result will be recorded as achieved competence (AC) or not competent (NC).

Pre-requisite / Co-requisite units


Assessment plan To demonstrate competence in this unit, you must successfully complete each of the following assessment events:

1. Event 1 Report - Network proposal

2. Event 2 Report - Network design plan

Unit Assessment Guide

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Assessment conditions

Submission dates Submission of assessment events are flexible to your own personal needs. You should discuss a timeline with your facilitator in order to determine suitable dates to submit each assessment event for marking.

Submission instructions Your assessment events must be submitted online via the TAFEnow website.

o Complete each of your assessment events and save your files with the event name and your own name – for example: Event1_john_smith.

o Upload your assessment event files and any other additional attachments to the space provided in the TAFEnow online learning platform.

Student is required to provide materials and equipment

To complete this assessment, you will need to provide:

o A personal computer with internet access.

TAFEnow is required to provide material and equipment


Additional resources Nil

Facilitator support and supervision

There is no facilitator supervision required for these assessment events. If you are unclear about any aspect of the assessment please contact your facilitator for guidance.

Student collaboration Student collaboration is not permitted.

Assessment attempts You have two attempts on each event.

General information For general information relating to assessment procedures at TAFEnow refer to


Facilitator information (Facilitator information only)

For Facilitator procedures refer to the TAFEnow Facilitator Space at http://tafenow.com.au/teacher-resources

Unit Assessment Guide

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Assessment events Assessment event 1 – Report – Network proposal

This event requires you to submit a report that demonstrates your ability to determine user network needs.

This assessment event is based on the information found in this scenario. Your report must include the following sections:

1. Business requirements

2. Proposed network segments

3. Network functional matrix

These sections must address the criteria as listed in Table 1


o The report is to be a word processed document addressing each of the criteria in Table 1

o You will need to make some assumptions as the brief scenario above does not consider many important details,

such as physical layout. For example, one assumption you may choose to make is that there are no cable runs of

more than 100m required.

Marking criteria

Table 1

You must meet the below criteria in order to successfully complete this assessment event.

1. Business requirements

In this section of your report:

a. Provide a description of the business requirements with reference to:

o Growth projections and capacity planning

o Costs and queuing constraints

o High and low speed links

o Redundancy paths

o Response time and reliability requirements

o Scope of operation

Unit Assessment Guide

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You must meet the below criteria in order to successfully complete this assessment event.

o Traffic flow patterns

o Traffic load

o Application requirements of users.

b. Provide a description of software and programming requirements the local network, including:

o Security protocols

o Transmission control protocol or internet protocol (TCP/IP).

c. Provide an outline of the installation requirements for local area networks including:

o Cabling, particularly unshielded twisted pair (UTP), shielded twisted pair (STP) or optic fibre

o Characteristics and relative strengths and weaknesses of LAN network topologies

o Features and capabilities of current industry accepted hardware and software products

o Features of line sharing protocols.

2. Proposed network segments

In this section of your report:

a. List the different segments required to meet the identified business network requirements.

b. Provide a detailed description of segment needs based on network functional analysis which may include needs according to:

o Data type

o Data sources

o Number of network users

o Security requirements

o Storage requirements.

c. Provide a detailed description of the estimated traffic for one month’s calculated segment use.

Unit Assessment Guide

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You must meet the below criteria in order to successfully complete this assessment event.

3. Network functional matrix

In this section of your report:

a. Provide a list of the components required in the network functional matrix.

Assessment event 2 – Report – Network design plan

This event requires you to submit a report that demonstrates your ability to develop network specifications.

This assessment event is based on the information found in this scenario. Your report must include the following sections:

1. Types of network topologies

2. Network topology diagrams

3. Resource requirements

4. Estimated costs

5. Recommendation

These sections must address the criteria as listed in Table 2


o The report is to be a word processed document addressing each of the criteria in Table 2

Marking criteria

Table 2

You must meet the below criteria in order to successfully complete this assessment event.

1. Types of network topologies

In this section of your report:

a. Summarise the typical network topologies for the following types of networks:

o Large and small LANs

o Wide area networks (WANs)

Unit Assessment Guide

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You must meet the below criteria in order to successfully complete this assessment event.

o VPNs

o Virtual local area networks (VLANs)

o WLANs.

2. Network topology diagrams

In this section of your report:

a. Provide a description of two network topology options to meet client business requirements.

b. Provide a diagram for each topology option.

3. Resource requirements

In this section of your report:

a. Provide a list of the resource requirements for each network segment identified in the network proposal for each of the network topology options.

4. Estimated costs In this section of your report:

a. Provide a purchase order with estimated resource costings.

5. Recommendation In this section of your report:

a. Provide a detailed description of the network topology that you recommend that best meets the business requirements with reference to:

o Business requirements

o Functional analysis

o Cost

o Your knowledge of other network topologies.


ICTNWK516_Scenario_v1 Created: 12/09/13 Revised: 23/11/15 Page 1 of 1


You are providing consultation to “TechTrainers”; a registered training organisation that require some networking tasks

completed on their campus.

TechTrainers offer a variety of Australian qualifications, from Certificate II to Diploma and Advanced Diplomas. Training is

delivered on campus and online. The campus has twelve (12) rooms, six (6) of these are for formal classes, while the

remaining rooms are used for development purposes in Diploma and Advanced Diploma level courses. Each of these

rooms has 20 multimedia computers and require a student or staff login to access.

There are also 25 staff offices which are located in various areas around the campus. The resources available to students

on campus are only available from the student network. There are shared drives on this server on which staff can save

files for student use.

There are external resource servers located on campus as well. These are highly secure and require a user login from

students who study online.

All users on campus have access to the internet.

Before you can begin to set up the network you will need to:

o Create a network proposal for the new campus that includes:

The requirements of each segment you have identified.

Assumptions you have included to complete requirements.

An estimate of the traffic for one month of the segment’s use.

A network functional matrix.

o Create a network design that includes:

A network diagram for two options.

Resource requirements for each segment for both options.

Costs for all network equipment, in a purchase order.

A discussion clarifying choices in your network design, as required.


Determine best-fit topology for a local


Learner Guide

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Date last saved: 10 November 2015 by Power, Rachael Version: 14 # of Pages = 30

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Contents Getting Started .................................................................................................................................. i

About this unit .................................................................................................................................................................... i

Elements and performance criteria ............................................................................................................................. i

Icon Legends....................................................................................................................................................................... ii

Topic 1 – Determine user needs ....................................................................................................... 1

Network topologies ......................................................................................................................................................... 1

Network components ..................................................................................................................................................... 4

Network segments ........................................................................................................................................................... 6

Network functional analysis .......................................................................................................................................... 8

Network functional matrix...........................................................................................................................................10

Topic 2 - Develop Local Area Network Specification .................................................................... 13

Physical design.................................................................................................................................................................13

Joining network segments ..........................................................................................................................................14

Network examples ..........................................................................................................................................................15

Costing a network ...........................................................................................................................................................20

Purchase orders ...............................................................................................................................................................22

Complete documentation ...........................................................................................................................................23

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Getting Started

About this unit

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to determine the most appropriate way

of networking computers to meet user needs and business requirements.

It applies to individuals in senior networking roles who are required to plan the most

appropriate topology for a proposed network.

Elements and performance criteria

Elements define the essential outcomes of a unit of competency. The Performance Criteria

specify the level of performance required to demonstrate achievement of the Element. They

are also called Essential Outcomes.

Follow this link to find the essential outcomes needed to demonstrate competency in this

Unit: https://training.gov.au/Training/Details/ICTNWK516

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Icon Legends

Learning Activities

Learning activities are the tasks and exercises that assist you in gaining a

clear understanding of the content in this workbook. It is important for you

to undertake these activities, as they will enhance your learning.

Activities can be used to prepare you for assessments. Refer to the

assessments before you commence so that you are aware which activities

will assist you in completing your assessments.

Case Studies

Case studies help you to develop advanced analytical and problem-solving

skills; they allow you to explore possible options and/or solutions to

complex issues and situations and to subsequently apply this knowledge

and these newly acquired skills to your workplace and life.

Discussions/Live chat

Whether you discuss your learning in an online forum or in a face-to-face

environment discussions allow you to create and consolidate new

meaningful knowledge.

Readings (Required and suggested)

The required reading is referred to throughout this Learner Guide. You will

need the required text for readings and activities.

The suggested reading is quoted in the Learner Guide, however you do not

need a copy of this text to complete the learning. The suggested reading

provides supplementary information that may assist you in completing the



A reference will refer you to a piece of information that will assist you with

understanding the information in the Learner Guide or required text.

References may be in the required text, another textbook on the internet.


A self-check is an activity that allows you to assess your own learning

progress. It is an opportunity to determine the levels of your learning and to

identify areas for improvement.

Work Flow

Shows a logical series of processes for completing tasks.

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Topic 1 – Determine user needs In order to determine the best-fit topology for a local network it is assumed that you will

already be familiar with network systems and some basic networking concepts. This topic

contains some basic networking concepts in order to map a network system that best fit client


Network topologies

Network topologies refer to the physical connections of cable between devices. There are

many different type of configurations and each one will affect how the network will function.

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Types of topologies


In ring topology each node in the network plays the same role. Packets will circle the network

looking for the correct recipient. This network requires no other hardware than the computers


If one of the node fails then the network will not work.

Figure 1 – Ring topology


A bus topology is characterised by a conduit or bus that carries packets from the source to its

destination. Because the network is bi-directional i.e. it moves in two directions, collisions may


Figure 2 – Bus topology

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Figure 3 –Star topology

Star topology is typically used in a network segment with a switch playing the central role and

many nodes connected to it. It is the most commonly used topology.


For further information on types of network topologies, see:

> LAN network topologies

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Network components


A Hub is a device that allows multiple nodes to connect to a network. Previously popular as a

cheap alternative, it has no network information and broadcasts all data to all nodes. This is a

security risk. A Switch is a better solution for all networks.


A Network Switch is a small hardware device that joins multiple computers together within

one local network. Switches can be of various types. They can simply pass all traffic through to

other segments as a simple Switch would do. A managed Switch is a more powerful network

device. It can prioritise network traffic and group devices into logical areas as VLANs.


A Bridge device filters data traffic at a network boundary. Bridges reduce the amount of traffic

on a LAN by dividing it into two segments.


A Network Router joins two computer networks together. DSL and cable Modem Routers are

often used in homes and small businesses, while other types of Network Routers are also used

on the Internet.


This is a device that allows a network to be extended. Often, networks can be limited by the

physical properties of the devices and cabling involved in the physical network.

For example, the limitation of CAT 5 cabling is 100m. Where longer runs of this length are

required, a Hub or Switch can play the role Repeater to allow the signal to be transmitted over

the required distance.

Wireless networks, too, are limited by the range of the Wireless Router to which network

devices are joined. This may be as little as 30m in some Networks. A Wireless Access Point can

be used to extend the range of the network. The access point is within range of the main

Network Router. This allows devices that are within range to this access point to be connected

to the Router.

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Severs may play many roles in a local network. A Windows Server may provide services such


> Domain controller

> File server


> DHCP - Dynamic host configuration protocol.

> Print server

> Firewall


Domain controller

All users connected to the Server must login to an account setup on the network. This

provides a layer of security, helping to prevent unauthorised access.

File server

The Server provides access to files on the server. Permissions may be set at various levels – full

control, modify, write read and execute.


A domain name server (DNS) converts network addresses to network names. For example,

www.google.com.au. If you give the network command: ping www.google.com.au

you will get a reply from: indicates that a DNS server has converted the

Internet name to the corresponding network address.

DHCP - Dynamic host configuration protocol.

Each node on the local network must be assigned an Internet protocol (IP) address.

This is commonly assigned by a Router whose role it is. Some Networks find it more useful to

have a Server assign these addresses, so that actions access of these addresses can be


Print server

A Server assigned as a print server allows administrator to control the use of the printer. Jobs

can be prioritised and the management of the print queue can be assigned to specific users as


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A network firewall guards a computer network against unauthorized incoming messages or

undesired outgoing messages. Network firewalls may be hardware devices, software

programs, or a combination of the two.


A network-based intrusion detection system (IDS) is used to monitor and analyse network

traffic to protect a system from network-based threats.

An IDS reads all inbound packets and searches for any suspicious patterns. When threats are

discovered, based on its severity, the system can take action such as notifying administrators,

or barring the source IP address from accessing the Network.

Network segments

A network segment is an area of the network that performs one or more roles.

The term network segment is also used to describe a network connection e.g. a Wi-Fi link or a

fibre link.

The role of network segments

Reduce network traffic

Forming several segments allows traffic to be contained to the areas that are required. There

is no need to allow all nodes to access every other node.

Increased security

Preventing packets from entering segments that are not required also a role in network

security. In the same way as users can be prevented from running applications, network

segments can easily be blocked from accessing other segments.

Further, if one segment is compromised by an intruder and all the nodes on the segment are

at risk, other segments remain protected.

It is important also to provide security on more than one layer. A hardware firewall may block

most unwanted traffic, but user authentication will serve as a second level of security for the


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Isolate network issues

Where network issues affect many users, it is common that those on the same subnet can be

involved. Troubleshooting such a problem is made easier, due to the problem’s isolation.


Adding an extra segment is more reliable than adding more nodes to an existing one. This

prevents interruption to existing segments and allows a new network to be tested without

impacting other users.


For further reading on planning a network see:

> Planning the network configuration

Type of segments

In many local networks, each segment will play one particular role. The roles will help

determine the physical layout of the network, as well as the topology.

User segment

A segment may be created for the purpose of collecting end users together. This is typical of a

room of computers, such as an office where similar work is being done or a teaching room

where users are accessing the same resources.

Storage segment

There may be advantages in grouping file storages together. It is easy to apply the same

security levels to these computers.

Database segment

Here, there may be important business data stored. This may have less traffic, depending on

how many users access the local database.

Security segment

Several devices may be put in place to bolster security of the Network. This may be achieved

with the use of firewalls, authentication and IDS.

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For further information on networking segments, see:

> Network segments

> Segmenting your network

> LAN segmentation

> Network segmentation



Why is it efficient to segment nodes of the same type in the same segment e.g. office users?

Network functional analysis

Taking the time to analyse network function will result in a list of the components that make

up the network, including:

> all components and their means of connectivity to the network

> cabling

> protocols

In order to create the best topology for a local network you need to look at exactly what the

network will be used for.

It is good practice to:

> Build the network to allow only those business functions that are necessary. Avoid

allowing networks to communicate, if business requirements do not need it.

> Build the network based on security requirements. Where users and systems need to

access other systems, enforce security measures to maintain the requirements

> White list segments. This involves using managed Switches to identify packets based on

their source. Then only necessary packets will be able to enter the network. This is more

efficient than blacklisting, which is an ongoing process.

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For further reading see:

> A network design example

Network traffic

It is important that an estimate of network traffic be made prior to implementing a network.

This is particularly true of segments with a many to one (1) connection.

Consider a network with 4 users connected to a Switch which is also connected to a Server.

The 4 users are generating 2Mb/s bandwidth on the Network. If all users are communicating

with the server on the same segment then the server is getting up to 8Mb/s traffic.

This is a simple example, with only a small number of users. Consider an office where typically

20 or 30 users are connected to a Switch.

If the users were all generating the same amount of data (e.g. requesting the same video file

from a server) then the implications are that a bottleneck would occur if these requests were

made at the same instant. As this is an unlikely turn of events, the network would not be

under threat as the bandwidth in an office is unlikely to be sufficiently large to create such a


Calculate total bytes

To estimate traffic in a network segment, the following calculation will assist in testing the

network. Always use maximum values when using estimates.

> Bytes = users x time period x bitrate / 8

> users = number of users in the network segment

The assumption here is that each user will generate the same traffic.

> time period = length of time over which the calculation is being made. To choose too

long a time period may become atypical of the network use.

> bitrate = the rate of transmission of data. This rate would need to be over the time

period used.

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Consider a network of 20 users, generating network data at a rate of 2Mb/s. How many bytes

will be generated in one hour?

In this example, use 3600s as the time period, since the bitrate is in seconds.

Bytes = 20 x 2 000 000 x 3600 / 8

= 18,000,000,000 bytes

= 18GB


Calculate bytes

A network of 15 users generates network data at a rate of 450Kb/s. How many bytes will be

transmitted in a period of 4 hours?

Network functional matrix

A network function matrix is a list of the components required in the network, based on the



Office network scenario

In an office that has rooms on two floors of a building, there are 10 workstations on the ground

floor five on the on the first floor.

Each floor has its own server for storing business files and connecting the internet. The

workstations on the first floor must have access to the ground floor server, but the ground floor

workstations must not be able to access the first floor server for security purposes.

Have a think about what equipment will be required, this will be your network functional matrix.

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It is important to note that not all business requirements will be applicable to the formation of the

functional matrix. There are several layers of the OSI model at which security can be applied to

meet those requirements, such as the server access here.

Segmenting this network would see the 10 ground floor workstations and the server on the one

network. This requires a switch to connect these to the one segment.

Similarly, the 5 first floor workstations and server will be connected to the one switch. These

switches will then be connected to a router to enable an Internet connection.

CAT 6 cabling is to be used to connect workstations to the switches and the two switches to the

router. TCP/IP would need to be installed on all workstations.

Figure 4 – Diagram of network

Without further information available, methods of meeting all the requirements are not clear.

Potential areas for bottlenecks are those where many - to - many connections occur.

This includes:

> 15 users accessing the Server on the ground floor

> 15 users accessing the Internet.

Given that CAT 6 connections are gigabit connections, it is unlikely that there either of these areas

will generate 1000Mb/s.

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The connection of the two Switches together will allow all traffic from the first floor to the ground

floor without accessing the Router.

In summary

> Two switches and one Router will be required.

> CAT 6 cabling will connect the devices.

> TCP/IP will be the protocol for transmission of data.


Expansion of the network scenario

Consider the expansion of the network scenario above. A further room of 10 workstations and

Server is added. The existing first floor workstations need to connect to this Server.

1 What extra devices will be required?

2 Does the existing network need to be changed to accommodate any changes?

3 Do traffic issues occur as a result of this scaling of the network?

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Topic 2 - Develop Local Area Network Specification

Physical design

The physical design of a network refers to the existing infrastructure in which it operates.

Buildings, such as offices, laboratories and classrooms all have an impact on the network

forming a physical arrangement of networks.

The arrangement of nodes in the buildings also plays a part in the physical design. Segments

of the network may be in the same room, the same building or even hundreds of metres

distant from other segments.

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Joining network segments

Common in the workplace is category 5, twisted pair cabling (CAT 5 cabling)

Figure 5 – CAT 5 cabling

This cable consists of four pairs of cables, terminated with and RJ-45 connectors.

Data can be carried on this cable for up to 100m, at speeds of up to 100Mb/s.


For more information about these cables see:

> How to wire ethernet cables


The category 6 cable is often referred to as a gigabit link. These cables are used for speeds of

up to 1 Gb/s. Runs of this cable are about 150m with no loss of data.


Wireless connectivity

There are various standards surrounding the use of wireless connectivity in a local network.

For more information see:

> About Tech – CAT 6

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Network examples

Example 1

Figure 6 – A linear type network

In the figure above, several users are connected to each Hub. The Servers each have 2

Network Interface Cards (NICs) saving the need to include extra connectivity. Users from each

Hub will need to access both Hubs.

Note: In an effort to save money, this network has used Hubs to connect users to Servers and

Network Cables to connect the Servers.

All network traffic will go through both Servers, regardless of the packet’s destination.

The failure of either Server will bring down the entire Network.

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Figure 7 – The alternative network

Figure 7 shows that Hubs are replaced by Switches and are directly connected. The traffic no

longer needs to go through both Servers to reach its destination. The effect of broadcasting

all inbound packets created by the Hubs is eliminated by the use of Switches.


Think for a moment

Consider the implications of the physical change to the network example above. It is likely that the

Servers are in the same room and so have a short connection, while the Hubs/Switches may be in

different rooms.

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Example 2

Figure 8 – An overload network

In an overload network, the Hubs represent a group of users generating traffic.

Clearly, when this network was developed, no consideration was given to the passage of data

from Hubs to Servers. A bottleneck would occur with four Hubs supplying data to one Switch.

Only when this data is available is the best solution available.

Suppose most of the Hub 1 traffic flowed to Server A, most of the Hub 2 & 3 traffic to Server B

and Hub 4 traffic to Server C, then a simple solution is as follows:

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Figure 9 – Alternative to the overload network

In this solution the most common paths to Servers are shortest, while still maintaining access

to all Servers from all Hubs.

Example 3

A small business Network of 25 staff has the following nodes:

> 2 office areas of 10 computers each

> 2 computers in a reception area and

> 3 management machines

A Windows Server 2008 installation houses all data used by the offices, which all users will


> a separate server houses management data

> all users access the internet

> a web server runs the business website

> two network printers are available

The requirements given are not sufficient. There is no way to determine the traffic in each

segment. The Web Server is not included below. Its placement would depend on which users

will need to access it directly, for the purposes of updates.

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Figure 10 – Network diagram with multiple segments

All traffic will go through the central Switch. This may not be an issue with a relatively small

number of users. Since the traffic from most users is either to the File Server or the Internet, it

would be more efficient to segment this traffic with a Switch for each of these services.

The physical layout may affect the solution if distances are large. If any of these areas of the

Network are hundreds of metres distant from the others, then some network extension will be

required. Repeaters may be necessary to avoid excessive cable runs and loss of data.



1 What other solutions for the above Network are available?

2 Do they depend on the volume of network traffic in the Network?

3 How would extending the Network affect the solution?

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Costing a network

Building a network requires funding the network equipment. Most computers will be replaced

after a fixed period and will not be considered part of the Network setup, for costing



CAT 5 cabling will suit most small installations, running at 100Mbps. Runs of up to 100m are


Wall plates and jacks

Figure 11 – Wall plate and jack

It is common to use wall plates and jacks to run cables through the walls of a building. This

makes the network tidy, as well as allowing easy connection to the network via workstations.


Switches will need to be 16 or 24 port, depending on the complexity of the Network.

It is important to consider the growth of the Network, anticipating further connections and

segments being added (scalability).


These may perform the role of DHCP in a local network, assigning IP addresses to devices that


Their main role however, is to correctly rout packets to the destination node in the Network.

21 | P a g e I C T N W K 5 1 6 _ L G _ V 1

T A F E n o w


Find the cost

Find the cost of a suitable router for a simple linear network with 20 workstations and three servers.

Modem / Routers

A modem / router plays the role of a Router, with the additional function of a Modem - to

convert data for use on a phone line.


Find the cost

Find the cost of:

1 CAT 6 cable and its installation

2 a 16 port Switch

3 a suitable Router for this Network

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Purchase orders

Purchase orders are usually used in a business to acquire the resources required for a network.

It is advisable to get quotes and estimates before you purchase your resource hardware.

Costing maybe impact on the network topology you ultimately select particularly if your

resource budget is low and your needs are minimal. Remember you should plan for scalability

meaning that you can often add segments to expand your network in the event of changing

business requirements.

A sample purchase order is provided below

Figure 12 – Sample of a purchase order

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T A F E n o w

Complete documentation

A complete documentation of the network solution would include:

> a statement of the requirements

> a network functional matrix

> a network diagram

> purchase order

Requirements (as per Example 3 on page 18)

A small business network of 25 staff has the following nodes:

> 2 office areas of 10 computers each,

> 2 computers in a reception area and

> 3 management machines.

A Windows Server 2008 installation houses all data used by the offices, which all users will


> a separate server houses management data

> all users access the internet

> a web server runs the business website

> two network printers are available

Functional matrix

The network will require:

> 4 switches

> 1 router

> cabling (about 300m)

> wall plates

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What’s missing?

What other information would be relevant to the Network Design document?
