Unit 5th Exam Guide




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Unit 5th Exam guideStudent: Karla Valeria Jiménez Rebolloso 1’’B’’

1. Complete with the correct form of the verb “to be”.

a)They are reading a great book.b)What are you doing?c) What is your name?d)He is American.e)My brothers are watching TV.

2. Answer correctly.

a)What is a bilingual dictionary? Is a dictionary used to translate words or phrases from one language to another.

b)What is a monolingual dictionary? It is presented in only one language.

c) What is a verb? Any action or word that expresses a relationship between two things.

d)What is the purpose of adjectives? Is a word that describes or clarifies a noun. Adjectives describe nouns by giving some information about an object’s size, shape, age, color, origin or material.

3. Answer the questions.

What is the weather like today? It’s suny and warm.

4. Write 3 parts of the skeletal system:

Skull, neck, ribs.

5. Write 3 parts of the respiratory system

Nasal passage, nose, lung.

6. Write 3 parts of the circulatory system

Ventricle, arteries, veins.