Unit 5: Examination & Graduation · Viva Voce . If you are enrolled in a PhD, you will be...


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Unit 5: Examination & Graduation

Unit 1: HDR & GRS HDR Cohort GRS Role GRS Office & Structure GRS Webpages HDR Policies & Rules Course Administration

Unit 2: Induction & Orientation Induction Campus Card Student Email studentConnect Supervision SPORS Professional Relationships Graduate Research Coordinators Scholarships SSAF & OSHC

Unit 3: Candidature Management Enrolment ACE & Coursework Enrolments DELNA Milestone Paperwork Research Funding Research Proposals Annual Progress Reports Confirmation of Candidature GRS Forms Ethics Approvals

Induction Structure

Re-enrolment Candidature Variations Leave & Suspensions Student Travel & Travel Awards Partnerships & Internships IP & Legal Services

Unit 4: Support, Training & Resources GEOs Researcher Training Resources & Training Academic Writing & Editorial Assistance STUDYSmarter Turnitin LinkedIn Learning Library Services Computer & IT Help Statistical Consultations Research Integrity Training Ethics Application Support Careers Guild & PSA Safety & Security Wellbeing

Unit 5: Examination Thesis Examination Viva Voce Thesis as Series of Papers

List of Abbreviations and Acronyms ABLE Arts, Business, Law and Education

ACE Academic Conduct Essentials

AEC Animal Ethics Committee

APA Australian Postgraduate Award

APR.Intern Australian Postgraduate Research Intern

COI Conflict of Interest

DBA Doctor of Business Administration

DELNA Diagnostic English Language Needs Assessment

EMS Engineering and Mathematical Sciences

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

FTE Full Time Equivalent

GEO Graduate Education Officer

GRC Graduate Research Coordinator

GRS Graduate Research School

HDR Higher Degree Research

HDR Prelim HDR Preliminary

HMS Health and Medical Sciences

HREC Human Research Ethics Committee

IPEd Institute of Professional Editors

IPRS International Postgraduate Research Scholarships

LMS Learning Management System (BlackBoard)

MPhil Masters of Philosophy

MRes Masters of Research

ORE Office of Research Enterprise

OSHC Overseas Health Cover

PhD Doctor of Philosophy

PPD Paid Professional Development

REU Research End User

RIA Research Integrity Advisor

RTF Researcher training Framework

RTP Research Training Program

RTS Researcher Training Scheme

SCI Science

SIRF Scholarships for International Research Fees

SJD Doctor of Juridical Science

SPORS Student Perceptions of Research Supervision

SSAF Student Services and Amenities Fees

TEQSA Tertiary Education Quality and Standards

UPA UWA Postgraduate Award

UWA University of Western Australia

Thesis Examination

Thesis Splash Page

Advice about thesis submission and examination, thesis style and format, examiners expectations of thesis, thesis as a series of papers and a step-by-step guide to the submission process is available from the GRS Thesis splash page.

Your PHEME account will stay active during the examination period and for a year after graduation, giving you access to the library, student email account and IT services during this time.

Viva Voce Examination

Viva Voce

If you are enrolled in a PhD, you will be required to complete a Viva Voce as part of your overall examination.

After your thesis is examined by two examiners, they will also meet with you to discuss your thesis. You will be provided with their examiner reports prior to this Viva Voce meeting, which will allow you and your supervisors to prepare your responses to their comments about your thesis prior to meeting them in person.

Viva Voce guidelines for UWA students, supervisors, chairs and examiners are available on the GRS webpages and the GEOs offer Viva Voce workshops to help prepare you for this part of your examination.

Viva Voce Workshops Viva Voce Guidelines

Thesis as a Series of Papers

At UWA, the course rules and examination criteria for all PhD theses are the same, whether or not the thesis contains published papers. Unlike some other universities, UWA does not have a separate set of rules or criteria for theses formatted as a series of published papers, although the rules allow for theses to be prepared in this way.

At UWA, papers included in a thesis do not need to be published, they can be presented as manuscripts prepared for submission or submitted for publication. If a thesis is formatted as a series of papers it needs to include general introduction and general discussion.

There are a number of important considerations to be taken into account when formatting a thesis as a series of papers, such as time constraints, co-authorship, coherence, substantiveness and repetition. Advice is provided to students & supervisors about thesis formatting on the GRS webpages and in face-to-face workshops.

Examination Criteria PhD Thesis Formatting Advice Thesis Workshops Examination Criteria MPhil

Thank you for taking the time to complete this induction module. You can refer back to online module at anytime or print a hard copy. We hope that you find the information useful as you continue throughout your candidature at UWA.

To finalise your GRS induction, we ask you to register for, and attend, a GRS Welcome.

The GRS Welcome is a half day program. You will meet other new students, meet the GRS staff and hear from students close to completion about their experience of HDR studies at UWA. Importantly, you will have the opportunity to ask any remaining questions you have about your candidature.

Register for GRS Welcome
