Unit 4 Lesson 3. Disagreements Grow Big Idea Anticipatory Set


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Unit 4Lesson 3

Disagreements GrowBig Idea

Anticipatory Set

California Standards

Social Studies Standard 5.1:

Understand how political, religious, and economic ideas and interests brought about the Revolution.

California Standards

Social Studies Standard 5.2:

Know the significance of the first and second Continental Congresses and of the Committees of Correspondence.

California Standards

Social Studies Standard 5.4:

Describe the views, lives, and impact of key individuals during this period.

California Standards

Social Studies Standard 6.1:

Identify and map the major military battles, campaigns, and turning points of the Revolutionary War, the roles of the American and British leaders, and the Indian leaders’ alliances on both sides.

Input - Timeline

Dec. 16, 1773 – The Boston Tea Party

April 1774 – Parliament passes the Coercive Acts

Sep. 1774 – The first Continental Congress is held

April 1775 – The Battles of Lexington and Concord

Language of the Discipline

Monopoly – the complete control of a good or service in an area.

Coerce – to bring about by force or threat.

Blockade – to stop others from entering or leaving a harbor.


Language of the Discipline

Quarter – to provide or pay for housing.

Congress – a formal meeting of representatives.

Language of the Discipline

Petition – a signed request made to an official person or organization.

Minutemen – a member of the Massachusetts colony militia who could quickly be ready to fight.

Revolution – a sudden, great change, such as the overthrow of an established government.

The Boston Tea PartyPg. 337

InputIn 1773 Parliament passed the Tea Act.

This gave the East India Company a monopoly.

They were now the only legal sellers of tea in the colonies.The tea was taxed, but was still less expensive.

Britain thought colonists would gladly buy the cheaper tea even though it was taxed.

Angry colonists still decided to boycott.

InputShips loaded with tea set sail for the colonies.

Nov. 1773 – 3 ships arrived in Boston Harbor.

They were allowed to dock, which made many colonists angry.

They began to protest.

One night the Sons of Liberty dressed as Mohawk Indians, boarded the ships, and threw 342 chests of tea into the harbor.

This became known as the Boston Tea Party.

The Coercive ActsPg. 338

InputAs punishment, Parliament passed the Coercive Acts.

Colonists considered these laws to be intolerable.

The laws became known as the “Intolerable Acts” by the colonists.


The First Continental CongressPg. 339

InputBritish leader, William Pitt, suggested that parliament govern America gently.

September 1774, representatives of the colonies meet in Philadelphia to discuss a response to Britain.

First meeting of its kind in N. America – later called the First Continental Congress. Members drafted a petition that stated their basic rights as British citizens.

Right to Life and Liberty, the right to assemble, right to trial by jury.

Lexington and ConcordPg. 340


April 1775 – Minutemen militia units organized in Massachusetts.

British General Gage heard that Samuel Adams and John Hancock were meeting in Lexington and storing weapons in Concord.

Gage ordered 700+ soldiers to march to Lexington and Concord to arrest these men. The secret march was found out by Paul Revere. Revere rode to Lexington to warn Adams and Hancock.

John Hancock and Samuel Adams

InputBecause of Revere’s warning the minutemen were ready for the British soldiers.

Minutemen leader John Parker told his men to hold their ground.

No one knows who fired first. 8 minutemen were killed and several other were wounded.

The British then marched to Concord but the weapons had been moved.

Poet Ralph Waldo Emerson later called these shots “the shots heard round the world” as the fighting marked the first steps in creating the United States of America.


After the Boston Tea Party, Parliament passed laws to punish the colonists. The First Continental Congress sent the king a petition arguing for the rights of the colonists. Battles at Lexington and Concord marked the start of war between Britain and the 13 colonies.

Unanswered Questions

What did the colonists do when they couldn’t afford to quarter soldiers?

How did Paul Revere hear about the British soldiers marching?

Ask your own…

Multiple Perspectives

Draw a picture of the Lexington and Concord confrontation.

Describe how a soldier on each side (British, Colonies) felt.


When did the British march to Lexington and Concord?

April 1775

Check for understanding

How did the Coercive Acts affect trade in Boston?

They closed the port of Boston, which cut off all legal trade.

Check for understanding

What is the term for a complete control of a good or service?

A Monopoly.


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