Unit 2: Thinking Like a Scientist



Theme 3: What is Light?. Unit 2: Thinking Like a Scientist. monitor - to watch or keep track of how something changes. http://heartratemonitorviews.info/Timex%20Zone%20Trainer%20T5G971%20Heart%20Rate%20Monitor%20Watch.jpg. A heart rate monitor can be an essential tool for any workout. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Unit 2: Thinking Like a Scientist

Theme 3: What is Light?

monitor- to watch or keep track of how something changes

A heart rate monitor can be an essential tool for any workout.


pattern- lines, shapes, or colors that are put together to make a design

A pattern is repeated over and over.


projected- when something appears on another surface

A movie is projected onto a screen at a movie theatre.


beam- a ray of light

A beam of bright light shines from a flashlight.


absorption- occurs when an object is able to take in or soak up a liquid

A sponge is a tool used for the absorption of liquid.


lens- a piece of glass used to help bring objects into focus

The video camera lens zoomed in to focus on the football players at the game.


function- the purpose of something

In order to function properly, a clock cannot be missing any gears or parts.


focus- to make something that is blurry more clear

Sarah tried to focus her camera on the butterfly so that she could get a great picture.


demonstrate- to show how something works

John gave the students a demonstration on tracking hurricanes.


filament- a very fine wire or thread

You can find a filament inside a light bulb.

