Unit 2 Marketing Process and Environment.pptx


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  • 7/25/2019 Unit 2 Marketing Process and Environment.pptx


    Unit 2

    Marketing Process and


  • 7/25/2019 Unit 2 Marketing Process and Environment.pptx


    Marketing Process:

    It has two major dimension Targeting

    customers and developing marketing mix.

    Targeting Customers: Marketing process starts

    by identifying the target customers. The

    process begins by identifying the totalmarkets, dividing the total market in to market

    segments, selecting the most profitable

    segments, focusing and serving these segmentswith the well designed marketing mix.

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    The marketing process is associated will these activities and

    responsibilities of the marketer. It means the continuous flow

    of goods from production point the consumption point.

    According to Philip Kotler:

    1. Analyzing marketing opportunities:

    hange in technology, increasing consumer!s purchasing

    power, social and cultural dynamism.

    ".Developing marketing strategies

    The marketing managers need to develop the segmentation,

    targeting and positioning strategies. #eveloping strategies for

    competitive advantages.

    $.Planning marketing programs

    %.Managing the marketing efforts.

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    Concentration: & 'n the basis of customerneeds and wants only the right product can be

    created( )nalysis of marketing environment

    )nalysis of marketing opportunities

    Identification of target market Identification of customer needs and wants

    *roduction of desired goods and services.

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    Equalization: ()fter the suitableproducts are produced but before that are

    distributed to the target market, the marketer

    has to correctly examine whether the product

    does match to the customer needs and wants.(

    Matching product with needs and wants Matching supply with demand

    #evelop a marketing program

    *erform marketing activities

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    Dispersion: ( )fter the desired goods and servicesare produced and information regarding the demand

    position is analy+ed, the goods become ready for physicaldistribution(

    Movement of goods and services from product centers to

    consumption centers

    Involvement of marketing intermediaries

    *erform marketing activities

    Transfer of ownership from seller to buyer

    eed satisfaction

    Feed Back: -ollowup

    /valuation of markets

    Marketing control

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    Marketing MixProduct Price Promotion Place

    0uality 1evel )dvertising #istribution channels

    -eatures andbenefits

    #iscounts *ersonalselling


    2tyle )llowances 2alespromotion

    'utlet locations

    3rand name *ayment terms *ublicity 2ales territories

    *ackaging 4eturns Investorrelations

    Inventory locations

    5arranty Tradeshows Transportationcenters

    2ervice level


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    Developing the MarketingMix

    Marketing mix is the set of marketing tools to achieve theorganizational goals.

    1. Product Mix: It includes decision relating to hat to o!er tothe target customers.


    Product planning and development.Product line and product mix

    .Product "ualit#


    .Design % size& looks& color& eight etc '

    .(eatures % )okia o!ering di!erent com*ination of features.+randing % name& logo& color& slogan '

    .Packaging and la*eling

    .,arrant# & after sales service

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    2. Place or distribution mix: Placedecision mainl# involve ho to

    manage the -o of products fromthe factor# to the market.

    hannel selection / channel

    motivationhannel con-ict management

    Ph#sical distri*ution % It involves

    e0cient management oftransportation& arehousing&inventor# management& material

    handling& order processing and

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    1. Price mix: The price mix decisions includesanalysis of competitors prices, formulation of

    pricing objectives, setting the base price anddetermining terms and conditions of sales etc.

    ompetitors price analysis

    *ricing objectives *rice setting

    onditions of sales

    #iscounts, allowances and commission

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    . Promotion mix: 6ere identify and explain thekey activities conducted under the promotion mix of

    marketing. )dvertising & Television, audio, video paper etc (

    *ersonal selling & sales through sales persons (

    2ales promotion & sample, premium, contests,

    demonstration, coupons, special displays, price reductionon temporary basis (

    *ublic relation & press, government, customers and

    society (

    #irect marketing & door to door selling, mailorder

    marketing, telephone marketing, television marketing, on

    line marketing, etc (

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    Marketing Environment:

    /nvironment consists of surroundings or forces influencing

    growth or development. Marketing environment is the totalityof forces that effect on the marketing decision and the

    attainment of the marketing goal. The marketing environment

    is more important to management today than ever before. This

    is both because the rate of environmental change has increase

    and because there are more type of important environmental

    changes. It is the source of not only challenges to the

    management it is also the strong source of opportunities. )

    marketer identifies business opportunities from among the

    marketing environmental force. Marketing plans policies andstrategies are affected by the set of environmental forces

    including both internal and external, the combination of these

    forces is known as marketing environment.

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    Internal Environment: It located ithin the organization

    Production facilities: If the company is a producer, it must have ade7uate

    production facilities on the basis of changing demand and need of customers. Financial capability: ) marketing company re7uires ade7uate finance to run

    it smoothly.

    Human resources: It consists of technical and nontechnical manpower. -or

    smooth functioning of the company skilled manpower is re7uired.

    Company location: 2uccess of a company, to a large extent, depends uponthe selection of a right or proper location.

    R. And capability: *roducts once developed and introduced may not fulfill

    the needs and wants of the target market.

    Company image: ompan# image is the position of the

    compan# in the market or the nature of market response.onsumer3s man# easil# accept the products of thosecompanies& hich have good image in the market.

    'bjectives8 resources8 structure 8

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    External Environment:


    !he Firm"s Market: It may be defined in as a place where

    buyers and sellers meet, goods or services are offered for sale and

    ownership of goods or services is transferred. & onsumer9s

    market, Industrial market, ovt. or organi+ational market (

    Producer # $uppliers: It consist of individuals or organi+ations

    regularly supplying the products to the marketing organi+ation forreproduction or resale purpose. 2uccess of marketing

    organi+ation depends upon the regular supply of goods and

    services by the suppliers.

    Marketing intermediaries: They are independent businessorgani+ations that help the flow of goods and services form the

    producing point to the consumption point. They are resellers such

    as agents, distributors, wholesalers, retailers or middleman.

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    %conomic en&ironment: )ccording to

    economic law the marketing of a particular

    product largely depends upon two factors

    ability to the consumers to spend and their

    willingness to spend. 'nce without othercannot fulfill the marketing objective. It

    consists 1evel of income, Monetary and fiscal

    policy. 1evel of employment, 4ate of inflation. /conomic conditions: *rosperity, 4ecession,

    #epression, 4ecovery.

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    Prosperity: #uring this period unemployment is low and

    aggregate income is high. onsumers are generally willing

    to spend and marketers take advantages.

    Recession:#uring this unemployment and people!s incomefall. Many company!s cut down their workforce and many

    business close down their operation. Many countries of the

    world including ;2), 5estern /urope, and ulf countries

    went into recession between "

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    Demograpic environments:#emographic represents the statistical study of

    human population and its distributioncharacteristics. It is an utmost important task for

    the marketing executives to study about the

    changing pattern of demography of the country.

    It consists Total population and its growth and

    structure of population distribution & like sex

    wise distribution, )ge wise distribution, Marital

    status, -ertility and mortality rate *opulationdensity, #istribution by education and 4eligious

    structures etc (

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    $ocio'Cultural en&ironment: ulture is the

    means used in adjusting to the biological

    environment, psychological, and historicalcomponents of human existence. ) society is a

    group of people having distinct beliefs,

    knowledge, costumes, habits, taste, values culture

    and lifestyle. These socio cultural characteristics

    differ from people to people and society to society.

    Therefore their choice of goods and services also

    differ from one another. It consists #emographicsof society, ultural value of society, onsumerism

    &against and for of goods and services etc.(

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    !echnological en&ironment: It is the knowledge and

    procedures used in the conversion of resources to a

    finished product. It is the practical application of

    science, new or old to meet a need or solve a problem.

    Political'(egal en&ironment: It is a broad term

    covering the firms and institution by which the nation

    is governed. It consists of an interaction set of laws,government agencies and pressure groups that

    influence and constrain the conduct of various

    organi+ations and individuals in the society, while

    formulation a marketing plan and program a marketermust be able to analy+e all these political and legal


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    )atural en&ironment: 4esources are not distributed by

    nature in all the countries in the same ratio. 5hatever

    resources are available, they cannot be used forever, because

    they will be fully deployed after certain period. Therefore the

    marketer needs to be aware of the conse7uences of non

    availability of natural resources and the alternative solution to

    the problems should be determined. & It consists increased

    levels of environment pollution, overnment intervention inatural resources management, (

    Competiti&e en&ironment: 2uccess in the market place is

    dependent not only upon identifying and responding to

    customer9s need but also upon the companies ability to ensurethat its response is judged by customers to be superior that of

    the competitors.

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    Factors affecting Marketing nvironment

    /conomic dimensions of environment

    2ocial dimensions or environment

    *olitical environment 1egal regulatory environment

    Technical environment

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    Marketing Environment in !epal:

    epal is a small landlocked 6imalayan country situated at the

    heart of )sia. epal has a multiparty system. The nearest sea port

    for entry and exit of epalese cargoes is alcutta port. epal hasbeen using hittagong port of 3angladesh for launching

    international trade with rest of the world. The major

    environmental forces that have greater impact on epalese market

    and trade pattern may be economic environment, demographic,

    political legal and technological etc.

    epal is an agrarian country. ontribution of agriculture

    sector to the country9s real #* and employment is high. -arming

    is still highly labor intensive. 4ecently marketing opportunities for

    services sectors like computer software, insurance, bankingeducation, hospitals and nursing homes haven been fostering

    rapidly with bright future, /conomically, epal hopes from 5T'


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    The demographic character of epal shows that the market

    structure of the country diverse in nature. *reviously, epal

    was recogni+ed as the country peace but now it has been

    converted into the politically disturbed country. *oliticaldisturbance in the country, /specially the Maoist problem, and

    other parties of Terai and hilly has affected the permanency of

    government which has adverse effect on the country9s business

    and economic performance. /ffective rules and regulations

    regarding marketing activities are lacking in epal.

    1abor is comparatively cheap in epal. Industrial

    development has not taken proper direction in epal so the use

    of appropriate technology is not sufficient. )lmost all the

    technologies are imitating. 4ecently information technologyhas been gaining momentum in the country in commercial


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    6owever, for the last several yearsenvironmental degradation has been

    alarmingly increased in the country due to theunplanned deforestation at faster pace,

    exploitation of natural resources for business

    purposes and over population especially in cityareas. The si+e of epalese market is small so

    the domestic industries no enjoy cost and

    value effectiveness. )s a result their

    competitive power is weak compared to

    foreign competitors.

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    "igligts o# !epalese MarketingEnvironment:

    epal is a small landlocked 6imalayan country situated

    at the heart of )sia

    earest sea port is alcutta

    epal is a multy party system

    ;sing hittagong port of 3angladesh for internationaltrade

    epal is an )grarian country

    -arming is still highly labor intensive

    4ecently Marketing opportunities are growing in

    computer software, insurance, banking, education,

    hospitals and nursing homes.

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    epal hopes from 5T'

    #emographic character of the country is diverse

    in nature 'ur country is politically disturbed

    /ffective marketing rules and regulations are

    lacking in epal Industrial development has not taken proper


    4ural farming is still in traditional based

    Informational technology has been gaining


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    Affecting causes of )epalese marketing en&ironment

    are as follo*s:

    ,esternization Ur*anization



    (oreign Emplo#ment

    Political insta*ilit#


    Information communication 6echnolog# Pollution


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    Important "uestions

    7. ,hat are the ke# components ofmarketing process8 Explain.

    2. Explain the term marketing mix and

    descri*e its four components.1. De9ne marketing environment. Explain

    the maor components of microenvironment of Marketing8

    . ,h# the natural environment isimportant in )epalese marketing orld8