Unit 18 final evaluation


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Unit 18 evaluation

During the production of designing an advertising company I chose the name ‘Logomotion’ with the slogan ‘Advertising your future’. I initially chose it because I felt it fitted with what the company does e.g. advertise products. However now I personally don’t like this name because it doesn’t look professional and seems naff. I don’t like the colour scheme however I do quite like the shape containing the ‘L’. If I were to change anything I would probably come up with a whole new logo, name and slogan. This would hopefully include a more professional colour scheme and icon which would help stand out if this were to be an actual company.

When we bought our ideas as a group we decided on

the name Zephyr Advertising’ with the slogan

‘regenerating ideas’. This was created through a few

logos which our group had come up with, which I felt

was beneficial as then it wasn’t only one person’s

idea. However I feel the logo could have been created

more professionally and the colour scheme could

have been changed to something bolder, as well as using a different font to make it easier to read.

We then had to design a water bottle logo and slogan, I chose ‘Blue

cove’ as I felt it was different to other company names out there as

well as it sound fairly professional. When I first thought of the name I

could imagine it being said with a deep voice over if it were in an

advert. I also felt that the blue colour scheme fitted well with its

name. I used a picture of the sea to emphasise the cove section of its

name. By editing it in Photoshop I was able to change the colour of

the beach to a true deep blue, which I feel enhanced the name.

When we decided on our final water bottle we chose ‘Quantic fresh’

which Rory had designed. We generally agreed as a team that it

looked professional and gave us many ideas for our TV advert. It

looks simple and stands out, however I am not sure with the

Japanese writing as I’m not sure what it means, although you could

look at it as it being a global brand.

As a team I feel we worked well, we each allocated individual rolls

and was able to create and finish an effective product. I feel that I

participated fairly to the group and was able to produce my own bottle design, print advert,

advertising company logo and helped film parts of the TV advert as well as keep the group in order. I

feel that if they weren’t focused I was able to bring them back to what they were required to do, or

suggested tasks that needed to be done, and was occasionally one step ahead. I feel that everyone

pulled their weight evenly, for example if one person hadn’t participated much in one task they

would be the leader of the next. There were also no arguments throughout the topic which was very


This is my final print advert design which I created in


I like how the reflection of the bottle fits with the reflection of

the mountain; I also love the fact that the water within the

bottle looks icy cold due to the colour bottle I had chosen.

However I feel that if I were to adapt it I would have made the

slogan ‘cleanse your mind’ bigger and more centre from the

bottle to the edge of the image. However I feel confident with

this design and feel it fits with the word ‘fresh’ from the logo

‘Quantic fresh’, due to the snowy mountains being cold, which is what I feel fresh represents.

I feel that our group pitch went really well, and we were able to present our product with confidence

and clarity. We each thought and planned out what we wanted to say about the product and

allocated individual sections to talk about. I feel we were well rehearsed which the audience could

understand and put across what we wanted to say. The audience thought that we had presented a

good pitch and could understand that we had clearly practiced due to the presentation being

smooth and professional. They also noticed that we had written a clear and concise script which we

used well and successfully included statistics in the marketing campaign and produced excellent TV

and print adverts. Our eye line focus was direct and we were able to successfully answer any of the

questions that were thrown at us with confidence and clearly understood what we were talking

about due to researching in depth.

If I were to do this whole assignment again I would adapt the techniques we used to create our TV

advert and take more time when filming it, as many of the shots were either blurred/unfocused or

unsteady. I would ensure this by using a tripod to efficiently keep the shots sturdy, as well as using

the manual focus to concentrate on the main subject I required to focus on in that particular shot. If

I ensured this happened I feel the advert would look more professional and may have had a different

outcome due to all the shots having a similar standard and view.

To conclude I feel that this topic was fairly challenging due to how many different tasks we needed

to complete, but I successfully completed them all on time and to the highest on my ability. Over all I

am pleased with my final outcomes.
