Unit 14 zoology drone 雄蜂 royal jelly 蜂王浆 worker 工蜂 queen 蜂王 beeswax 蜂腊...


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Unit 14zoology


royal jelly蜂王浆




beekeeper养蜂人 beehive



as busy as a bee


flower sting毒刺




bee house养蜂场

hum/ buzz蜂音

What other words come to your mind when you see “bee” this word?

The language of honey-bees

Skimming Skimming

1.The scientist can study the language of honey bees only after the development of ____.

A. the modern beehiveB. experiments C. dishes of honeyD. researches of the language

1.The scientist can study the language of honey bees only after the development of ____.

A. the modern beehiveB. experiments C. dishes of honeyD. researches of the language

2. After the marked bee danced, the other bees ____.

A.danced together B. became very excited C. Seemed not to notice itD. both A and B

2. After the marked bee danced, the other bees ____.

A.danced together B. became very excited C. Seemed not to notice itD. both A and B

3. Different dances indicate (表明) different _____.

A. food B. feeding placesC. steps D. semicircles

3. Different dances indicate (表明) different _____.

A. food B. feeding placesC. steps D. semicircles

Para. 1

Para. 2

Para. 3

Para. 4

Para. 5

Para. 6

Para. 7

Para. 8

1. The circle dance

2. A brief introduction of the bee

3. Whether bees could tell each other the exact position.

4. The wagging dance.

5. Pro. Karl von Frisch built special hives to study bees.

6. The number of wagging dances indicates the exact distance to the feeding place.

7. “Bee-line” and “ to make a beeline for ”

8. Something about the professor

Match the general idea of each paragraph.

Careful Reading

Para.1 a brief introduction of the bee

Q: Why is it the honey-bee that has interested scientists most?

Because of the language they use to communicate with each other.

Para.2 Pro. Karl von Frisch built special hives to study bees.

What was Professor von Frisch puzzled by?

When he placed little dishes of honey on a table, bees soon came. As soon as one bee discovered the honey, many more came to it one after another in a short time.

Para.3-4 the circle dance and the wagging dance

Can you describe how the circle dance performed? And how the wagging dance performed?

the circle dancethe circle dance

First it made a circle to the right, then to the left. It repeated these circles over and over again. Then the surrounding bees trooped behind the first dancer, copying its movements.

the wagging dance

The dancer ran in a straight line, wagging from side to side. Then it turned in a semicircle, ran straight again, and turned in another semicircle to the opposite side. It kept the “steps” over and over.

Para.5The number of wagging

dances indicates the exact distance to the feeding place.

1. What did the scientists discover?

2. What a maximum distance do the bees fly?

They discovered that the farther away the feeding station was, the slower the dance was.

Bees fly a maximum distance of 3.2 kilometres between their hive and a feeding place.

What was the remaining question for Professor von Frisch and his partners?


The remaining question was to find out whether bees could tell each other the exact position of a feeding place.

To make a beeline for someone or something means:


To go quickly along a straight course for somebody or something.

Para.8 Karl von Frisch

Austrian zoologist

Karl von Frisch

won the 1973 Nobel Prize in

physiology( 生理学 ) or medi

cine. He discovered a numbe

r of pioneering breakthroug

hs in animal behavior.

Read the text, then fill the form blow:



Results Conclusion

How did one bee commu-nicate the news of food to others


Professor von Frisch marked some bees with little dots of colour.

The marked bee performed a circle dance, and the surrounding bees copied it and left for the feeding place together.

The circle dance communi-cated the news of food.


Experiments Results Conclusion

Did the dance convey more informa-tion?

Professor von Frisch set up two feeding places, one close to the hive, the other much farther away, and marked the bees with two colors.

Bees from nearby feeding place did circling dance, while bees from the distant one did a wagging dance.

The two dances told the bees about the location of the feeding place.


Experiments Results Conclusion

How did bees tell the exact distance of the feeding place?

Zoologists moved the feeding place slowly farther, and use a stop-watch to count how many times the bees repeated the dance per minute.

The farther away the feeding station was, the slower the dance was.

The number of wagging dances per minute told the exact distance of the feeding place.


Experiments Results Conclusion

Could bees tell each other the exact position of a feeding place?

Scientists obtained more data and did more experiments.

The zoologists clarified the procedure by which bees communicate information that use to find and fetch food.

A circle dance

A wagging dance

A faster wagging dance

A slower wagging dance

Food is near.

Food is far away.

Food is closer.

Food is farther away.

Note making

根据课文内容填空 :

There are many _________ of bee. Among t

he different types of bee, it is the honey-bee t

hat has most interested scientists because of

the “language” they use to _______________

with each other. The scientists Von Frisch

built special hives to find out how one bee co

mmunicate the news of food to the other bee

s in the hive.



To his _____________, the bee who found the

feeding place began to _________ a dance on the

________ of the honeycomb. The dance seemed to

_______ the surrounding bees. They _________

behind the first dancer, _________ its movements.

Then the bees left the hive and went to the

_______ place. He found that the bees did the

circling dance when the food is near, and that the

bees did the ___________ dance when the food

was far away.



excite trooped




He also found that the number of wagging

dances per _________ told how far away the

food was.


Some language points:

1. In order to tell the bees apart, he painted some bees with little dots of color.(para2)

tell apart: 识别 , 辨别The twins are so much alike that we can hardly tell them apart.

2. So another astonishing fact came to light.(para5)

come to light: 被人知道 ( 发现 )New facts about ancient Egypt have recently come to light.

3. make a beeline for : 走近路 , 走直路

As he spoke, he made a beeline for the door. (径直走向门口)If you want to catch up with the team, you’d better make a beeline for them. (抄近路)

1. Retell the text.


2. Read exercise 3 of post reading to

find out more information about the

language of bees

Thank you very much!
