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By Justin Scott Ehrenpreis

Claude Monet

Impressionist painter

Showed how light and atmosphere can effect perception

Mary Shelley

Wrote Frankenstein

Married to famous poet

Louis Napoleon

Second Republic of France

Became Emperor of France

Gave two decades of prosperity

Until defeat of Franco-German War

Alexander 2Czar of Russia

Made reforms including Serfs

Set up local government

Trial by jury

Allowed woman education

Camillodi Covour

Prime Minister of Sardinia


Real politik

Provoked war of Italian Unification

Otto Van Bismark

United German state in to single nation

Chancellor of Germany




Giuseppe Garibaldi

Led Red Shirts

Conquered two sicilies to join Sardinia

Unified Rome and Venetia

made one Italy

Grimm Brothers

Collected folk like tales like

Hansel and Gretel

To foster common German Heritage

Why was the Unification of Germany and Italy significant?

Led to the development of two major European nation-states and increased the power of resources of these states

What did Cavour , Garibaldi, and Mazzini have in common?

There all Italian Nationalists and promoted war to unite Italy

Who were the Red Shirts?

Italian Nationalists led by Garibaldi, who fought for the unification of Italy

What did Bismarck accomplish by unifying Germany?

Otto Van Bismarck gained territory and power his own land

What is meant on Phrase “Blood and Iron?”

A policy using Industrial Revolution combined nationalist wars created a new Germany


Nationalist movement to unite people of common language and history into one nation


A large military power in North, Eastern Europe

German Nationality

Ruled by Kaiser

German Confederation

A group of German states in Northern Europe

Prussia was main state

Young Italy

Group of Italian Nationalists

Determined to realize free and independent Italy


Country united by common geography, language, and history


Southern European States

Including Romania, Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria, Montenegro, and part of Ottoman Empire


Realistic politics based on the needs of the state


Emperor of Germany


14 century artistic movement appealed emotion rather reason


Artistic movement

Aim represent world as is


Painting school

Late 1800s and early 1900s

Tried to capture visual impression