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• UNIDO is the specialized agency of the United

Nations that promotes industrial development for

poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and

environmental sustainability.

• UNIDO’s mandate is to promote Inclusive and

Sustainable Industrial Development


Four strategic priorities

• Advancing Economic Competitiveness

• Creating Shared Prosperity

• Safeguarding the Environment

• Strengthening knowledge and institutions

Current Programmes

1. Improvement of Industrial Energy Efficiency in MyanmarBudget: USD 2,830,000, Donor: GEF Main Counterpart: Ministry of Industry

2. Pilot National Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) ProgrammeBudget: USD 565,000, Donor: SECOMain Counterparts: Ministry of Industry

3. Enabling Activities to Facilitate Early Action on the Implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in Myanmar Budget: USD 500,000, Donor: GEFMain Counterpart: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Conservation

UNIDO’s Portfolio (as of May 2018)


4. Upscale Small Hydropower Development in Selected Countries to

Contribute to Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development (ISID)

Budget: USD 800, 000, Donor: MOFCOM, China

Main Counterpart: Ministry of Electricity and Energy

5. Sustainable Trade Promotion in Myanmar through Establishing Green

Textiles Supply-chain Derived from Agro-residues

Budget: USD 73,224, Donor: MOI, Thailand

Main Counterparts: Ministry of Industry

6. Steel Knowledge Sharing in Myanmar for Sustainable Relationships and

Standards (Pilot Project)

Budget: USD 73,224, Donor: MOI, Thailand

Main Counterpart: Ministry of Industry


7. HCFC Phase-out Management Plan (Stage 1, Second Tranche)

Budget: USD 65,400, Donor: Montreal Protocol Multilateral Fund

Main Counterpart: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment


8. Improving Myanmar’s Entrepreneurial Ecosystem to Increase SME

Development and Job Creation for Youth and Women, Phase 1

Budget: Euro 400,000, Donor: Italy

Main Counterpart: Ministry of Industry


Pipeline Projects1. Trade Sector Development Programme: Upgrading Horticulture Supply and

Sustainable Tourism to develop business linkages

Budget: Euro 1,346,750, Donor: SECO

Counterparts: Ministry of Education, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry ofAgriculture, Livestock and Irrigation and Ministry of Hotels and Tourism

2. Climate Change Mitigation through Methane recovery and Reuse from

Combined Urban and Industrial Wastewater Treatment

Budget: USD 4,109,589, Donor: GEF

Counterparts: Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Industry, Ministry ofNatural Resources and Environment Conservation and Ministry of Education

3. Enhancing Industrial Statistics Capacity of Myanmar

Budget: USD 710,000, Potential Donor: TBC

Counterparts: Ministry of Planning and Finance, and Ministry of Industry


4. Establishment of Textile Material Total Solution Centre in Myanmar

Budget: USD 1,130,000, Potential Donor: TBC

Main Counterpart: Ministry of Industry

5. Aquaculture Industry Development Programme for Myanmar

Budget: USD 5,000,000, Potential Donor: TBC

Main Counterparts: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation

6. A Public Private Partnership Investment Programme on Solar Energy for Rural Healthcare Centers in Myanmar

Budget: USD 3,000,000, Potential Donor: TBC

Main Counterparts: Ministry of Health and Sports

7. Creative Industry Development for Value Creation of the Leftover from Gemstone Mining

Budget: USD 5,000,000, Potential Donor: TBC

Main Counterparts: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Conservation


Project Overview

• Project Objective: Increasing Myanmar's efforts towards climate change mitigation by minimizing GHG emissions through the application of integrated low-emission wastewater treatments and the Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies (TEST).

• Donor: Global Environment Facility (GEF)

• Budget: GEF Grant: 3,984,589 USD, Co-financing: 19,105,322 USD

Project Preparation Grant (PPG): 125,000 USD

• Duration: 5 years

• Lead partner: Department of Urban and Housing Development, Ministry of Construction

• Status: The project is currently in the design phase (PPG) of the project document, with activities expected to start on the ground in 2019, upon approval by the GEF.


The Global Environment Facility (GEF)

• Established in October 1991 to assist in the protection of the global environment and to promote environmental sustainable development.

• Financial mechanism to fund a number of multilateral agreements such as the Montreal Protocol and the UNFCCC.

• Provides new and additional grants and concessional funding to cover the "incremental" or additional costs associated with transformative projects with national benefits into ones with global environmental benefits. It is presently a US$ 4.0 Billion Fund over four year cycles.


Overview of the GEF Process

PIF Development(project concept)

Government submits PIF to GEF Focal point

in the country for Endorsement and submission to GEF

PIF Technically Cleared by the GEF Secretariat

PIF Approved by GEF Council

Grant Funds are ring-fenced by

the GEF


PART IIProject Preparation

Grant (PPG) to UNIDO

Development of GEF CEO Endorsement

(Full Size Project FSP)

Government submits FSP to GEF Focal

Point in the country for endorsement and

submission to GEF

FSP to be Cleared by GEF Secretariat

before approval by GEF Council

Ring-Fenced Funds are released and main project can



Project Outputs

• Output 1.1.1: Wastewater regulatory framework reviewed, policy tools identified and introduced, and institutional capacity on sound wastewater management strengthened

• Output 1.1.2: Industrial parks and companies with TEST integrated approach assessed and pilot low-emission technologies demonstrated

• Output 1.1.3.: National capacity increased on low-cost industry wastewater treatment and methane recovery power generation technology through TEST training delivery

• Output 1.1.4: Awareness programs on sound wastewater management developed and implemented

• Output 2: Monitoring & Evaluation


Increasing efforts

towards CC mitigation

Policy level

Pilot scale demonstrations

in industrial zones & at

company level

Capacity Building



TEST approach first looks at resource

efficiency &Pollution prevention

In combination the application of low-

emission wastewater treatment technologies

will be assessed


TEST integrated tools

Cleaner Production Assessments

Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA)

Environmental Management Systems (EMS)

Energy Management System (EnMS)

Corporate Social Responsibility

TEST Methodology“Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies”

The TEST approach builds on the "audit-like" approach of traditional Cleaner Production, incorporating a system approach to offer tailor-made solutions to industry.

It is an integrated approach where different tools are applied in industries through a standard methodology.


Added value for Industry

Increased productivity, reduced operational costs, optimized investments;

Minimized environmental compliance costs, reduced business risks and smaller environmental/carbon footprint;

Compliance with international environmental standards for accessing new markets (global supply chains and export markets, new green markets, public procurement, etc.);

Secured long-term supply of production inputs: the adoption of a resource-efficiency strategy can mitigate the effects of disruptions and price volatility in the raw materials supply chain;

Improved relationship with stakeholders (investors, banks, regulatory bodies, local communities, consumer associations, etc.).
