Understanding the Standards We Teach – English Language Arts


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Understanding the Standards We Teach –English Language Arts


Entering Activity

1. Using a Post-it note and marker, write your response to the following question:

“What does the word ‘standard’ suggest to you?” Think of an example outside of education.

3. Post your notes on flip charts that best fit your responses.

Understanding the Standards We Teach

Developed by KYAE  Based on Standards in Action: Innovations for

Standards-Based Education. (November 2009). Produced by U.S. Department of Education Office of Adult and Vocational Education, MPR Associates, Inc, and Susan Pimentel, Inc.

Presented by Dawn Hanzel, Collaborative Center for Literacy Development at the University of Kentucky


  Goals and Objectives (Course Map) Overview of the KYAE Common Core

Standards for English Language Arts Process for Unpacking the Components of

Standards Process for Building Sample Activities Practice Unpacking Assigned Standards Closing Activity

Professional Development Overview

Directors Online Introductory Activities Directors’ Orientation Instructional Support PlanningDirectors and Instructors Online Introductory Activities Unit 1A Face-to-Face Meeting Unit 1A Team Activity Unit 1B Face-to-Face Meeting Unit 1B Team Activity

How the Four PD Units Fit Together

UNIT 2 Translating

Standards into Curriculum

UNIT 3 Focus on


UNIT 4 Observations

Effective Teaching and Learning


UNIT 1 Understanding the

Standards We Teach

Then revisit units to respond to indentified professional development needs of staff.

Start here and work your way through the units.

Anticipated Outcomes

Participants will -

Become active members of a learning community concerned with the implementation of standards.

Gain a common understanding of the benefits and challenges involved in implementing the standards.

Learn to unpack the standards and align curriculum, texts, and other resources to the standards.

Create standards-based instructional resources designed to engage instructors and students with the most important ideas, questions and skills related to the standards.

Objectives and Activities

Develop a consensus with a learning community team implementing a process to…

Unit 1A

Unpack the Components of the Standards

Build Sample Activities

Unit 1B

Align Resources to Standards

Complete Materials for Instructional Use

Common Core State Standards

Mission Statement“The Common Core State Standards provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them. The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers. With American students fully prepared for the future, our communities will be best positioned to compete successfully in the global economy.”


About the StandardsThese standards define the knowledge and skills students should

have within their K-12 education careers so that they will graduate high school able to succeed in entry-level, credit-bearing academic college courses and in workforce training programs.

The standards – Are evidence-based Are aligned with college and work expectations Are clear, understandable and consistent Include rigorous content and application of knowledge through

high-order skills Build upon strengths and lessons of current state standards Are informed by other top performing countries, so that all

students are prepared to succeed in our global economy and society.


Structure of the Standards CCSS are the Kentucky Core Academic Standards (K-

12) and the KYAE Common Core Standards. www.corestandards.org KCAS KYAE Common Core Standards- divided into NRS levels with adult

literacy text examples

Standards for Math Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy for

History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects

E/LA/Literacy Appendices A: Review of Supporting Research, Glossary B: Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks C: Writing Samples

Structure of the English Language Arts Standards

Discipline (English Language Arts, Literacy for History/Social Studies, Science & Technical Subjects)

Content Area (CA) (reading, writing, speaking/listening)

Type of text- Reading (literature, informational, foundational)

College and Career Readiness Standards (CCR) Anchor Standards

NRS levels (1-6) and Grade level (K-12)

English Language Arts StandardsTop-down Engineering


• College and Career Readiness• College and Career Anchor Standards


• English/LA & Literacy Standards in Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language per grade-level


• Curricula, Texts, Materials, Assessment Instruments• Quality Teaching and Assessment

The Standard Format Reading for Information Fourth grade Standard #1 Under the content strand “Key

Ideas and Details” No benchmark 

How do you identify it?

Design Principles For ELA Standards

Increased focus on results/mastery of content

Integrated model of literacy with emphasis on communication

Inclusion of research and media skills Shared responsibility for students’

literacy development

Students who are college and career ready in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and


Demonstrate independence. Build strong content knowledge. Respond to the varying demands of audience, task,

purpose, and discipline. Comprehend as well as critique. Value evidence. Use technology and digital media strategically and

capably. Come to understand other perspectives and cultures.

Unpacking the Components of the Standards

Resource that “unpacks” each standard into its component parts:




Cognitive Demands or Level of Thinking

Bloom’s Taxonomy







Why Unpack the Standards?

Help staff address how best to –

Maintain focus on the right content and skills

Teach to the appropriate level of complexity

Plan aligned curriculum/assessments

Support common expectations for students

(SIA Unit 1-6)


Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.

RL 4.3

Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in a text (e.g., a character’s thoughts, words, or actions).

The Unpacking Process

With your team…

Review each standard in Column 1 to identify the skill demands of the standard, and write them down in Column 2.

Identify the content or concepts related to each skill contained within each standard and enter them into Column 3.

Identify the context in Column 4.

Use Boom’s Taxonomy to identify level of the thinking/cognitive demand in and list in Column 5.

(SIA Guide Unit 1-11)

Confirm Unpacking

Cover up the standard in Column 1. Do the phrases listed in Column 2-5 describe the standard?

Do the unpacked skills, concepts (content), and context contain only words actually appearing in the standard?

Is each unpacked skill linked to the appropriate unpacked content or concept?

As you read the content and skills, do they represent what you would expect of a student in meeting this standard ?

(SIA Unit 1-11&12)

Unpacking Guidelines(Guided Practice)

Keep in mind while completing the unpacking process:

Review the directions as a group.

If there is a benchmark, consider it as it relates to the overarching standard.

Allow everyone in the group to read the standard silently. Ask one person to read it out loud.

Unpack the standard or benchmark as a group, and come to a consensus.

Confirm unpacking as a group.

Gather questions/comments for reflection/clarification.

Faster is not better.

Using the blank unpacking chart, write the identifier RL5.1 under the column “Standard.”

Read the standard silently.

Someone read it out loud.

Come to a consensus on the components of the standard.

Confirm the unpacking.

Move to the next standard.


What was beneficial about the unpacking exercise (process, chart, etc.)?


Building Sample Activities

Real-world activity that matches the cognitive and conceptual demands of the standard

Why Build Sample Activities?

To show how a particular standard can be addressed in the classroom and …

Target instruction to the right level of complexity.

Help instructors design lessons for students.

Articulate the demands across levels and clarify expectations.

Support shared professional learning and common expectations for students.

Building Sample Activities Criteria

Build sample activities tied to specific standards that -

Describe a relevant real-life activity. Attract and hold student interest. Reflect the right level of complexity given the cognitive

demand of the standard. Result in an end-product that is meaningful to students. Make connections to other standards, as appropriate. Matches the unpacked standard (e.g. in terms in

cognitive demand).All in a few sentences…

(SIA Guide Unit 1-12)

Building Sample Activities(Guided Practice)

Review directions as a group.

Develop sample activities for unpacked standards.

Review the Building Sample Activities Criteria.

Share sample activities with another group.


What was beneficial about the building sample activities exercise (process, charts, etc.)?


What is the challenge?

All reaching towards the same goal

Building the ladder as we go, we are pioneers in a statewide and nationwide effort to improve student readiness for college and career.

We have a team and we have tools.

Next Steps

Implement plan.Meet as a team to unpack.Complete charts electronically .Post on Angel on a weekly basis.Coach will review and provide feedback.Consult with coach.Complete reflections.

Complete postings 2 days prior to the next face-to-face session.
