Understanding Regulatory Environment and implementation of...


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Understanding Regulatory Environment and

implementation of Innovative Building


07th March, 2019

J Mahachi, PhD, Pr.Eng, Pr.CPM, FSAICE

University of Johannesburg


Presentation Outline

1. International Performance Building Standards

2. Performance Based Regulatory Frameworks

3. Performance Evaluation

4. South African Regulatory Environment

5. National Building Regulations & Building Standards Act

6. Implementation of IBTs


International Performance Building Codes &


• A building code or regulation is defined as:

a document used by a local, provincial or

national government body to control building

practice, through a set of statements of

“acceptable” minimum requirements of building


• This is typically a legal document.

Building Standards

• Building standards, on the other hand, are

essentially technical documents that

standardize, generally in terms of quality

or performance, but sometimes in terms of

size or procedure, some activity in relation

to building and construction

Building Standards (Cont…)

• When building regulations cover technical

aspects of performance, they typically

incorporate or refer to relevant standards.

Thus, building regulations are a user of standards.

International: Performance Based

Regulatory Frameworks

Level Basic Heading Description/Comments

1 Goal The goal addresses the essential interests of the

community at large with respect to the built environment,

and/or the needs of the user-consumer

2 Functional


Building or building element specific requirements. A

functional requirement addresses one specific aspect or

required performance of the building to achieve the stated

goal (note that other functional requirements may

contribute to achieving the same goal).

3 Operative


Actual requirement, in terms, of performance criteria or

expanded functional description. This is also sometimes


whenever possible, should be stated in quantified terms.

4 Verification Instructions or guidelines for verification of compliance

5 Examples of



Supplements to the regulations with examples of solutions

deemed to satisfy the requirements




General Four Level Regulatory





Deemed-to-comply code

provisionsBy testing By calculation

By combined testing and calculation


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Compliance method Performance based methods



Acts: Impact on Construction

National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act of


Housing Consumers Protection Measures Act 95 of 1998

Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1993

Construction Industry Development Board Act of 2000

Consumer Protection Act of 2008

National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act of 2008

Construction Regulations

Other relevant Acts:

• Management of housing developments

• Rental & Sale of Homes

• Provision by the State of Housing (Housing Act)

• etc

Key Role Players

Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB)

National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC)

South African Bureau of Standards (SABS)

National Regulator of Compulsory Specifications


Agrèment South Africa

1. Construction Industry

Development Board (CIDB)

White paper on Construction

• White Paper (Dept Public Works, 1999)

“Creating an enabling environment for

reconstruction, growth & development in

the construction industry”

• White paper spells out the Govt policy initiative

aimed at:

“enhanced delivery, greater stability,

improved construction performance,

value for money”

Establishment of a Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB)

1. Construction Industry

Development Board CIDB was established to promote a regulatory and developmental

framework that builds:

– The construction delivery capability for South Africa’s social and

economic growth; and

– A South African construction industry that delivers to globally

competitive standards.

The CIDB’s focus is on:

– Sustainable growth, capacity development and empowerment;

– Improved industry performance and best practice;

– A transformed industry, underpinned by consistent and ethical

procurement practices; and

– Enhanced value to clients and society.

All contractors and construction projects (public) must be registered

with the CIDB

2. National Home Builders

Registration Council (NHBRC)

National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC)

Legislated entity established in terms of the Housing

Consumers Protection Measures Act (Act 95 of 1998)


Who is NHBRC?

• 3(b) “to regulate the home building industry”;

• 3(d) “to establish and promote ethical and

technical standards in the home building

industry”; and

• 3(e) “to improve structural quality in the interests of

housing consumers and the home building


Mandate of NHBRC (1999)







Remedial Work





Business of the NHBRC

3. South African Bureau of

Standards (SABS)

Role of South African Bureau of

Standards (SABS) & Mandate

SABS is a statutory body established in terms of

the Standards Act, 1945 (Act 24 of 1945)


National institution that promotes and maintains

standardization and quality in connection with

commodities and services

SABS Objectives

• SABS publishes national standards (South

African National Standards - SANS) through

technical committees.

• Committees have industry representatives

• Test and certifies products and services

• Promotes design excellence, and

• Provides training on aspects of standardisation

The South African National Standards

These Building Standards provide one solution to satisfy

the functional requirements set by the regulations. It is

usually the way in which most buildings are constructed

and follows the yardstick which measures in bricks and

mortar. The usual building methodology adopted in South



Tensions associated with standards development

Owners / developers

don’t want to pay

anything more

Practioners want

something simple

and quick to apply


Academics wish

to get things



4. Agrèment South Africa

Journey of Agrèment 1969

Unconventional Building

Systems Agrèment SA

An independent agency to bring impartial judgement to the evaluation of innovative construction products and systems in the interest of the consumer.

Objects of Agrement: 2017

a) provide assurance to specifiers and users of the fitness-for-

purpose of non-standardised construction related products or


b) support and promote the process of integrated socio-

economic development in the Republic as it relates to the

construction industry;

c) support and promote the introduction and use of certified non-

standardised construction related products or systems in the

local or international market;

Objects of Agrement (Cont…)

d) support policy makers to minimize the risk associated

with the use of a non-standardised construction

related product or system; and

e) be an impartial and internationally acknowledged South

African centre for the assessment and confirmation of

fitness-for-purpose of non-standardised construction

related products or systems.

National Regulator for

Compulsory Standards (NRCS)


NRCS is a public entity responsible to the Minister of

Trade & Industry for administration of technical


It consists of


Electro technical & Gaming,

Chemical, mechanical and materials;

Food Industries departments.

Administers the National Building Regulations and

Building Standards Act

National Building Regulations


Building Standards Act

(Act 103 of 1977)

Code of Hammurabi

• All new building work in South Africa must comply with

the Building Code: National Building Regulations (NBR)

• The National Building Regulations set minimum

standards of performance for all buildings so that the

buildings will be: safe, health and structurally stable for all

inhabiting in the buildings.

• Municipalities are obliged to ensure that no buildings are

constructed or altered without first ensuring that the

designs and drawings conform to these Regulations

National Building Regulations &

Building Standards Act

National Building Regulations is a Performance Based Code - which means

It states how a building and its components must comply as opposed to

describing how the building must be designed or constructed.

Established by consensus through SABS processes

Established by Parliament and Regulator

Structure of the NBR

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4


A broad statement of intent that reflects societal

expectations of what the building regulations are

intended to achieve



(functional regulation)

A requirement stated in qualitative terms that

sets out what is required without specifying the

method of construction, techniques, dimensions

or materials to be used



The quantitative performance criteria which

enables the functional requirements to be

satisfied for a nominated level

EVALUATIONConfirmation that the nominated performance is


“performance” means the ability of a whole building or a part thereof to fulfill required functions under intended use conditions or behaviour when in use

Constitution Act and NBRs


SANS 10400

Description of performance

Application of rules

Rational design

Rational assessment

Agrément certification

Compliance method

Performance based methods


Relationship between ASA, CSIR &


Challenges of Building Regulations

Challenges of Building Regulations & Standards in

Delivering Houses

• Processes are delineated and reside in different

Government Departments

• Building Regulations and Standards are not well

understood. Technical sessions & engagements with

relevant local and provincial authorities required.

• Alignment of National Housing Policy to Building

Regulations & Standards (eg. Energy efficiency

requirements vs Subsidy Quantum allowances)

• NBR and the informal settlements??

Implementation of Innovative Building


The Future in Housing

Manufacturing High Quality Products

Designs that address:

- Physical env(weather climatic)

- Architectural typologies

Fast Track Quality Housing Delivery

• Develop a design that responds to a range of parameters and contexts• Develop designs that allow buildings to evolve as needs change

How to go about implementing IBTs

Design & Buildability;

Economy; and


Choice of IBTs based on:-

1. Design & Buildability

Fitness-for-purpose Agrèment Certification

• Certification of Products

where no SANS exists

• Structural safety

• Structural serviceability

• Structural durability

• Fire resistance

• Energy efficiency

• Acoustics

Critical Implementation Considerations

• Transportation requirements (Self-load and position

during transportation);

• Storing requirements – self load and position during

storing (avoid or store in the same position as it is


• Lifting loads;

• Vulnerable points (e.g. edges) – reduction of risk (e.g.

rounded edges)

Logistics Considerations

How long is the transporter vehicle;

Required local capacity of transporter vehicle;

Max vertical extension of the shipment;

Routes on site;

Route permission requirement.

2. Economy

Misunderstanding of cost, i.e. cost of construction vs Life Cycle Costing.

Life Cycle Costing – initial design, construction, maintenance (operation) and decommissioning.

High Initial Capital Outlay is required and yet:

Financial institutions unwilling to provide finance where are no guaranteed projects; and

Developers unwilling to provide projects with no assurance of local productivity.

Benefits not well understood

• Cost savings in the long-term;

• Reducing energy poverty;

• Improving health and productivity;

• Creating jobs;

• Mitigating climate change; and

• Ensuring that sustainability is achieved.

Support a move from 40m2 to 60m2 – With most IBTs, costs

(per m2) are reduced for a much bigger footprint.

3. Standardisation

• Components are manufactured by industrial methods based on

mass production in order to build a large number of houses in a

short time at low cost;

• Higher industrial quality under stringent quality control measures;

• Unlimited opportunities of architectural appearances;

• Modules have architectural features such as window and door

openings, reveals, textures etc

• Low maintenance costs

• Better predictable durability

• Less affected by adverse weather conditions

• Plumbing & Electrical infrastructure completed in the manufacturing


3. Standardisation (Cont…)

• Economy:- Reduced waste of materials, low water


• Easier management of construction sites

• Possibility of erection in areas where a traditional construction

practise is not possible or difficult (Difficult terrains in rural


• Possibility of conversion, disassembling and moving to

another site

• Increase in worker safety

• Good sound insulation

• Good thermal insulation properties

Required Government Interventions

1. Shift from mass housing production to mass customisation

2. Fixed price model (subsidy quantum) deters industry participants from adopting innovations because they want to minimise risks

3. Current Insufficient demand to create this shift.

4. Govt Support in:-

Reviewing the procurement model

o Engagement of professionals (Architects & Engineers) in housing delivery

o Supporting local manufacturers and use of local materials and products

o Interfacing and engaging with end-users

o Reviewing of Housing Subsidy Financial Model

Increasing the minimum foot-print of a Govt Subsidy house from 40sqm to 60sqm


Housing market plays a vital role in creating demand for prefab


Partnerships between public and private sector required to assist

in housing delivery

IBTs have an important role in the future of a more, sustainable,

efficient construction industry

Investment in cutting edge manufacturing equipment is a

significant game changer that requires a certainty of volume

Importance of strong, innovative industry with sound research and


Thank You