UNCOMMON GENEROSITY… · UNCOMMON GENEROSITY Because People Matter to God This is a great theme...


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UNCOMMON GENEROSITYBecause People Matter to God

This is a great theme for our stewardship emphasis here at North Metro for 2018. Uncommon is a great word for this time. Everyone likes to be common in this day. I want to rise above the average. I want to excel in all that I do as a believer.

Think about the word uncommon. It means to be exceptional. It means to be remarkable. It means to be above the ordinary. Those are great adjectives to describe the life that excels for Jesus.

When you add the word to generosity, it takes on a tremendous meaning about the priorities of your life. I know that as a Christian I am to be a generous person in my financial giving. I have learned from the time I was a small boy to give. When I took on my first job, my dad taught me that 10% belonged to the Lord. I am so thankful today that my dad taught me the value of giving to the Lord and the blessing it’s been to my life.

Uncommon Generosity means that not only have we learned to give unto the Lord (10%), but we have decided to be uncommon in our giving. We are going to be exceptional, remarkable, and above the ordinary in how we approach our financial stewardship. Out of my love for God, I desire to be like Him in my giving. Uncommon generosity should mark my (our) lives.

Preparing Your Family to be ALL IN on Commitment Sunday:

On Sunday, November 19, we will be having Commitment Sunday here at North Metro. Needless to say this is a BIG DAY in the life of our church family. It is when we come together and make our commitment to the Lord in regards to our Service, Loyalty and Resources to fulfill the Great Commission. It is our church family bringing our very best to the One who gave His Life for us! I know you, like me, desire to be “uncommon in our generosity” by bringing our best!



The question becomes – How Do I Prepare My Family for this Special Day?

First, take time this week to gather your family and explain the purpose of Commitment Sunday.

On this day we join other families of North Metro in making our Faith Commitment to our Lord through His Church with our financial commitments for the coming year, as well as our service to the Lord. Take this opportunity to explain how you as a family desire to join with other church families in being uncommon when it comes to sacrificial generous giving. There is no better way to demonstrate to your children how to be a generous believer. If you do so, you will set them for life to a lifestyle pleasing to God.

Second, teach them the practice of God’s people throughout history in regards to giving.

Read and teach Scripture to your family in relation to how the people of God always brought the tithe and their sacrificial gifts to the Lord’s House as an act of worship. Giving is as much a vital part of worship as singing praise to Him and the proclamation of the Word!

To assist you, here are five daily devotions that may help formulate the teaching for your family in preparation for Commitment Sunday.

Enjoy and allow God to speak to your family through these devotionals. Read on . . .



“Give, and it will be given to you; a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over—will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.”

– Luke 6:38 (CSB)

Jesus constantly directed His followers to live in a way that mirrored the goodness and lavish generosity of God. Copying the world’s standards to maintain the appearance of the status quo would not suffice. What lies at the heart of Jesus’ challenge was the condition of the believer’s heart and the resulting motivation for obedience.

As Jesus turned His attention to giving, it is crucial to understand the importance of the motivation for obedience. In verse 30, Jesus challenged His followers to give to whoever asks, expecting nothing in return. Building on that instruction in verse 38, Jesus added that those who demonstrate selfless, God-honoring generosity would experience the even greater generosity of God. However, the posture of the heart must be correct. Those who give only for the reward they will receive contradict the generous character of God.

Giving in the manner that Jesus referred to requires acknowledging where the riches in our lives come from. The person who believes that he or she is the source of gain and blessing will view those riches as something earned or deserved. However, those who realize that God is the Giver of all good things (James 1:17) view life’s blessings as gifts to be stewarded. This is what frees the Christ-follower from entanglements such as greed and stinginess. Jesus’ desire is for His followers to experience the overwhelming generosity of God by being likewise generous to others.


How does this passage impact your life today?

1. What does Jesus’ description of God’s generosity (“pressed down, shaken together, and running over”) tell you about God’s character? How does that shape the attitude behind your giving?

2. Who can you bless through generosity today, expecting nothing in return?

3. What are some specific ways you can give joyfully and uncommonly from what God has blessed you with in conjunction with the meaningful kingdom work at North Metro?


Praise God for being the Giver of all good things in your life. Praise Him especially for His ultimate act of generosity in sending Jesus to die for our sins and offer eternal life to us.


TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 — 1 TIMOTHY 6:17-19 17 “Instruct those who are rich in the present age not to be arrogant or to set their hope on the uncertainty of wealth, but on God, who richly provides us with all things to enjoy. 18 Instruct them to do what is good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and willing to share, 19 storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of what is truly life. –1 Timothy 6:17-19 (CSB)

Paul’s instruction to Timothy in this passage fell on the heels of the well-known phrase “. . . the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil . . .” The topics addressed in Paul’s letters revealed the struggles that existed in the New Testament church. Amazingly, so many of those struggles are still present in the church today. In 1 Timothy, Paul warned of the danger of greed and self-sufficiency in multiple places. It is clear that the struggle for wealth was a significant issue.

Paul warned of the danger of lusting after wealth. He made clear in this passage that having wealth is not wrong in and of itself. What made the possession of wealth right or wrong, Paul said, is how wealth was perceived and managed. Paul warned strongly against the arrogance wealth could bring, as it could insulate the believer from recognizing God as being one’s sole necessity. Arrogance from wealth brings a host of problems that detract from one’s dependency on God: entitlement, self-sufficiency, greed, ingratitude, and selfishness.

So, how should those with means act within the body of Christ? Paul answered clearly: by remaining focused on the eternal, believers can avoid the temptation of believing that the treasures of this world offer genuine satisfaction and meaning. Paul directed believers to give themselves generously to good works, demonstrating the love of Christ to others, and sharing open-handedly with those in need. Why did Paul place such great emphasis on these things? Because they reflect the character of Christ. When we grow in Christlikeness, we experience the joy of real, eternal life. We have that opportunity every day.


How does this passage impact your life today?

1. What is the connection between living generously and setting our hope in God? How does that change the way we “enjoy” the things with which God has blessed us?

2. What are some ways you can give yourself to good works this week? What needs are you aware of in your circles of influence?

3. When you make giving decisions, do you tend to focus more on the immediate financial cost, or the blessing that will come to others? If your focus tends to be on the former, what is a step you can take to change your outlook?


Praise God for the various ways His blessings are evident in your life. Pray that those blessings will stoke the fires of generosity in your heart so that giving yourself to good works is a natural outflow.


WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15—DEUT. 14:22-23 & MATT. 23:2322 “Each year you are to set aside a tenth of all the produce grown in your fields. 23 You are to eat a tenth of your grain, new wine, and fresh oil, and the firstborn of your herd and flock, in the presence of the LORD your God at the place where he chooses to have his name dwell, so that you will always learn to fear the LORD your God. – Deuteronomy 14:22-23 (CSB)

3 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You pay a tenth of mint, dill, and cumin, and yet you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy, and faithfulness. These things should have been done without neglecting the others. – Matthew 23:23 (CSB)

Today’s passage in Deuteronomy occurs in the midst of Moses explaining a host of regular religious practices that the people were to observe when they entered the Promised Land. That generation was a new generation that had grown up in the wilderness and needed to be reminded of the covenant statutes of Moses’ Law.

This teaching about tithing makes it clear that the tithe is to have two primary effects. First, it is to be celebrated at “the place where He chooses to have His name dwell.” In the Old Testament, that generally referred to the Tent of Meeting during the period in which Israel wandered, or the Temple once it was constructed by Solomon. The greater idea is that the observance happened in the geographic place where God met with His assembled people. Second, it instilled an awe in God’s people, reminding them that God was the ultimate source of their prosperity—not rainfall, agricultural methods, or anything else.

In Matthew 23:23, Jesus draws attention to one of the ways the scribes and Pharisees of His day failed to live up to God’s expectation of them. The Pharisees executed the actual prescribed tithe (Matt. 23:23), but their acts were hollow and lacked the worship that Moses’ teaching clearly intended. Jesus’ warning is to our benefit. It is certain that God’s people should tithe. However, when we tithe, it is equally important that it be an act of worship, recognizing dependence on God for every good thing, and returning our gifts of gratitude in the place where God meets with His assembled people.


How does this passage impact your life today?

1. Why is it important to regularly remember that God is the source of our provision and blessing? Why is the act of tithing (giving 10% of your income) uniquely suited to do that?

2. How do you prevent tithing from becoming an empty act or habit? How can you make giving to the North Metro General Budget an act of worship?

3. What are some of the ways that your tithe, as a part of the North Metro General Budget, impacts the community around you? What ways are particularly exciting to you?


Praise God for being the source of all provision and blessing in your life. Pray that God would be honored by the tithes at North Metro and use them to spread the gospel throughout our community and world.


THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16 — EXODUS 36:1-7 1 “Bezalel, Oholiab, and all the skilled people are to work based on everything the Lord has commanded. The Lord has given them wisdom and understanding to know how to do all the work of constructing the sanctuary. 2 So Moses summoned Bezalel, Oholiab, and every skilled person in whose heart the Lord had placed wisdom, all whose hearts moved them, to come to the work and do it. 3 They took from Moses’s presence all the contributions that the Israelites had brought for the task of making the sanctuary. Meanwhile, the people continued to bring freewill offerings morning after morning. 4 Then all the artisans who were doing all the work for the sanctuary came one by one from the work they were doing 5 and said to Moses, “The people are bringing more than is needed for the construction of the work the Lord commanded to be done.” 6 After Moses gave an order, they sent a proclamation throughout the camp: “Let no man or woman make anything else as an offering for the sanctuary.” So the people stopped. 7 The materials were sufficient for them to do all the work. There was more than enough. –Exodus 36:1-7 (CSB)

After a plague of judgment and their own repentance (Ex. 32), Israel found themselves at the beginning of a building project. God had given explicit instructions for the construction of the tabernacle. Everyone in Israel was involved in its construction. The task was magnificent in scope and divine in design.

At the opening of Exodus 36, the craftsmen God gifted to build the tabernacle are highlighted. Indeed, the superior level of their craftsmanship, particularly Bezalel and Oholiab, exceeded their own normal ability due to the gifting of the Holy Spirit for this task. Despite the focus on the craftsmen, however, a great and consistent faithfulness from everyone was required for the splendor to be seen.

The people were so grateful to have experienced God’s covenant grace after the golden calf that they were eager to demonstrate faithfulness and gratitude to God for allowing them to be a part of the building of the tabernacle. As we prayerfully think about how God wants us to contribute to the North Metro Mortgage Reduction, it is equally important to remember how much we have been forgiven. In light of that, we can see the opportunity to participate with God in the building of His house as a gift. Though not everyone physically builds, fulfilling the commission to build requires the faithfulness of the whole body.


How does this passage impact your life today?

1. How important is it that the offerings taken in every morning were freewill offerings? What does an abundance of freewill offerings indicate about the people’s relationship with God?

2. How do you prepare to give above the 10% tithe to the North Metro Mortgage Reduction? Do you process it as a spiritual decision? What have you set aside for that purpose?

3. Consider the spiritual momentum of Israel due to their un-common generosity. How would a robust giving to the Mort-gage Reduction impact the spiritual temperature of North Metro? What impact could that make on our surrounding community?


Pray that God would make North Metro gratefully, exuberantly generous, beginning with debt reduction.


FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17 — PHILIPPIANS 4:14-20 14 “Still, you did well by partnering with me in my hardship. 15 And you Philippians know that in the early days of the gospel, when I left Macedonia, no church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving except you alone. 16 For even in Thessalonica you sent gifts for my need several times. 17 Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the profit that is increasing to your account. 18 But I have received everything in full, and I have an abundance. I am fully supplied, having received from Epaphroditus what you provided—a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God. 19 And my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. 20 Now to our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen. – Philippians 4:14-20 (CSB)

In the midst of missionary life that frequently brought about hardship, persecution, imprisonment, and loneliness, Paul’s warm and sincere appreciation for the Philippians radiated the powerful fellowship of the body of Christ. Paul was clear that their partnership with him in his missionary work was unequaled. This is particularly notable considering the poverty of the congregation. Their faith had cost them social and commercial status, rendering many of them destitute. Even still, the Philippians gave sacrificially to provide for Paul’s needs so that he could continue to plant churches, fortify new believers, and preach the gospel—even in jail. Their giving was consistent and frequent. What is more, their faithfulness to partner with Paul carried a great spiritual return for the Philippian believers. God was pleased with their sacrifice, crediting it as a profit to their account.

We have the same opportunity to give to missions today through the World Missions budget. All over our community, nation, and world, we can join with others to fight the good fight of taking the gospel to dark places in need of the light of Christ. What a privilege to give uncommonly generous gifts, above the General Budget, to help North Metro members go on mission trips. Also out of this fund, North Metro gives special gifts to our missions agencies for the United States, foreign missions, and an additional gift to state missions in Georgia. Through this fund, North Metro also supports a number of community mission opportunities. What a privilege we have to partner with those who have committed their lives to taking the gospel to the nations.



How does this passage impact your life today?

1. Paul stated that he did not seek the Philippians’ gift, but was more interested in their spiritual benefit because of their uncommon generosity. How would you describe the spiritual benefit of faithful mission partnership? What is God leading you to do in that regard?

2. Paul’s language underscored the Philippians’ sacrificial giving. What would be an appropriate sacrificial gift for you to make to partner with missions? What makes a gift sacrificial?

3. How does your gift to North Metro’s World Missions budget specifically support the spread of the gospel around the world? Why is it important to put a name with the need when giving to missions?


Pray that God would foster a deep sense of partnership with our church and the mission efforts we support. Pray that God would birth a strong desire for sacrificial giving to missions so that the gospel goes forth.




(November 19)

Finally, let’s talk about the logistics of Faith-Commitment Sunday.

1. Be on time for Bible study in Life Groups at 9:15am.

2. Make sure family members have their completed commit-ment cards with them so when it’s time to make our Faith Commitment they are ready.

3. As is our practice, we will come and receive the Lord’s Supper and then place our cards into the baskets.

Here is my challenge: Let’s strive to be uncommon in our generosity in financial stewardship throughout 2018.

There are three areas to indicate your commitment in giving here at North Metro.

1. The General Budget

As you know, we have a unified budget at North Metro. This is where your tithe belongs so our church can meet all its obligations to the various ministries of the church. We also have mission responsibilities through the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention where we support over 10,000 missionaries here in the U.S. and around the world. We also participate in planting churches through North America. It also includes taking care of our facilities as well.

2. Mortgage Reduction Fund

We ask each family to give above their tithe to the mortgage reduction fund. This helps us to pay down on our principle of our loan. Our goal is to retire our note at an accelerated pace. You’ll be glad to know that we have been reducing our debt rapidly and should have it retired in just a few years.

3. World Missions

In this area, world missions, the money given here, allow us to give to special mission causes of the Southern Baptist Convention (for example, Lottie Moon foreign missions, Annie Armstrong for North America, and Mission Georgia State Mission


Offering), but not limited to these offerings. We also use some of the money to partner with our people to go and do missions sponsored by our church.

Please be reminded that the mortgage reduction fund and world missions offerings are above your tithe. They are special offerings we give on a weekly basis. Please do not divide your tithe in three ways. Be faithful to the general budget and be a sacrificial giver to the other two.

In closing, let me thank you for being an uncommon, generous giver to your Lord through His church here at North Metro. Through your faithfulness, we can accomplish much. We do best together what no one person can do alone.

Thank you for your uncommon generosity.

Brother Frank
