Uncle. SPINNING The man shrank Mauve (colour) Throw roses to the dead


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The man shrank

Mauve (colour)

Throw roses to the dead


Graveyard – a funeral


Softball mitt


A Glossary of Short StoryThe Short Story--- Literary Terms: 1. Character Development: the change in a character from the beginning to the

conclusion of the story. 2. Characterization: the ways a writer shows what a character is like. The way a

character acts, speaks, thinks, and looks characterizes that person. 3. Climax: the turning point of a story. 4. Conflict: a struggle or difference of opinion between characters. Sometimes a

character may clash with a force of nature. 5. Dialogue: the exact words that a character says; usually the conversation between

characters. 6. Foreshadowing: clues that hint or suggest what will happen later in the story. 7. Inner Conflict: a struggle that takes place in the mind of a character. 8. Main Character: the person the story is mostly about. 9. Mood: the feeling or atmosphere that the writer creates. For example, the mood of a

story might be humorous or suspenseful. 10. Motive: the reason behind a character’s actions. 11. Narrator: the person who tells the story. Usually, the narrator is the writer or a

character in the story. (point of view) 12. Plot: the series of incidents or happenings in a story. The plot is the outline or

arrangement of events. 13. Purpose: the reason the author wrote the story. For example, an author’s purpose

might be to amuse or entertain, to convince, or to inform. 14.Setting: the time and place of the action in a story; where and when the action takes

place. 15. Style: the way in which a writer uses language. The choice and arrangement of words

and sentences help to create the writer’s style. 16. Theme: the main, or central idea, of a story.